The World Is Not Enough

1999 film by Michael Apted

The World Is Not Enough is a 1999 British-American action spy film, the sequel to 1997 film Tomorrow Never Dies, in which James Bond uncovers a nuclear plot when he protects an oil heiress from her former kidnapper, an international terrorist who can't feel pain. It was followed by 2002 film sequel Die Another Day.

Directed by Michael Apted. Written by Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, and Bruce Feirstein.
Danger, Suspense, Excitement. There must be when he's around. (taglines)


Miss Moneypenny: James! Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip? Chocolates? An engagement ring?
James Bond: I thought you might enjoy one of these. [gives Miss Moneypenny a cigar tube]
Miss Moneypenny: How romantic. I know exactly where to put that. [throws the cigar tube in the bin]
Bond: Oh Moneypenny, the story of our relationship: close, but no cigar.

[at Q's lab, Bond notices a bagpiper playing, who then turns to a ballistics dummy, aiming his bagpipes at the dummy. One of the pipes fires machine gun bullets, another is a flamethrower]
Bond: I suppose we all have to pay the piper sometime, right, Q?
Q: Oh, pipe down, 007.
Bond: Was it something I said?
Q: No. Something you destroyed: My fishing boat [points to advanced (and heavily damaged) skiff Bond earlier used] for my retirement, away from you. [opens pool table. A platform arises, showing a man working on a BMW coupe. Bond and Q walk toward it] Now, I want to introduce you to the young fellow I'm grooming to follow me.
Man: [looks at Q and Bond] Oh... [man has lab gown stuck on the car door; he looks around in confusion. Bond opens it.]
Bond: Helps if you open the door.
Man: Hmm. And you might be?
Q: This is 007!
Bond: If you're Q, does that make him R?
R: Ah yes, the legendary 007 wit, or at least half of it.

R: Now, 007, I daresay, I think you've met your match with this machine.
James Bond: [Putting on some nearby shades, that are really x-ray glasses] Oh, really? New model, improved specs?
R: I thought you were on the Inactive roster; some kind of injury?
James Bond: Yes, well, we'll see about that. So...
R: As I was saying, the very latest in interception countermeasures. Titanium armor, a multi-tasking heads-up display, and six beverage cup holders. All in all, rather stocked.
Q: "Fully loaded," I believe is the term.
R: I think–
Q: You're not here to think, you're here to do what I tell you. Now, go put on the coat and demonstrate for 007.
R: But of course. Now, watch carefully please, 007. [Puts on the snow jacket] The right arm goes in the right sleeve thus, and the left arm in the left sleeve thus. Now, note closely, please; pockets, poppers, and zipper. Take the lower part of the zipper, and insert it into the–
Q: [Q and Bond give a look to each other] Oh, pull the tag! [Pulls a tag on the front of the jacket]
R: Oh! But you said–! [An inflatable self-closing ball inflates out the back of the jacket, then wraps around R. He falls and rolls around blindly, stuck in the ball] Oooh! Q! Ooof!
James Bond: He seems well-suited for the job. [Q chuckles and goes to a nearby platform] Now, you're not retiring anytime soon. [pause] Are you?
Q: Now, pay attention 007. I've always tried to teach you two things. First, never let them see you bleed.
Bond: And the second?
Q: Always have an escape plan. [presses button and goes down platform]

[Holding Bull at gunpoint, Bond enters the casino office and finds Zukovsky with two women.]
Valentin Zukovsky: Bond, James Bond! Meet Nina and Verushka.
James Bond: Lose the girls, Valentin. We need to talk.
Zukovsky: Why am I suddenly worried that I am not carrying enough insurance, huh? Chill out, James! [Bond jabs his gun into Bull's chest] Fine, ladies. Go on, beat it. Scram. Bull, give them an inch.
[Bull gives each woman a bundle of cash, and the three of them start to leave.]
Zukovsky: And make sure they lose it in this casino, huh?
Bull: I'll see you later, Mr. Bond.
Bond: [sees Bull has a mouthful of gold teeth] I see you put your money where your mouth is.
Zukovsky: Mr. Bullion does not trust banks.

James Bond: Expecting Davidov? He caught a bullet instead of the plane. [grabs Renard and holds him at gunpoint] Get off and keep your mouth shut!
Renard: You can't kill me. I'm already dead.
Bond: Not dead enough for me.
Renard: You could show a little gratitude. I did spare your life at the banker's office. That's right; I couldn't kill you, you were working for me. You delivered the money, killed King and now you've brought me the plane.
Bond: What's your plan for the bomb?!
Renard: You first. Or could it be you don't have a plan?
Bond: That bomb will never leave this room!
Renard: Neither will you. How sad…to be threatened by a man who can't grasp what he's involved in.
Bond: Revenge is not hard to fathom for a man who believes in nothing.
Renard: And what do you believe in? Preservation of capital? [pulls away from Bond] Go ahead. Shoot me. I welcome it. My men will hear the shot and kill you.
Bond: And the firefight will bring down half the army from above.
Renard: But when a certain phone call isn't made in twenty minutes, Elektra dies.
Bond: You're bluffing.
Renard: She's beautiful, isn't she? You should have had her before, when she was innocent. How does it feel to know that I broke her in for you?
[Bond gets angry and pistol-whips Renard across the forehead. Renard falls to the ground]
Bond: [as he puts the silencer on his P99] I usually hate killing an unarmed man. Cold-blooded murder is a filthy business.
Renard: A man tires of being executed.
Bond: But in your case, I feel nothing, just like you.

Dr. Christmas Jones: Do you wanna explain why you did that? I could have stopped that bomb! You almost killed us!
James Bond: I did kill us. She thinks we're dead and she thinks she got away with it.
Jones: Do you want to put that in English for those of us who don't speak spy? Who's she?
Bond: Elektra King.
Jones: Well, why would she blow up her own pipeline?
Bond: It makes her look innocent. The explosion covers up the theft of the plutonium... and they make it look like a terrorist attack.
Jones: [takes a tin of plutonium out of her bag] But why leave this half?
Bond: So there's enough to spread around to cover up for the part that they did take.
Jones: But what are they gonna do with the other half? Its not enough to make a nuclear bomb.
Bond: You're the scientist; you tell me.
Jones: I don't know... but the world's greatest terrorist running around with six kilos of weapons-grade plutonium can't be good. I have to get it back, or somebody's gonna have my ass.
Bond: First things first.

Elektra King: [to Renard as she announces that she has captured M for him] Your present, courtesy of the late Mr. Bond.
Renard: My executioner.
M: Overpraise, I'm afraid. But my people will finish the job.
King: Your people? Your people will leave you here to rot. Just like you left me- you and my father.
M: Your father wasn't...
King: My father was nothing! The kingdom he stole from my mother, the kingdom I will rightly take back. [leaves]
M: I hope you're proud of what you did to her.
Renard: I'm afraid it is you who deserve credit. When I took her, she was promise itself. And then you left her at the mercy of a man like me. You made that happen. For what? To get to me? She's worth fifty of me.
M: For once, I agree with you.
Renard: Yes. And now we both share a common fate. You will die along with everyone in the city. Along with the bright, starry, oil driven future of the West. [Renard reaches for an alarm clock and holds it in his hands] Since you sent your men to kill me, I've been watching time tick away, marching towards my own death. Now you can have the same pleasure. Watch these hands, M. By noon tomorrow, your time is up. And I guarantee you, I will not miss.

Elektra King: I could have given you the world.
James Bond: The world is not enough.
King: Foolish sentiment.
Bond: Family motto.

[Bond has freed M and now has Elektra at gunpoint]
James Bond: [offering radio] Call him off. I won't ask again. Call him off. CALL HIM OFF! [Elektra is startled]
Elektra: [says into the walkie-talkie] Renard. [to Bond] You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me.
Renard: [from the walkie-talkie] Yes?
Elektra: Dive! Bo- [Bond shoots her and she falls into her bed, dead. M sees the aftermath]
Bond: [coldly] I never miss.

[Bond and Renard battle in the submarine]
James Bond: Are you really going to commit suicide for her [Elektra]?
Renard: You forget, I'm already dead!
Bond: Haven't you heard? So is she!
Renard: [stunned] You're lying! [screams] LIAR!!
[Renard traps Bond and sets up his plutonium fuel rod on the reactor core. Bond sees a loose conduit, reattaches it, and selects the reactor cell where the fuel rod is, knowing it is at maximum pressure]
Bond: [he and Renard look at each other] She's waiting for you! [twists a knob and impales Renard with the fuel rod ejected at him]

[last lines]
James Bond: [in bed with Jones] I was wrong about you.
Dr. Christmas Jones: Yeah, how so?
James Bond: I thought Christmas only comes once a year.


  • Danger, Suspense, Excitement. There must be when he's around.
  • Some men want to rule the world... Some women ask for the world... Some believe the world is theirs for the taking... But for one man, The World Is Not Enough!!!
  • As the countdown begins for the new millennium there is still one number you can always count on.
  • Bond is Back


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