"But can we go to posterity with a sheaf of loose pages,
or ask the readers of those days,
with the whole of literature before them,
to sift our enormous rubbish heaps for our tiny pearls?"

- Virginia Woolf

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  • I joined Wikiquote 9/21/05
  • I became a Wikiquote administrator (sysop) 5/13/06
  • I became a Wikiquote bureaucrat 10/05/08
  • The username n:User:InvisibleSun on Wikinews is an impersonator of me and has been permanently blocked



(Bolded entries for names or titles already worked on)

Creation of new pages


Dean Baker ~ Russell Baker ~ Lester Bangs ~ Jacques Barzun ~ Max Beerbohm ~ Louise Bogan ~ Hilary Bok ~ Jacques Brel ~ Charlotte Brontë ~ Bernard Chazelle ~ Kenneth Clark ~ Alexander Cockburn ~ Voltairine de Cleyre ~ Eugène Delacroix ~ Thomas Eakins ~ Ford Madox Ford ~ Dana Gioia ~ John N. Gray ~ Glenn Greenwald ~ William Greider ~ Clement Greenberg ~ Elizabeth Hardwick ~ Jerry Herman ~ Seymour Hersh ~ Christopher Hill ~ Walter Hilton ~ David Hockney ~ Richard Hofstadter ~ Michael Hudson (economist) ~ Christopher Isherwood ~ Pauline Kael ~ Bel Kaufman ~ Käthe Kollwitz ~ John Leonard ~ Ada Leverson ~ Yukio Mishima ~ V.S. Naipaul ~ Paul Newman ~ Oscar Niemeyer ~ Joe Orton ~ Kenneth Patchen ~ V. S. Pritchett ~ Paul Craig Roberts ~ Harold Rosenberg ~ Nouriel Roubini ~ John Ruskin ~ Delmore Schwartz ~ Paul Scofield ~ Sei Shōnagon ~ Maurice Sendak ~ Wilfrid Sheed ~ Stevie Smith ~ Robert Southwell ~ Harry E. Soyster ~ Andrew Sullivan ~ Wisława Szymborska ~ Sara Teasdale ~ Lionel Trilling ~ Tu Fu ~ Nicholas von Hoffman ~ Simone Weil ~ Peter Weiss ~ Edmund White ~ William Carlos Williams ~ Gerrard Winstanley

The American Scene ~ The Autobiography of William Butler Yeats ~ A Child's History of England ~ The Chomsky Reader ~ The Elements of Style ~ Henry VI, Part 1 ~ Necessary Illusions ~ Timon of Athens

Extensive work on other pages


John Adams ~ Samuel Adams ~ Martin Amis ~ Matthew Arnold ~ W. H. Auden ~ Jane Austen ~ Walter Bagehot ~ James Baldwin ~ Honoré de Balzac ~ Charles Baudelaire ~ Samuel Beckett ~ Saul Bellow ~ Bernard Berenson ~ John Betjeman ~ Thomas Browne ~ George Washington Carver ~ Geoffrey Chaucer ~ G.K. Chesterton ~ Pierre Choderlos de Laclos ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge ~ Cyril Connolly ~ John Constable ~ Pierre Corneille ~ Edgar Degas ~ Eugene V. Debs ~ John Dewey ~ Frederick Douglass ~ W.E.B. DuBois ~ Jonathan Edwards ~ Anatole France ~ John Kenneth Galbraith ~ Federico García Lorca ~ Paul Gauguin ~ André Gide ~ William Ewart Gladstone ~ Stephen Jay Gould ~ Baltasar Gracián ~ Robert Graves ~ Germaine Greer ~ Johann Georg Hamann ~ Thomas Hardy ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne ~ Rutherford B. Hayes ~ William Hazlitt ~ George Herbert ~ Christopher Hitchens ~ Gerard Manley Hopkins ~ Robert Hughes ~ Victor Hugo ~ David Hume ~ Henrik Ibsen ~ Henry James ~ William James ~ Randall Jarrell ~ Thomas Jefferson ~ Samuel Johnson ~ Ben Jonson ~ James Joyce ~ Frida Kahlo ~ Søren Kierkegaard ~ Dennis Kucinich ~ D.H. Lawrence ~ Fran Lebowitz ~ Le Corbusier ~ Doris Lessing ~ Primo Levi ~ Claude Lévi-Strauss ~ John Locke ~ James Madison ~ André Malraux ~ Katherine Mansfield ~ Henri Matisse ~ Mary McCarthy ~ John Stuart Mill ~ Czesław Miłosz ~ Molière ~ George Orwell ~ Cynthia Ozick ~ Octavio Paz ~ Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ~ Pablo Picasso ~ Sylvia Plath ~ Henri Poincaré ~ James K. Polk ~ Alexander Pope ~ Kenneth Rexroth ~ Theodore Roethke ~ Bertrand Russell ~ George Santayana ~ Arthur Schopenhauer ~ Anne Sexton ~ William Shakespeare (pages of plays) ~ George Bernard Shaw ~ Susan Sontag ~ Baruch Spinoza ~ Gertrude Stein ~ George Steiner ~ Stendhal ~ Laurence Sterne ~ Wallace Stevens ~ Lytton Strachey ~ Tom Stoppard ~ Matt Taibbi ~ Lewis Thomas ~ R.S. Thomas ~ Kenneth Tynan ~ John Updike ~ Paul Valéry ~ Jules Verne ~ Gore Vidal ~ Voltaire ~ Booker T. Washington ~ Rebecca West ~ E. B. White ~ Ellen Willis ~ James Wood ~ Virginia Woolf ~ William Butler Yeats ~ Marguerite Yourcenar ~ Howard Zinn

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ~ Candide ~ Les Misérables ~ Ulysses

Current To-Do List
