Wreck-It Ralph
2012 animated film directed by Rich Moore
Wreck-It Ralph is a 2012 American computer-animated comedy film about the titular arcade game villain who rebels against his role and dreams of becoming a hero. He travels between games in the arcade and ultimately must eliminate a dire threat that could affect the entire arcade and one that Ralph may have inadvertently started. It was produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures on November 2, 2012. The sequel, Ralph Breaks the Internet was released on November 21, 2018.
- Directed by Rich Moore. Written by Phil Johnston and Jennifer Lee.
The story of a regular guy just looking for a little wreck-ognition. (taglines)
Wreck-It Ralph
edit- [first lines] My name's Ralph, and I'm a bad guy. Uh, let's see, I'm 9' tall, I weigh 643 pounds, got a little bit of a temper on me. My passion bubbles very near the surface, I guess—not gonna lie. Anywho, what else? Uh, I'm a wrecker. I wreck things, professionally. I mean, I'm very good at what I do. Probably the best I know. Thing is, fixing is the name of the game. Literally. Fix-It Felix Jr. So yeah, naturally, the guy with the name Fix-It Felix is the good guy. He's nice enough as good guys go. Definitely fixes stuff really well. But, uh, if you got a magic hammer from your father, how hard can it be? If he was a regular contractor, carpenter guy, I guarantee you, he would not be able to fix the damage that I do as quickly. When Felix does a good job, he gets a medal. But, are there medals for wrecking stuff really well? To that, I say, "Ha!". And no, there aren't. 30 years, I've been doing this, and I have seen a lot of other games come and go. Kinda sad. Think about those guys at Asteroids? Boom, gone. Centipede? Who knows where that guy is, you know? Look, a steady arcade gig is nothing to sneeze at, I'm very lucky. It's just, I gotta say, it becomes kinda hard to love your job when no one seems to like you for doing it.
- I'm gonna wreck it!
- I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be– than me.
- [last line] The best part of my day, is when the Nicelanders throw me off the roof. Because when they lift me up, I get a perfect view of Sugar Rush, and I can watch Vanellope racing. The kid's a natural, and the players love her, glitches and all, just like I knew they would. That's when I realize: I don't need a medal to tell me I'm a good guy. Because if that kid likes me, how bad can I be?
Vanellope von Schweetz
edit- (Well, Wreck-It Ralph.) You're not from here, are you?
- Help! Somebody, help, help!
Fix-It Felix Jr.
edit- I can fix it!
- [repeated line] Oh, my land!
- Ralph's gone Turbo?
- Oh, why do I fix everything I touch?
Sergeant Calhoun
edit- It's make-your-mamas-proud time!
Stan Litwak
edit- Oh boy, looks like the game’s gone cuckoo! Like my nana. Sorry, sweetie.
edit- Saitine: Well happy 30th anniversary, Ralph.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Thanks, Satan.
- Saitine: Uh, it's Saitine, actually.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Got it. But here's the thing. [pauses out] I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore.
- [the Bad-Anon members gasp; Bowser breathes fire balls; Clyde turns blue]
- Kano: You can't mess with the program, Ralph!
- M. Bison: You're not goin' Turbo, are you?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Turbo?! No, I'm not going Turbo! C'mon, guys! Is it "Turbo" to want a friend? Or a medal? Or a piece of pie every once in a while? Is it "Turbo" to want more out of life?
- Zombie: Yes.
- Clyde: Ralph, Ralph, we get it. But we can't change who we are. The sooner you accept that, the better off your game and your life will be.
- Zangief: Hey. One game at a time, Ralph.
- [As Ralph is heading to Fix-It Felix, Jr., he stops to see Q*bert and his friends looking sad. They hold a sign that reads, "Game-less. Just been unplugged"]
- Wreck-It Ralph: Here you go, buddy. [puts a cherry down] It's fresh. Straight from Pac-Man's. Hang in there, guys.
- [Alarm blares as Ralph heads inside.]
- Surge Protector: Name?
- [Ralph groans in frustration]
- [Ralph and Gene are arguing about Ralph being "just the bad guy"]
- Gene: Hang on. Felix needs to be on the roof because he's about to get his medal.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Well, then, how about we just take that medal and give it to Ralph for once? Would that be the end of the world, Gene?
- Gene: Now you're just being ridiculous. Only good guys win medals, and you, sir, are no good guy!
- Wreck-It Ralph: I could be a good guy if I wanted to and I could win a medal.
- Gene: Uh-huh. And when you do, come and talk to us!
- Wreck-It Ralph: And then would you finally let me be on top of the cake with you guys?
- Gene: If you won a medal, we'd let you live up here in the penthouse! But it will never happen. Because you're just the bad guy who wrecks the building!
- Wreck-It Ralph: No, I'm not!
- Gene: Yes, you are!
- Wreck-It Ralph: No, I'M NOT!!!! [angrily smashes the cake and everyone gasps]
- Gene: Yes. You. Are.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Alright, Gene. You know what? I'm gonna win a medal. Oh, I am gonna win a medal! The shiniest medal this place has ever seen! A medal that will be so good that it will make Felix's medals wet their pants! And good night! Thank you for the party. [Ralph exits]
- Wreck-It Ralph: [looking into lost and found crate] Okay, let's see what we got here. [a cockroach lands on his hand] Shoo! Shoo! Go on, get out of here. [flicks it off, finds a Super Mushroom] Mushroom? No. [puts it back, finds a Metal Gear exclamation point] What is this? No. [tosses it, finds Zangief's underwear] Come on, Zangief. Gross. [tosses back in] What am I doing?
- [a heavily-armored space marine, Markowski bumps past Ralph]
- Wreck-It Ralph: Hey, excuse you!
- [Markowski staggers on and right into the wall again and again, in a walk cycle.]
- Markowski: [mumbling, shell-shocked] We are humanity's last hope. Our mission? Destroy all Cy-Bugs. We are humanity's last hope.
- Wreck-It Ralph: [stands and looks at him, curious] Uh... You okay there, space cadet?
- [Markowski whips around quickly and grabs Ralph by the collar.]
- Markowski: [traumatized] We've only been plugged in a week, and every day it's "Climb the building, then fight bugs. Climb the building, fight more bugs!"
- Wreck-It Ralph: Yeah, yeah. Right. Look. Easy on the overalls, spaceman. It's tough all over, all right?
- Markowski: And all for what, a lousy medal?
- Wreck-It Ralph: [ding] Medal? You win a medal?
- Markowski: Yeah, Medal of Heroes.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Ooh. Is it shiny?
- Markowski: Eh-Pretty shiny.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Ooh! And it says "hero" on it?
- Markowski: Uh-huh. Oh, yeah.
- Wreck-It Ralph: And you say you win it by climbing a building?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Right, bugs. Listen, is there any chance I could go with you to your game and, you know, maybe get one of those medals?
- Markowski: Negatory.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Does that mean "maybe"?
- Markowski: No! Look, only the bravest and the best serve in our corps. [sees a cockroach who climbs on Ralph's shoulder] BUG!!! [shrieks like a girl and runs himself into the wall, knocking himself out]
- [Ralph sees the helmet rolling to him in front, then flicks the cockroach off again.]
- [The Moppet Girl is trying to play Fix-It Felix Jr., but something is wrong with it.]
- Moppet Girl: Mr. Litwak!
- Litwak: What's the trouble, sweetheart?
- Moppet Girl: The game's busted.
- [Litwak takes a look at the game. He sees the Nicelanders running around and panicking on screen while Felix tries calming them down.]
- Litwak: Oh boy. Looks like the game's gone cuckoo, like my nana. Sorry, sweetie. Here's your quarter back.
- Moppet Girl: But what about the game?
- Litwak: I'll have someone look at it tomorrow, but if he can't fix it, it might be time to put old Ralph and Felix out to pasture. Like my nana.
- Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, we're out of order.
- Mary: Sweet mercy. Without Ralph we're doomed.
- [Ralph has just scared away the Sugar Rush racers who were tearing apart Vanellope's pedal kart; she gets up off the ground, sniffling]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: What are you looking at?
- Wreck-It Ralph: You're welcome, you rotten little thief.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: I'm not a thief. I just borrowed your stupid coin. I was gonna give it back to you as soon as I won the race!
- Wreck-It Ralph: (You're mistaking!?) It's not a coin! It's a medal!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Coin, medal, whatever! Just go back to your own dumb game and win another one.
- Wreck-It Ralph: I can't. I didn't win it in my game. I won it in Hero's Duty.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Hero's Doody? [bursts out laughing]
- Wreck-It Ralph: It's not that kind of duty!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: I bet you really gotta watch where you step in a game called Hero's Doody! Ha ha ha! What'd you win the medal for, wiping? [Ralph rolls his eyes] I hope you washed your hands after you handled that medal!
- Wreck-It Ralph: Listen—
- Vanellope von Schweetz: One more, one more: why did the hero flush the toilet? Say "Why?".
- Wreck-It Ralph: [unimpressed] Why?
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Because it was his "doody"!
- Wreck-It Ralph: How dare you insult Hero's Duty! You little guttersnipe! I earned that medal, and you better get it back for me toute-suite, sister! (Or I'm not going anywhere!)
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Well, unless you've got a go-kart hidden in the fat folds of your neck, I can't help you! (My kart was destroyed!) [At his breaking point, Ralph starts losing his anger by smashing apart the candy that litters the junkyard; he comes across a jawbreaker and pounds on it repeatedly; to herself] What a moron. [to Ralph] Hey, genius! That's a jawbreaker! You're never gonna— [Ralph finally manages to smash the jawbreaker open; Vanellope gives an impressed smile] Oh…
- [Ralph sits down, exhausted, and Vanellope approaches him]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Enjoying your little tantrum, Diaper-Baby?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Leave me alone.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Look, you want that medal, right? And I wanna race. So, here's what I'm thinkin': You help me get a new kart—a real kart—and I'll win the race and get you back your medal!
- Wreck-It Ralph: You want me to help you?
- Vanellope von Schweetz: All you gotta do is break somethin' for me. C'mon, what do you say, friend? [extends her hand]
- Wreck-It Ralph: We are not friends.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Aw, c'mon, pal! You son-of-a-gun! C'mon, buddy! Shake on it! C'mon, chumbo! Ralph, my man! M' main man! [seriously] Hey. My arm's getting tired. Do we have a deal or not?
- Wreck-It Ralph: [groans; defeatedly] (Fine!) You better win. [shakes Vanellope's hand]
- King Candy: [puts on glasses] You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you? [Ralph yanks the glasses off and breaks them over Candy's head] You hit a guy with glasses. That's... that's... well-played.
- Wreck-It Ralph: What do you want, Candy?
- Vanellope von Schweetz: I'm back! Did you miss me?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Yeah. Uh... Hey, can we talk for a second?
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Wait. First, kneel down.
- Wreck-It Ralph: What? No, we really...
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Will you just do it?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Okay.
- [He kneels down]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Now, close your eyes.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Vanellope...
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Shush! (I can't talk with you right now!) Close them!
- [He shuts them. She ties something around his neck]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Okay. Open them up.
- [He looks down and sees a small, handmade candy heart on a string, on which is hand-painted the words: "To Stink Brain."]
- Wreck-It Ralph: "To Stink Brain." Gee, thanks.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Turn it over.
- [He does. On the back is painted the words: "You're my Hero."]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: I made it for you. Just in case we don't win. Not that I think there's even a remote chance we're not going to win.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Thanks, kid. Listen...
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Now rise, my royal chump. I've got a date with destiny. [Ralph doesn't move] Ralph, come on. Move your molasses. (Look, I know you were upset in all, but you'll get your gold medal back. Okay?)
- Wreck-It Ralph: Um... I've been thinking.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: That's dangerous.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Who cares about this stupid race anyway? Right?
- Vanellope von Schweetz: [laughs] That's not funny, Ralph.
- Wreck-It Ralph: No, I'm serious, and it was really fun to build the car and everything. But maybe you shouldn't do it.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Hello? Is Ralph in there? I'd like to speak to him, please.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Look, what I'm saying is you can't be a racer.
- [That gets her attention]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: What? Why would you...
- [Her eyes go down to his chest and she sees something]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Wait a minute.
- [She pulls the Medal of Heroes out of Ralph's pocket]
- Wreck-It Ralph: No!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Where did you get this?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Look, I'm going to be straight with you, kid. I've been talking to King Candy.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: King Candy?!
- Wreck-It Ralph: Yeah. (Look, it's okay.)
- Vanellope von Schweetz: You sold me out?
- Wreck-It Ralph: No, I didn't... Listen, you don't understand!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: No, I understand plenty. (You're working with my nemesis.) Traitor!
- [She throws the medal at him. It hits him in the face and falls to the ground. She jumps back in the kart]
- Wreck-It Ralph: I'm not a traitor. Listen.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: You're a rat! And I don't need you, (have your stupid medal back and leave,) and I can win the race on my own.
- Wreck-It Ralph: But I'm trying to save your (life and your) skin, kid! (So, get out of the kart!)
- [Ralph grabs and picks her up out of the kart. She glitches furiously]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: (Hey!) Put me down! Let me go!
- Wreck-It Ralph: No! You listen to me! [He sets her down. She immediately makes a dash for the kart. Ralph blocks her way. She struggles to get around him] Do you know what's going to happen (if you win the race, and) when the players see you glitching, they're gonna think the game's broken.
- Vanellope von Schweetz: I don't care! You're a liar!
- Wreck-It Ralph: No, (I'm not a liar, and) you better care, because if your game goes out of order...
- Vanellope von Schweetz: I'm not listening to you!
- Wreck-It Ralph: ...you go down with the ship, little sister!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: GET OUTTA MY WAY!! I'm going to that race!
- Wreck-It Ralph: No, you're not!
- [He grabs her hood]]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Augh! [grunts]
- [Ralph hangs Vanellope by her hood on the edge of a lollipop tree]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Take me down from here, Ralph, right…
- Wreck-It Ralph: NO!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: …now!
- [He goes over to the kart and clenches his fists. She struggles to get free, but can't]
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Wait, wait. No. No. No, no, no, no! Please, Ralph! [But he doesn't stop and slams his fists onto the kart] NOOOOO!! RALPH, STOP IT! STOP IT! NOO! [Ralph destroys the kart. She breaks down sobs. Then she glitches and lands on her knees on the ground. Ralph turns to her, heartbroken] You really are a bad guy. [She runs sobs into the mountain entrance. Ralph hangs his head. He sighs, then walks over and picks up his medal. He starts down the road alone]
- [Sour Bill is cleaning up the broken Candy Kart remains, humming; just then, Ralph enters Sugar Rush and walks up to him.]
- Wreck-It Ralph: [to Sour Bill] Hey, Cough Drop!
- Sour Bill: [stops humming and looks at Ralph] Huh?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Explain something to me. If Vanellope was never meant to exist, then why is her picture on the side of the game console?
- Sour Bill: Uh... [frantically tries to run away, but Ralph grabs him]
- Wreck-It Ralph: [threateningly] What's going on in this candy-coated heart of darkness?
- Sour Bill: Nothin'.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Talk!
- Sour Bill: No!
- Wreck-It Ralph: I'll lick you!
- Sour Bill: You wouldn't.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Oh, yeah?! [licks Sour Bill]
- Sour Bill: Ugh! It's like sandpaper!
- Wreck-It Ralph: Mmm, (You look like a small jawbreaker,) I wonder how many licks it'll take to get to your center.
- Sour Bill: I'll take it to my grave!
- Wreck-It Ralph: Fair enough. [tosses Sour Bill into his mouth] Oh, they call you "Sour Bill" for a reason! [Sour Bill lets out a muffled screamed; Ralph takes him out] Had enough yet?
- Sour Bill: Okay, okay, I'll talk, I'll talk! Vanellope was a racer until King Candy tried to delete her code!
- Wreck-It Ralph: "Tried to delete her code"?! So that's why she's a glitch! Why is he doing this to her?!
- Sour Bill: I don't know!
- Wreck-It Ralph: Suit yourself. [starts to put Sour Bill back in his mouth]
- Sour Bill: No, no, no, no, no, no! I swear I don't know! He literally locked up our memories and I cannot remember! Nobody can, but I do know this: he'll do anything to keep her from racing. Because if she crosses the finish line, the game will reset and she won't be a glitch anymore!
- Wreck-It Ralph: Where is she now?!
- Sour Bill: In the Fungeon with Fix-It Felix.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Felix?!
- Sour Bill: I'm sorry! That's all I know, that's all I know, I swear! Now please, don't put me back in your filthy mouth again! [starts to sobs]
- Wreck-It Ralph: [sticks Sour Bill to a lollipop tree, points Sour Bill] Stick around. [gathers up the remains of the broken Candy Kart and takes off]
- Sour Bill: Yes, okay. I will, I will. Thank you.
- [Felix is locks up in the Fungeon, looks out the window.]
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: Hello?! Hello?! Somebody, anybody. Please, let me out! [shakes the bar, loosening it] Oh. What's he say, what's he say? [pulls out his golden hammer, in Ralph's voice] "I'm gonna wreck it!" [pounds it on the bar, but it makes them thicker and stronger] Oh. Why do I fix everything I touch?! [sits down, sobs]
- Wreck-It Ralph: BAM!!! [bursts through the wall of Felix's jail cell] Felix!
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: Ralph! [jumps up; hugs Ralph] I'm so glad to see you! [let him go] Wait. No, I'm not! What do you have to say for yourself?
- Wreck-It Ralph: I—
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: Wait! I don't want to hear it. I'm NOT talking to you.
- Wreck-It Ralph: Okay. Don't talk. That's fine. [dumps out a can full of the broken Candy Kart] But you have to fix this go-kart for me, pronto.
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: I don't have to do boo! Forgive my potty mouth. I'm just so, so cross with you! Do you have any idea what you've put me through?! I ran higgledy-piggledy all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix! And then, I met the most dynamite gal. Oh. She gives me the honey glows something awful. But she rebuffed my affections. And then, I got thrown in jail!
- Wreck-It Ralph: Felix, pull yourself together.
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: No, Ralph! You don't know what it's like to be rejected and treated like a criminal! [turns away]
- Wreck-It Ralph: Yes, I do. That's every day of my life.
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: It is?
- Wreck-It Ralph: Which is why I ran off and tried to be a good guy, but I'm not! I'm just a bad guy, and I need your help. There's a little girl whose only hope is this kart. Please, Felix, fix it! And I promise, I will never try to be good again. [Felix smiles; pulls out his golden hammer]
- [Vanellope's glitch causes King Candy to start glitching, which in turn reveals King Candy's true form: Turbo]
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: Is that...?
- Wreck-It Ralph: No way!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: What the—? (You're not King Candy!) Who are you?!
- Turbo: I'm Turbo, the greatest racer ever! And I did not reprogram this world to let you and that halitosis-riddled warthog take it away from me! Turbotasic! [evil laughing] End of the line, glitch!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: It's okay, Ralph. Just go. Go without me.
- Felix: What about this game.
- Calhoun: Nothing we can do about it without a beacon there's no way to stop these monsters.
- Ralph: Beacon. (Vanellope.) Stay with Felix.
- Sour Bill: Now I remember. All hail the rightful ruler of Sugar Rush... Princess Vanellope.
- [The racers gasp; Swizzle Malarkey kneels down]
- Taffyta Muttonfudge: I remember, she's our princess.
- Candlehead and Crumbelina DiCaramello: Oh, that's right!
- Taffyta Muttonfudge: We are so sorry about the way we treated you.
- Rancis Fluggerbutter: Yeah, those were, uh, jokes!
- Candlehead: [sobs] I was just doing what Taffyta told me to do!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Tut tut. As your merciful princess, I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be... [other racers look on with anticipation] Executed.
- The Racers: WHAT?! [They all start to cry about their impending death]
- Taffyta Muttonfudge: No, no, no, please! Please!
- Fix-It Felix Jr.: Oh, my land!
- Calhoun: Well, this place just got interesting.
- [The racers (except Swizzle) drop down to their knees and are still crying]
- Candlehead: No! [drops down to her knees and sobs even louder]
- Taffyta Muttonfudge: [drops down to her knees sobbing, tearfully pleading for forgiveness] We don't wanna die!
- Vanellope von Schweetz: I'm just kidding!
- Taffyta Muttonfudge: You are?
- Vanellope von Schweetz: Stop crying, Taffyta.
- Taffyta Muttonfudge: [hyperventilates as her mascara starts streaming down her cheeks] I'm trying, but it won't stop. [sobs a bit; stops crying]
- He was minding his own business on the day they came
They showed a piece of paper saying "eminent domain"
They built an apartment building saying progress was to blame
So he got mad
And he turned bad
Brick by brick he's gonna take his land back- "Wreck-It, Wreck-It Ralph" by Buckner & Garcia
edit- The story of a regular guy just looking for a little wreck-ognition.
- This November, he's exploring new worlds, he's meeting new friends…he's got ONE chance to play the hero.
- This holiday season comes a story for everyone who ever needed a restart on life.
- When the game is over, a new world comes to life.
- Get ready for a new kind of hero.
- When the arcade closes, the fun begins.
edit- John C. Reilly — Wreck-It Ralph
- Sarah Silverman — Vanellope von Schweetz
- Jack McBrayer — Fix-It Felix Jr.
- Jane Lynch — Sergeant Calhoun
- Alan Tudyk — King Candy
- Mindy Kaling — Taffyta Muttonfudge
- Joe lo Truglio — Markowski
- Ed O'Neill — Mr. Litwak
- Dennis Haybert — General Hologram
- Rich Moore — Sour Bill
- Phil Johnston — The Surge Protector
External links
edit- Official website
- Wreck-It Ralph quotes at the Internet Movie Database