List of people by name, P
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(Anonymous) to Azzopardi - Ba to Byron - C to Cyrus
Dabashi to Dzagoev - Eagleburger to Fyleman - Gabirol to Gyllenhaal
Ha'am to Hywel - Iacocca to Juyi - Ka'bi to Kyuma
Laar to Lytton - M'Cheyne to Myss - Nabokov to Özal
Paasikivi to Pythagoras - Qaradawi to Ryōkan - Saadi to Szymborska
T to Vygotsky - Waagen to Zwicky - Collaborations
Dabashi to Dzagoev - Eagleburger to Fyleman - Gabirol to Gyllenhaal
Ha'am to Hywel - Iacocca to Juyi - Ka'bi to Kyuma
Laar to Lytton - M'Cheyne to Myss - Nabokov to Özal
Paasikivi to Pythagoras - Qaradawi to Ryōkan - Saadi to Szymborska
T to Vygotsky - Waagen to Zwicky - Collaborations
edit- Paar, Jack
- Paasikivi, Juho Kusti
- Pace, Peter
- Pacino, Al
- Pacioli, Luca
- Packer, Kerry
- Packer, ZZ
- Pacquiao, Manny
- Padgett, Lewis
- Pearson, John (author)
- Page, Ellen
- Page, Kirby
- Page, Larry
- Pagels, Heinz
- Paglia, Camille
- Pahlavi, Farah
- Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza
- Pahlavi, Reza
- Paige, Elaine
- Paige, Satchel
- Paine, Thomas
- Painter, Nell Irvin
- Pais, Abraham
- Paisley, Brad
- Paisley, Ian
- Pak, Bo Hi
- Palacio, R.J.
- Palahniuk, Chuck
- Palau, Francisco
- Paley, Grace
- Paley, Nina
- Paley, William
- Palgrave, Francis Turner
- Palin, Michael
- Palin, Sarah
- Pallasmaa, Juhani
- Pallenberg, Anita
- Palme, Olof
- Palmer, Amanda
- Palmer, Parker
- Palmer, Samuel
- Paltrow, Gwyneth
- Palumbo, Daryl
- Pamuk, Orhan
- Panagoulis, Alexandros
- Panchen, Alec
- Pancke, Günther
- Pandikattu, Kuruvilla
- Panio, RoseMarie
- Pannenberg, Wolfhart
- Panshin, Alexei
- Pantycelyn, William Williams
- Panzram, Carl
- Patil, Pratibha
- Paton, Alan
- Patten, Chris
- Patwardhan, Anand
- Paulsen, Pat
- Pausini, Laura
- Pawlikowski, Łukasz
- Payot, Jules
edit- Paolini, Christopher
- Papadopoulos, Georgios
- Papen, Franz von
- Papert, Seymour
- Pappas, Ted
- Paquin, Anna
- Paracelsus
- Paramaditha, Intan
- Parcells, Duane Charles "Bill"
- Pardlo, Gregory
- Parent, Bernie
- Parenti, Michael
- Pareto, Vilfredo
- Parizeau, Jacques
- Park, Chung-hee
- Park, Linda Sue
- Park, Randall
- Parker, Charlie
- Parker, Cornelia
- Parker, Dorothy
- Parker, Edward Hazen
- Parker, Gilbert
- Parker, Isaac
- Parker, Kathleen
- Parker, Martyn (or "Martin")
- Parker, Morgan (writer)
- Parker, Sarah Jessica
- Parker, Sean
- Parker, Theodore
- Parkinson, C. Northcote
- Parkinson, (Sir) Michael
- Parkman, Francis
- Parks, Gordon
- Parks, Rosa
- Parks, Suzan-Lori
- Parks, Tim
- Parmenides
- Parnell, Charles Stewart
- Parnell, Thomas
- Parris, Matthew
- Parrish, Carolyn
- Parrish, Maxfield
- Parry, Bruce
- Parsons, Alan
- Parsons, Bob
- Parsons, Lucy
- Parsons, Talcott
- Parsons, Thomas William
- Pärt, Arvo
- Parton, Dolly
- Partridge, Andy
- Pascal, Blaise
- Pask, Gordon
- Passeroni, Giancarlo
- Passmore, John
- Pasternak, Boris
- Pasteur, Louis
- Pastor, John
- Pastorius, Jaco
edit- Patañjali
- Pataudi, Mansoor Ali Khan
- Patchen, Kenneth
- Pate, John
- Patel, A.D.
- Patel, Raj
- Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai
- Pater, Walter
- Paterson, Andrew
- Paterson, Isabel
- Paterson, Katherine
- Paterson, Samuel
- Paterson, Tim
- Patinkin, Mandy
- Patmore, Coventry
- Patrick, Anne Estelle
- Patrick, Dan
- Patrick, Danica
- Patrick, Deval
- Patrick, Robert (playwright)
- Patrick, Saint
- Patrick, Tera
- Patrol, Snow
- Patterson, William A.
- Patton, George S.
- Patton, Mike
- Paul of Tarsus
- Paul VI (Pope)
- Paul, Arin
- Paul, Celia
- Paul, Jean
- Paul, Rand
- Paul, Ron E.
- Paulson, Henry "Hank" Merritt, Jr.
- Paul, Vincent de
- Paul, Wolfgang
- Paulescu, Nicolae
- Pauli, Wolfgang
- Pauling, Linus
- Paulus, Friedrich
- Pausanias
- Pausch, Randy
- Pavarotti, Luciano
- Pavés, Ken
- Pavese, Cesare
- Pavlou, Stel
- Pavlov, Ivan
- Pavlovsky, Gleb
- Pavlyuk, Ihor
- Payne Smith, Robert
- Pavolini, Alessandro
- Pawson, Tony
- Payne, John Howard
- Payne, Pierre Stephen Robert
- Payne, Rob
- Payson, Edward
- Paz, Octavio
edit- Peacock, Thomas Love
- Peake, Mervyn
- Peale, Norman Vincent
- Peano, Giuseppe
- Pearce, Jonathan
- Pearl Poet
- Pearl, Judea
- Pearse, Patrick
- Pearson, Allison
- Pearson, Kevin W.
- Pearson, Lester B.
- Peart, Neil
- Pechstein, Max
- Peck, Ralph Brazelton
- Peck, Gregory
- Peckham, John
- Pedersen, Charles J.
- Peek, Kim
- Peel, Robert
- Peele, George
- Peers, Michael
- Pegahmagabow, Francis
- Péguy, Charles
- Peikoff, Leonard
- Peiper, Joachim
- Peirce, Benjamin
- Peirce, Charles Sanders
- Pekurinen, Arndt
- Pelé
- Pelevin, Victor
- Pelley, Scott
- Pelosi, Nancy
- Pemberton, Henry
- Pen, Jean-Marie Le
- Peña, Christopher Oscar
- Peña, Yamilet
- Pendragon, Arthur Uther
- Penman, Sharon Kay
- Penn, Kal
- Penn, Mark
- Penn, Sean
- Penn, William
- Pennac, Daniel
- Penny, Laura
- Penrose, Roger
- Penzance, James Wilde, 1st Baron
- Penzias, Arno Allan
- Pepoli, Alessandro
- Pepys, Samuel
edit- Perahia, Murray
- Peralta, Jose
- Peralta, Luís María
- Peralta, Rafael
- Percival, Harold W.
- Percival, James Gates
- Percy, Thomas
- Percy, Walker
- Perdomo, Willie
- Perea, Francisco
- Perelman, S. J.
- Perens, Bruce
- Peres, Asher
- Peres, Shimon
- Peretz, Amir
- Peretz, Isaac Leib
- Perger, Andreas Paolo
- Pericles
- Perino, Dana
- Perkins, Frances
- Perl, Martin Lewis
- Perle, George
- Perle, Richard
- Perlis, Alan
- Perot, Ross
- Perowne, Barry
- Perrault, Charles
- Perrin, Jean Baptiste
- Perrone, Nico
- Perry, Fred
- Perry, Katy
- Perry, Matthew
- Perry, Nora
- Perry, Oliver Hazard
- Perry, Ralph Barton
- Perry, Rick
- Perry, Troy
- Perry, Tyler
- Persius
- Persson, Göran
- Perutz, Max
- Perwani, Deepak
- Pesce, Mark
- Pessoa, Fernando
- Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich
- Pestel, Eduard
- Pete, Megan (rapper), goes by the name Megan Thee Stallion
- Peter I of Russia
- Peter of Blois
- Peter, Saint
- Peter, Dr. Laurence J.
- Peters, Nancy
- Peters, Ralph
- Peters, Tom
- Peters, Winston
- Petöcz, András
- Petraeus, David
- Petrarch
- Petronius
- Petrosian, Tigran
- Pettigrew, Damian
- Petty, Tom
- Peuhu, Jaani
- Pevsner, Nikolaus
- Peyre, Henri
edit- Pfaff, William
- Pfeiffer, Michelle
- Pfleiderer, Otto
- Phaedrus
- Phair, Liz
- Phalke, Dadasaheb
- Phelps, Fred
- Phelps, Michael
- Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- Philip II of Spain
- Philippe of Belgium
- Philips, Ambrose
- Philips, Emo
- Philips, John
- Phillips, Caryl
- Phillips, Howard
- Phillips, Jess
- Phillips, Lou Diamond
- Phillips, Melanie
- Phillips, Sian
- Phillips, Trevor
- Phillips, Utah
- Phillips, Wendell
- Phillipson, Bridget
- Philo
- Phipps, Simon
- Phoenix, Joaquin
- Phoenix, River
- Piailug, Mau
- Piaget, Jean
- Piatt, Sarah Morgan Bryan
- Picardo, Fabian
- Picasso, Pablo
- Piccard, Jeannette
- Piccolomini, Alessandro
- Pichet, Éric
- Pick, Hella
- Pickering, Chip
- Pickford, Mary
- Pico, Pío
- Picoult, Jodi
- Pielke, Roger A.
- Pieper, Josef
- Pierce, Franklin
- Pierce, William Luther
- Pierce, Tamora
- Piercy, Marge
- Piero, Alessandro Del
- Piéron, Henri
- Pierpont, James (musician)
- Pierpont, John
- Pierre, Georges St.
- Pierrepoint, Albert
- Pietri, Pedro
- Pietrman, Dmitry
- Pietro, Antonio Di
- Pigliucci, Massimo
- Pigou, Arthur Cecil
- Pike, Albert
- Pike, Bob
- Pike, Rob
- Piketty, Thomas
- Pilate, Pontius
- Pilates, Joseph
- Pilecki, Witold
- Pilger, John
- Pilgrim, Mark
- Pilgrim, Peace
- Pilkey, Orrin H.
- Pilkington, Karl
- Pilla, Anthony
- Pillai, Subbayya Sivasankaranarayana
- Piłsudski, Józef
- Pimp C
- Pindar
- Pineda, Jon
- Piñero, Miguel
- Ping, Jean
- Pink (singer)
- Pinkard, Terry
- Pinker, Steven
- Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
- Pinkney, Edward Coote
- Pinochet, Augusto
- Pinsky, Robert
- Pinter, Harold
- Piper, Billie
- Piper, H. Beam
- Piper, John (artist)
- Piper, John (theologian)
- Pipes, Daniel
- Pirandello, Luigi
- Pirlo, Andrea
- Pirsig, Robert M.
- Pisani, Joseph
- Pisani, Vittore
- Pissarro, Camille
- Pitbull (rapper)
- Pitt, Brad
- Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham
- Pitt, William, the Younger
- Pitt, William
- Pittacus of Mytilene
- Pittman, Frank
- Pittman, Sean
- Pius XII, Pope
- Pius X, Pope
- Pivovarova, Sasha
edit- Plait, Phil
- Plame, Valerie
- Planck, Max
- Plante, Jacques
- Plantinga, Alvin
- Plat, Hugh
- Plath, Sylvia
- Plato
- Platt, John R.
- Plautus
- Player, Gary
- Playfair, William
- Plekhanov, Georgi
- Plimer, Ian
- Plimpton, George
- Plimpton, Martha
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Younger
- Plomer, William
- Plotinus
- Plott, Charles
- Plutarch
edit- Po-hsiung, Wu
- Podolski, Lukas
- Podolsky, Boris
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Poehler, Amy
- Pogrebin, Letty Cottin
- Pogue, David
- Pohl, Frederik
- Pohl, Oswald
- Poincaré, Henri
- Poincaré, Raymond
- Poinsot, Louis
- Poirier, Agnès
- Poisson, Siméon Denis
- Poitier, Sidney
- Pokhrel, Suman
- Poklonskaya, Natalia
- Pol Pot
- Polak, Fred
- Polański, Roman
- Polanyi, John
- Polanyi, Karl
- Polanyi, Michael
- Polinière, Pierre
- Polis, Jared
- Politkovskaya, Anna
- Polk, James K.
- Polkinghorne, John
- Pollan, Michael
- Pollard, John Garland
- Pollard, Stephen
- Pollock, Frederick, 1st Baronet
- Pollock, Jackson
- Pollock, Karen
- Pollok, Robert
- Polo, Marco
- Polonsky, Abraham
- Pólya, George
- Polybius
- Pomfret, John
- Pompadour, Madame de
- Pompey the Great
- Ponsonby, Arthur
- Ponticus, Evagrius
- Pontius, Chris
- Poole, John
- Poole, William
- Pop, Iggy
- Pope, Alexander
- Pople, John
- Popova, Lyubov
- Popper, Frank
- Popper, Karl
- Porchia, Antonio
- P-Orridge, Genesis
- Porson, Richard
- Porter, Cole
- Porter, David Dixon
- Porter, Eleanor H.
- Porter, George
- Porter, Katherine Anne
- Porter, Noah
- Porter, Peter
- Porter, Roy
- Porteus, Beilby
- Portillo, Michael
- Portillo-Trambley, Estela
- Portman, Natalie
- Posner, Richard
- Postel, Jon
- Postman, Neil
- Poświatowska, Halina
- Potok, Chaim
- Potter, Beatrix
- Potter, Dennis
- Potter, Henry Codman
- Potter, Stephen
- Potts, Robert
- Pound, Ezra
- Poundstone, Paula
- Poundstone, William
- Pour-Mohammadi, Mostafa
- Pournelle, Jerry
- Powe, B. W.
- Powell, Anthony
- Powell, Bud
- Powell, Colin
- Powell, Enoch
- Powell, Frederick York
- Powell, George Henry
- Powell, John
- Powell, Lewis F., Jr.
- Powell, Michael
- Powell, William (author)
- Power, Cat
- Power, Samantha
- Powers, Harold
- Powers, Richard
- Powers, Tim
- Powys, John Cowper
- Pozdniakov, Stanislav
edit- Prabhat, Ravindra
- Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
- Pradhan, Tapan Kumar
- Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
- Prager, Dennis Mark
- Pran, Dith
- Prasad, Rajendra
- Pratchett, Terry
- Prato, Maurizio
- Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden
- Pratt, John
- Pratt, Orson
- Prazina, Jusuf
- Prebble, John
- Precht, Richard David
- Prefontaine, Steve
- Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson
- Prescott, John
- Prescott, William H.
- Prescott, William
- Presley, Elvis
- Presley, Priscilla
- Press, Karen
- Pressel, Wilhelm von
- Pressfield, Steven
- Pressly, Jaime
- Preston, Margaret Junkin
- Préval, René
- Prévert, Jacques
- Prévost, Antoine François
- Price, Hiram
- Price, Richard H.
- Price, Robert M.
- Prida, Dolores
- Priest, Cherie
- Priestley, J. B.
- Priestley, Joseph
- Prigogine, Ilya
- Primarolo, Dawn
- Prime, Samuel I.
- Primo de Rivera, José Antonio
- Prince (musician)
- Princip, Gavrilo
- Prior, Matthew
- Pritchett, Henry Smith
- Pritchett, V. S
- Procter, Adelaide Anne
- Procter, Bryan
- Proctor, Richard Anthony
- Proenneke, Richard
- Profumo, Valerie
- Prokofiev, Sergei
- Prompan, Jatuporn
- Proper, Erik
- Prose, Francine
- Protagoras
- Proudfit, David Law
- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph ("P. J.")
- Proust, Marcel
- Province, Charles
- Prudentius
- Prus, Bolesław
- Prutkov, Kozma
- Pryor, Mark
- Pryor, Richard
- Przeworski, Adam
- Przhevalsky, Nikolay
- Psy
- Ptahhotep
- Ptolemy
- Puccini, Giacomo
- Pudney, John
- Puente, Tito
- Pugh, Lewis
- Pujols, Albert
- Pulevski, Georgi
- Pulitzer, Joseph
- Puller, Chesty
- Pulliainen, Erkki
- Pullman, Philip
- Pulteney, William, 1st Earl of Bath
- Punch, Sean
- Punja, Hari
- Punshon, William Morley
- Purcell, Edward Mills
- Purcell, Steve
- Purkayastha, Ian
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie
- Pushkin, Aleksandr (Alexander Pushkin)
- Puskás, Ferenc
- Putin, Vladimir
- Putnam, Hilary
- Puttnam, David
- Pyatakov, Georgy
- Pyle, Howard
- Pynchon, Thomas
- Pyne, Christopher
- Pythagoras