Notes: The closing credits to this episode views clips from the show's previous episodes.
I am... I... I think as we are very tired, we should go down to the pond for a drink. Then we'll go back to our nests and burrows and sleep. We can explore our big new park tomorrow. And then we will plan how to live together in perfect peace and harmony. In the true spirits of Farthing Wood.
Fine, but don't blame me if dinner is late! I'd like to see you cook a meal in your arms where your legs should be! Maybe I'll go on the Goraldo Show, he'll believe me about the aliens! I can't find my tush!
A great run. And until we meet again boys and girls, know that wherever evil lurks in all its myriad forms, I'll be there with the hammers of justice to fight for decency, and defend the innocent. Goodnight.
I have saved a fucking gorilla today, I also talked a very special idiot out of willing himself dead, and now, just because I'm too hairy in some places and too bald in other places, you can't find it in your putrid little heart to want to get to know me sexually? [Laughs sarcastically] What's wrong with me? What is wrong with you? I am magical!
Note: Ended after four seasons due to declining ratings and due to Cleveland and his new family moving back to Quahog near the end of Season 12 of Family Guy.
Notes: The final credits roll with a short montage of every episode from beginning to finish, ending with a picture of Sector V looking at the sunset outside the treehouse with the actual final lines read above them, "Stay Young".
One thousand years ago, we lived in a world that understood our purpose. It was the age of Gargoyles. Ten centuries later, we awoke to a world bent on our destruction. Somehow, we never lost hope, and today we come full circle. A new age has begun, and we live again.
It's not the attic, you buffoon! Look, this goes against all of my programming, but there's something you need to know. There's one list item Hailey's never told you about.
Note: Cancelled after one season and ended on a cliffhanger despite critical acclaim.
Yeah. You found each other. When a friend comes into your life, it changes you a little. They challenge you. They make you laugh. They make you stronger. Each person gives you a gift. A special part of them that you keep forever. It's like they're always with you.
Sorry, I didn't mean-- I'd take it back! Mmm, charred marshmallow flesh. Whoa! N-n-no! I didn't say that. No, it wasn't me. That wasn't someone, who else? Get off this ship, you're not welcome.
Now is a time of celebration. We have won a great victory. But when the glow has faded, we must remember the cost, and we must be forever vigilant. The message of hate that Mordred carried will come again with a different name, a different face. But as long as we keep the ideals of Camelot alive in our hearts, we will prevail. Long live honor, and justice. Long live goodness, and truth. Long live... Camelot!
Change can happen anytime, Carmen. If you ever wanted to start working harder to bring love and harmony to the world, remember, there's always tomorrow.
So even though things didn't go exactly like they were supposed to, that matinee turned out to be one of our best shows ever. Now that's teamwork. What can I say, Mom and Dad? We're a real class act.
Note: Official last line of the series, because the series got cancelled after four seasons due to poor ratings. It was succeeded by Mickey and the Roadster Racers.
See you next time! Ha ha ha!
Who: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, or Funny the Funhouse
Today's Christmas sermon is about family. What is family? Well, a lot of times, family is just a bunch of people who are forced to be together just because they came out of each other — but every so often...a miracle happens. A loving family, just like that, out of nowhere. Now, what causes this — a belief in God, a strong moral structure, blind luck? Who knows, who cares? Ah, you're not gonna get any answers out of me. I'm just a puppet for the Big Guy. I don't write this stuff. The end — I mean, Amen. Nah, who am I kidding? The End.
Not just yet. My person calls. I'll see you in the morning. And I'll be on time, I promise. But I'm not skipping breakfast. Because believe me, breakfast with Dot, it's the most important meal of my day.
Attention. As you are no doubt aware, the Principal Office is now under my complete control. You're probably looking forward to one of my erudite speeches about me, Megaframe, the new viral dawn, et cetera et cetera. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you. There is no grand scheme here. This is about revenge. Viruses are predatory by design, and it is time for me to follow my function. Prepare yourselves... for the hunt!
Notes: Those are the last spoken words on every episode (starting with the second season), the actual last line is the final verse of the Umi Shake song: "Mighty, mighty, mighty... MATH POWERS!"
The modern series ultimately got cancelled due to poor toy sales; succeeded by its reboot All Engines Go.
The different animals of Third Earth, working together for the first time. You know why? You, Lion-O. You gave them something to believe in. Now, there's still one more stone left. Are we gonna find it or what?
It's really good. And Yoko likes (baby beans) burritos. She likes almond cookies too. Can you put an extra one in my lunch box tomorrow and some lettuce for Norman...
The Scare B&B will always be a place for everyone, no matter how different you are. Whether you're human, monster, ghost or ghoul. Or someone who's blue with pointy teeth, like me.
Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I'm in charge now. Your brat is threatening the very foundation of Heaven. And if you want to stay here, you're going down there, and stopping that bitch. You understand me...Lilith?
Hold on for a little longer girls. I'm coming for you and when I find you, we're gonna get home, but first... I think we're gonna have some fun with this place.
Who: Sasha Waybright (Season 1A)
Source: Amphibia (2019-2022)
No, I'm not.
Who: Anne Boonchuy (Season 1B)
Source: Amphibia (2019-2022)
I have a proposition for you Marcy. And I think you'll find it very interesting.
Who: King Andras (Season 2A)
Source: Amphibia (2019-2022)
Note: Although "A Day at the Aquarium" is the mid-season finale, the mid-season finale that's a non-canon is "The Shut In" which could either be the season premiere or the mid-season finale. If the next episode was the mid-season finale, then the last line would be "Not a holiday! Definitely not a holiday!" by Anne Boonchuy.
Who: Anne Boonchuy (Season 2B)
Source: Amphibia (2019-2022)
I can't imagine spending the holidays without your family. I know how hard it is to be apart and not know if you'll ever see each other again. So, I'm writing to let you know that your daughter is alive. She's trapped in another world, but I promise, I'm going to bring her back home safe. Signed, a friend.
Who: Anne Boonchuy (Season 3A)
Source: Amphibia (2019-2022)
Note: Although, it's not technically the last line in Season 3A. The mid-season finale was supposed to be "Escape to Amphibia". That means Anne's real last line in Season 3A was supposed to be "What... happened here?".
Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever. Sometimes, you have to let it go. But of the things you let go, you'd be surprised what makes its way back to you.
Who: Anne Boonchuy (Season 3B)
Source: Amphibia (2019-2022)
Note: That was the last line of the series altogether, but the last spoken lines were "THANKS, FROG LADY!!!" by the children on a field trip to the aquarium.
Note: The end of the Fox era after five seasons and was originally intended to be the series finale of the show altogether but it returned after the four straight-to-video made for TV movies and was moved to Comedy Central in 2010.
Note: The end of the Comedy Central era after four seasons and was originally intended to be cancelled after the second run but it returned after Professor Farnsworth unfroze time, thus making "Meanwhile" a pointless finale, and it moved to Hulu 10 years later.
Worry not, Kiki. We will be keeping an eye on the inhabitants of "The Owl House". In the meantime, the Day of Unity is upon us, and we have much work to do.
And that's how we saved the Boiling Isles. Well, as much as we could. We were so relieved to see everyone safely released from the Archives. They were spared the worst of it, at least. Because of that, everyone got to reunite with their families and loved ones. And if someone thought they had no one waiting for them, well, they were in for a nice surprise. Still, there was a lot of work to be done and not everyone was keen to change things, but we were ready to give it a shot, all of us. As for the Collector, he and I made a pinky promise to keep trying our best. He said he had a lot of growing up to do, so he decided to return to the stars. No one argued, but I think I heard King whisper, "I hope I see you again." We got our happy ending, but I realized something in that moment. When the Titan had finally passed on, so did the powers of the glyphs. I had learned the Titan's language, but now I had no one to speak it to. It had helped me find my place when I had no other way. In my heart, I'll never forget it. A whole chapter of my life was over, but a new one was just beginning.
Who: Luz Noceda (Rerun version) (Season 3, Watching and Dreaming)
(post-credits:) Eda, King? Thank you for everything.
Right back at you, kid.
They're nearly gone! Okay everyone, on the count of three. One, two, three!
Who: Luz, Vee and Camila Noceda, Edalyn, Lilith and King Clawthorne, The Hexsquad, The Banshees and Everyone on the Boiling Isles (Season 3, "Watching and Dreaming")
It's funny. I thought meeting my idol would give me all the answers I ever wanted. But instead, I forgot what I already knew. Good thing I had a student of my own to remind me.
Um...I don't know, I just do. But this is nice too though.
Who 2: Bluey Christine Heeler (Series 1, Part 1)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
Bye, everyone! I've got to go home now!
Who: Bluey Christine Heeler (Series 1, Part 2)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
Who was Muffin?
Who 1: Bluey Christine Heeler (Series 2, Part 1A)
Who 2: Socks Heeler (Series 2, Part 1A)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
Remember I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me. Because I love you.
Who: Chilli Heeler (Series 2, Part 1B)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
Maybe you just saw something you wanted.
Who: Bingo Heeler (Series 2, Part 2)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
Yeah. See you later.
Who: Young Bandit Heeler (Series 3, Part 1)
Source: Bluey (2018-present) got it! Woo hoo!!!
Who 1: Bandit Heeler, Chilli Heeler, Pat, and Janelle (Series 3, Part 2)
Come here, Chucky!
Who 2: Pat and Janelle (Series 3, Part 2)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
You're not coming, are you?
Who: Chilli Heeler (Series 2, Part 3A)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
That's lucky.
Who: Bingo Heeler (Series 3, Part 3B)
Source: Bluey (2018-present)
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who owned a horse called Midnight. But one day, Midnight ran away. The farmer's neighbors came by and said "that's bad luck". But the farmer said...
Note: Quote from "Phoenix Rises" which is the actual mid-season finale. But, "Forbidden Feline" is probably the mid-season finale as it counts as a holiday special, despite it being the 37th episode in chronological order. So, the last line could be "Look, I'm sorry I abandoned you earlier, but if you're gonna fancy me up, AT LEAST LET ME PICK THE DRESS!!!!" by Cricket Green. Or if you count "Uncaged" as part 2 of the mid-season finale, then the last line would be "Never." by Nancy Green.
Notes: Quote from "Chipwrecked", which is the actual mid-season finale. But, if you count "Chip-ocalyspe Now" as part 2 of the mid-season finale, then the last line would be "Uh, I think so." by Bill Green.
Notes: Quote from "Dirt Jar", which is the actual mid-season finale. But, if you count "The Move" as part 2 of the mid-season finale, the last line would be "Darn right, we will. Even if today was a little bumpy, it sure is great to be home." by Cricket Green.
Note: Quote from "Horse Girl" which ended part 1 of Season 3B. But, if you count "Virtually Christmas" as the end of part 1 of Season 3B, then the last line would be Bill yelling "CRICKET!!!".
The Greens. It was the Greens. And their troubles are just beginning.
Note: Although, "Little Dipper" is the mid-season finale of Season 1, the next episode is technically the mid-season finale because it was the last episode of 2012 before it entered a three month hiatus, even though it’s a Halloween special. If "Summerween" was the mid-season finale, then the last line would be "I ate a man alive tonight." by Soos Ramirez.
Note: This is the last spoken line of the season, but in its first broadcast of this episode, the last line was "Gravity Falls will return." also by Stanley Pines.
If you've ever taken a road trip through the pacific northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called "Gravity Falls". It's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it, some people think it's a myth. But if you're curious, don't wait. Take a trip. Find it. It's out there, somewhere in the woods. Waiting.
This has gone too far. The ducks almost cost us a world today, and without the world, who would we larceny against? The pieces are finally in piece. Time to come out of the shadows, take control, and end Clan McDuck. If the McDuck family wants an adventure, we'll give them their last.
Yeah! hold it, It was brilliant! Bravo! Get up, my little crab friends. Ow! oh, oh. Ow! oh, oh. Ha, ha, ha, ha! Easy with the pinchers. Ow! ow! oh. I did not have to bring you guys tonight! Looks like Red Guy always gets in the END! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Our adventure in the Digital World might be over for now, but that gate won't stay closed forever. I have a feeling that this won't be the last time we see our pals, the Digimon! You wait and see. One day, that portal will open up again and we'll return to the Digital World! I wonder if Agumon will remember me? I know I'll never forget him, or the rest of the Digimon! None of us will!
Who: Tai Kamiya
Source: Digimon Adventure (1999-2000)
So, you can see we're still having adventures. They're just a little different from the ones we used to have when we were kids. The darkness has not been conquered, and it will continue to fight against the light forever, but as long as people remember to follow their dreams, evil will be kept at bay. And on days like today, it's hard to see any darkness anywhere. Now it's up to our children, and to children everywhere, to follow their dreams. Who knows where they'll end up, but the only way to find out is to take that first step into adventure.
Who: T.K. Takashi
Source: Digimon Adventure 02 (2000-2001)
Even though I thought I would never be the same, the world soon went back to normal and after a while so did I. Life became exactly as it was before I met Guilmon. Kazu still made bad jokes and Miss Nami still gave too much homework. Sometimes I go by our old hangouts just to see if he's there. Don't know why I bother, 'cause he's never there. Most times I'm OK but there's this one thing that bugs me: a promise I made to a friend—a promise I don't think I can keep. (beat) Actually, scratch that. I think I'm going to keep that promise after all.
Who: Takato Matsuki
Source: Digimon Tamers (2001-2002)
Takuya: But even if I spent time with my family...
Dad was right. It was the most amazing thing we'd ever seen. And he was right about something else, too. It really did bring our family closer than we'd ever been before.
For the continued adventures of Goku and his friends, be sure to watch Dragon Ball Z!
Who: Narrator
Source: Dragon Ball (1986-1989)
Young Uub has been taken in by the greatest warrior on the planet--Goku, the orphan who fell from the stars to become the savior of mankind. One thing is certain: as long as Goku lives, peace AND prosperity will reign.
Who: Narrator
Source: Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)
And now we end the story of the Dragonballs with the hope that the Earth will never again see the kind of darkness that brought it close to extinction so many times. But if that day comes, there is one who will step out of the shadows and fight in the name of all that is good and true!
Til we meet again, guys!
Who: Narrator and Goku
Source: Dragon Ball GT (1996-1997)
Goku, please come home.
Who: Narrator
Source: Dragon Ball Z Kai (2010-2018)
This is the journey that will never end. The struggle to push beyond all limits and we define the meaning of power new and mightier foes will arise, new adventures will begin and Goku and his fellow warriors will be ready. Until then, we bid you farewell!
It'll be okay. When it does come, we'll be there. Besides, there's a lot more of people more than evil thoughts and bad deeds. There's bravery. Everybody has that. right in there.
Plankton, What have you done to my daughter? You made her cry! You know, she could been with an ATM! Someone with money, But she chose you! I don't know why!
Aw, I knew Plankton was hatching an evil plan the whole time. So I just adjusted the controls to put Plankton where he can't do any harm. Nobody fools a squirrel from Texas!
Who: Sandy Cheeks (season 7) (production)
Well, it's like I told you before boy, there ain't no such thing as witches, or curses, or magical beings, or...
So, I guess this is it. But there's no need to get all sappy. I thought once I became the Ultimate Spider-Man, that would mean my work was done. But far from it. This isn't the end, this is only the beginning.
Yes. Throw all your money on the ground. Very smart. That's all for now, we hope we enjoyed our incredible race around the world. Be sure to keep an eye out for more of The Ridonculous Race.
The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons has come to an end, and without the hatred between the two sides, there was no evil to feed Unicron, and he became powerless. Both Unicron and Megatron scattered into the far reaches of the universe. As for me, my purpose has been served. Cybertron is safe and Transformers live in peace with the Mini-Cons. So the next time you look out into space and see a peaceful star far, far away, it just might be Cybertron. TRANSFORM!
Fire up the engines to full throttle! We have a course set to the far reaches of the universe, and it's time to go! Courage, hope for the future, and teamwork—our adventure will continue as long as we remember the words of Primus: 'Til all are one! TRANSFORM!!!