The Loud House (season 2)

season of television series

Main: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Movies: The Loud House Movie / A Loud House Christmas / A Really Haunted Loud House / The Casagrandes Movie | Casagrandes (Seasons 1 2 3) | The Really Loud House

The Loud House (2016–present) is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of an accident-prone boy named Lincoln Loud, who survives as the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.

11 Louds a Leapin' [Episode 1] edit

Man: [sighs] So what's the plan?
Boy: [draws with a twig to show the plan.] You'll go to the front door and sing Christmas carols here. When Grouse comes out to yell at you, I'll hop the fence and grab Big Red here.

Episode 3 edit

Baby Steps [2.3A] edit

Clyde: Just another minute, Lucy! Hang on, Lola. [Picks up the toys and drops the balls] Oops.... [Lily cries again, oversizing her eyes out] No no no no no! Wait! It's all okay. Shh, shhhhhhh....... [Bitey climbs into his pant leg and make him scream again and trip over the ball and fall down. The girls gather around Clyde and demand that he shall solve their problems. Seeing no way out, he must gotta do he zips his fanny pack out and takes out his fanny pack as the girls continues arguing and shouting.] JUST TAKE THE COOKIES!!! [The cookies gets sent flying and the girls see the cookies and chases after them.] [The minute Clyde's free, Clyde runs downstairs and for the door.]
Lincoln: Clyde! What happened?

[Clyde opens the door only to run into his dream girl.]

Clyde: L-L-L-L-Lori? [gets a nosebleed] Ugh! [passes out as Lincoln holds him]
Lori: Whatever. [walks away inside as Lincoln looks]

[Back in Lincoln's bedroom, Clyde comes to his own senses.]

Lincoln: Clyde! Talk to me, buddy. What happened back there?
Clyde: [sighs] I failed at the 3 C's.
Lincoln: What? How is that possible? You're the most caring person I know & you make great cookies.
Clyde: It's the confidence I'm struggling with. [panicking] What if I give bad crush advice, and my future sibling gets their heart broken? Or what if I can't choreograph a ribbon dance, and they drop out of school and start holding up convenience stores? I'm going to be a terrible big brother!!!!
Lincoln: [worried; caring] CLYDE! [shakes Clyde] You're spiraling! You can do this. [pushes his friend] Just get out there and try again.
Clyde: I can't, Lincoln! I don't have the confidence you do. And I never will......
Lincoln: [caring] It's okay, buddy. How about we just forget the whole training thing and play some video games?
Clyde: That sounds great.
Lincoln: I'll just go grab us some snacks. [leaves]

Brawl in the Family [2.3B] edit

Leni: Ooh! When did we put a mirror in the living room?
Lori: That's not a mirror. That's me! Now go take your dress back!
Leni: What?! No! You take yours back!
(Lori and Leni growl at each other)

Lori: We already hugged it out. We were fine. But now that I know that she thinks I look like Aunt Ruth, we are definitely not fine!
Leni: You insulted my skin tone! Nothing's gonna make that right.
(Leni and Lori argue)
Leni: You know I can't tan! How could you say that?!
Lori: You literally betrayed me!
(Lincoln leaves Lori and Leni's bedroom, only to be scared by Lincoln's other sisters)

Lisa: You said what now, sporty?!
Lola: Oh, I snore, do I? How can you hear me over all your sleep-farting?!
Lynn Sr.: Whew! Can't wait to use the real toilet.
(All the Loud sisters, including Lily, are arguing that a brawl breaks out)
Lynn Sr.: Aah! Retreat! Retreat!
Lincoln: Wait for me!
(Lincoln runs to join with their parents. The brawl is so loud that it shakes the whole house!)

The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos [Episode 13] edit

[Hector and Bobby run away from the cats]
Bobby: So, the gang has cats?
Hector: The gang is cats!

[Ronnie Anne goes to sleep in the bathtub, but spots Sergio the parrot inside]
Sergio: I'm naked!

Lincoln: I still don't get why I have to come along.
Lincoln: She is NOT my girlfriend!
Lori: Lincoln, we are literally crossing a bridge! Do you really want to get into an argument with me RIGHT NOW?!?

Ronnie Anne: What do you mean you didn't convince him?
Lori: He talked about the bodega for 40 minutes until the beef jerky guy showed up and at that point I had literally reached my limit.
Ronnie Anne: [sighs and thinks] We need to do something to get Bobby's attention.

Lincoln: [while being dragged by Lori] We're leaving? But Mrs. Casagrande's baking a cake!
Lori: [heartbroken] Lincoln, I literally just lost my boyfriend! [angrily] Do you really wanna argue with me right now?
Bobby: [appearing] Babe, where are you going?
Lori: [furious] What do you care?! Why don't you just go back to your precious bodega? YOU OBVIOUSLY CARE ABOUT IT MORE THAN YOU CARE ME! [starts sobbing]
Lincoln: I'm just gonna go help Mrs. Casagrande with the frosting. [chuckles and rushes back inside the apartment]
Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, what's happening out there?
Lincoln: I don't know. But it was too much drama for me.
Ronnie Anne: Wait a minute. They're hugging, and Lori's smiling. She must have finally convinced him! Yes! [runs over to Lori and hugs her, moments later] Thank you, thank you, thank you! I knew we could do this. I'll go pack up my stuff.
Lori: Uh, actually…
Ronnie Anne: What?
Lori: I know I came here to convince Bobby not to move, but after talking to him, I think he should stay.
Ronnie Anne: Well, that's great for you guys, but what about me? Lincoln, come on! Help me out here!
Lincoln: I don't know, Ronnie Anne. I think your family's pretty awesome. I mean, who can make a cake like this?

Episode 14 edit

Episode 15 edit

Episode 16 edit

Episode 17 edit