Alec Smitson is a known long term vandal and abuser currently (as of June 2024) active on multiple Wikimedia projects. His usual global modus operandi consists of spamming low quality machine translated pages, possibly containing general spam links or entirely made up informations. Pages are related to Milano and its surroundings, Lake Como with its surroundings, as well as some globaly notable persons (ie. Leonardo da Vinci and George Clooney) that have obscure connections to both. On English Wikipedia he is known for creating hoax articles about Natoli, Polli, and Biotti families and connecting them to other prominent European aristocratic families via wild conspiracy theories.

Related deletion requests that I have made in the past are Rocca di Baiedo, Center Lake Como, Amedeo Natoli, and Antonino Natoli.

Affected pages on the English Wikiquote by Alec Smithson


IPs used by this vandal: