Summer Camp Island
American animated television series
Summer Camp Island is an American animated television series created by Julia Pott. It follows two childhood best friends Oscar, an elephant, and Hedgehog, a mammal of the same name, who are dropped off at a magical summer camp. The camp is a host to many bizarre occurrences, such as camp counselors who are popular girl witches, horses that transform into unicorns, talking sharks, yetis, haunted cabins, post-it notes that lead to other dimensions, and nosey monsters that live under the bed. Oscar and Hedgehog must contend with these out-of-place events and make their stay at camp worthwhile.
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edit- Elliott Smith (series; "The First Day"-"The Library"), Asher Bishop (series; "Spell Crushers"-"Glow Worm"), Antonio Raul Corbo (Season 3 onwards) and Justin Felbinger (Pilot) – Oscar Peltzer
- Oona Laurence (series) and Ashley Boettcher (Pilot) – Hedgehog
- Julia Pott – Susie McCallister
- Charlyne Yi – Alice Fefferman
- Nikki Castillo - Betsy Spellman
- Ramone Hamilton (series) and Thomas Vaethroeder (Pilot) - Max
- Naomi Hansen (series) and Anna Strupinsky (Pilot) - Pajamas
- Richard Kind (series) and Judd Hirsch (Pilot) - Shark
- Cedric the Entertainer - The Moon
- Melanie Lynskey - The Sun
- Elijah Wood - Saxophone
- Sam Lavagnino - Pepper
- Bobby Moynihan - Rabbit Monster
- Luke Lowe - Basketball