Spectre (2015 film)
2015 film by Sam Mendes
Spectre is a 2015 British-American film in the James Bond series, the sequel to 2012 film Skyfall, in which Bond battles an international terrorist organization led by someone from his past. It was followed by 2021 film sequel No Time to Die.

- Directed by Sam Mendes. Written by John Logan, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, and Jez Butterworth.
Mr. White
edit- I always knew death would wear a familiar face, but not yours.
- You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. So long. [Shoots himself in the head with a pistol]
Franz Oberhauser/Ernst Stavro Blofeld
edit- [In convening a SPECTRE conference in Italy] Welcome, James. It's been a long time. And finally, here we are. What took you so long? [Looks up at where Bond is] Cuckoo!
- [As he prepares to operate on Bond] A man lives inside his head; that's where the seed of his soul is. James and I were both present recently when a man was deprived of his eyes and the most astonishing thing happened, didn't you notice? He wasn't there anymore. He had gone even though he was still alive, so this brief moment between life and death, there was nobody inside his skull. Most odd.
- The things that bring people together. Out of horror, beauty.
- Franz Oberhauser died twenty years ago, James, in an avalanche alongside his father. The man you're talking to now, the man inside your head, is Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
edit- [Moneypenny meets Bond at his flat]
- Eve Moneypenny: So what's going on, James? There's not one person at MI6 who isn't talking about it.
- James Bond: Talking about... what, exactly?
- Eve Moneypenny: That what you did in Mexico was a step too far. That you're finished.
- James Bond: And what do you think?
- Eve Moneypenny: I think you're just getting started.
- James Bond: I don't know what you mean.
- Eve Moneypenny: Fine. I think you've got a secret. And it's something you won't tell anyone because you don't trust anyone. [Bond switches on the TV, revealing a video message from the now-deceased previous M]
- M: [on TV] 007, if anything happens to me for some reason, I need you to do something. Find a man called Marco Sciarra. Kill him... and don't miss the funeral.
- Eve Moneypenny: Jesus! Where did you get it?
- James Bond: From my mailbox, just after she died.
- Eve Moneypenny: She was never short of surprises.
- James Bond: She wasn't gonna let death get in the way of her job.
- Clinic Barman: Can I get you something, sir?
- James Bond: Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred.
- Clinic Barman: I'm sorry, we don't serve alcohol.
- James Bond: [Sarcastically] I'm already starting to love this place...
- Q: [Approaching the bar from Bond's left] He'll have the prolytic digestive enzyme shake.
- Lucia Sciarra: Did you kill my husband?
- James Bond: He was an assassin. He wouldn't have taken it personally.
- [James Bond finds Mr White in Austria and talks to him about SPECTRE's leader]
- Mr. White: I always knew death would wear a familiar face, but not yours. To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Bond?
- James Bond: I was at a meeting recently and your name came up.
- Mr. White: I'm flattered London is still talking about me.
- James Bond: It wasn't MI6, it was Rome. Your team, not mine.
- Mr. White: Ah. Last month, I found thallium in my cell phone. It's done its job. I have a few weeks, maybe less. So, here we are, Mr. Bond. two dead men enjoying the evening.
- James Bond: What did you do?
- Mr. White: I disobeyed him. I followed him as far as I could. He changed.
- James Bond: Oh, I see, you grew a conscience.
- Mr. White: Our game is our game. But this? Women? Children?
- James Bond: Well, the thallium would suggest that he doesn't like you very much anymore. And clearly the feeling is mutual. So why don't you tell me how to find him again?
- Mr. White: Oh, come on.
- James Bond: Tell me where he is.
- Mr. White: He's everywhere! Everywhere! He's sitting at your desk, he's kissing your lover, he's eating supper with your family!
- [Madeleine emerges from a vehicle wreckage after being through a destructive chase by James Bond in a plane using it disable her vehicle]
- Madeleine Swann: Argh! Don't touch me!
- James Bond: Hey! You need to take a breath and calm down! You're in shock!
- Madeleine Swann: Get away from me! Just get away! Did it cross your mind that you led them to me?!
- James Bond: I haven't got time for this! You need to tell me everything you know about L'Americain!
- Madeleine Swann: Go to hell!
- James Bond: I gave your father my word!
- Madeleine Swann: And why should I trust you? Because my father did?!
- James Bond: Because right now, Dr. Swann, I'm your best chance of staying alive!
- Madeleine Swann: Why, given every other possible option, does a man choose the life of a paid assassin?
- James Bond: Well, it was that or the priesthood.
- Max Denbigh: You can't really tell me that one man in the field can compete with all of this, running around out there with his license to kill.
- M: Have you ever had to kill a man, Max? Have you? To pull that trigger, you have to be sure. Yes, you investigate, analyze, assess, target. And then you have to look him in the eye. And you make the call. And all the drones, bugs, cameras, transcripts, all the surveillance in the world can't tell you what to do next. A license to kill is also a license not to kill.
- Franz Oberhauser: Why did you come?
- James Bond: I came here to kill you.
- Franz Oberhauser: And I thought you came here to die.
- James Bond: Well, it's all a matter of perspective.
- Franz Oberhauser: Touch it. You can touch it if you want. Do you know what it is?
- Madeleine Swann: It's a meteorite.
- Franz Oberhauser: Yes, exactly. The Kartenhoff. The oldest in human possession. The very meteorite which made this crater. Think about it. So many years up there, alone, silent, building momentum until it chose to make its mark on Earth. A huge, unstoppable force. Except it did stop, didn't it? Right here.
- Franz Oberhauser: You're a brave woman, my dear.
- Madeleine Swann: Now I understand why my father lost his mind.
- Franz Oberhauser: He didn't lose his mind, he was just weak. But at least he understood what he was up against. You see, they failed to comprehend the crucial fact, that a terrible event can lead to something wonderful. Since you mention your father, I'll show you. [Begins playing surveillance tape of James Bond meeting with Mr. White]
- Video Mr. White: She's clever. She's smarter than me. She knows how to hide.
- Video James Bond: I can protect her if you tell me where he is. I can keep her alive. Yeah. You have my word.
- James Bond: No, no, no. Turn this off.
- Video James Bond: Your word? The word of an assassin!
- James Bond: Turn this off.
- Franz Oberhauser: This is important.
- James Bond: I said turn it off!
- Video James Bond: I want you to understand something. That's my word.
- James Bond: Madeleine? Look at me. Don't look at him, Madeleine. Look at me.
- Video Mr. White: L'Americain. You save her, she can lead you to L'Americain. She knows L'Americain. Try the Hoffler Klinik.
- [James Bond wakes up in strapped in a medical/interrogation chair]
- Franz Oberhauser: You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. So long. The things that bring people together. Out of horror, beauty. Torture is easy, on a superficial level. A man can watch himself being disemboweled and derive great horror from the experience, but it's still going on at a distance. It isn't taking place where he is. As you know all too well, dear Madeleine, a man lives inside his head. That's where the seat of his soul is. Now, James and I were both present recently when a man was deprived of his eyes. And the most astonishing thing happened. Didn't you notice? He wasn't there anymore. He'd gone even though he was still alive. So in this brief moment between life and death, there was nobody inside his skull. Most odd. So, James. I'm going to penetrate to where you are. To the inside of your head. Now, the first probe will play with your sight, your hearing and your balance, just with the subtlest of manipulations.
- James Bond: Well, get on with it then. Nothing can be as painful as listening to you talk.
- Franz Oberhauser: All right. Let's begin.
- James Bond: Why are you doing this?
- Franz Oberhauser: You probably know that James here lost his parents when he was young. But did you know that it was my father who helped him through this difficult time? Over the course of two winters he taught him to ski, and climb, and hunt. He soothed the wounds of the poor little blue-eyed orphan. Asked me to treat him as a brother. My little brother. They formed quite an attachment.
- Madeleine Swann: So, you killed him.
- Franz Oberhauser: Yes, I did. You know what happens when a cuckoo hatches inside another bird's nest?
- Madeleine Swann: Yes. It forces the other eggs out.
- Franz Oberhauser: Yes. Well, this cuckoo made me realize my father's life had to end. In a way, he's responsible for the path I took. So, thank you. Cuckoo.
- Franz Oberhauser: You came across me so many times, yet you never saw me. Le Chiffre, Greene, Silva...
- James Bond: All dead.
- Franz Oberhauser: Yeah, that's right. A nice pattern developed - you interfered in my world, so I destroyed yours. Or did you think it was coincidence that all of the women in your life ended up dead? Vesper Lynd, for example. She was the big one. [To Madeleine] Has he told you about her? [To Bond] It was all me, James. It was always me - the author of all your painǃ
- Max Denbigh: [On the phone to his contact] Go back and find M, NOW! We need them both. [hangs up and attempts to log in to MI6, only to find that his access has been denied and the Nine Eyes program's shutdown has been initiated]
- M: Not a good feeling being watched, is it?
- Max Denbigh: Don't tell me you're responsible for this.
- M: No, but my quartermaster is. And he's extremely talented.
- Max Denbigh: Oh, bravo. But in case you hadn't realized it, you two are out of a job. so you're trespassing.
- M: I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick, Max. We're going to stop this system going online, and then I'm going to bring you in.
- Max Denbigh: On what grounds, exactly?
- M: Poor taste in friends.
- Max Denbigh: Take a look at the world. Chaos. Because people like you, paper-pushers and politicians, are too spineless to do what needs to be done. So I made an alliance to put the power where it should be, and now you want to throw it away for the sake of democracy, whatever the hell that is. How predictably moronic. But then, isn't that what M stands for? "Moron"?
- [C aims a pistol at M and pulls the trigger; nothing happens]
- M: And now we know what C stands for. [Reveals that he has the bullets that C thought were in his gun] "Careless".
- [Bond has Oberhauser at his mercy, seemingly about to kill him]
- Franz Oberhauser: Finish it. Finish it.
- James Bond: [Lowers his gun] Out of bullets. [Looks at Swann] And besides, I've got something better to do.
edit- Daniel Craig - James Bond
- Christoph Waltz - Franz Oberhauser/Ernst Stavro Blofeld
- Lea Seydoux - Madeleine Swann
- Naomie Harris - Eve Moneypenny
- Dave Bautista - Mr. Hinx
- Andrew Scott - Max Denbigh/C
- Ralph Fiennes - Gareth Mallory/M
- Monica Bellucci - Lucia Sciarra
- Ben Whishaw - Q
- Rory Kinnear - Bill Tanner
- Jesper Christensen - Mr. White
edit- Sometimes, the dead don't stay dead.
External link
edit- Spectre quotes at the Internet Movie Database