Toy Story Toons
Toy Story Toons is a series of short animated films based on the Toy Story franchise. The series' plotline begins after Toy Story 3. The films are set at Bonnie's house, the new home of Andy's toys. As of 2014, three shorts have been released as part of the series: Hawaiian Vacation and Small Fry in 2011, and Partysaurus Rex in 2012. A fourth short, titled Mythic Rock, was rumoured in 2013.
Hawaiian Vacation (1)
editHawaiian Vacation is a 2011 Pixar computer-animated short. First debuted and screened in theaters with Pixar's Cars 2, it is the first short in the Toy Story Toons series. Following the events of Toy Story 3, the toys in Bonnie's room throw Barbie and Ken a Hawaiian vacation.
- Story by Erik Benson and Christian Roman. Screenplay by Erik Benson, Jason Katz, Gary Rydstrom. Directed by Gary Rydstrom.
Dialogue (1)
edit- Woody: Okay, it's 2:00. The bell at Sunnyside has rung, and Bonnie is officially on her Winter break! [toys cheer] Soon she'll be flying off to-
- Buzz: Hay-way-eye!
- Woody: It's Hawaii, Buzz.
- Mr. Pricklepants: Thank you all for coming to the audition. #1, action.
- Alien 1: Ooooh.
- Mr. Pricklepants: Dreadful. Next.
- Alien 2: [same inflection] Ooooh.
- Mr. Pricklepants: Horrifying. Next.
- Alien 3: [same inflection] Ooooh.
- Mr. Pricklepants: Brilliant!
- Woody: [to Slinky] Ready to lose at checkers, Slink?
- Slinky Dog: [to Woody] When pigs fly.
- Hamm: [to Buttercup] Actually, I had an uncle who was a pilot.
- Buttercup: Really?
- Hamm: No, not really.
- [Barbie and Ken emerged out of Bonnie's backpack in Hawaiian summer garb]
- Ken: Here's your bag, Barbie. You can put my luggage right here.
- Barbie: Ken, this is so exciting!
- Ken: Picture! Say "sunscreen."
- Barbie: Sunscreen!
- Ken: Perfect. Ka-click!
- Woody: Barbie? Ken?
- Ken: Woody? Hey! You guys are in Hawaii too! Groovy. We stowed away in Bonnie's backpack. How did you guys get here?
- Woody: Ken, this is Bonnie's bedroom.
- [Camera goes toward him like a Vertigo effect]
- Ken: [takes off his sunglasses] Uh, what?
- [Car honks]
- Bonnie: And there she goes.
- Ken: [runs to the window] No! No, no. No, no. No! Bonnie! You can't go! [sees the car driving off] Not without...the backpack.
- Mr. Potato Head: Let me get this straight. You thought Bonnie would take her school backpack on vacation?
- Hamm: Oh, boy.
- Ken: [holding the Hawaiian brochure] Hawaii! You have to take us to Hawaii!
- Captain Zip: Sorry, sir. I just zip and unzip. I don't actually fly.
- [They both use the scuba, and they both go by diving in the water by watching TV, with the channel of fish, and the bubbles created by Alien]
- Ken: Whoa, look at that.
- Barbie: Oh! Beautiful.
- Hamm: Watch this. [flips the channel to the shark, and they both scream] Shark Week.
- Buttercup: Nice.
- Woody: Ride like the wind, Bullseye!
- [Bullseye runs off with Barbie]
- Ken: Ride like the wind, Buttercup! [hops on Buttercup]
- Buttercup: Okay. Get off me.
- [The toys see Barbie and Ken in winter clothes outside the window]
- Buttercup: It's got to be...a bazillion degrees below!
- Hamm: Oh, good thing they're wearing the 1982 winter weekend collection.
- [Last lines]
- Buzz: [using the hairdryer] Best vacation ever.
- Woody: Yeah.
- [Mr. Potato Head uses the screwdriver by trying to get Barbie and Ken out by breaking the ice cube]
External links
edit- Official website
- Hawaiian Vacation quotes at the Internet Movie Database
- Hawaiian Vacation at the Big Cartoon DataBase
Small Fry (2)
editSmall Fry is a 2011 Pixar computer animated short. The second short in the Toy Story Toons series, it debuted with the theatrical release of The Muppets on 23 November 2011. The short involves Buzz getting trapped at a fast food restaurant, where there is a support group for discarded kids' meal toys from over the years, with a kids' meal toy version of Buzz taking his place.
- Written and directed by Angus MacLane.
Recycle Ben
edit- My name is Recycle Ben, and I got recycled!
edit- Kid not like PIZZABOT. PIZZABOT sad.
edit- [singing] Playtime is your frie— [gets tackled by Woody]
Dialogue (2)
edit- Mini-Buzz: [emerging from Bonnie's backpack] I'm Buzz Lightyear! I come in peace!
- Jessie: Uh, what happened to Buzz?
- Rex: He says the plastic in the ball pit made him shrink!
- Mini-Buzz: Yeah, yeah, that's right, Tex. Uh, say, uh...when's the playtime start around here?
- Woody: All right, where's the real Buzz?
- Buzz: I think there's been a mistake. You see, I was just left in the ball pit, and I-
- Queen Neptuna: Oh, we've all been left in the ball pit of life, haven't we?
- Rex: Guys, I'm telling you, this is the real Buzz!
- Woody: Rex, he's like 3 inches tall.
- Hamm: Yeah, but he's a pretty good ice dancer.
- [Last lines, as the Belt Buckle beeps from Poultry Palace at night]
- Mini Zurg: [laughing] Oh, that was a good one. Belt Buckle, you crank me up sometimes.
- [The Belt Buckle continues beeping]
External links
edit- Official website
- Small Fry quotes at the Internet Movie Database
- Small Fry at the Big Cartoon DataBase
Partysaurus Rex (3)
editPartysaurus Rex is a 2012 Pixar computer animated short film and the final short in the Toy Story Toons series. It was first debuted and screened in theaters ahead of the 3D theatrical re-release of Finding Nemo. The short involves Rex getting left in the bathroom and making friends with bath toys by facilitating a rave.
Story by Mark Walsh and John Lasseter. Written and directed by Mark Walsh.
edit- I mean why have a little... when you can have... a lot!?
- Some of you? Why not... all of you?
- Partysaurus doesn't worry about too much soap and the tub overfl--... [realizes in horror] Overflow? We'll flood the house!
Dialogue (3)
edit- [Bonnie is having a bath]
- Bonnie:
- Captain Suds: Fire torpedoes!
- Rex: No! I just want to have tea with you!
- Mrs. Anderson: [enters the bathroom] Okay, trouble. There's way too much water in here. [turns off the water, and unplugs the tub]
- Bonnie: Aww.
- Mrs. Anderson: Do you wanna flood the house?
- Bonnie: [excited] Yeah!
- Mrs. Anderson: Well, how about dinner at Grandma's instead?
- Bonnie: Grandma's!
- Mrs. Anderson: Sure.
- [They exit out of the bathroom]
- Rex: You guys missed it. I was a partysaurus.
- Mr. Potato Head: Party? You? I believe it when I see it.
External links
edit- Official website
- Partysaurus Rex quotes at the Internet Movie Database
- Partysaurus Rex at the Big Cartoon DataBase
edit- A blue cell indicates the character was not in the program.
External links
editEncyclopedic article on Toy Story Toons on Wikipedia
Films | Toy Story (1995) · Toy Story 2 (1999) · Toy Story 3 (2010) · Toy Story 4 (2019) | |
Spin‑offs | Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins (2000) · Lightyear (2022) | |
Shorts | Toy Story Toons (2011-12) | |
Television | Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000–2001) · Toy Story of Terror! (2013) · Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014) | |
Musical | Toy Story: The Musical (2008) | |
Characters | Sheriff Woody · Buzz Lightyear · Jessie |