Jon Voight
American actor (born 1938)
Jonathan Vincent "Jon" Voight (born December 29, 1938, in Yonkers, New York) is an American film and television actor. His first major film was Midnight Cowboy in 1969 for which he received his first Oscar nomination. He also appeared in Deliverance (1972), Coming Home (1978) and Runaway Train (1986). His performance in Coming Home earned him the Oscar for Best Actor. He is the father of actress Angelina Jolie.

edit- Well what happened was I was asked to be on Seinfeld. They said: “Would you do a Seinfeld?” And I said, and I just happened to know to see a few Seinfelds and I knew these guys were really tops; they were really, really clever guys, and I liked the show. And so I said “Sure!” and I thought they would ask me to do a walk-on, the way it came: "Would you come be part of the show?" And I said “Yeah, sure I’ll do it.” You know what I mean? Then I got the script and my name was on every page because it was about my car. And I laughed; it was hysterically funny. So I was really delighted to do it. The writer came up to me and he said “Jon, would you come take a look at my car to see if you ever owned it?”, because the writer wrote it from a real experience where someone sold him the car based on the fact that it was my car. And I went down and I looked at the car and I said “No, I never had this car.” So unfortunately I had to give him the bad news. But it was a funny episode.
- And they — what I hear, you know, talking about our president. When I hear people saying quite unthinkable things about our president, when I see our president defaced, which is defacing our country. He's the leader of our country. He's the leader of the free world. It — my heart is very heavy.
- Speaking about criticism of then-President George W. Bush on the April 27, 2007 edition of The O'Reilly Factor [2]
- I'm here to validate all the millions of people who are opposed to the Obama healthcare. We're witnessing a slow and steady takeover of our true freedoms. We're becoming a socialist nation, and Obama is causing civil unrest in this country... The stimulus didn't work.... We're being told what cars we can drive, how much we can make.... Obama has made this [healthcare] a personal crusade now.... As we can see it really is about him. He is arrogant and he's adamant that he's going to get this passed.... He's trying everything, even the so-called God card. If you love God, he tells us, then it's your duty to vote this healthcare bill in.... They're taking away God's first gift to man. Our free will.
- Criticizing President Obama's healthcare proposal on the August 30, 2009 edition of Fox News Sunday with Mike Huckabee [3]
- I'm honored to be at the side of Michele Bachmann. She is a great congresswoman. She is a great human being, and she is a true American patriot.
- On Capitol Hill, November 5, 2009 [4]
- Donald Trump is the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln.
- As quoted in Jon Voight: 'Trump Is The Greatest President Since Abraham Lincoln', May 24 2019, The Daily Wire
About Jon Voight
edit- I’m still just reveling that someone from Hollywood made a speech like that. I hope you’re going to be able to find work after this. I really enjoyed that.
- Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky congratulating Voight on his June 2009 speech at a Republican fundraiser. [5]
- I would love to have us all psychologically evaluated and let a court decide. If he was not a celebrity, everybody would think he was a crazy father of an actress, but he somehow has them saying, "We know this man, we've seen him in films, he can't be crazy."
- Voight's daughter Angelina Jolie commenting on the strained relationship with her father. [6]