Cars 2

2011 American animated film

Cars 2 is a 2011 American-British computer-animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures, and is the sequel to the 2006 film, Cars. In the film, race car Lightning McQueen and tow truck Mater head to Japan and Europe to compete in the World Grand Prix, but Mater becomes sidetracked with international espionage.

Directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Brad Lewis. Written by Ben Queen.
The mission begins. taglines


[Finn has infiltrated an oil platform to rescue Agent Leland Turbo and observes activity from high above]
Finn: [to himself] What are you up to now, Professor?
Professor Zündapp: [speaking to a platform worker lemon] This is valuable equipment. Make sure it is properly secured for the voyage.
Platform Worker: Got it.
Grem: Hey, Professor Z! This is one of those British spies that we told you about!
Acer: Yeah, this one we caught sticking to his bumper where it didn't belong!
Professor Z: Agent Leland Turbo. [Acer reveals Leland's crushed remains. Finn is shocked, but an oil fire puts him on a large shadow. He looks up to see who it is] It's Finn McMissile! [Finn starts shooting] He's seen the camera! KILL HIM!

Grem: [laughs, thinking he killed Finn] He's dead, Professor.
Professor Z: Wunderbar! With Finn McMissile gone, who can stop us now?
[Scene switches to Mater]
Tow Mater: Mater. Tow Mater, that's who, is here to help ya! Hey, Otis!
Otis: Heh-hey, Mater. I, uh-- Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry. I thought I could make it this time, but-- [tries to start his engine, but can't.] Smooth like puddin', huh? [sighs] Who am I kidding? I'll always be a lemon.
Mater: Well, dad-gum, you're leaking oil again. Must be yer gaskets. Hey, but look on the bright side. This is yer 10th tow this month, so that means it's on the house.
Otis: You're the only one that's nice to lemons like me, Mater.
Mater: Hey, don't sweat it. Shoot, these things happen to everybody, Otis.
Otis: But you never leak oil!
Mater: Yeah, but I ain't perfect. Don't tell nobody, but I think my rust is trying to show through.

Mater: [whistles] I'll take one of them. Thank you. Never know which one McQueen will have a hankering for. Hey, whatcha got here that's free? How about that pistachio ice cream?
Sushi Chef: No, no. Wasabi.
Mater: Oh, same old, same old. What's up with you? [looks at the bucket of wasabi again] That looks delicious! [the chef takes a knife and sets a small piece of wasabi on a tray, then puts it on the counter] Uh, a little more, please? [the chef adds more wasabi] It is free, right? [the chef adds more] Keep it coming. A little more. Come on, let's go, it's free! You're getting there. Scoop, scoop! [the chef gives in and scoops out a baseball-sized serving of wasabi] There ya go! Now, that's a scoop of ice cream!
Sushi Chef: [bowing and speaking in Japanese] My condolences.
Miles: And now our last competitor: number 95, Lightning McQueen!
Lighting: Ka-chow! Thank you so much for having us, Sir Axlerod. I really look forward to racing. This is a great opportunity.
Miles: Oh, the pleasure is all ours, Lightning. You and your team bring excellence and professionalism to this competition.
Mater: [screaming; Miles and Lightning are shocked] Someone get me water! Aah! Oh, sweet relief. Sweet relief. [Francesco laughs; speaks into the microphone] Whatever you do, do not eat... the free pistachio ice cream. It has turned. [echoes]
Lightning: Sir Axlerod, I can explain. This is Mater. He's--
Miles: No, I know him. This is a bloke called in to the television show. You're the one I have to thank.
Mater: No, thank you. This trip has been amazing.
Miles: [leaks oil and blames it on Mater by telling him off] Ah... He's a little excited, isn't he?
Lightning: Mater!
Mater: But wait, I... Oh, shoot.
Lightning: Mater. (Come here.)
Miles: Has anyone got a towel?
Lightning: Mater, you have to get a hold of yourself. You're making a scene!
Mater: But I never leak oil. Never.
Lightning: Go take care of yourself right now!
[As Mater drives off, a forklift and Axlerod notice Lightning, who grins sheepishly]
Mater: Coming through. Excuse me. Leaking oil. Where's the bathroom. Thank you. I gotta go. Oh, er...Er... [accidentally enters the ladies' room] Sorry, ladies.

Lightning: There you are. Where have you been?
Mater: What's a "rendezvous"?
Luigi: Uh, it's like a date.
Mater: A date?
Lightning: Mater, what's going on?
Mater: Well, what's goin’ on is I got me a date tomorrow!
Guido: Non ci credo. (I don't believe you.)
Luigi: Guido don't believe you.
Mater: Well, believe it. My new girlfriend just said so. [sees Holley and waves] Hey, there she is! Hey! Hey, lady! See you tomorrow!
Guido: Ancora non ci credo. (I still do not believe you.)
Luigi: Guido still don't believe you.

Grem: I got to admit, you tricked us real good.
Acer: And we don't like being tricked. [Rod chuckles] Hey! What's so funny?
Rod: Well, you know, I was just wearing a disguise. You guys are stuck looking like that. [Grem pushes a lever, turning the magnet off, and causing Rod to land on a small platform, where one of the Lemon Cars pushes a fuel tank of Allinol towards him.] Allinol? Thanks, fellas! I hear this stuff is good for you.
Zündapp: So, you think. Allinol by itself is good for you. [presses a button, which causes some cylinders attached to the platform to turn Rod's rear tires and make whirring sounds as his status bar shows his speedometer going up] But after microscopic examination, I have found that it has one small weakness. When hit with an electromagnetic pulse, it becomes extremely dangerous.
Grem: [moves a camera forward] Smile for the camera.
Rod: Is that all you want? I got a whole act.
Zündapp: You were very interested in this camera on the oil platform. Now, you will witness what it really does.
Rod: Whatever you say, Professor.
Acer: [as a Pacer comes up with a TV screen showing a picture of Rod with a Japanese pink car while in disguise] You talked up a lot of cars last night. Which one's your associate?
Rod: Your mother. Oh, no, I'm sorry, it was your sister. You know, I can't tell them apart these days.
Grem: Could I start it now, Professor Z?
Zündapp: Go 50% power. [Grem then pushes a lever beneath the camera that causes the lens to light up and make whirring sounds, going to 50% power.] This "camera" is actually an electromagnetic pulse emitter.
Acer: [showing Rod a picture of him with Shigeko] What about her? Did you give it to her?
Zündapp: The Allinol is now heating to a boil, dramatically expanding, causing the engine block to crack under the stress, forcing oil into the combustion chamber. [While Zündapp is talking, Rod's engine is heard cracking, then the oil is heard flowing.]
Acer: [showing Rod a picture of him with a Japanese red Ferrari at a sushi stand] How about him? Did you talk to him?!
Rod: [as smoke gets emitted from his tailpipes] What do I care?! I can replace an engine block!
Zündapp: You may be able to, but after full impact of the pulse, [as Grem pushes the generator's lever to 75% power] unfortunately, there will be nothing to replace.
Acer: [showing Rod a picture of him with Mater in the bathroom] How about him? Does he have it? [Rod trembles upon seeing the image, which Zündapp then notices and looks at the picture.]
Zündapp: That's him. He's the one.
Grem: Roger that, Professor Z.
Rod: [firmly] NO!
Zündapp: [through cell phone to the Lemon Mastermind] Yes, sir. We believe the infiltrator has passed along sensitive information.
Lemon Mastermind: [through phone] Right away!
Zündapp: I will take care of it before any damage can be done. [hangs up] The project is still on schedule. You will find the second agent and kill him. [Zündapp then pushes the generator's lever to 100% power, which the screen then shows the picture of Rod and Mater, zooming in as a reflection of Rod is shown, shaking as the generator's electromagnetic pulse gets more powerful, before he finally explodes.]

[The screen shows a distant view of Mount Fuji and a Japanese tower while the WGP theme begins]
Brent Mustangburger: Japan, land of the rising sun, where ancient tradition meets modern technology. Welcome to the inaugural running of the World Grand Prix. I'm Brent Mustangburger, here with racing legends Darrell Cartrip and David Hobbscap. There's never been a competition like this before. First, Allinol, making its debut tonight as the required fuel for all these great champions. Second, the course itself, and it's like nothing we've ever seen before. David, how exactly does this competition work?
David: Well, Brent, all three of these street courses are classic round-the-house racetracks. [the camera shows the labeled in Japan, Italy and England] This means that the LMP and Formula cars should break out of the gate in spectacular fashion. Look for Francesco Bernoulli in particular to lead early. And with a series of technical turns throughout GT and Touring cars like Spain's Miguel Camino should make up some ground but I doubt it'll be enough to stop Francesco from absolutely running away with it.
Darrell: Whoa, now just hold your horsepower. You're forgetting the most important factor here: that early dirt track section of the course! The dirt is supposed to be the great equalizer in this race.
Brent: French rally car Raoul ÇaRoule is counting on a big boost heading through there.
Darrell: And don't forget Lightning McQueen! His mentor, the Hudson Hornet, was one of the greatest dirt track racers of all time. In my opinion, McQueen is the best all-around racer in this competition.
David: Really, Darrell, I think you need to clean your windshield. You're clearly not seeing this for what it is: Francesco's race to lose.
[The WGP racers roll into the starting line to prepare to race.]
Brent: It's time for find out. The racers are locking into the grid.
Lightning: [closes his eyes as a pre-race ritual] Speed. I am speed...
Francesco: [laughs mockingly] Really? You are speed? Then Francesco is triple speed. [closes his eyes] Francesco is triple speed. Oh-ho! Francesco likes-a this, McQueen. It's-a really getting him into the zone! [revs his engine]
Lightning: [to himself; angrily] He is so getting beat today. [revs his engine; the lights turn from red to green, and the first race is underway]

[Francesco, Lightning, and Carla are on the podium]
Photographer: Francesco!
Darrell: Francesco, over here. Hey, what was your strategy today?
Francesco: Strategia?! Francesco needs-a no strategy, it’s very simple: You start the race, wait for Lightning McQueen to choke, pass him, then win. Francesco always-a wins, it’s-a boring.
[Lightning simply rolls his eyes]
Darrell: I gotta tell you, dude, you were in trouble for a while. That dirt track section had you crawling.
[Lightning notices Mater returning to the pits and sneaks off to go talk to him]
Francesco: To truly crush one's dream, you must first raise their hopes very high.
Lightning: [meets up with Mater in his pit garage] Mater!
Lightning: Hey, McQueen! What happened, is the race over? You won, right?
Lightning: Mater, why were you yelling things at me while I was racing?
Mater: "Yelling"? Oh, you thought-- [chuckles] Oh! That's funny right there. No, see, that's 'cause I've seen these two fellers doing some sort of karate street performance. It was nutso. One of 'em even had a flamethrower.
Lightning: [with worry and disbelief] "A flamethrower"? What are you talking about? I-I don't understand. Where were you?
Mater: Going to meet my date.
Lightning: [confused] Your date?
Mater: She started talkin' to me as a voice in my head, tellin' me where to go.
Lightning: [shocked] What?!
Mater: Wait a minute. I didn't screw ya up, did I?
Lightning: [angrily] I lost the race because of you!
Mater: [shocked] Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Lightning: An imaginary girlfriend? Flamethrowers? You know, this is exactly why I don't bring you along to these things! (You know that?!)
Mater: Maybe if I-- I don't know. Maybe talk to somebody, and explain what happened, I could help.
Lightning: I don't need your help! I don't want your help! [drives off, but is stopped by the paparazzi and Mater is upset]
Reporter 1: Hey, there he is!
Reporter 2: McQueen, you had it in the bag!
Reporter 3: Yeah, what happened?
Lightning: I made a mistake, but I can assure you, it won't happen again. [Mater drives over to the TV monitors] Look, guys, we know what the problem is, and we've taken care of it. [Mater sadly drives away]
Brent: [on TV] Lightning McQueen loses in the last lap to Francesco Bernoulli in the first race of the World Grand Prix. And three, count em', three cars flamed out, leaving some to suggest that their fuel, Allinol, might be to blame.
Miles: [interviewed] Allinol is safe! Alternative fuel is safe! There is no way my fuel caused these cars to flame out.
Darrell: Well, the jury may still be out on whether Allinol caused these accidents, but one thing's for sure: Lightning McQueen blew this race!
Brent: Team McQueen can't be happy right now.

Finn: [wearing an airport security disguise, finds Mater at the security screening processes, speaks Japanese] Come with me, please, sir.
Mater: But I'm gonna miss my plane.
Finn: Right this way.
Mater: Ah, doggone it. This is about my hook, ain't it? I know I should have checked it, but I can't, really. [they go into the waiting room] Look. It's attached to me. [Finn takes off his disguise] Hey, I know you. You’re that feller from the karate demonstration.
Finn: I never properly introduced myself. Finn McMissile, British intelligence.
Mater: Tow Mater, Average intelligence.
Finn: Who are you with? FBI? CIA?
Mater: Let's just say I'm a triple AAA affiliated. Yeah, I know some karate. I don't want to brag or nuttin', but I got me a black fan belt. You wanna see some moves I made up?

[At Luigi and Guido's home village in Italy, Uncle Topolino talks to Lightning about his recent tiff with Mater]
Uncle: There were even some non-Ferrari fights. So, tell me them, va bene! It's okay to fight. Everybody fights now and then, especially best friends. But you gotta make up fast. No fight more important than friendship. Chi trova un'amico, trova un tesoro.
Lightning: What does that mean?
Mama Topolino: "Whoever finds a friend, finds a treasure". Now manga, eat!

Stephenson: Finn, one hour to Porto Corsa.
Finn: [as Mater's siren light is fitted] Thank you, Stephenson.
Holley: Yeah, I think that should just about do it.
Finn: Perfect.
Holley: So, Mater, it's voice-activated. But, you know, everything's voice-activated these days.
Mater: What? I thought you was supposed to be makin' me a disguise.
Computer: Voice recognized. Disguise program initiated. [changes Mater to look like Ivan]
Mater: [chuckles] Cool! Hey, Computer, make me a German truck.
Computer: Request acknowledged. [changes Mater to his normal self, wearing lederhosen]
Mater: Check it out! I'm wearing Mater-hosen. Make me a monster truck!
Computer: Request acknowledged. [changes Mater into a Count Dracula-ified truck]
Mater: What the--? [imitating Dracula; cackles] I vant to siphon your gas! [normal voice] Ha-ha! Now make me a taco truck!
Computer: Request acknowledged. [changes Mater into a taco truck; his horn plays "La Cucaracha"]
Mater: A funny car!
Computer: Request acknowledged. [changes Mater into a yellow hot rod; he revs his engine]
Finn: [turns Mater back to normal] The idea is to keep a low profile, Mater.

[Lightning is missing Mater at the race in Italy as the racers gather at the finish line]
Francesco: [notices Lightning is sad] Francesco understands this, McQueen.
Lightning: Oh, great. Here it comes. What've you got, Francesco?
Francesco: For famous race cars like Francesco and,, to be far away from home is, uh... not easy.
Lightning: [sarcastically] I think you forgot the insulting part of that insult.
Francesco: [emotionally] It's-a no insult! When Francesco is away from home, he misses his mama. Just like-a you miss your tow truck, amico.
Lightning: [impressed] Gee, I maybe misjudged you, because that's exactly how I--
Francesco: [smiling] Of course. I am at home, and my mama is right here. [points and waves at a vintage Ferrari in the crowd who is smiling, blowing kisses and waving back] Mama! Don't worry, Mama! McQueen is very sad. I will beat his cry-baby bottom today!
Lightning: And there's the insult we were missing. [sarcastically] Grazie!

[Miles, a.k.a. the Lemon Mastermind, assembles his cohorts during the penultimate WGP race]
Miles: [in a deep, disguised voice] Welcome, everyone. I wish I could be with you on this very special day, but... my clutch assembly broke. You know how it is.
Tubbs: Been there.
J. Curby: Forget about it.
Vladimir: We know how you feel.
Finn: Descramble that voice.
Holley: I'm tryin'. Oh, it's too sophisticated!
Miles: We are here to celebrate. Today, all your hard work pays off. The world turned their backs on cars like us. They stopped manufacturing us, stopped making our parts. The only thing they haven't stopped doing is laughing at us. They've called us terrible names: jalopy, rust bucket, heap, clunker, junker, beater, wreck, rattletrap, lemon. But their insults just give us strength. Because today, my friends, that... all... ends!

[At the third and final race in London, Grem has the E.M.P. Emitter aimed at Lightning]
Grem: Here he comes.
[Mater watches horrified as Grem starts the Emitter at 100% power. The Emitter's red light glows brightly. The Emitter continues to aim at Lightning, but nothing happens to him as he continues racing]

Professor Z: Give it up, McMissile!
[But, like any other hero, Finn refuses to give up and launches bombs at Tony, who looks at them in horror. The bombs then explode massively, killing and destroying Tony once and for all, and Professor Z is captured by Finn. Holley is then seen catching up to Lightning and Mater.]
Holley: Mater, stop!
Mater: No way! You could get hurt.

Holley: Mater, we've gotta get that bomb off you.
Lightning: Bomb?
Mater: Yeah, they strapped it to me to kill you as a backup plan.
Lightning: Backup plan? Mater, who put a bomb on you?
[Finn arrives with Professor Z strapped up]
Professor Z: [to Lightning] You! Why didn't my death ray KILL YOU?
Lightning: [shocked and confused] Death ray?!
Finn: Turn off the bomb (right now), Zündapp!
Professor Z: Are you all so dense? It's voice-activated. Everything is voice-activated these days.
Mater: Deactivate! Deactivate!
Bomb Computer: Voice denied. [activates countdown timer for 5:00; Mater gasps in shock]
Professor Z: Oops. [scoffs] Did I forget to mention it can only be disarmed by the one who activated it?
Holley: [pulls out her stun gun] Say it!
Prof. Z: [nonchalantly] Deactivate.
Bomb Computer: Voice denied. [timer subtracts 60 seconds]
Mater: [alarmed] What!?
Professor Z: [his last words] Oh. I'm not the one who activated it. Would anyone else like to try? [gets zapped by Holley and knocked out]
Finn: [smirks] You read my mind.
Holley: Ugh, he was (literally) getting on my nerves.
Lightning: What do we do?
Victor: It's very simple. You blow up.
[The whole group of lemons surround the four]
Lightning: I'm going to go out on a limb, here. These are the guys that want me dead, correct?
Vladimir: It's nothing personal.
Mater: Fellers, listen, I know what you're going through. Everybody's been laughing at me my whole life too. But becoming powerful and rich beyond your wildest dreams ain't going to make you feel better.
[The lemons seem to take this in]
J. Curby: [deploying his gun] Yeah, but it's worth a shot!

[Mater has delivered Lightning to Buckingham Palace and intentionally exposes the bomb with barely 2 minutes left on the clock, but showing it causes a massive scramble]
Finn: [arriving] Hold your fire! He can't disarm it. Mater, I don't know what you're doing, [Holley arrives] but stand down now!
Mater: This ain't nothin' at all like Radiator Springs.
Lightning: Mater, just cut to the chase.
Mater: Okay, it's him! [points to Miles]
Miles: What? Me? You've got to be crazy.
Mater: I figured it out when I realized y'all attached this ticking-time bomb with Whitworth bolts. The same bolts that hold together that old British engine from the photograph. Holley, show that picture!
Holley: Okay. [shows the holographic photo of the mysterious hood engine]
Mater: And then I remembered what they said about old British engines: "If there ain't no oil under 'em, there ain't no oil (over) in 'em".
Miles: What is he talking about?
Mater: It was you leaking oil at the party in Japan. You just blamed it on me.
Miles: Electric cars don't use oil, you twit!
Mater: Then you're fakin' it. You didn't convert to no electricity. [Miles realizes that he knows the truth, then backs away] When we pop that hood, we're gonna see that engine from that picture right there.
Miles: [panicking] This lorry's crazy! He's gonna kill us all! [backs up to the edge of the stage] Stay away!
Holley: But Sir Axlerod created the race. Why would he want to hurt anyone?
Mater: To make Allinol look bad so everybody would go back to using oil. I mean, he said it himself with that disguised voice.
Miles: "Disguised voice"? What are you talking about?! You're nuts; you are!
Prince Wheeliam: This is going nowhere fast. We really should go, Grandmother.
The Queen: One moment. I'd like to see where this is going.
[The bomb's countdown is at 29 seconds]
Finn: Mater, he created Allinol.
Mater: Yeah, but what if he found that huge oil field just as the world was trying to find something else? What if he came up with Allinol just to make alternative fuel look bad?
Miles: [as the bomb's countdown goes from 19 to 18 seconds] "What if"? You're basing this on a "what if"?!
Security Guard: Okay, that's it. Lads, clear out! [the other guards evacuate, followed by the Queen and the spectators]
Miles: Wait, somebody save me! The lorry's crazy! Keep away, you idiot!
Finn: [shocked] Mater...!?
Holley: [worried] Mater!
Miles: Someone, do something!
Car in Crowd: [alarmed] Drive away! [Mater stands his ground, glaring at Miles, while everyone braces for the explosion]
Miles: YOU'RE INSANE, YOU ARE! [the bomb counts down at 3 to 2 seconds] DEACTIVATE!!!
[The bomb's countdown stops at 1 second, then shows the words "Voice Accepted"]
Bomb Computer: Bomb deactivated. Have a nice day, Sir Axlerod.
[Mater smiles in satisfaction. The police cruisers surround a shocked Miles, as Mater pops the hood open, revealing the mysterious V-8 engine]
Finn: The engine from the photo.
Holley: It's a perfect match. [compares the image]
Miles: [his last words; still shocked] How did the tow truck figure it out? [getting escorted away by the police cruisers, offscreen]
Lightning: [to Mater] It's official. You're coming to all my races from now on.
Mater: Now you're talkin'!
[They bump their tires]

The Queen: I hereby dub thee Sir Tow Mater.
[the crowd cheers and applauses]
Mater: "Sir"? Shoot, you can just call me Mater, Your Majesty. I don't wanna hear none of this "sir" business. By the way, have y'all met each other? Queen, McQueen. McQueen, Queen. McQueen, McMissile. McMissile, McQueen. Queen, McMissile.

Mater: So, there we were, my rocket jets going full blast, McQueen hanging on for dear life, when suddenly them two nasty lemons come out of nowhere, guns drawn. We were goners. But then, out of nowhere, this beautiful spy car swoops in from the sky to save us!
Minny: That's a very entertaining story, young man.
Van: Oh, Minny, please. Come on! None of this happened. Rocket jets, flying spy cars--
Holley: [out of nowhere] No, you're quite right. [landing] It does sound a bit far-fetched.
Mater: Holley! What are you doin' here?
Holley: Hello, Mater! It's so good to see you again.
Mater: Finn!
Finn: Our satellites picked up an urgent communiqué.
Luigi: So, you got-a my email.
Mater: Oh, man. Y'all is gon’ have a great time! Everybody, this here's Finn McMissile. He's a secret agent. Don't tell nobody! And this is Holley Shiftwell. She's--
Holley: I'm Mater's girlfriend. It's so nice to meet you all.
[Guido's jaw drops, his forks hit the ground]
Luigi: [smiling] Guido believes you now.

Lightning: You know, there's one thing I still don't get. The bad guys hit me with the beam from the camera, right? So, why didn't I--? You know...
Mater: [finishing Lightning's question] --explode in a fiery inferno?
Lightning: Yeah.
Finn: We couldn't figure that one out, either.
Holley: Our investigation proved that Allinol was actually gasoline and Axlerod engineered it so that when it got hit by the beam, it would explode.
McQueen: Wait a second, Fillmore. You said my fuel was safe!
[Everyone turns and stares at Fillmore curiously]
Fillmore: If you're implying that I switched out that rot-gut excuse for alternative fuel with my all-natural, sustainable, organic biofuel just because I never trusted Axlerod, you're dead wrong, man! It was him. [points to Sarge]
Sarge: Once big oil, always big oil... man.
Fillmore: Tree-hugger.


  • Fuel the love.
  • Spy it only in theaters June 24, 2011.
  • The mission begins.
  • From the creators of Toy Story 3.
  • Original score composed by Michael Giacchino.
  • They're not just racing around the world; they're racing to save the world.

See also




Wikipedia has an article about:
  Feature films     Cars  (2006) · Cars 2  (2011) · Cars 3  (2017)
  Short films     Mater and the Ghostlight  (2006)
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