Vox Day

American writer and publisher, far-right activist

Theodore Robert Beale (born August 21, 1968), known as Vox Day, is an American blogger, editor, and video game designer.

Vox Day in 2007


  • A one-world government is an absolutely terrible concept, because it sets up a system of an ultimate prize to be claimed by the most ruthless, most determined, and most power-hungry individuals. The hypothetical process of getting to that point is bad enough, but if the global governance enthusiasts ever succeed in establishing it, it's going to make the historical institutions of slavery and medieval serfdom look like freedom in comparison. The only peace it will bring to Mankind is the peace of the grave. The most effective way for individual Americans to respond is to continue to insist on the restoration of their Constitution and to remain steadfast in refusing demands that they give up their national sovereignty.
  • I am a Christian who wrote a novel in a specific literary tradition. I did not approach the process as a representative of modern evangelical culture, hoping to collect a few crumbs fallen from the medieval feast described in excruciatingly painstaking detail on the secular table, but as one of the legitimate heirs to the literary kingdom who is castigating the usurpers.
  • The truth always forces its way through the lies and deceit that cloak it over time. All of the lies that Americans have been told by their immigrant invaders, from “the proposition nation” to the “huddled masses”, the “melting pot”, “we are the world”, and “diversity is our strength” are going to be disproven in a conclusive, and possibly cataclysmic manner by the geopolitical rivalry with a unified and confident nation.
  • There is a reason that truth is considered to be a fundamentally different category than the beautiful or even the good. Sometimes, the truth can be ugly indeed, but even the ugliest truth is of intrinsic value.
  • Racism is entirely laudable, as racism is nothing more than the attempt by a people whose identity is under assault to preserve their unique status as a people, and the term is used in a pejorative manner by those who are attempting to destroy all independent aspects of identity, language, blood, religion, and culture in that group of people. This is neither theory nor speculation, it is simple historical fact.
  • The humiliating retreat from Afghanistan is just the punctuation mark. What we’re witnessing is the end of the US empire, with all the alien rulers, corrupt judges, illegitimate government, incompetent generals, foreign profiteers, and hordes of invading migrants, moral degeneracy, and declining religious faith, morale, and national confidence that customarily accompanies such events. If history is any guide, this is not going to be turned around, so it is time to stop thinking in terms of “preserving” and “conserving” and “restoring” that which is destroyed, and start thinking in terms of building anew with the benefit of the lessons learned from the decline and fall of the United States of America.
  • Judeochristianity is, and has always been, an ahistorical deception targeting naive American Christians. Unlike Europeans, most 20th-Century Americans knew nothing about Jews or their history, which is why the post-1945 propaganda campaign to convince American Christians that they shared a common faith heritage with Jews rather than a completely antithetical one was mostly successful.
  • It appears vaccinated travellers brought it to Botswana rather than picking it up there. This observation is further buttressed by the fact that people from as far away as Australia have already been identified as carrying the B.1.1.529 variant of the virus.
  • What sort of “safe and effective” vaccine needs to be injected four times in a single calendar year in order to not prevent people from being infected with the disease being “prevented”?
  • Literally every argument for the Covid vaxxes has proven to be false. They don’t provide immunity. They are not safe. They don’t prevent hospitalization. And now it has been demonstrated that they now increase a Covid patient’s chance of dying.
  • The conclusive verdict is in courtesy of a very large and peer-reviewed Brazilian study: Ivermectin is, and always was, a much safer and effective approach to combating Covid-19 than the various vaxxines.
  • The Christian church is absolutely not there to remind people to pursue certain specific material goals. The Christian church is there to worship Jesus Christ, to care for the flock, and to spread the Gospel.
  • I have tended to consider Guns, Germs, and Steel to be little more than an ahistorical concoction that combines pop history and science with illogical speculation and political correctness.
  • Most, though obviously not all, vaccine mandates were nothing more than a bluff. Remember, evil always prefers your consent through submission. Threatening consequences, but not following through on the threat, has proven to be a moderately effective way to obtain compliance among the weak-willed and weak-minded. Learn to recognize the patterns. Pattern recognition is prediction.
  • How anyone can look at the ongoing collapse of the USA due to its evil policies of mass immigration, free trade, and free speech and conclude that the failing state provides a functional model worthy of imitation, much less an ideal model that morally requires installation by force, completely mystifies me.
  • The unarmed society is a defenseless society, which is why the body counts are usually much higher in places that are gun-free zones than in places where people are able to defend themselves by legally carrying arms. And, as always, it’s vital to keep in mind that gun violence is primarily a racial issue, not an availability of weapons issue, as the newly-adulterated nations of Europe are beginning to discover in the aftermath of Merkel’s Migration.
    • Theodore Beale, Vox Day, 6 October 2022
  • The humiliating retreat from Afghanistan is just the punctuation mark. What we’re witnessing is the end of the US empire, with all the alien rulers, corrupt judges, illegitimate government, incompetent generals, foreign profiteers, and hordes of invading migrants, moral degeneracy, and declining religious faith, morale, and national confidence that customarily accompanies such events. If history is any guide, this is not going to be turned around, so it is time to stop thinking in terms of “preserving” and “conserving” and “restoring” that which is destroyed, and start thinking in terms of building anew with the benefit of the lessons learned from the decline and fall of the United States of America.
  • Mailer’s work will not be any great loss; he is part of the Boomer-era literary decline that saw the elevation of mediocre writers like Bellow, Kerouac, Roth, and Mailer himself at the expense of people who could a) actually write and b) had something to say about the human condition that didn’t revolve around narcissism and sex with mediocre women. But his cancellation is not without significance, as it demonstrates that evil will always cast even its most celebrated servants aside as soon as they cease to be useful.
  • Francis Fukuyama, the only predictor whose track record is worse than Scott “I did NOT see that coming” Adams, is convinced that history is still in the process of ending, it just didn’t end when he said it did.
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