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You have recently added unsourced quotes to pages. While new quotes are very welcome here, they should provide sources, and be presented in ways which follow some of the accepted or prescribed styles of formatting available, and major changes to structures of pages should usually be in accord with the generally accepted norms used here. Kalki·· 06:29, 13 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

IP edits edit

I believe you have been adding quotes to various articles in recent days, under various IPs, and while this is acceptable and welcomed, it would be more convenient for maintaining clear dialogue if you registered a username. I have made a note at Talk:Terence_McKenna#New_editors... relating to some issues I have noticed, in either case, and I will soon be reviewing some recent edits to pages. I know there is much more material from McKenna worthy of inclusion here, so I welcome additions of such, but it should follow the general guidelines accepted here, and there should have respectful consideration of the work of others. Blessings ~ Kalki·· 07:01, 13 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

In response to your remark, I do indeed speak English, and had been providing the title of the video as presented where it is published on the internet, at the link you had provided. Though your alternative is acceptable and more grammatically correct, more info as to the date of the recording would definitely be welcomed, if this can be provided. ~ Kalki·· 07:20, 13 March 2015 (UTC)Reply
Though I certainly do not agree with all his ideas and assessments, I have long appreciated many of the imaginatively bold and frank presentations of ideas Terence McKenna‎‎ made, and certainly would encourage you to add more to his page, and to related pages; but please avoid treating theme pages as opportunities to promote his ideas or yours in highly dogmatic or pretentious ways. There might be some occasions where I would agree McKenna's statements are worthy of being the introductory quote, but usually there are many others equal or superior in general interest or important to take into consideration as well. I would encourage you to register a username, as this requires NO personal information to be given at all — and actually helps PROTECT your anonymity by not exposing your IP address for all to see. It would also help dialogue to be more clearly and properly addressed with ease and without confusions. So it goes Blessings. ~ Kalki·· 10:30, 13 March 2015 (UTC)Reply