Last words in James Bond media

The numerous deaths across all different media in the James Bond universe have yielded many memorable last words.

Last words spoken by the villains

  • Here.
  • A Three Blind Mice assassin.
    • Source: Dr. No
    • Notes: A member of Dr. No's elite assassins so called since they always disguised themselves as poor blind men. This was said when throwing another assassin the key to Mary Trueblood's cabinet. At the end of the movie, they tried to avenge Dr. No by killing James Bond only to be shot dead instead.
  • To hell with you!
    • Who: Mr. Jones
    • Source Dr. No
    • Notes: One of Dr. No's henchmen posing as a driver for the government house. After Bond subdues him, he instead bites a cyanide pill hidden in a cigarette, then curse this to his enemy before dying.
  • I might as well let you know, as you won't live to use the information. I'm working for...
    • Who: Professor R. J. Dent
    • Source Dr. No
    • Notes: Upon being found out that he is working for Dr. No, Professor Dent nearly gives out the name of his boss and goes for his Smith & Wesson. Without any ammo left, Bond tells him "You've had your six." then shoots him dead.
  • Shut down! The fool is running wild! Shut down!
  • Who: Dr Julius No.
    • Source: Dr. No
    • Yelled over intercom to his workers to shut down his nuclear reactor and prevent a meltdown. Shortly after, he got into a fight with James Bond which ended with him boiling to death in the reactor coolant since his metal hands were unable to grip the escape ladder.
  • Put your hands back in your pockets! Keep them there.
    • Who: Donald "Red" Grant
    • Source From Russia with Love
    • Notes: Rosa Klebb's handpicked agent to steal the Lektor machine, whilst holding Bond at gunpoint, he opens a suitcase incorrectly, result in tear gas being release and a fight between him and Bond to commence. James Bond eventually strangles him with his own garrotte watch, then tells him "You won't be needing this, old man."
  • Who is Bond? Compared with Kronsteen?
    • Who: Kronsteen
    • Source From Russia with Love
    • Notes: SPECTRE Agent No. 5. With SPECTRE's plot to steal the Lektor a failure, Kronsteen says this to compare James Bond to him. Then, Morzeny is called in, and he executes Kronsteen with a poison-tipped spike on the shoe.
  • Quick as you can, jump! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
    • Who: Morzeny
    • Source From Russia with Love
    • Notes: The director of the SPECTRE Island training camp, he leads a squad of boats to get the Lektor from Bond's possession. As Bond feigns surrender, he uses a flare gun to detonate leaking fuel barrels, causing a fire and making the SPECTRE terrorists panic. Morzeny orders this before he himself is burned alive falling into the water in the process as his boat explodes.
  • Romanova... The door. (a pause then) ROMANOVA! (gives Tatiana the Lektor) Take this.
    • Who: Rosa Klebb
    • Source From Russia with Love
    • Notes: SPECTRE Agent No. 3 who helped orchestrate the plan to steal the Lektor. She attempts to steal the Lektor from Bond's hotel room, but Tatiana turns on her boss. Klebb then tries to use a poison-tipped spike shoe to stab Bond, but Romanova shoots Klebb dead.
  • Are you blind or something? You missed the turn!
    • Who: Mr. Martin Solo
    • Source Goldfinger
    • Notes: A gangster working with Goldfinger. After being paid, he was to be driven to an airport whilst James sneaks a tracking device onto his character. Missing the turn to the airport, Mr. Solo yells this to Oddjob. On a side road, Oddjob guns the gangster down. Oddjob then has the body and the tracking device crushed at a junkyard.
  • Don't be a fool! You can be a hero, I'm not! (tries to run but Oddjob catches him) No! No, no, no, NO, NO!
    • Who: Kisch
    • Source Goldfinger
    • Notes: An enforcer for Goldfinger, he is trapped in the Fort Knox vault along with Bond and Oddjob. He tries to reason with his former companion, but is thrown over the guard railing to his death.
  • I will deal with her later, at the moment she is where she ought to be, at the controls.
    • Who: Auric Goldfinger
    • Source Goldfinger
    • Notes: With his plans to nuke Fort Knox and gain a profit increase failed, Goldfinger intends to kill Bond and Pussy Galore, and flee to Cuba. He points out Pussy who's at the plane controls but soon fights Bond in the plane. Goldfinger's gun goes off shattering the window and sending the villain flying out.
  • No! He was at the beach! They were all over the hotel! No! No! No! NOOOOOO!
    • Who: Quist
    • Source Thunderball
    • Notes: Upon seeing Quist has failed to assassinate Bond in his hotel room, Largo orders Quist fed to his sharks as he tries to reason this.
  • Why don't you come with us quietly?
    • Who: Fiona Volpe
    • Source Thunderball
    • Notes: Emilio Largo's top henchwoman. Cornering Bond at the Kiss Kiss Club, whilst dancing with the agent, Fiona orders him to come with her. Vargas attempts to shoot Bond, but James uses Fiona as a human shield, and she dies instantly. He places her corpse at a table and says to a couple "Do you mind if my friend sits this one out? She's just dead."
  • Get him! Get him!!
    • Who: Emilio Largo
    • Source Thunderball
    • Note: Largo gives this command to his men before converting the Disco Volante into a high speed hydrofoil to make his escape, not knowing that Bond has already secretly boarded the vessel. These are his final on-screen words before eventually being shot in the back with a harpoon gun by Domino, killing him instantly.
  • You should have killed him yourself! You had plenty of opportunities! (falls into a tank full of piranhas that quickly converge towards her and eat her alive) Aaaaaaaaah! OSAAAATO! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaah…!
    • Who: Helga Brandt
    • Source: You Only Live Twice
    • Notes: SPECTRE Agent No. 11, having failed to kill James Bond in a plane wreck after having sex with him. She is fed to Blofeld's piranhas as she cries out this, painfully eaten to the bones.
  • Kill him!
    • Who: One of the fake Blofelds.
    • Source Diamonds Are Forever
    • Notes: One of the Blofeld decoys throughout the movie. In the pre-title sequence, Bond knocks into hot mud, drowning him. 007 then gloats to him "Welcome to hell, Blofeld," thinking it was the genuine Blofeld.
  • No, no, no. Open wide.
    • Who: Dr. Tynan
    • Source Diamonds Are Forever
    • Notes: A dentist covering as a diamond smuggler. While collecting diamonds from Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd, the latter fakes a toothache, making the doctor say this to check him out. Mr. Wint then drops a scorpion down the doctor's coat and it stings him, killing him instantly.
  • That's it for the lesson today, gentlemen.
    • Who: Mrs. Whistler
    • Source Diamonds Are Forever
    • Notes: A school teacher who is actually a diamond smuggler. As she gets diamonds stored in her book, she says this to Mr. Wint and Kidd. Later, the two drown her in the Amsterdam river with these being her final on-screen words.
  • May we begin?
    • Who: Mr. Kidd
    • Source Diamonds Are Forever
    • Notes: Mr. Wint's partner who along with him are assassins under Blofeld. Sneaking into Bond and Tiffany's boat bedroom with a dinner for them, Mr. Kidd asks if he can set it up. With his cover blown, Kidd tries to burn Bond with burning kebabs, but the agent splashes Kidd with Courvoisier, the alcohol spreading the fire onto Mr. Kidd. He jumps off the boat to try and put out the fire but he does not survive and likely drowns.
  • Of course. Unfortunately, our cellar is rather poorly stocked with Claret.
    • Who: Mr. Wint
    • Source Diamonds Are Forever
    • Notes: Having snuck into Bond and Tiffany's boat bedroom with Mr. Kidd, he and his partner prepare dinner and reminds Bond the cellar is running out of Clarets, when Bond counters that "Mouton Rothschild IS a Claret. And I've smelled that aftershave before, and both times, I've smelled a rat." Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd then try to kill Bond one last time but Bond gives Mr. Wint a wedgie and sets the bomb from the La Bombe Surprise "cake" then flips him overboard. On the way down, the bomb goes off and blows Mr. Wint to pieces.
  • It's not an act! It's...
    • Who: Rosie Carver
    • Source Live and Let Die
    • Note: Having been found out to be working for Dr. Kananga, Rosie Carver tries to reason this to James Bond who warns her "Make your choice!". Rather than be interrogated, she races off into the woods and is fatally shot by one of Kananga's scarecrows.
  • No slowly Whisper, slowly, slowly....let our diners assemble!
    • Who: Kananga
    • Source Live and Let Die
    • Note: Spoken to Whisper as he opens the gate connecting the shark tank to the pool into which Kananga is about to lower Bond and Solitaire after cutting James three times. Unfortunately for him, a fight then ensues and ends with bond forcing him to swallow a gas pellet, making Kananga rapidly expand until he pops like a balloon.
  • Mr. Bond, it's good to see you again!
    • Who: Tee-Hee Johnson
    • Source Live and Let Die
    • Note: After Bond's battle with Dr. Kananga, Tee-Hee chases Bond to a train and attempts to kill him after saying this. However, Bond tampers with Tee-Hee's artificial arm and sends him flying off the train to his death.
  • I now regret having even considered employing your services. But that is beside the point. Bond doesn't know you're in Bangkok. He's never seen you. But he knows me. That's the problem.
    • Who: Hai Fat
    • Source The Man with the Golden Gun
    • Notes: After informing Scaramanga to take the Solex Agitator to his plant, Hai Fat informs his assassin he has regretted hiring him. With Bond being aware of Hai Fat's identity being a problem, Scaramanga then assures his boss "There's no problem," then shoots him dead with his Golden Gun.
  • Ready!
    • Who: Francisco Scaramanga
    • Source The Man with the Golden Gun
    • Notes: Before his duel with Bond, he responds that he is ready to his servant, Nick Nack. He then leads Bond on a wild goose chase through his funhouse, throughout which Scaramanga is silent to maintain stealth, before Bond fools Scaramanga by disguising himself as his dummy self, then shoots the assassin through the heart which kills him on the spot.
  • Pyramids!
    • Who: Sandor
    • Source The Spy Who Loved Me
    • Notes: Bond forces Sandor, an assassin working for Karl Stromberg, to give away Aziz Fekkesh's location. As Sandor struggles to get up to the roof, he grabs Bond's tie before being flung to his death by Bond to which Bond remarks "What a helpful chap."
    • Who: Stromberg’s assistant
    • Source The Spy Who Loved Me
    • Notes: A young and beautiful woman working as an assistant for Stromberg. When he learns that she betrayed him, she is thrown by surprise into a shark tank. She screams out in terror then pain as she dies being eaten alive by the shark.
  • Now!
    • Who: Sergei Barsov
    • Source The Spy Who Loved Me
    • Notes: A KGB agent in love with Anya Amasova. He ambushes James Bond in Austria after saying this but, after a length chase, the MI6 agent shoots Sergei through the heart with a ski pole gun. This ignites Anya's rage towards James.
  • This is Kalba. Hello? Hello?
    • Who: Max Kalba
    • Source The Spy Who Loved Me
    • Notes: The corrupt owner of the Mojaba Club selling Stromberg's microfilm to competing world powers, he is called to a phone booth then fatally bitten on the neck by Jaws.
  • You are too late, Mr. Bond. Our submarines are already on station. In four minutes, the missiles will be launched.
    • Who: Liparus Captain
    • Source The Spy Who Loved Me
    • Note: The unnamed captain of the Liparus. With the control room breached, the dying captain sustains a severe gunshot wound but gloats to James he's too late to prevent Stromberg's annihilation of the world before dying from blood loss.
  • Yours too Mr. Bond, yours too...And faster than you think!
    • Who: Karl Stromberg
    • Source The Spy Who Loved Me
    • Note: Spoken to James Bond, before Stromberg makes an unsuccessful attempt at killing him with a giant harpoon gun hidden beneath his dining table. Bond retorts by shooting Stromberg four times with his sidearm.
  • No, I… I didn’t!
    • Who: Corinne Dufour
    • Source Moonraker
    • Notes: Corinne Dufour, a beautiful and humble French pilot for Hugo Drax, is being summoned by her boss because she had sex with Bond and showed him his safe. The poor young woman, almost crying, tries to deny but Drax cruelly send his Dobermans to chase her. Terrified, Corinne runs away as far as she can to save her life but is unfortunately overtaken by the dogs. She is then savagely killed, painfully eaten alive by the dogs.
  • At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery…Desolated, Mr. Bond?
    • Who: Sir Hugo Drax
    • Source Moonraker
    • Note: Spoken to James Bond when cornering the MI6 agent by an airlock. However, James then shoots Drax with a poisoned dart from a hidden gun on his wristband and throws him out the nearby airlock after telling him "Take a giant step for mankind."
  • A Walther PPK. Standard issue. British Secret Service. License to kill, or be killed. Take him away.
    • Who: Hector Gonzales
    • Source: For Your Eyes Only
    • Notes: A Cuban hitman hired by Locque, Gonzales captures Bond at his estate and orders him taken out but, as he dives into his pool, Melina Havelock snipes him in the back with a crossbow.
  • Go back to your room!
    • Who: Aristotle "Aris" Kristatos
    • Source: For Your Eyes Only
    • Notes: A Greek smuggler planning to sell the ATAC to the Soviets. When he is betrayed by Jacoba Brink, he yells for Bibi Dahl to return to her room, when she tells him to "go to hell". He tries to escape and is brought down by Columbo and Bond. Just when Melina contemplates killing her family's killer, Bond tries to talk her down and turn Kristatos to the authorities. When the Greek smuggler tries to stab Bond with a knife, Columbo throws his own knife into Aris' back.
  • Yes, but tomorrow I shall be a hero of the Soviet Union...
    • Who: General Orlov
    • Source: Octopussy
    • Note: Spoken to General Gogol after being called "A common thief, a disgrace to the uniform" after having been shot by East German border guards.
  • And this... for my brother...!
    • Who: Grischka
    • Source: Octopussy
    • Notes: A knife throwing performer alongside his brother Mischka who are aiding Orlov and Kamal Khan in the diamond smuggling and nuclear bomb operation. When cornering James Bond who has killed his brother Mischka and stolen his clothes, he says this preparing to shank Bond to death with his last knife. But Bond opens the shed down sending Grischka hurtling to the ground well enough for James to sling one of the twin's knives into him fatally. Bond replies after that "And that's for 009." avenging the murdered agent at the beginning.
  • He'll kill us all! Go out and get him! (Gobinda: Out there?) Go!
    • Who: Prince Kamal Khan
    • Source: Octopussy
    • Notes: The exiled Afghan prince who works with General Orlov to set off a nuclear bomb on a US Air Force Base in West Germany. Back in India, Kamal abducts his former partner Octopussy and attempts to make a getaway by plane. Bonb takes out the fuel of one propellor and Kamal orders his top henchman Gobinda to deal with the agent. After an intense flight, Bond rescues Octopussy barely holding onto to a nearby cliff. Kamal's plane crashes into the cliffs and kills him in the blast.
  • But that means I would have to be...
    • Who: W.G. Howe
    • Source: A View to a Kill
    • Notes: The corrupt director of Oil and Mines at San Francisco City Hall working for Zorin. Upon being confronted by Bond, Stacey and Zorin's gang, Zorin tells the director that as revenge for being fired, Stacey brought James to assassinate him then let the place on fire and would be burned alive in the elevator as a result. When Howe tries to explain, Zorin finishes "DEAD!" and guns Howe down with Bond's gun, framing Bond.
  • Mr. Zorin, those men are loyal to you!
    • Who: Bob Conley
    • Source: A View to a Kill
    • Notes: A geologist on Max Zorin's payroll. When Project Main Strike is put into play, flooding the mine nearby full of Zorin Industries workers, Conley tries to talk Zorin down with this, as his men are loyal to him. However, he is knocked down by Scarpine and drowns when the mine is flooded.
  • Get Zorin for me!
    • Who: May Day
    • Source: A View to a Kill
    • Notes: Max Zorin's former lover who is betrayed by her boss in the flooded mine. To redeem herself, she and Bond wheel Zorin's bomb out of the mine. As she heroically holds onto the brake to get the bomb safely outside, she yells this to implore James to take down Zorin for her. May Day looks at Zorin's blimp defiantly before being blown up.
  • Go get him. GO!!!
    • Who; Max Zorin
    • Source: A View to a Kill
    • Note: Zorin unsuccessfully orders Scarpine out onto the Golden Gate Bridge tower to stop Bond, before the fight breaks out which eventually results in Zorin plummeting to his death from the very top of the Bridge after losing his grip on James.
  • Max! Max!
    • Who: Hans Glaub
    • Source: A View to a Kill
    • Note; said when watching Zorin hanging on to James for dear life. After max dies, he tries to shoot James but that fails so he tries to blow him up with dynamite. However, James cuts the blimp mooring which causes him to fall back inside it with the dynamite which he and Scarpine are unable to eject before it destroys the blimp with them on it.
  • Come on! Give it! Give it to me!
    • Who: Scarpine
    • Source: A View to a Kill
    • Note; said as he and Hans Glaub scuffle over the dynamite bright before his incineration by the blimp's explosion.
    • Who: Necros
    • Source The Living Daylights
    • Note: A KGB assassin who has tried to murder Bond several times throughout the movie. Fighting James on the Hercules jumbo jet carrying Whitaker's opium, he clings to 007's boot and pleads this but Bond cuts the laces, loosening the boot and sending Necros falling to his doom still holding the boot. When asked what happened after, James simply gloats, "He got the boot."
  • Should've known you'd take refuge by that British vulture Wellington. You know, he had to buy German mercenaries to beat Napoleon, don't you?
    • Who: Brad Whitaker
    • Source The Living Daylights
    • Note: Attempting to corner Bond near a statue of Wellington, Whitaker gloats this whilst failing to notice a bomb set under the statue. Bond whistles and the bomb detonates, dropping the statue to very ironically and fatally crush Whitaker.
  • Thank you General, thank you, thank you!!
    • Who: Georgi Koskov
    • Source The Living Daylights
    • Note: Spoken to General Pushkin after thinking he has successfully fooled the KGB into thinking that he was kidnapped (rather than his real objective - colluding with Whitaker, whom Bond has just killed), Pushkin orders him to be taken away "in the diplomatic bag," suggesting he will be executed for embezzlement. Though he is not killed on-screen, these are his last words in the film.
  • There's two million dollars in that suitcase. I'll split it with you.
    • Who: Ed Killifer
    • Source: License to Kill
    • Note: A DEA agent bribed to Sanchez's cause, Killifer, hanging over the same shark tank that ate Felix Leiter's leg, attempts to bargain with Bond to save his life. But, Bond warns him "You earned it. You keep it, old buddy!" then throws the money to the corrupt agent with enough force to make him lose his grip and Killifer is then eaten by the shark.
  • What are you doing?! Wait! Just please talk to me! It's NOT MY MONEY! No! Oh God! Ah! Ah! No! Please! That hurts! Please! You don't understand! Please! Franz! NO!
    • Who: Milton Krest
    • Source: License to Kill
    • Note: Krest has been placed in a decompression chamber by Sanchez after being framed by Bond for the earlier assassination attempt on Sanchez' life. Krest is sealed inside and the pressure increases dramatically, causing his ears to pop and then shatter before Sanchez cuts the compression tube with a fire axe which causes Krest's head to implode from the dramatic increase in pressure.
  • SANCHEZ!!!!
    • Who: Dario
    • Source: License to Kill
    • Note; Screamed as James pushes him into a machine designed to grind cocaine down into powder to be mixed with petrol, eviscerating him.
  • Well done, Franz. Another $80 million write-off!
    • Who: Truman-Lodge
    • Source: License to Kill
    • Note: Character says this line after one of Sanchez' petrol tankers are destroyed right in front of their eyes. Sanchez says "I guess it's time to start cutting overhead" and shoots said thug afterwards.
  • You could have had everything.
    • Who: Franz Sanchez
    • Source: License to Kill
    • Note: Character says this line when facing Bond after being involved in a petrol tanker crash which has drenched him in the fuel. Bond then outsmarts him by saying "Don't you want to know why?" and sets fire to Sanchez using a lighter given by the Leiters (Felix having earlier been maimed by Sanchez's shark and Delia rape_ and killed by him). With no water sources nearby, Sanchez collapses in horrendous pain and the flames set off the entire leaking petrol tanker which annihilates him.
  • Is this true?"
    • Who: General Arkady Oromov
    • Source: Goldeneye
    • Note; Spoken to Alec Trevelyan after James said that he would betray and kill Oromov when he had served his purposes before being reassured by Trevelyan that he would be "richer than God." He is abandoned shortly there after by him and Xenia Onnatop at which point James guns him down with a machine gun.
  • Wait for your turn.
    • Who: Xenia Onatopp
    • Source: GoldenEye
    • Note: Character says this to Natalya Simonova, whom she intends to kill after strangling Bond with her legs. Bond takes advantage of the distraction to reconnect her rappeling harness and shoot the helicopter it's attached to, sending her flying and crushes her against a tree. By the time the chopper crashes, she is long dead from asphyxiation as a result of her chest being crushed.
  • For England, James? [Bond: No. For me.]
    • Who: Alec Trevelyan
    • Source: GoldenEye
    • Note: Character repeats a line he had said to identify himself to James Bond when they were on their last mission together in MI-6. Ironically, he said this before when faking death at the hands of General Ourumov. Bond says "No, for me," and drops him off the antenna cradle. He barely survives the fall but is paralyzed completely and is killed when the cradle falls on top of him with his last sound being a shriek.
  • Yes! I am invincible!
    • Who: Boris Grishenko
    • Source: GoldenEye
    • Note: Said numerous times earlier in the movie after moments of triumph or near-death experiences. On the final occasion, it is yelled when he realises he is the last living person in a destroyed control centre--moments before a vat of liquid nitrogen bursts, covering him and freezing him solid. If that didn't kill him, the room's subsequent destruction with the antenna cradle would have.
  • Wait! I'm just a professional doing a job.
    • Who: Dr. Kauffman
    • Source: Tomorrow Never Dies
    • Note: Bond, who has forced Kauffman's own gun on him, coldly replies "Me too" before shooting him in the head.
  • Press the magic button, Beijing disappears.
    • Who: Henry Gupta
    • Source: Tomorrow Never Dies
    • Note: Bond holds Gupta hostage, hoping that Carver will release Wai Lin. However, when asked about the missile, Gupta says this line. Carver then says: "Then it seems you've outlived your contract" and shoots Gupta instead of Lin.
  • No! No!! NOOOO!!! AAAAAAH!!!!!
    • Who: Elliot Carver
    • Source: Tomorrow Never Dies
    • Note: Said when his drill torpedo flies, uncontrollably, towards him and rips him to shreds.
  • We die together, Mr. Bond.
    • Who: Mr. Stamper
    • Source: Tomorrow Never Dies
    • Note: Carver's second in command. Says this line while trying to prevent Bond from escaping the ship, knowing that it is about to be destroyed. However, Bond escapes from his grip seconds before the ship blows up and takes Stamper with it.
  • You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me.
  • Dive, Bo--
    • Who: Elektra King
    • Source: The World Is Not Enough
    • Note: Elektra says the first line in the video game version, the second is her last line in the film. Bond shoots her immediately afterwards, then states "I never miss."
  • I…feel…nothing…
  • Liar!
    • Who: Viktor "Renard" Zokas
    • Source: The World Is Not Enough
    • Note: The first line is his last line in the video game, a reference to the fact that as a result of being shot, he cannot feel any pleasure or pain. Renard yells the second line in the film, when Bond tells him Elektra is dead. He proceeds to beat Bond into submission while screaming this repeatedly. He then attempts to meltdown the sub with his plutonium rod, which Bond causes to back fire and kill him, as he smirks.
  • I can read your every move!
    • Who: Miranda Frost
    • Source: Die Another Day
    • Note: Said during a sword fight. After the quote, Jinx stabs Miranda with a knife embedded in a copy of "The Art of War" and snarls, "Read this…bitch!"
  • What?!
    • Source: Die Another Day
    • Who; Tang Lin Zao.
    • Pursuing Bond through the Ice palace and prepares to ram him into an ice pool but James uses his Aston Martin's cloaking technology to go invisible and avoid it. When he passes right through where it should be, Zao shouts this before his car plunges into the ice pool below. Though he gets out and surfaces James shoots down a chandelier which impales Zao.
  • You see Mr. Bond, you can't kill my dreams. But my dreams can kill you. Time to face destiny!
    • Who: Gustav Graves
    • Source: Die Another Day
    • Note: Bond then pulls Graves' parachute cord and replies "Time to face gravity!" before Graves is sucked out of the plane and into the turbine.
  • This is where you die.
    • Who: Nikolai Diavolo
    • Source: James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
    • Notes: Diavolo delivers the line before attacking Bond with a missile battery attached to the tower where he is. Bond then damages the tower with a rocket launcher, sending Diavolo plummeting down a missile silo to his death.
  • Made you feel it, did he? Well, you needn't worry. The second is…
    • Who: Dryden
    • Source: Casino Royale
    • Notes: Character is a traitor in MI-6, and Bond has told him that he has just killed his accomplice after a brutal fight and made the first of two kills required to become a "Double-0" agent. Before he can say "easier," Bond shoots him dead and responds, "Yes…Considerably."
  • I'll get the money. Tell them, I'll get the money.
    • Who: Le Chiffre
    • Source: Casino Royale
    • Notes: Character had interrogated Bond in order to get the money he had lost in the card game. However, Mr. White shoots him, saying "Money isn't as valuable to our organization as knowing who to trust."
  • I'm sorry, James.
    • Who: Vesper Lynd
    • Source: Casino Royale
    • Note: Said before drowning herself, after Bond found out she had used him.
  • The dollar isn't what it once was. The cost of war. I'm afraid that the corruption in this current government can no longer be tolerated. Presidente.
    • Who: Bolivian Chief of Police
    • Source: Quantum of Solace
    • Note: Character says this line while Dominic Greene gives him a suitcase filled with money. He then leaves the meeting and tries to drive out of the hotel, only to be ambushed and killed by Bond in retaliation for betraying his friend Mathis and getting him killed.
  • This time, you will burn.
    • Who: General Medrano
    • Source: Quantum of Solace
    • Note: Said this line in a foreign language, with English subs, while Camille holds him at gunpoint. She shoots him afterwards, avenging her family. His words are a reference to the fact that he set her house on fire after killing them, and the hotel having likewise caught fire.
  • I answered your questions. I told you everything you wanted to know about Quantum.
    • Who: Dominic Greene
    • Source: Quantum of Solace
    • Note: Said this line to remind Bond of the promise he made, when they are in the middle of the desert. Bond, saying some more lines ("Yes you did. Your friends would know that, so they're probably looking for you. But the good news is, you're in the middle of a desert"), gets a can of motor oil out of the boot of his car ("Here"), throws it at Greene's feet ("I bet you make it 20 miles before you consider drinking that. Goodbye, Mr. Greene"), and drives off, leaving Greene in the desert. It is revealed that he died later, having been shot twice and drunk the oil by SPECTRE agents for revealing thier existence to Bond. It is extremely unlikely that these were the last words he ever said but these were his last on-screen.
  • Free us both. With the same bullet. Do it. Do it. Only you can do it. Do it. OW! ARGH!
    • Who: Raoul Silva
    • Source: Skyfall
    • Note: Character is holding a gun positioned against his and M's - whom he has been trying to humiliate and kill throughout the entire film - head, begging her to shoot them both. Before anything happens, he is killed with a hunting knife to the back by Bond. He screams in pain while turning round to face Bond, who says "Last rat standing" before falling down dead.
  • Meet me in the square.
    • Who: Marco Sciarria
    • Source: Spectre
    • Note: Character says this to his contact as he runs through Mexico City, pursued by Bond. Bond catches up to him on his helicopter, and throws him out in mid-air after a long fight.
  • Ciao, Mickey Mouse!
    • Who: Lorenzo
    • Source: Spectre
    • Note: Character has spotted James Bond trying to get into the SPECTRE meeting under the alias "Mickey Mouse" and bids him this. James manages to break his nose and toss him onto the table to his death.
  • You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. So long.
    • Who: Mr. White
    • Source: Spectre
    • Note: Character is on the verge of dying of poisoning, and after telling James to save his daughter, shoots himself in the head with Bond's gun.
  • Shit!
    • Who: Mr. Hinx
    • Source: Spectre
    • Note: Blofeld's muscle in the SPECTRE terrorist organization. On the train, Bond wraps a chain around Hinx's neck who then says this as he is flung from the train with a broken neck.
  • Why can't you just face it, M? You don't matter anymore.
    • Who: Max Dengih a.k.a. C
    • Source: Spectre
    • Note: The Director-General of the Joint Security Service who is secretly aiding SPECTRE, Denbigh a.k.a. C's Nine Eyes Program is taken out of commission. While awaiting to be taken into custody, C tries to tell Gareth Mallory/M he doesn't matter, then is told by M "Maybe I don't. But something has to." then the two fight at the top of the Joint Security Service building, and eventually, M makes C lose his balance, and he falls to his death.
  • Cuckoo...
    • Who: Ernst Stavro Blofeld
    • Source: No Time To Die
    • Note: The leader of SPECTRE, poisoned by Heracles nanobots after Bond, having unwittingly infected himself through touching Madeline, strangles him and transfers the disease.
  • You won’t be able to stop him! So why don’t you help me out, brother?
    • Who: Logan Ash
    • Source: No Time To Die
    • Note: SPECTRE's mole inside the CIA, Ash engages in a high-speed chase with Bond before his car flips over a hidden tree. Badly injured and with his car threatening to crush him, Ash asks Bond this question before being rebuffed with Bond's response: "I had a brother. His name was Felix Leiter." Bond then lets the car loose and allows it to crush him.
  • [Nomi: You know what time it is?] No? [Nomi: Time to die.]
    • Who: Valdo Obruchev
    • Source: No Time To Die
    • Note: The developer of the Heracles nanobots, he is taken captive by Nomi and meant to return to MI6 as a prisoner, but he threatens to eradicate her gene pool while standing over a toxic pool. Nomi and Obruchev have this exchange before Nomi kicks him into the pool.
  • And now, we are both poisoned with heartbreak. Two heroes in a tragedy of our own making. Everyone we touch, we are their curse. A stroke to their cheek... A kiss... Would kill them instantly. Yes... Madeline. Yes... Mathilde. You made me do this, you see? This was your choice.
    • Who: Lyutsifer Safin
    • Source: No Time To Die
    • Note: The main villain of the film, Safin is subdued by Bond in a hand-to-hand brawl, but poisons Bond with nanobots targeted towards Madeline and his daughter, Mathilde. He is shot in the head by Bond soon after.

Last Words spoken by Bond's allies

  • Twenty minutes and don't try doctoring any hands for me while I'm away.
    • Who: John Strangways
    • Source: Dr. No
    • Notes: A member of MI6 and the head of the British Secret Service's Caribbean division. This was said to RJ Dent when temporarily left the card game they were having in order to contact MI6. Once outside, he is gunned down at his car by the Three Blind Mice assassins for prying into Dr. Julius No's business.
      • Notes: Very first character to die in the James Bond franchise.
  • W6N, W6N, W6N. Calling J7W. How do you hear me? Over. Standby to transmit-Wait. Out.
    • Who: Mary Trueblood.
    • Source: Dr. No
    • Notes: John Strangway's assistant when sending a message to MI6 only to hear something and sign off. She was then shot dead by the Three Blind Mice assassins to prevent her from reporting to London.
  • Okay, captain. If that ain't a dragon, what is it?
    • Who: Quarrel
    • Source: Dr. No
    • Notes: A CIA agent who is investigating Crab Key, Dr. No's island base. Upon seeing the Dragon tank guarding the island, he questions it. Quarrel and James try to fight it off with their guns, but the tank's flamethrowers eventually burn Quarrel alive.
  • Who needs it?
    • Who: Jill Masterson
    • Source: Goldfinger
    • Notes: Once Goldfinger's partner for cheating at gambling, Jill Masterson spends a night with Bond. She complains about their wine losing its chill and doesn't need another one. After saying this, Oddjob paints her in gold and she suffocates.
  • I didn't! I was shooting at him!
    • Who: Tilly Masterson
    • Source: Goldfinger
    • Notes: Having been spotted attempting to assassinate Goldfinger, Tilly admits to Bond she was firing on him. Later, whilst she and Bond attempt to escape, Oddjob kills her with his steel-rimmed bowler hat.
  • Be good... at least until I get back. Ciao!
    • Who: Maj. Francois Derval
    • Source: Thunderball
    • Notes: About to leave for the Vulcan flight test, Maj. Derval bids Fiona Volpe goodbye and spots his imposter, Angelo Palazzi using his face. Angelo then gases the genuine article with nerve gas.
  • Oh it's not Russia, old boy, I'm sure of that. It's not Japan either. Although, a large Japanese industrial concern i-
    • Who: Dikko Henderson
    • Source: You Only Live Twice
    • Notes: A veteran British intelligence officer living in Japan, Henderson attempts to inform James that someone is behind the rocket theft when he is stabbed in the back.
  • Anyway, you have given me a wedding present. The best I could have: A future. [Bond: Mrs. Bond, shut... [kisses Tracy] up. And don't it all at once.] He loves me. [Bond: Instinctively.] Infuriatingly. [Bond: Intensely.] In... [Bond: "In..."?] In... [Bond: "In"?] "In"? [Bond: Indubitably.] [chuckles and Bond kisses her] First a boy, and then a girl.
    • Who: Teresa "Tracy" di Vicenzo-Bond
    • Source: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    • Note: Shortly after her wedding to James Bond, Tracy is shot in the head by Irma Bunt, who was trying to shoot Bond from the surprisingly alive Blofeld's car.
  • Whose, uh, funeral is it?
    • Who: Agent Hamilton
    • Source: Live and Let Die
    • Notes: While spying on the Fillet of Soul in New Orleans, Hamilton watches a funeral parade coming by. He asks a man who's funeral is coming by. The man who's in league with Kananga answers, "Yours!" and stabs Hamilton to death.
  • You called for me, Mr Drax? (Drax: You were with Bond last night in my study.) No, I... (Drax: You showed him the safe.) I didn't! (Drax: I'm terminating your employment. You will leave immediately.)
    • Who: Corinne Dufour
    • Source: Moonraker
    • Notes: Drax's former helicopter pilot, a gorgeous but lonely French girl unaware of her boss plans to destroy humanity. For having sex with James Bond in her bedroom, and showing him (inadvertently) what was in Drax's safe, Corinne tries to explain herself to avoid being punished, but is fired. She then understands that her boss wants to kill her. She tries to walk away as fast as she can, but Drax's doberman dogs give chase and eventually kill the terrified girl, eating her alive.
  • Ah yes, I wanted to start work on the temple again. You between jobs?
    • Who: Timothy Havelock
    • Source: For Your Eyes Only
    • Notes: A Marine archaeologist and Melina's father searching for the St. Georges shipwreck. He hoped to work at the Greek temple, but then, Hector Gonzales, piloting a seaplane armed with a machine gun, guns Timothy and his wife down. His death angers Melina.
  • Later this month, Zorin will hold his annual sales at his stud near Paris. Security is formidable, but the key to the mystery is there. And I, Achille Aubergine, intend to find it!
    • Who: Achilles Aubergine
    • Source: A View to a Kill
    • Notes: A private Surete detective working with James Bond to find out Zorin's drug-induced horse sales. Before the two can investigate though, May Day kills Aubergine with a poisonous butterfly prop.
  • Don't let them take you alive.
    • Who: Kwang
    • Source: License to Kill
    • Notes: A Hong Kong narcotics agent hoping to capture Zorin. He tries to have Bond restrained, until Sanchez's military force invades Kwang's hideaway, injuring Kwang badly. He says this to Loti. As Kwang is about to interrogated, he bites cyanide, killing himself. Sanchez then angrily shoots the lifeless body.
  • Xenia! I...can't...breathe!
    • Who: Admiral Chuck Farrel
    • Source: GoldenEye
    • Note: Character says this whilst his chest was being crushed by Xenia Onatopp which quickly asphyxiated him.
  • I think I've gone to heaven. [Xenia: Not yet.]
    • Who: Tiger Helicopter Pilot
    • Notes: Said when Xenia Onatopp confronted him and his co-pilot in reference to her attractiveness. He was then immediately shot to death so that she could steal the Tiger helicopter.
  • GUARD!
    • Who: Defense Minister Mishkin
    • Source: GoldenEye
    • Note: Character is shot by General Ourumov almost instantly.
  • You know, James, this job of's murder on relationships.
    • Who: Paris Carver
    • Source: Tomorrow Never Dies
    • Note: Character says this line before parting from Bond, who later finds her dead.
  • Vesper gave everything for you. Forgive her... Forgive yourself.
    • Who: Rene Mathis
    • Source: Quantum of Solace
    • Note: Character says this line as Bond comforts him after he is mortally wounded by corrupt Bolivian police.
  • 007, what took you so long? [Bond: Well, into some deep water.] [moans and collapses into Bond's arms] [weakly] I suppose it's...too late to make a run for it? [Bond: Well, I'm game if you are.] I did get one thing right.
    • Who: M
    • Source: Skyfall
    • Note: Said before dying from a mortal wound inflicted by one of Silva's henchmen.
  • James... It’s a good life, isn’t it? [Bond: The best.]
    • Who: Felix Leiter
    • Source: No Time To Die
    • Note: Bond’s “brother from Langley” introduced in Casino Royale. He bleeds to death from a gunshot wound to the torso before his body is lost within the wreckage of an exploded, drowning trawler.

Last words spoken by Bond himself

  • I know. I know.
    • Source: No Time To Die
    • Note: Bond says this line when Madeline tells him that her daughter, Mathilde, has his eyes, as he had earlier noticed, indicating that she is his daughter, despite her having earlier said otherwise. Bond replies that he already knew as he calmly watches a missile strike, which he had earlier called in, approaching, before he is killed in the resulting blast.

See also
