Multiple Votes for Robert Johnson


You're wasting your time. Unsigned and anonymous votes are not counted. Furthermore, it's obvious that each of your votes came from the same person. But thank you for demonstrating my point. --Ubiquity 22:48, 12 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

ok dude look my friends fucking quotes dont deserve to be fucking deleted because he is a good guy and his quotes are fucking funny so i dont know why people like you have to be such a dick.

  • Write to Bartlett's. If you can get Bartlett's quotations to include them, we will be sure to follow suit. Best of luck! BD2412 T 00:45, 13 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
  • You're missing the point, 71.172... "Notable" doesn't mean "real" or "well-known in the neighborhood" or "can be found somewhere on the net." It means that a large number of people outside of his personal acquaintance have heard of him. Now, to some extent, that's subjective, which is why we just don't delete things because a subject seems unnotatable -- we vote, giving any interested party who cares to identify himself an opportunity to demonstrate notability. But the only person asserting Robert Johnson's notability is you, and the link you posted to demonstrate it was a home video of children tussling. It is VERY difficult for children to become notable. It is also difficult for them to say anything notable, as your page demonstrates. I'm glad you think your "friend" is cool, but you'll need to find someplace else to record his utterances. Good luck. --Ubiquity 01:57, 13 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
    • PS: The general supposition in the adult world is that a person who needs to resort to offensive language to make a point doesn't usually have much of a point to make. If you want your viewpoint to be taken seriously, you might want to rethink the way you express it. --Ubiquity 01:57, 13 November 2007 (UTC)Reply