Total DramaRama
animated television series
- Seasons: 1: Island 2: Action 3: World Tour 4: Revenge of the Island 5: All-Stars and Pahkitew Island | 6: Island (2023) | Main | Spin-offs: The Ridonculous Race / DramaRama
Total DramaRama is an animated television spin-off and the series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters who are entered into an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers.
Season 1
edit- Owen: [first lines] Guys! Guys! Guys? Guess what?! [gets hit a wall]
- Courtney: [comes out of the playhouse] What?
- Owen: I finally won at "Toy Crane Prize Surprise!"
- [the kids gasp]
- Lady: [singing] Toy Crane Prize Surprise!
Duck Duck Juice
edit- [Duncan and Courtney are on a train going back to the daycare]
- Courtney: Our stop's next. Then it's back to the daycare, And-
- Duncan: Sorry Courtney, I've gotten a taste of freedom now, and I'm not going back to the dayca- [Courtney handcuffs Duncan] Seriously? Oh come on!
- Courtney: If you escape from daycare on your own, I am fine with that, but I'm not letting you do it on my watch.
- Duncan: What if I refuse to move? Then how would- [Courtney drags him out of the train]
- Courtney: [unhandcuffs Duncan] And now that your safely back inside, You're free to try to escape.
- Duncan: Yeah, thanks.
Free Chilli
editGerm Factory
edit- [Jude, Bridgette, and Duncan call up Leshawna]
- Leshawna: Hey, guys, what's up?
- Jude: Brah, you're missing Giggle Dough Day. Owen ate his. It was awesome.
- Bridgette: How are you doing? Are you okay?
- Leshawna: Girl, I've been staying up late, rocking my PJs all day, and I just binge watched Power Kitten Ninja Dance Force.
- Jude: Dude, she just described my perfect day. Being sick kinda rocks.
- Duncan: No kidding!
- Leshawna: And, my mom stayed home from work to take care of me. Watch this. Hey, mama! Where's my ice cream! [claps]
- Duncan: You get to eat ice cream too?!
- Leshawna: All you can eat, baby! That is, after you get through all the--
- Duncan: Great! Talk soon! Bye bye! Guys, I have the best plan ever. Emergency meeting in the castle, stat!
- [the next day, every kid, with the exception of Leshawna, stayed at home]
- Chef: Yep. You're the only one here today.
- Leshawna: I tried to tell the other kids, you don't get the ice cream until after you get through two days of violent vomiting and diarrhea, but they hung up on me. Whatcha got there?
- Chef: Uh, the new Child Educators' Calendar just came out. I think I overdid it a little.
- Courtney: [pounding on the door] Made it. I have perfect attendance. Let me in! I'm not sick. See? I'm totally fine. [pukes and coughs] Just put a little tick on the sheet?
- Duncan: [at home being sick] Worst... [pukes] plan... [pukes] ever! [pukes]
Cones in 60 Seconds
edit- Harold: Okay, so why are you-
- MacAuthur: Yeah, that”s how money works.
- Owen: What is that?
- Harold: Here’s your dollar!
- Lady on TV: Hello? Is someone there?
- Duncan: That was awesome!
- Gwen: Oh, Owen.
- Owen: Which one!s your’s?
- Owen: Who brings a scorpion to school?!
- MacAuthur: Sorry, it’s 2pm. and I’m off to the park!
- Owen: I did it, Noah! I finally did it!
That’s a Wrap
edit- Duncan: Here you go. [gives a hotdog to a mummy as he eats one.] Well, i guess we're good. Oh, man, I've got mustard on my sneakers.
- Izzy: Here, wipe it up with this. [yanks a bandage for the mummy to die.]
- Duncan: Oops. Let's get out of here!
A Ninjustice to Harold
editBananas and Cheese
edit- Bananas and Cheese: [singing] Oh, I’ve got a pony, but he’s too bony,
- He’s uncomfortable to ride!
- He’s got four legs, and he likes to eat eggs,
- With two strips of bacon on the side!
Not Without My Fudgy Lumps
edit- Duncan: Amateurs!
- Owen: There goes my last chance! I'll never taste the sweet waxy yumminess of a fudgy lump again!
- Noah: Now she knows what other left means?
- Solider: Freeze!
- MacArthur: But they're not taking me down without a fight!
- Noah: I should have seen that coming.
Snots Landing
edit- Courtney: Wait- where’s my couch?! No, no, no, no, no! It can’ be gone! [goes to Bridgette] Have you seen it?
- Bridgette: Uh-uh.
- Courtney: [goes to Beth] Have you?
- Beth: Nope, absolutely not.
- Courtney: I need that couch or I can’t do my show and tell. It has to be perfect!
- Chef: My watch!
- Courtney: My couch!
A Licking Time Bomb
edit- Businessman: These are really tasty cookies. And I'm trying to put my finger on that secret ingredient. Secret, secret, secret, secret. Why do I keep saying the word secret? Secret, secret, secret, secret.
- Owen: [screams] The secret ingredient is my spit!
- [a business gets shocked and the kids get grossed out by Noah and Owen's cookies except Jude who eats it straight]
- Businessman: Oh! That's really gross! [leaves]
- Noah: No-no-no, no, no, no! Mr. Bankman, wait! [sighs, defeated]
- Owen: I'm sorry, Noah. That was our dream and I blew it.
- Noah: Aw, that's okay, buddy. I shouldn't have tried to make you keep a secret like that anyway.
- Owen: And I shouldn't sold other cookies to other people that I already licked. Oh well, no real harm dome.
- Beth: [angrily] Ahem! You two are gonna pay for making us eat spit!
- Noah: C-c-c can I just say one thing in our defense?
- Leshawna: What?
- Noah: RUN!
- Beth: Get 'em!
Gum and Gummer
edit- Leshawna: Ah! My fancy family photo is ruined! Look at me, my hair is a disgusting blob of peanut butter, ice cream, lemon juice, and tape!
Wristy Buisness
editThere Are No Hoppy Endings
edit- Chef: Wow! [opens the door] My mittens are here already?!
- MacAuthur: [comes in with the three presents] What are you doing here, big guy?
Season 2
editAn Eggstreamly Bad Idea
edit- Owen: She loves it!
Piñata Reggetta
edit- Kids: ¡Cinco de Mayo!
Dissing Cousins
editPart 1
edit- Max: Now- It's dangerous! [the snake comes in]
- Beth: Aaaaaaaaah!
- Harold: Pull him up for now.
- Beth: Uh…
- Owen: Hold on. Quicksand and snakes? I remember how to survive this trap! Max doesn’t every Thanksgiving all I need to find the tail! [finds the tail, then grabs it then swings it like a lasso onto Cody]
- Cody: [singing] Happy Birthday to me- [has a snake landed on his head] AAAAAAAH!! GIANT WORM!!
- Owen: [As Cody screams and pulls the snake on his head.] Quick! Hold hands! [Harold, Beth and Duncan hold hands to each other and they get pulled by the snake and crashes to the ground]
- Duncan: Woah, nice one, Owen.
- Max: I’m sending you all good luck.
- Duncan: Good luck with what?
- Max: My surviving the hungry squirrels, of course!
- [Squirrels start to mutter]
- Duncan: Quick, down the slide! [Beth screams to follow Duncan]
- Owen: The slide? [gasps] No wait! It's a trap! [goes down the slide passing through the three kids] Pardon me. Excuse me. Max trap... [stops by the trap with three kids except for Beth] MAX TRAP! [screams]
- [kids screaming]
Part 2
edit- [It continues with 3 kids at the bottom of the slide screaming]
- Owen: [got his shirt in the wood chipper] Man, that was close...
- Duncan: Thanks, Owen.
- Harold: Yeah! and how do you know there was a wood chipper at the bottom of the slide?
- Owen: It's a Classic Max trap, every Christmas he doesn’t
- Duncan: This isn't real toxic waste is it?
- LIONGATOR: [comes out of the pool] Oh, it's very real.
- Max: and... BEGIN!
- [Owen walks across a balance beam]
- Owen: Come on, guys it's easy. Eyes forward, don't look down, I do this one every labour day.
- Max: You’ve beaten my Test of Toxic Troubles!
- Owen: So I won? Oh, please say yes, I don’t want my friend to get hurt.
- Max: You won nothing, the winner isn’t the one who crosses the line first, is the one who survives! These trials who’ll continue until only one of you remain standing. If you want to win, just kick the plank off, do it, cousin.
- [darts to the three kids]
- Owen: I won’t do it,I won’t hurt my friends! International cousins day or not.
- Max: Fine, I’ll do it! [kicks the plank off for the three kids, then the plank falls into the pool.] There, it’s over with- [Owen pulls up the kids] Owen, never sees to disappoint.
- Max: That’s cheating!
Stingin' in the Rain
edit- Courtney: Save it for your own Show & Tell, Cody!
- Cody: I'm a blunt object!
- Courtney: Hey, if the robber didn't wanna be maimed in a convoluted trap built by preschoolers, then maybe she shouldn't be stealing coins.
- Cody: You're gonna get it!
- Courtney: Good job General, Did you find my coin in her pocket!
- The General: Nope! Just this card MacArthur plumbing!
- Chef Hatchet: That's the plumber I called!
- The General: Uh whoops!
- MacArthur: Get your own pants of the toilet Chief, Unbelievable!
- Courtney: Wait, but then what happened to my coin! Mom! What are you doing here?
- Courtney's Mom: Courtney! I hope I'm not too late, you forgot you coin for your presentation!
- Courtney: My Coin! Was at home?
- Courtney's Mom: You didn't want to leave it here in chase of robbers, remember?
- Courtney: Right! (laugh) I, I feel like this is partially my fault.
- The General: Oh, I'd say more than partially!
- Courtney: Hey hey, wait come on it was just a misunderstanding! Please! Mom!
- Courtney's Mom: Oh, sorry dear! Don't worry! Welcome visit!
- The General: Well, I hope you kids learned a lesson.
- Izzy: Yep and sorry General, I promise we will never call you for anything this silly, ever again.
Snack to The Future
edit- Owen: There’s gonna be a 1:45 button in here somewhere!
- Max: Of course.
Bad Seed
edit- Izzy: I have bad wipeouts all the time and I’m fine! [laughs maccanicly] Come on! [wipes to the kitchen] First, you don’t show somebody love by making them drink boring old water, you do it with root beer! [grabs out the root beer from the fridge] This stuff’s gonna be good for plants, I mean it’s got rot parts in the eighth- [sprays away Izzy’s plant with the root beer]
- Izzy: Don’t worry, I’m not giving up.
Season 3
edit- Cody: C- C- Camel spider? Why is it called that?!
- Gwen: That a funny story, actually. [imagines a camel in a web, then looks at a spider to scream] Maybe have to be there. So, wanna see him? [opens the box] Hmm? Empty! Huh. Where’s my spider?
Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels
edit- Courtney: Now you all have squirrel brains! [pants] This is really gonna change things!
A Hole Lot of Trouble
edit- [Heather, Alejandro, and Jasmine stare to Cody, Izzy, Courtney, and Lightning]
A Bridgette Too Far
edit- Cody: Shouldn't we be taller?
- Bridgette: It's not like I rely on starring in episodes for my sense of self-worth. I mean, have you seen my hair?
- Bridgette: MAIN CAST?!
- Bridgette: No! This is gonna be my story! One way or another!
- Bridgette: This episode is MINE!
- Chef Hatchet: CANCELLED?
- [last lines of the series]
- Duncan: That looks like, amazing, good for Bridgette!
- Owen: Hey, what do you mean good for Bridgette, that sounds like an Owen line! Fine, then I'm gonna go find some fireworks.
- Beth: Well, If Owen gets to play with fireworks then, I'm gonna eat all his chili cheese chips!
- Harold: Wait, Beth loves chili cheese chips! Oh, but I guess I can finally start working on this booger! That's been driving me nuts all year!
- Izzy: Guys stop it! You know the rules about keeping our characters distinct!
- Courtney: Oh, so now Izzy is the rule police, This show is off the rails, Where's Chef, Somebody had to put a stop to this!
- Chef Hatchet: I JUST BLEW UP MY OWN CAR! [laughing]
- Courtney: Worst ending ever!
edit- Deven Mack as Chef Hatchet
- Emilie-Claire Barlow as Courtney
- Lilly Bartlam as Gwen
- Katie Crown as Izzy
- Cory Doran as Noah
- Kristin Fairlie as Bridgette
- Darren Frost as Harold
- Sarah Gadon as Beth
- Scott McCord as Owen
- Drew Nelson as Duncan
- Christian Potenza as Jude Lizowski
- Bahia Watson as Leshawna
- Wyatt White as Cody
- Evany Rosen as MacArthur
- Rochelle Wilson as Sugar
- Kwaku Adu-Poku as Lightning