Madame Roland

French revolutionary

Marie-Jeanne Roland de la Platière (March 17, 1754November 8, 1793), born Marie-Jeanne Phlipon, more famous simply as Madame Roland, was, together with her husband Jean-Marie Roland de la Platière, a supporter of the French Revolution. She was an influential member of the Girondist faction which fell out of favor during the Reign of Terror and died on the guillotine.

O Liberty, how many crimes are committed in thy name!



Quotes about Madame Roland

  • I have been reading Madame Roland's memoirs and have come to the conclusion that she was a very over-rated woman; snobbish, vain, sentimental, envious — rather a German type. Her last days before her execution were spent in chronicling petty social snubs or triumphs of many years back. She was a democrat chiefly from envy of the noblesse.
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