Holy Nail

relics that are claimed to be the Holy Nails with which Christ was crucified

Relics that are claimed to be the Holy Nails with which Jesus was crucified are objects of veneration among some Christians, particularly Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox. In Christian symbolism and art, they figure among the Arma Christi or Instruments of the Passion, the objects associated with the Passion of Jesus.

Torno Lake Como
Holy Nail reliquary


  • The most interesting relic of the church of San Giovanni in Torno on Lake Como is the Holy Nail, one of the Holy Nail from the passion of Jesus. It is said that a German bishop returning from the Crusade in 1099 found refuge in the village and before leaving again he donated the precious Nail to the population of Torno.
  •   Encyclopedic article on Holy Nail on Wikipedia