QOTD by month + Suggestions for: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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Today is Wednesday, February 19, 2025; it is now 13:41 (UTC)
- January 1
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- January 2
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- January 3
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- January 4
Once upon a time Phaethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals.
~ Plato ~
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- January 5
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- January 6
This is an attack on our democracy, our way of life, and not just by the criminals who assaulted our Congress today. The good news is our Constitution is strong, and our people are overwhelmingly devoted to the rule of law. What we need to do going forward — what we have to do as a people — not as Democrats, or Republicans, or independents, but as Americans, is to ask ourselves how did we ever get to this place. We need to look infinitely harder at who we elect to any office in our land. At the office seeker's character, at their morals, at their ethical record, their integrity, their honesty, their flaws, what they have said about women, and minorities, why they are seeking office in the first place, and only then consider the policies they espouse.
~ John F. Kelly ~
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- January 7
We have familiar experience of the order, the constancy, the perpetual renovation of the material world which surrounds us. Frail and transitory as is every part of it, restless and migratory as are its elements, still it abides. It is bound together by a law of permanence, and though it is ever dying, it is ever coming to life again. Dissolution does but give birth to fresh modes of organization, and one death is the parent of a thousand lives. Each hour, as it comes, is but a testimony how fleeting, yet how secure, how certain, is the great whole.
~ William Peter Blatty ~
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- January 8
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- January 9
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- January 10
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- January 11
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- January 12
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- January 13
And as she lookt about, she did behold, How over that same dore was likewise writ, Be bold, be bold, and every where Be bold, That much she muz'd, yet could not construe it By any ridling skill, or commune wit. At last she spyde at that same roomes upper end, Another yron dore, on which was writ, Be not too bold.
~ Edmund Spenser ~
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- January 14
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- January 15
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- January 16
Early in life, as a witness to the limitless tragedy of World War I, I felt grow in me a determination to act, to work with others to influence the course of history and not supinely to accept what, in the absence of will and action, might be the world's fate. … For almost five decades I have played some role in the affairs of state, working with others to bend what otherwise might have been called the "inevitable trends of history." Some of the outcomes were wholly satisfactory, some marginally successful, and some were failures — but, on the whole, they were better, I think, than would otherwise have come about.
~ Paul Nitze ~
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- January 17
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- January 18
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- January 19
I want to warn the country of some things that give me great concern. … and that's the dangerous concentration of power in the hands of very few ultra-wealthy people, and the dangerous consequences if their abuse of power is left unchecked. Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead. We see the consequences all across America. And we've seen it before, more than a century ago. But the American people stood up to the robber barons back then and busted the trusts. They didn't punish the wealthy. They just made the wealthy … play by the rules everybody else had to.
~ Joe Biden ~
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- January 20
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- January 21
Princes may make laws and repeal them, but they can neither make nor destroy virtue, and how indeed should they be able to do what is impossible to the Deity himself? Virtue being as immutable in its nature as the divine will which is the ground of it.
~ Ethan Allen ~
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- January 22
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- January 23
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- January 24
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- January 25
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- January 26
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- January 27
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- January 28
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- January 29
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- January 30
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- January 31
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QOTD by month + Suggestions for: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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Today is Wednesday, February 19, 2025; it is now 13:41 (UTC)