Wikiquote:Bartlett's 1919 Index

The following is a list of 658 persons (and books) with entries in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (1919), a work in the public domain. All of the quotes from this compilation have now been incorporated into the Wikiquote pages for their authors.

Although citation to Bartlett's is sufficient to include these quotes on the pages of the authors, it would be preferable for the quotes to be fully cited to the original work, leaving no need to cite Bartlett's at all. Note that the 1919 Bartlett's information is not independently fully sourced, as the quotes tends to lack page numbers and dates. Furthermore, some quotes have been found to be misattributed or contain errors, so they should be taken with at least a grain of salt.

Please note that the fact that a name is listed here does not mean that the entry on that person is complete by Wikiquote standards; it only means that whatever quotes the 1919 Bartlett's contained from that person are now contained in Wikiquote.


  1. A. E. Housman
  2. A. M. Toplady
  3. Aaron Hill (writer)
  4. Abraham Cowley
  5. Abraham Lincoln
  6. Adam Lindsay Gordon
  7. Adelaide Anne Procter
  8. Aeschylus
  9. Agnes M. F. R. Darmesteter (Agnes Mary Frances Duclaux)
  10. Alain-René Lesage (Alain René Le Sage)
  11. Albert Gorton Greene
  12. Alexander Pope
  13. Alexander Smith
  14. Alfonso X (the Wise)
  15. Alfred Austin
  16. Alfred Bunn
  17. Alfred Cochrane
  18. Alfred de Musset
  19. Alfred Domett
  20. Alfred Noyes
  21. Alfred Tennyson
  22. Algernon Charles Swinburne
  23. Algernon Sidney
  24. Ali Ben Abi Taleb
  25. Alice Cary
  26. Allan Cunningham
  27. Andoche Junot
  28. Andrew Cherry
  29. Andrew Fletcher
  30. Andrew Jackson
  31. Andrew Lang
  32. Andrew Marvell
  33. Ann Radcliffe
  34. Anna Laetitia Barbauld
  35. Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of Rosebery
  36. Artemus Ward
  37. Arthur Hugh Clough
  38. Arthur James, Earl of Balfour
  39. Arthur Murphy
  40. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
  41. Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
  42. Athenaeus
  43. August von Kotzebue
  44. Sir Austen Henry Layard
  45. Austin Dobson
  46. Bartholomew Dowling
  47. Barton Booth
  48. Barry Cornwall (Bryan W. Procter)
  49. Bayard Taylor
  50. Beilby Porteus
  51. Ben Jonson
  52. Benjamin Constant
  53. Benjamin Disraeli
  54. Benjamin Franklin
  55. Benjamin Franklin King, Jr.
  56. Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac
  57. Bidpai
  58. Blaise Pascal
  59. Bliss Carman
  60. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton
  61. Cecil Frances Alexander
  62. Celia Thaxter
  63. Charles Churchill
  64. Charles Dibdin
  65. Charles Dickens
  66. Charles Fenno Hoffman
  67. Charles Fletcher Dole
  68. Charles Follen Adams
  69. Charles Francis Adams
  70. Charles Godfrey Leland
  71. Charles Hamilton Aïdé
  72. Charles Henry Webb
  73. Charles Jefferys
  74. Charles Joseph, prince de Ligne
  75. Charles Kingsley
  76. Charles Lamb
  77. Charles Mackay
  78. Charles Macklin
  79. Charles Miner
  80. Charles Morris ±
  81. Charles Neaves
  82. Charles Robert Darwin
  83. Charles Sprague
  84. Charles Stuart Calverley
  85. Charles Wolfe
  86. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  87. Christina Georgina Rossetti
  88. Christopher Marlowe
  89. Cicero
  90. Clement Clarke Moore
  91. Colley Cibber
  92. Coventry Kearsey Deighton Patmore
  93. Cyril Tourneur
  94. Daniel Clement Colesworthy
  95. Daniel Defoe
  96. Daniel Webster
  97. Dante Alighieri
  98. Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  99. David Everett
  100. David Garrick
  101. David Law Proudfit (Peleg Arkwright)
  102. Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
  103. Diogenes Laërtius
  104. Dionysius the Elder
  105. Donald Grant Mitchell
  106. Douglas William Jerrold
  107. Duke of Buckinghamshire Sheffield (John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby)
  108. Edgar Allan Poe
  109. Edmund Burke
  110. Edmund Clarence Stedman
  111. Sir Edmund Gosse
  112. Edmund Hamilton Sears
  113. Edmund Spenser
  114. Edmund Waller
  115. Edward Young
  116. Edwin Arlington Robinson
  117. Sir Edward Coke
  118. Sir Edward Dyer
  119. Edmond Rostand
  120. Edward Coate Pinckney (Edward Coote Pinkney)
  121. Edward Everett
  122. Edward FitzGerald
  123. Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton
  124. Edward Gibbon
  125. Edward Hazen Parker, M.D.
  126. Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon
  127. Edward Lear
  128. Edward, Lord Thurlow
  129. Edward Moore
  130. Edward Robert, Earl of Lytton (Owen Meredith) Bulwer-Lytton
  131. Sir Edwin Arnold
  132. Edwin Markham
  133. Edwin Ransford
  134. Eliza Cook
  135. Elizabeth Akers Allen (Elizabeth Chase Allen)
  136. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  137. Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  138. Ellen Clementine Howarth
  139. Ellen Sturgis Hooper
  140. Emily Brontë
  141. Epes Sargent
  142. Epictetus
  143. Erasmus Darwin
  144. Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  145. Ethel Lynn Beers
  146. Eugene Field
  147. Eugene Lee Hamilton (Eugene Lee-Hamilton)
  148. Euripides
  149. Fanny Greville (Frances Greville)
  150. Felicia Dorothea Hemans
  151. Fitz-Greene Halleck
  152. Frances Anne Kemble
  153. Frances Janes Van Alstyne Crosby
  154. Francis Bacon
  155. Francis Beaumont
  156. Francis Bret Harte
  157. Sir Francis Cowley Burnand
  158. Francis Miles Finch
  159. Francis Quarles
  160. Francis Scott Key
  161. Francis Thompson
  162. Francis Turner Palgrave
  163. Francis William Bourdillon
  164. François, duc de La Rochefoucauld
  165. François Marie Arouet de Voltaire
  166. François Rabelais
  167. François Villon
  168. Frederick Locker-Lampson
  169. Frederick William Faber
  170. Frederick William Henry Myers
  171. Frederick William Thomas
  172. Friedrich, Freiherr von Logau (Friedrich von Logau)
  173. Friedrich von Schiller
  174. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  175. Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke
  176. Geoffrey Chaucer
  177. George Arnold
  178. George Barlow
  179. George Barrington
  180. George Berkeley
  181. George Bernard Shaw
  182. George Canning
  183. George Chapman
  184. George Crabbe
  185. George, the Younger Colman
  186. George Eliot
  187. George Farquhar
  188. George Gordon Noel Byron
  189. George Henry Boker
  190. George Herbert
  191. George John Whyte-Melville
  192. George Linley
  193. George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier
  194. George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton
  195. George Macbeth Moir
  196. George Macdonald
  197. George Meredith
  198. George Moore (George Moore (novelist))
  199. George Parsons Lathrop
  200. George Peele
  201. George Pope Morris
  202. George Robert Sims
  203. George Walter Thornbury
  204. George Washington
  205. George William Curtis
  206. George William Russell
  207. George Wither
  208. Gerald Griffin
  209. Gerald Massey
  210. Gesta Romanorum
  211. Grover Cleveland
  212. Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas
  213. Gustave Nadaud
  214. Hannah More
  215. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  216. Harriet Prescott Spofford
  217. Harriet Winslow Sewall
  218. Hartley Coleridge
  219. Helen Hunt Jackson
  220. Helen Selina, Lady Dufferin Sheridan (Helen Blackwood, Baroness Dufferin and Claneboye)
  221. Henrik Ibsen
  222. Henry Carey
  223. Henry Clay
  224. Henry Codman Potter
  225. Henry Cuyler Bunner
  226. Henry David Thoreau
  227. Henry Howarth Bashford
  228. Henry Fielding
  229. Henry Fothergill Chorley
  230. Henri Frédéric Amiel
  231. Henry Hart Milman
  232. Henry Howard Brownell
  233. Sir Henry John Newbolt
  234. Henry Lee (Henry Lee III)
  235. Henry Mills Alden
  236. Henry Peter, Lord Brougham (Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux)
  237. Sir Henry Taylor
  238. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  239. Henry van Dyke
  240. Henry Vaughan
  241. Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke St. John (Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke)
  242. Sir Henry Wotton
  243. Herbert Spencer
  244. Hesiod
  245. Hester Lynch Thrale
  246. Hippocrates
  247. Horace
  248. Horace Greeley
  249. Horace Smith
  250. Horace Walpole
  251. Horatio, Viscount Nelson
  252. Mrs. Humphry Ward (Augusta Arnold Ward; Mary Augusta Ward)
  253. Ingram Crockett
  254. Isaac Bickerstaff
  255. Isaac de Benserade
  256. Isaac H. Bromley
  257. Isaac McLennan (Isaac McLellan)
  258. Sir Isaac Newton
  259. Isaac Watts
  260. Israel Zangwill
  261. Izaak Walton
  262. J. Augustus Wade (J. Augustine Wade)
  263. J. G. von Salis (Johann Gaudenz von Salis-Seewis)
  264. J. Howard Payne (John Howard Payne)
  265. J. M. Usteri (Johann Martin Usteri)
  266. J. P. Kemble (John Philip Kemble)
  267. James Aldrich
  268. James Beattie
  269. James Bramston
  270. James Fordyce
  271. James Gates Percival
  272. James Graham, Marquess of Montrose
  273. James Henry Hammond
  274. James Hurdis
  275. James Jeffrey Roche
  276. Sir James Mackintosh
  277. James Matthews Legaré
  278. James Maurice Thompson
  279. James Merrick
  280. James Montgomery
  281. James Proctor Knott
  282. James Russell Lowell
  283. James Ryder Randall
  284. James Shirley
  285. James Smith
  286. James Thomas Fields
  287. James Thomson (poet)
  288. James Townley
  289. James Whitcomb Riley
  290. Jane Brereton
  291. Jane Elliott
  292. Jane Taylor
  293. Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière
  294. Jean Ingelow
  295. Jean de La Fontaine
  296. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  297. Joaquin Miller (Cincinnatus Hiner)
  298. Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Remus)
  299. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  300. John Adams
  301. John Addington Symonds
  302. John Banister Tabb (John Bannister Tabb)
  303. John Boyle O'Reilly
  304. John Bright
  305. John Brown
  306. John Bunyan
  307. John Byrom
  308. John Caldwell Calhoun
  309. John Davidson (poet)
  310. Sir John Davies (poet)
  311. Sir John Denham
  312. John Dennis
  313. John Dickinson
  314. John Donne
  315. John Dryden
  316. John Dyer
  317. John Edwin
  318. John Ferriar
  319. John Fletcher
  320. Sir John Fortescue
  321. John Gardiner Calkins Brainard
  322. John Gay
  323. John Godfrey Saxe
  324. John Greenleaf Whittier
  325. Sir John Harrington
  326. John Henry Boner
  327. John Henry Newman
  328. John Heywood
  329. John Home
  330. John Hookham Frere
  331. John James Ingalls
  332. John James Robert, Duke of Rutland Manners (John Manners, 7th Duke of Rutland)
  333. John Keats
  334. John Keble
  335. John Kendrick Bangs
  336. John Langhorne (John Langhorne (poet))
  337. John Logan (John Logan (minister))
  338. John Lyly
  339. John Milton
  340. John Milton Hay (John Hay)
  341. John Morley
  342. John Norris
  343. John Pierpont
  344. John Pomfret
  345. Sir John Powell
  346. John Quincy Adams
  347. John Ruskin
  348. John Selden
  349. John Sirmond (Jean Sirmond)
  350. John Skelton
  351. Sir John Suckling
  352. John Sullivan Dwight
  353. John Tillotson
  354. John Tobin
  355. John Townsend Trowbridge
  356. John Trumbull
  357. John Webster
  358. John Wesley
  359. John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
  360. John Wolcot
  361. Jonathan M. Sewall
  362. Jonathan Swift
  363. Joseph Addison
  364. Joseph Chamberlain
  365. Joseph Edwards Carpenter
  366. Joseph Fouché
  367. Joseph Hall
  368. Joseph Henry Shorthouse
  369. Joseph Henshaw
  370. Joseph Hopkinson
  371. Joseph Rodman Drake
  372. Joseph Rouget de L’Isle
  373. Josiah Gilbert Holland
  374. Josiah Quincy
  375. Josiah Quincy
  376. Julia A. Fletcher Carney (Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney)
  377. Julia Caroline Dorr
  378. Julia Ward Howe
  379. Juvenal
  380. Katharine Tynan Hinkson
  381. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
  382. Lady Nairne
  383. Laman Blanchard (Samuel Laman Blanchard)
  384. Laurence Sterne
  385. Leo, Count Tolstoy
  386. Leonard Heath (Lyman Heath)
  387. Lewis Carroll
  388. Sir Lewis Morris
  389. Lewis Theobald
  390. Leigh Hunt
  391. Lord Denman (Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman)
  392. Lord Stowell (William Scott, 1st Baron Stowell)
  393. Louise Chandler Moulton
  394. Lucretius
  395. Lucy Larcom
  396. Ludwig Uhland
  397. Lydia Maria Child
  398. Madame Roland
  399. Madison Julius Cawein
  400. Marcus Aurelius
  401. Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
  402. Margaret Witter Fuller
  403. Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise Du Deffand
  404. Mark Akenside
  405. Mark Lemon
  406. Mark Twain
  407. Martial
  408. Martin Farquhar Tupper
  409. Martin Luther
  410. Martyn Parker (Martin Parker)
  411. Mary Abigail Dodge
  412. Mary E. Coleridge (Mary Elizabeth Coleridge)
  413. Mary Frances Butts
  414. Mary Gardiner Brainard
  415. Mary Howitt
  416. Mary Mapes Dodge
  417. Mathew Roydon
  418. Matthew Arnold
  419. Matthew Green
  420. Mathew Henry
  421. Matthew Prior
  422. Matthias Barr
  423. Maurice Maeterlinck
  424. McDonald Clarke
  425. Michael Drayton
  426. Michel Eyquem, seigneur de Montaigne
  427. Michael J. Barry (Michael Joseph Barry)
  428. Michel Jean Sedaine (Michel-Jean Sedaine)
  429. Michelangelo Buonarroti
  430. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  431. Mimnermus
  432. Mortimer Collins
  433. Nathaniel Cotton
  434. Nathaniel Lee
  435. Nathaniel Parker Willis
  436. Nicholas Rowe
  437. Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux
  438. Nixon Waterman
  439. Nora Perry
  440. Norman Macleod
  441. Oliver Goldsmith
  442. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
  443. Omar Khayyam
  444. Oscar Wilde
  445. Ovid
  446. Owen Seaman
  447. Park Benjamin
  448. Patrick Henry
  449. Paul Hamilton Hayne
  450. Paul Moon James
  451. Percy Bysshe Shelley
  452. Phaedrus
  453. Philip Doddridge
  454. Philip Freneau
  455. Philip James Bailey
  456. Philip Massinger
  457. Plutarch
  458. Sir Philip Sidney
  459. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
  460. Phillips Brooks
  461. Phoebe Cary
  462. Plautus
  463. Pliny the Elder
  464. Pliny the Younger
  465. Publius Syrus
  466. Quintilian
  467. Ralph Venning
  468. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  469. Reginald Heber
  470. Richard Barnfield
  471. Richard Bentley
  472. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  473. Richard Crashaw
  474. Richard Edwards (Richard Edwardes)
  475. Richard Garnett
  476. Richard Gifford
  477. Richard Henry Horne
  478. Richard Henry Stoddard
  479. Sir Richard Holland
  480. Richard Hooker
  481. Richard Hovey
  482. Richard Le Gallienne
  483. Richard Lovelace
  484. Richard Maurice Bucke
  485. Richard Monckton Milnes Houghton
  486. Richard Realf
  487. Richard Ryan
  488. Richard Savage
  489. Sir Richard Steele
  490. Richard Watson Gilder
  491. Robert Barnabas Brough
  492. Robert Blair
  493. Robert Browning
  494. Robert Burns
  495. Robert Burton
  496. Robert Charles Winthrop
  497. Robert Gilfillan
  498. Robert Green Ingersoll
  499. Robert Hall
  500. Robert Herrick
  501. Robert Louis Stevenson
  502. Robert Montgomery
  503. Robert Pollok
  504. Robert Seymour Bridges
  505. Robert Southey
  506. Sir Robert Walpole
  507. Robert William Buchanan
  508. Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel
  509. Rose Hartwick Thorpe
  510. Rudyard Kipling
  511. Rufus Choate
  512. Rutherford Birchard Hayes
  513. Saint Augustine
  514. Salmon Portland Chase
  515. Sam Walter Foss
  516. Samuel Butler
  517. Samuel Daniel
  518. Samuel Foote
  519. Samuel Francis Smith
  520. Sir Samuel Garth
  521. Samuel Johnson
  522. Samuel Lover
  523. Samuel Madden
  524. Samuel Rogers
  525. Samuel Smiles
  526. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  527. Samuel Woodworth
  528. Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
  529. Sarah Doudney
  530. Sarah Flower Adams
  531. Sarah Helen Whitman
  532. Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
  533. Seba Smith
  534. Seneca the Younger
  535. Sidney Lanier
  536. Silas Weir Mitchell
  537. Sophocles
  538. Stephen Collins Foster
  539. Sydney Smith
  540. Tacitus
  541. Terence
  542. Tertullian
  543. Theodore Chickering Williams
  544. Theodore Parker
  545. Theodore Roosevelt
  546. Theodore Tilton
  547. Theognis
  548. Theophile Marzials
  549. Thomas à Kempis
  550. Thomas Babington
  551. Thomas Bailey Aldrich
  552. Sir Thomas Browne
  553. Sir William Schwenck Gilbert
  554. Thomas Buchanan Read
  555. Thomas Campbell
  556. Thomas Carew
  557. Thomas Carlyle
  558. Thomas Chandler Haliburton
  559. Thomas Dunn English
  560. Thomas Dekker
  561. Thomas Drummond
  562. Thomas Edward Brown
  563. Thomas Fuller
  564. Thomas Gray
  565. Thomas Haynes Bayly
  566. Thomas Hardy
  567. Thomas Henry Huxley
  568. Thomas Heywood
  569. Thomas Hobbes
  570. Thomas Holley Chivers
  571. Thomas Hood
  572. Thomas Jefferson
  573. Thomas Ken
  574. Thomas Kibble Hervey
  575. Thomas Middleton
  576. Thomas Moore
  577. Thomas Morton (Thomas Morton (playwright))
  578. Thomas Moss (Thomas Moss (minister)
  579. Thomas Noel (Thomas Noel (poet))
  580. Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd
  581. Thomas Osborne Davis
  582. Thomas Otway
  583. Sir Thomas Overbury
  584. Thomas Paine
  585. Thomas Parnell
  586. Thomas Percy
  587. Thomas Southerne
  588. Thomas Sternhold
  589. Thomas Tickell
  590. Thomas Tusser
  591. Thomas Warton
  592. Thomas William Parsons
  593. Tobias George Smollett
  594. Tom Brown (satirist)
  595. Ulysses Simpson Grant
  596. Colonel Blacker (Valentine Blacker)
  597. Vauvenargues (Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues)
  598. Von Münch Bellinghausen
  599. W. J. Mickle (William Julius Mickle)
  600. Walt Whitman
  601. Sir Walter Raleigh
  602. Walter Savage Landor
  603. Sir Walter Scott
  604. Washington Irving
  605. Wendell Phillips
  606. Wentworth Dillon, Earl of Roscommon
  607. Will Carleton
  608. William Allen Butler
  609. William Allingham
  610. William Augustus Muhlenberg
  611. William B. Rhodes (William Barnes Rhodes)
  612. Sir William Blackstone
  613. William Browne
  614. William Butler Yeats
  615. William Collins
  616. William Congreve
  617. William Cowper
  618. William Cullen Bryant
  619. Sir William Davenant
  620. William Dean Howells
  621. William Drummond
  622. William Edward Hartpole Lecky
  623. William Ellery Channing (actually William Ellery Channing (poet))
  624. William Ernest Henley
  625. William Ewart Gladstone
  626. Sir William Francis Patrick Napier
  627. William Henry Seward
  628. William Jennings Bryan
  629. Sir William Jones (philologist)
  630. William Knox
  631. William Lloyd Garrison
  632. William Makepeace Thackeray
  633. William Mason (William Mason (poet))
  634. William Miller
  635. William Morris
  636. William Motherwell
  637. William Pitt (ship-builder, d. 1840)
  638. William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham
  639. William Pitt the Younger
  640. William Robert Spencer
  641. William Roscoe Thayer
  642. William Ross Wallace
  643. William Shakespeare
  644. William Sharp‎ (William Sharp (writer); Fiona McLeod)
  645. William Shenstone
  646. William Stoughton
  647. Sir William Temple
  648. William Vaughn Moody
  649. William Walker
  650. William Warner
  651. Sir William Watson (poet)
  652. William Wetmore Story
  653. William Winter (author)
  654. William Wordsworth
  655. Winthrop Mackworth Praed

Not included

  1. Bishop John Still Work attributed to Still by Bartlett's was later found not to be his.
  2. Bartholomew Schidoni The quote attributed to Schidoni by Bartlett's has since been properly traced to an earlier source.