Total Drama Island (2023)
season of television series
- Seasons: 1: Island 2: Action 3: World Tour 4: Revenge of the Island 5: All-Stars and Pahkitew Island | 6: Island (2023) | Main | Spin-offs: The Ridonculous Race / DramaRama
Total Drama Island (2023) is the first Reboot Season And The 6th season Overall of Total Drama. It Has 2 Parts. new cast of 16 contestants. hosted by Chris McLean (Terry McGurrin, replacing Christian Potenza), who is assisted by the camp's chef and his co-host, Chef Hatchet (Deven Mack, replacing Clé Bennett).
editPart 1
editMeet the Victims
edit- Emma: [enraged when she sees Chase] What is he doing here?!
- Chase: Babe?
- [Emma furiously tries to attack him, but Chris holds her back]
- Bowie: Ooh, I like this one.
- Wayne: [after Chef Hatchet throws the box of cellphones into the bottom of the lake] That move was so cold you could hang ball caps on my nipples.
- Chef Hatchet: [giving the teams their flags] This team is the Ferocious Trout. This team is the Frogs of Death. Your teams will compete head-to-head in challenges. If your team wins, you're all safe.
- Chris: The losing team, however, will attend a marshmallow ceremony at the fire pit where they'll vote on which team member is the "loser'iest" loser of the losers, and that person is eliminated, and will immediately head to the Dock of Shame and be flown home by the Drone of Despair.
- Millie: [Confessional] Anytime someone from my generation says or does something dumb, I make a note for my research. Ugh, my hand is already cramping.
- Damien: [Confessional; horrified from seeing Ripper's butt the second time] No! No, no, no! You cannot put that on TV!
- Wayne: Our team has some real hotties!
- Raj: For sure, eh!
- Bowie: Okay, if you're gonna talk about me, I'll give you some privacy.
- [Caleb got voted off when Bowie convinced his team to vote for him, as he was seen as a threat.]
- Caleb: I don't get it, look at me! How- Why am I going home? I was the strongest player on my team! I'm smart, kind... This is garbage! I should go back there and give them a piece of my mi-. [Before he can finish, the Drone of Despair grabs him and carries him away] Whoa!
- [Unbeknownst of anyone, Bowie was hiding in a bush, smirking]
- Bowie: [confessional] Yeah, I might have mentioned to a few people that Caleb looked unbeatable and that voting him off now might be our only chance. I told you, I came for the crown.
Pirates of the Cabbage'an
edit- Priya: [confessional] I can't believe I got taken out right away! Mom, Dad, I'm sorry. I know you covered this in my training, but you used melons. I think cabbages are faster!
- Scary Girl (Lauren): [confessional] If the shark ate Damien, he would scream a lot. I like that. But then Damien would never scream again. I don't like that. So I saved him!
- [Axel got voted off when she punched Ripper and he fell overboard before the challenge began.]
- Axel: I don't see how the loss was my fault! I kicked a teammate overboard and yelled orders at the rest of the team to show they were below me. I did NOTHING wrong!
- [Axel looks up and sees the drone of despair.]
- Axel: You'll never take me alive! [dives in the lake]
- Chris: Yeah! That won't help!
- [The Drone of Despair grabs Axel and carries her away.]
- Axel: When the zombie apocalypse happens, I'm not gonna help any of you!
- Chris: [calling out] Well, I'm scratching you off my Christmas card list!
Drown Town Abbey
edit- [Nichelle was voted off because she revealed to her teammates that she was not a real action hero and that she had a stunt double named Jerry, which cost the Frogs of Death the challenge.]
- Nichelle: Okay. You fell down, hurt your pride. So, what?! So, what?! I won’t let this define me. My mom did not raise a quitter, no she did not. There is only one person to blame here. [confessional] Jerry, my stunt double! Where were you when I needed you most, huh, Jerry? Huh?! [The Drone of Despair grabs her leg as she leaves the island] I HATE YOU, JERRY!
Numbskull Island
edit- [Scary Girl (Lauren) got voted off because she ran off to give the skull a makeover, instead of giving it to Chris for the win, which cost the Ferocious Trout the challenge]
- Ripper: [upon getting the last marshmallow] YEAH! YEAH!! I'm gonna roast this one!!! [he "roasts" it by putting it under his butt and farting on it until it turns a sickly greenish-brown...]
- Damien: Don't tell me he's gonna... [...and he still eats it, immediately disgusted enough, he pukes]
- Scary Girl (Lauren): [threateningly; after she was voted off] I WILL HAVE VENGEANCE ON THOSE WHO BETRAY ME! YEARS FROM NOW, WHEN YOU'VE LONG FORGOTTEN WHO I AM, [her eyes turn and everything goes red, in a demonic voice] I WILL FIND YOU AND MAKE YOU WISH YOU'VE NEVER BEEN BORN! [turns back to normal and causally skips away] Bye!
- Scary Girl (Lauren): [walking down the Dock of Shame] I didn't win, but I met a lot of people and I know their names. Which is good if you ever need an organ. [gets taken away by the Drone of Despair, but by opening her umbrella and flying away like Mary Poppins]
- Chris: Bye! Don't forget to not write!
Jurassic Fart
edit- [Julia reveals her true Colors when a raptor roared at her.]
- Julia: I am so glad I skipped the beans this morning. [steps on a branch]
- [Damien got voted off because, even though he was more than willing to compete, his teammates repay him for saving their lives by voting for him, as he no longer wanted to be voted off.]
- Damien: When I wanted to be booted off, no one did it. Then, I changed my mind about wanting to leave and-- [sigh] Irony is a cruel, cruel- [Screams as he gets taken away from The Drone of Despair] This is not safe!
Launch Back of Notre Game
edit- [MK was eliminated when Julia exposed her for recording their confessionals and stealing their stuff.]
- MK: Aww man! That phone had all the dirt I needed to get myself into the finals. This rots! [The Drone of Despair grabs her and takes her away] Eh, on the bright side, at least I didn't make any friends.
Severe Eggs and Pain
edit- Chris: Welcome to the next challenge! But, before we get started, Trout, Frogs, please bring Chef your flags. [Emma and Priya walk over and give their team banners to Chef, who throws them in a fire.]
- Chef: No more Trout, no more Frogs! The teams are now merged!
- Ripper: I am the winner! Touchdown! [throws his egg down, but, it hatched into a baby cassowary]
- Chris: Ooh. Sorry! I wanted an egg. That is a baby.
- Ripper: But, but, it was an egg. [the baby cassowary proceeds to bite his leg] Oww! [he throws it away, but, the baby cassowary ends up chasing him]
- Chris: Win denied!
- Ripper: Oh. My mother was right! Babies ruin everything!
- [At the same time, Millie and Priya run by with cassowary eggs.]
- [Wayne and Raj both left the competition, as they were attacked by a cassowary and fell down a cliff, leaving them being too injured to continue]
- Chris: Boys, it was a pleasure having you here. Any parting words?
- Raj: I'm a hotdog type!
- Chris: Okay. Later, skaters!
- [Wayne and Raj get taken away by The Drone of Despair]
- Wayne and Raj: Oh, Canada! :[Sings Canada's National Anthem]
The Wheel of Vomit
edit- [Ripper got voted off because the contestants see him as a threat.]
- Ripper: When I got here, I was just an awesome, super good-looking guy that everybody loved, but I think I showed the world I'm more than that. I'm leaving here a world record fart-holder! [Confessional] So... [Laughs] You're not gonna see me cry, I'll wait 'till I get home. [Gets taken away by The Drone of Despair, getting wedgied] Ow! Ow! Chris! No, Chris!!!!
Paddle Field Earth
edit- [Zee got voted off when he reveals that he joined both alliances and when Bowie asked for a re-vote, they ended up sending Zee home.]
- Zee: Not gonna lie, I lasted longer than I thought I would! What a wild ride. Got to fly through an electrical storm, drank disgusting cow liquid, and even had a brief relationship with a large bird! [Confessional] [Sigh] Ugh, yeah. I didn't win the million bucks, but uh... I wouldn't change a thing! ...How did I get in here? Wasn't I just on the dock?! [Gets taken away by The Drone of Despair]
- Julia: [To Bowie] Hey, watch it, blondie!
The Truth, The Pole Truth and Nothing But the Truth
edit- [Chase got eliminated when he knocked Millie and Julia off their poles and threw the challenge for pizza.]
- Chase: Yeah, I got eliminated, and I didn't win the million bucks. [Confessional] But I got free pizza!!! Ba-Ba-Bauh! Oh, and uh, I got Emma back! I don't know how but, girls right? Who knows why they do anything. [Gets taken away by The Drone of Despair by the pizza slice he was about to eat] No!!! Get off of my pizza!!
Tortoise Rigamortis
edit- [Emma got voted off when she accidentally killed a turtle.]
- Emma: What?! You’re booting me over a turtle?!
- Millie: Nah, we booted her because she did so well. Total threat. If she stunk like Bowie did, she'd still be here.
- Emma: [confessional] What's the point of having a shell covering your body if you can't survive falling out of a tree!? Ugh! But overall, I'm proud of myself. When I first got here, I was just like, a little mad at Chase. But, I think I hit it well. Then he totally helped me win immunity with the pole challenge, and we kissed.[Confessional] So, I may not be going back home with a million dollars, but I'm going home to a boyfriend! [Gets taken away by The Drone of Despair]
Caved by the Bell
edit- [Julia got eliminated when Bowie betrayed her and teamed up with Millie and Priya to vote her out.]
- Chris: So, Priya had immunity, let’s take a look at the votes. Julia, Julia. [Bowie and Julia look at Millie and Priya, as they were the ones that voted for Julia, they fist bumped each other] Next vote, Millie the nerd. And here’s a drawing of Millie’s stinky butt. Nice touch!
- Julia: [sits up and takes a bow, before sitting back down] Thank you!
- Chris: That’s two votes for Julia and one for Millie. Now, in the event of a tie, the camper who makes it to the finale and plays for one million dollars will be the camper with the most previous immunity wins.
- Millie and Priya: What?!
- Julia: Yes! Ha! Whoo-Hoo! Hahaha! [confessional] I was hoping for a fight to the death, but this works too.
- Chris: Without further ado, the final vote is for... Julia!?
- Julia: What?! No! You read it wrong. It's a tie! Bowie and I agreed to vote for… [gasps, when she realized that Bowie betrayed her; enraged] YOU!!!
- Bowie: [confessional] Me! [To Julia] Like you said! We're the villains!
- Julia: I’m going to find you and I’m going to...
- Chris: Julia! Dock of Shame! Let’s go!
- Julia: [walks away in a huff] If a double crosser can’t trust a double crosser, who can they trust, huh?! The answer is no one, and I forgot that! [confessional] Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some orders to cancel.
- [As Julia tries to cancel some orders, the Drone of Despair grabs her phone]
- Julia: Huh. Hey! No! This is my last phone! Chris!
Magma Cum Laude
editPart 2
editThe Pink Painter Strikes Again
edit- Bowie: Is it me or am I getting stink eye from like, everybody?
- [Everyone, minus the Hockey Bros, are all glaring coldly at Bowie for his actions from last season]
- [Chris volunteers Priya and Bowie to pick players for their teams]
- Chris: Okay, Priya, the pressure's on.
- Pirya: Millie.
- Millie: Whoo!
- Caleb: [confessional] Millie? Millie?! Look at me!
- Chris: Most people would have picked a strong player, but, whatever. Bowie, you're up. Take your time.
- Bowie: Raj.
- Raj: Boom! Knew it! Whoo! [runs up to Bowie and hugs him]
- Caleb: [confessional] Now I'm getting mad!
- Chris: Ugh, two sentimental picks, so many feels, gross. Next!
- Priya: You remember the chapter I wrote on alliance building, so you obviously know who we should pick next.
- Millie: Yeah, I sure do, uh, we're gonna pick…
- Priya & Millie: Emma!
- Millie: We said it together. [laughs awkwardly]
- Emma: Yes!
- Chris: Okay, now we're talking! Next.
- Bowie: 'Kay, time to get strategic. Weigh every option, find the perfect balance of brains, brawn, cunning.
- Raj: Pick Wayne!
- Bowie: [sighs] Wayne.
- Wayne: Whoo, yeah! [confessional with Raj] I was worried there for a sec we were gonna be on different teams.
- Raj: Me too. Wayne and I are great together, but apart, we'd be like a bike with one wheel.
- Wayne: One wheel? What would you even call that? A "one-cycle?"
- Millie: So what are we thinking?
- Priya: I looked Caleb up online. He benches 350 pounds, got an early acceptance to M.I.T., and volunteered at kitten orphanage!
- Emma: Yes, we should pick someone, hot, strong, and emotionally mature!
- Chase: Sorry, kids. Looks like I'm--
- Priya: We pick Caleb!
- Caleb: Yes! [confessional] I'm happy I got picked, but 5th, that's not good.
- Bowie: I know this pick could blow up in my face, but it'll also might just help me win a million bucks… Julia.
- [The other contestants gasp in shock as Julia smirks in satisfaction]
- Julia: [confessional] Gotta give Bowie credit. I'm a smart pick. I mean, sure, I'll eventually double-cross him and make him ugly cry on TV. But, until then, I'll bring my A-game.
- Priya: I pick Damien!
- Damien: Yes!
- Ripper: [confessional] Okay. Serious question. Am I invisible?
- Bowie: Chase.
- Ripper: Weak.
- Priya: Axel!
- Ripper: Worst pick yet. [gets trampled by Axel]
- Axel: Oops, sorry. Totally saw you there.
- Bowie: MK.
- MK: Thanks. [to Julia] I like your moves.
- Julia: I like your style. I trust you'll find some sneaky way to help us this season.
- MK: That's kind of my jam, and I hope you have a plan in case Bowie only picked you, so that he and the Hockey Bros could make you first voted off the island.
- Julia: [gasps] I haven't even considered that.
- MK: Then I guess I'm helping already.
- Julia: This could be the start of a beautiful alliance. [she and MK fist bump]
- Chris: [impatiently] Priya, let's go.
- Priya: We'll take Zee.
- Zee: Sweet! Take me for what? [confessional] Want to see something cool? Civil Suit Soda are paying me to be an influencer. It's not a million bucks, but, it's better than a fistful of bananas, which happens to be just one of their delicious flavors. [drinks the soda] Wow, that's gross. I mean, great!
- Chris: Okay, bottom of the barrel time. Bowie, it's your turn to pick.
- Bowie: Guess I'll take the new girl.
- Chris: There are no new contestants. That's Scary Girl.
- Bowie: Really?
- Scary Girl (Lauren): [popping up behind him] You won't regret this.
- Bowie: [whispers frightfully; regretting his decision] Too late. [cringes]
- Chris: Priya, you get second-last pick.
- Ripper: [begging] Please don't make me the last pick! Please!
- Priya: I'll go with the person who didn't use me as a human shield: Nichelle!
- Nichelle: Yes!
- Ripper: Fart nuggets!
- Nichelle: [confessional] After I humiliated myself in the obstacle course last season, Hollywood cancelled me! But instead of wallowing, I spent the past few months training with the world's top parkour, kung fu and gymnastics experts. This season, I'm playing lights out! [punches and breaks the camera with her fist]
- Chris: And just like that, the teams are set! Priya, the players you picked will be called: Team Rat Face.
- Bowie: Rat Face! [laughs]
- Chris: Bowie, the players you picked will be called: Team Skunk Butt.
- Bowie: Yeah. I should have seen that coming.
- Priya: Okay, team, we can win this with basic TDI strategy. Now, when Gran's watching, stop in a position you can hold. No balancing on one leg. Millie, you good?
- Millie: [chuckles] Yeah. Just getting psyched up! [confessional; groans] Why didn't I just train like I said I would?
- Priya: Now, let's do this!
- [Team Rat Face cheers]
- MK: [confessional] Why am I doing all this running when I can hitch a ride all the way to the finish line?
- Nichelle: [confessional; after crossing the finish line, winning the first challenge for her team] I think all my training has worked.
- [Scary Girl (Lauren) got voted off first when she revealed to her teammates during the elimination ceremony that she was hiding in their closets while they were sleeping at night]
- Scary Girl (Lauren): This is what you get while trying to conform with societal norms, carried into the sky by a drone. [confessional] I didn't even try to hurt anyone on my team this time! I taught myself how to smile 40% less creepily! Oh… This isn't the last of Scary Girl. I'm going to make them PAY! [laughs maniacally as the Drone of Despair takes her away]
- Chris: [shudders] And this is why you must always check your closets before you go to sleep, kids.
Taking It to the Rim Reaper
edit- [Chase got eliminated when he spent most of the challenge trying to film the perfect waterslide intro instead of helping his teammates.]
- Chase: Uh, what are the producers thinking? Eliminating the best looking contestant this early? Not a smart move! [confessional] I'll show them. When the ratings tank and they come crawling up to me crying "Chase, please, we need you!" I'll be like (scoffs) Okay.
You Poor Saps
edit- Bowie: [confessional; referring to Julia and MK] Those two are so sus, but there's no way they'd sabotage the team, at least not when I've still got voting numbers on my side.
- Nichelle: [confessional] I'm not saying I'm the best contestant on the island this season, but I am.
- [Millie got voted off because her teammates were still mad at her for pushing Damien down the fourth slide in the previous challenge, unaware that Damien forgave her for that]
- Millie: I lasted longer last season, but this time, I'm proud of how I played! Except for that first challenge when I got hit with the paint balloon before anyone else, and the second challenge where I tricked Damien and pushed him down the slide and made my team hate me... And I didn't play great today. I should have read the training binder. Yeah...
Choosin' for a Brusin
edit- [Emma got voted off, because, after insisting that she’s a people person, she tried answering the questions for her team, only to get them wrong, which cost Team Rat Face the challenge. And if that wasn’t enough, Ripper and Axel officially became a couple.]
- Emma: [confessional] Aww! I really thought I had a chance this season. Guess I’ll have to go back to earning millions of dollars recording ten second dance routines on my phone.
- Chris: Take her away! [The Drone of Despair takes Emma away] Well. That ends another episode and surprisingly, no one died.
Ice to Beat You
edit- [Nichelle left the competition when Julia tricked her with a fake Hollywood contract, which forced her to make a Hollywood comeback.]
Canoe Belive It?
edit- Chris: It’s huge announcement time!
- Julia: Get on with it!
- Chris: Chef! Do your thing!
- Chef: [walks over] Team Rat Face! Team Skunk Butt! These are your banners.
- [Chef holds up the team banners, before putting them in a toxic substance, which caused an explosion.]
- Chris: The teams are merged! Look to your left and then to your right. Those are now your sworn enemies, going forward, only one camper can win immunity, which means everybody else is up for elimination.
- Julia: Oh. It is on!
- Bowie: [confessional] With the teams merging, I can’t control the vote and Julia is like a hungry dog eyeing a char-broiled Bowie burger. I need to win immunity today!
- Wayne: Joust!
- Julia: [pretends to be hurt] I can’t believe you hit a girl!
- Wayne: Oh. I’m sorry, eh. I didn’t mean to... [Julia knocks him out, but, he hits the side of the canoe on his groin.]
- Ripper: Ouch!
- Zee: Dude!
- Raj: Wayne!
- Wayne: No jock! [falls in the water]
- [Bowie got eliminated when Julia told the other competitors that the cheating was Bowie’s idea, sparing MK from elimination.]
- Julia: [confessional with MK] I told the Rat Faces that it was Bowie’s idea to cheat with the intern costume.
- MK: I can’t feel my face!
- Bowie I should’ve seen it coming! If you’re the fittest, coolest, best looking person, people will always try to tear you down. [confessional] But, I don’t hate them for it. Except for Julia! [The Drone of Despair takes him away.]
Fun Fight at the O'Cake Corral
edit- [Axel got voted off, because, the campers were tired of her and Ripper constantly making out and the fact that she’s a bigger threat. However, Ripper ends up going with her, resulting in a last minute double elimination.]
Haulin' n' Ballin
edit- [At the elimination ceremony, everyone was mad at Caleb after what happened today, so, they distanced themselves away from him and Damien lifts his stool up to relocate himself.]
- Caleb: [confessional] I might be going home today. The worst part is, I’ll never get to explain myself to Priya.
- Damien: [confessional] Messing with people’s hearts?! No way! That’s gone too far!
- Raj: [confessional with Wayne] If I found Bowie was only pretending to like me to go further in the game, I’d be so sad.
- Wayne: And probably confused, cuz, he’s a way better contestant than you.
- Raj: Yeah! Sad and confused!
- MK: [confessional] I’m a naturally cold person, but, at least I’m upfront about it. Honest and cold-hearted.
- Zee: Hey, guys! [everyone else also distanced themselves away from him, because, they were still mad at him for revealing their secrets. Confessional, Zee sniffs himself] What’s the deal?
- Julia: [confessional] What's worse? Pretending you're falling for someone to achieve your own goals or telling on someone who is pretending to fall for someone to achieve their own goals? We're about to find out.
- [Priya, who is still upset after what happened today, is the last to arrive.]
- Caleb: Priya, I saved you a seat.
- [Priya ignores him and say somewhere away from him.]
- Chris: Wow! So many feels! Gross?
- [Zee got eliminated for not only revealing Caleb’s crush on Priya, but, revealing everyone else’s secrets.]
- Zee: Hahahaha, Well! I guess that’s a wrap on ol' Zee. I messed up by spilling everyone’s tea today. [confessional] But, at least Zee’s head is nice and empty. No more pressure. [The Drone of Despair takes him away] The pressure’s back! It’s all happening again!
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
edit- [MK got voted off when Julia made a pact not to badmouth each other.]
Circling the Drain
edit- [Damien got voted off, because, Wayne and Raj didn’t want to separate Caleb and Priya after they reconciled. But, in a terrible turn of events, Julia shared her immunity with Caleb, which strains Caleb’s relationship with Priya. And to make matters worse for Damien, someone stole the immunity idol.]
Working K9 to 5
edit- [Raj got eliminated when Julia convinced Caleb and Priya to vote him off, resulting in a 3-2 vote.]
Off the Hook!
edit- [Julia was supposed to be eliminated. But, shockingly, she used the immunity idol, she stole from Damien to spare herself, causing Priya to get eliminated instead.]
- Priya: To make it this far and fail really hurts. But, I still have the million dollars from last season and I have Caleb. [confessional] What else could I really ask for? I mean. Other than REVENGE!!!
- [Caleb comes up to Priya.]
Soar Losers
edit- [Priya shoots Julia as retaliation for getting her eliminated, causing Julia to fall off the high wire and into the water again.]
- Julia: [Screams as she falls off the tightrope and lands in the water, she comes up coughing and sees the raptor] Oh. Crud! Not you again! [Julia tries to swim away, but, the raptor roses and grabs her hair and unknowningly rips it off.] Ouch! Hey!
- [The other contestants gasped when that happened.]
- Chris: [gags and looks away] Oh boy!
- Chef: Can we even show this on TV?
- Julia: My hair! You gave me a mullet! [the word "mullet" echoes. Scene cuts to her and MK in the confessional, where Julia was crying about her horrible new hairdo.]
- MK: Hey! I like it! Business up front, party in the back. It’s the best of both worlds, or the worst.
- [Julia continues crying. End of confessional, Julia, in a fit of rage, grabs the raptor and gives it a powerful punch that sends it flying to a rock wall.]
- Chris: Uh oh! That horrible new haircut seems to have given Julia a power up!