Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton

English feminist, social reformer, and author, editor (1808-1877)

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton (22 March, 180815 June, 1877) was an English feminist, social reformer, and author of the early and mid-nineteenth century.

Love not! love not! ye hopelesss sons of clay


  • We have been friends together
    In sunshine and in shade.
    Since first beneath the chestnut-tree
    In fancy we played
    But coldness dwells within thine heart
    A cloud is on thy brow.
    We have been friends together,—
    Shall a light word part us now?
    • We have been Friends.
  • I am listening for the voices
    Which I heard in days of old.
    • The lonely Harp.
  • Love not! love not! ye hopeless sons of clay;
    Hope’s gayest wreaths are made of earthly flowers—
    Things that are made to fade and fall away,
    Ere they have blossomed for a few short hours.
    • Love not.
  • A soldier of the Legion lay dying in Algiers;
    There was lack of woman’s nursing, there was dearth of woman’s tears.
    • Bingen on the Rhine.
  • Too innocent for coquetry, too fond for idle scorning—
    Oh friend, I fear the lightest heart makes sometimes heaviest mourning.
    • Bingen on the Rhine.
  • Every poet hopes that after-times
    Shall set some value on his votive lay.
    • To the Duchess of Sutherland (c. 1840).
  • O Twilight! Spirit that dost render birth
    To dim enchantments; melting heaven with earth,
    Leaving on craggy hills and running streams
    A softness like the atmosphere of dreams.
    • The Winter’s Walk (c. 1840).
  • For death and life, in ceaseless strife,
    Beat wild on this world’s shore,
    And all our calm is in that balm—
    Not lost but gone before.
    • Not lost but gone before (c. 1863).