Wikiquote talk:Featured article

Latest comment: 3 years ago by JPxG in topic Any update on this?

(originally posted to WQ:VP)

How about adding a "featured article" feature to the front page, which would get changed every, say, week? It would allow us to showcase the best articles with the perfectly formatted quotes, the well researched source lists and so on so that there will be good examples to follow. ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 1 July 2005 03:36 (UTC)

Good point, but for our size, not a week but a month or a fortnight will be better. And before that, we need to make a pool of FAs.
Perhaps it is currently suitable for us not to create a systematically FA with vote, but more casual page for "favorite articles": the page everyone can submit their favorite articles with a short line recommendation. --Aphaia 1 July 2005 16:34 (UTC)

Does anyone else have an opinion, either for or against? This idea seems to be languishing :( ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 6 July 2005 11:57 (UTC)

All of Aphaia's reply is good; I would only add that the "pool" of articles could possibly include both "outside" ideas (like "picture of the day") and also "inside" ideas (like submissions of people of their favorite article). However, how would this featured article be guarenteed to relate to the "quote" theme of Wikiquote? (You might have to limit yourself to articles of people who are quoted in Wiki.) A good idea, but it must be worth the time spent.--GordonWattsDotCom 6 July 2005 12:05 (UTC)
I fear I may have not explained my idea well -- I meant a wikiquote article (that is, a collection of quotes). E.g., one month Buffy the Vampire Slayer could be FA, the next month Love and the next month Albert Einstein. This will allow wikiquote contributors to showcase what they consider to be their best world to people who open the main page. ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 6 July 2005 12:26 (UTC)
Oh; Since we have plenty of article, then getting some when needed should be no problem. Either users can submit suggestions, or, if none do one week (or month, depending), then we can let a computer randomly pick an article. I think it might be helpful and not too difficult if you know the right edit code.--GordonWattsDotCom 6 July 2005 12:51 (UTC)

Here is a small sample of what I thought a featured article would look like. Imagine this on the Main page somewhere. Naturally, the actual content will be read in by a month-dependent link, and there will be voting on articles. I feel that at the first stage, we can feature an article for a month at a time. I have chosen Dune as a sample, though I am not at all convinced I would even vote for it. Any feedback on this idea would be appreciated. ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 13:48, 25 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Featured article

October 11, 2005 - Eliza Patricia Dushku is an American actress.

I'd like to go back to Buffy, but I've been in a coma, I've jumped off a building, I've been in prison - how many other ways can they bring me back? But those guys are geniuses, so who knows?

Here is how it might look scrunched up against QotD:

Quote of the Day
Our oath was not to the Republican Party, not to the Democratic Party, not to Joe Biden, not to Donald Trump, but our oath was to defend the constitution.
And right now — right now literally at this moment that constitution is under the most direct and consequential assault in our nation's history. An assault not on a particular provision but on the essential structure of the document itself. It's hard to grasp what is happening because of all the events that are swirling around us over the last several weeks. It's coming from so many different quarters and so many different actors. It's hard to get a picture of what's really happening fundamentally.
But this is an assault, and how we respond to it will define our life's work, our place in history, and the future of our country. None of us will ever face a greater challenge.
~ Angus King ~

We are currently in the process of developing new policies for selecting the "Quote of the Day" on a page where registered users can rank proposals for each day. The Quote of the Day archives contains listings of quotes that have already been used. Read more...

Featured article

October 11, 2005 - Eliza Patricia Dushku is an American actress.

I'd like to go back to Buffy, but I've been in a coma, I've jumped off a building, I've been in prison - how many other ways can they bring me back? But those guys are geniuses, so who knows?

To further explain -- the first line has the date, and a short introduction (hopefully copied from the introduction in the article -- a featured article should have good intro, and Dune is not ideal), and the second line has a quotation from the work, to give a quick taste. ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 13:52, 25 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Although that will probably work, it does need a less jolting color scheme. The rest of the site is rather reserved as far as color goes, that would create a sore spot. To make it look neater. I wonder if its possible to match the hieght to that of the QOTD box. --Datasage 02:40, 26 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

I've tried to conform to a lighter colour scheme. Thanks for your input! If the only thing that's left to decide is exact looks, and there is general consensus that this is a good idea, there is more work to be done anyway -- deciding on a voting scheme, putting an archive together, etc. ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 03:46, 26 July 2005 (UTC)Reply
I also think that it's a good idea, hard to imagine why anyone would disagree... Your sample is cool imho. The only thing that bothers me is the word "article". I still think that the word "entry" is somewhat better, but neither are very good. I couldn't come up with a better word. This feature idea rules out the word "content", because "featured content" sounds terrible, and "featured collection" also sounds lame. It's weird that on wiktionary they still use the work "article", as opposed to "entry". iddo999 04:58, 26 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

I am working on Wikiquote:Featured article. I will soon move this discussion into its talk page. ~ MosheZadka (Talk) 17:28, 26 July 2005 (UTC)Reply

Any update on this?


Just wonderin'. JPxG (talk) 08:58, 20 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

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