Frances Bean Cobain

American artist and model

Frances Bean Cobain (born August 18, 1992) is an American visual artist, and only child of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain and Hole frontwoman Courtney Love.

These people are fascinated by me, but I haven't done anything.  I'm famous by default.  I came out of the womb and people wanted to know who I was because of my parents.  If you're a big Nirvana fan, a big Hole fan, then I understand why you would want to get to know me, but I'm not my parents.  People need to wait until I've done something valid with my life.


Halloween is so close I can practically taste the children's tears.
Humans are an embarrassing species w/ small glimmers of beauty that seep through the veil of bigotry&stupidity, every once in a small while.
Happy birthday to my unorthodox/free spirited mother @Courtney thanks for teaching me to embrace creativity&survive
  • I'd like to thank my parents for providing me with a high IQ & I'd like to thank my grams for encouraging me not to be a self absorbed idiot
    • [3] May 21, 2013
  • Two out of my three cats follow me around like furry little stalkers. It's such a nice ego boost.
    • [4] June 10, 2013
  • I wish there was an on & off switch for my brain. I think too fucking much.
    • [8] April 22, 2014
  • saddened to hear the passing of a true artistic master, H.R. Giger. Ur legacy will live on through ur innovative & stimulating originality
    • [9] May 13, 2014
  • Attempting to be a people pleaser is a fruitless task so, fuck it.
  • Constantly battling with sabretooth tigers and fluid drained lighters.
    • [15] September 4, 2014
  • Stardust coursing through our veins.
    • [16] September 6, 2014
  • You see something faraway & it looks beautiful & very seductive; but as you go closer you realize it's actually bugs crawling over a corpse.
    • [18] December 6, 2014
  • So many ways to be deemed unclean
    • [20] January 14, 2015
Frances Bean Cobain as cited by Stephen M. Silverman, "Frances Bean Cobain: 'I'm a Different Person'", People (7 September 2005).
  • I'm a different person.  I don't want to be titled as Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain's daughter.  I want to be thought of as Frances Cobain.
    • Attributed to a Teen Vogue interview
  • She tells me to "live free and be free, but listen to other people's advice."  I listen, but I don't always follow it.
    • Attributed to a Teen Vogue interview
  • My favorite color is light pink.  I also like baby blue because it brings out my eyes.
    • Attributed to a Teen Vogue interview
New York is like my dream city.  That's where I'm going to live, I'm convinced of it.
Frances Bean Cobain as quoted by Laura Brown, "High Sschool Musical Starring Frances Bean Cobain", (8 February 2008).
  • New York is like my dream city.  That's where I'm going to live, I'm convinced of it.
  • Mom and I…we're both very flaky people.
  • I get it, I really do, but at the same time, it's creepy.  It's creepy to see fan sites about me.
  • These people are fascinated by me, but I haven't done anything.  I'm famous by default.  I came out of the womb and people wanted to know who I was because of my parents.  If you're a big Nirvana fan, a big Hole fan, then I understand why you would want to get to know me, but I'm not my parents.  People need to wait until I've done something valid with my life.
  • I can count on one hand how many people I trust.
  • I want to be sublimely happy.
Frances Bean Cobain as quoted by Daily Mail Reporter, "Looks like teen spirit: Kurt Cobain's daughter Frances Bean dumps the glam for grunge", (20 August 2009).
  • I don't like to look sloppy.  I'm a girlie-girl.
    • Attributed to the Teen Vogue interview four years earlier
Frances Bean Cobain as quoted by Christopher R. Weingarten, "Frances Bean Cobain Says Dave Grohl Never Creeped on Her", Spin (12 April 2012).
My dad was exceptionally ambitious.  But he had a lot thrown on him, exceeding his ambition.  He wanted his band to be successful.  But he didn't want to be the fucking voice of a generation.
Frances Bean Cobain as quoted by David Fricke, "Frances Bean Cobain on Life After Kurt's Death: An Exclusive Q&A", Rolling Stone (8 April 2015).
  • "Kurt got to the point where he eventually had to sacrifice every bit of who he was to his art, because the world demanded it of him," Frances says bluntly at one point.  "I think that was one of the main triggers as to why he felt he didn't want to be here and everyone would be happier without him."

    But "in reality, if he had lived," she goes on, "I would have had a dad.  And that would have been an incredible experience."

  • It paints a portrait of a man attempting to cope with being a human.
  • No.  I would have felt more awkward if I'd been a fan.  I was around 15 when I realized he was inescapable.  Even if I was in a car and had the radio on, there's my dad.  He's larger than life and our culture is obsessed with dead musicians.  We love to put them on a pedestal.  If Kurt had just been another guy who abandoned his family in the most awful way possible…  But he wasn't.  He inspired people to put him on a pedestal, to become St. Kurt.
    • Response to the question, "Did you feel awkward as a teenager, not being that interested in the music Kurt made?"
  • The hardest part of doing anything creatively is just getting up and doing.  Once I get out of bed and get into my art room, I start painting.  I'm there.  And I'm doing it.

About Frances Bean Cobain

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