V. V. Giri

Indian politician and 4th president of India (1894-1980)
(Redirected from V.V.Giri)

V. V. Giri born Varahagiri Venkata Giri ( Telugu: వరాహగిరి వెంకట గిరి) August 10, 1894June 23, 1980), was the fourth President of the Republic of India from 24 August 1969 to 23 August 1974. He also served as Acting President of India from 3 May 1969 to 20 July 1969, before getting elected. He was prominent president of that time.

A 1974 stamp issued by the Government of India to honor V.V. Giri


  • It is essential condition to maintain mutual trust and confidence between the employer and the employee to obtain the goal of rapid economic development and social justice.
    • Pravin Durai in:Human Resource Management, Pearson Education India, p. 387
    • Explaining his theme of the tree of socialism with the root comprising human beings.
  • Unemployment is the problem of problems which has made our youths naxalites. Educated youth are deprived of all deserving comforts and their growing discontent has given scope for the sppedy growth of naxalism.
  • Education is the principal tool of socio-economic development and unless all societies are provided with right type of education, adequate in quality and quantity, it will not be possible to tackle satisfactorily the problem of ignorance of health and poverty which afflicts the majority of human beings in the world.
    • Gopal Bhargava in: Child Labour, Gyan Publishing House, 1 January 2003, P.96
  • It is the power to combine that labour has the most effective safeguard against exploitation and the only lasting security against inhuman conditions.
  • Strength is unity.
    • On his axiom for the Indian labour movement in: "Human Bondage: Tracing Its Roots in India", p. 425

Presidents of India, 1950-2003


In: Janak Raj Jai Presidents of India, 1950-2003, Daya Books, 1 January 2003

  • I am conscious of my shortcomings, but I have always tried as an honest worker to a do a job to the best of my ability and judgment.
    • In:P.83
  • I have not permitted my constitutional niceties in the way of my free functioning in public…given frank expression to views concerning administration so often.
    • In: P.83
  • A democratic government can gain strength and vitality only by constant scrutiny and the genuine fear that it may be thrown out of a vigilant public opinion.
    • In: P.83
  • The problems of hunger and food, unemployment, a growing and crushing price rise in the commodities needed for one’s day-to-day subsistence have naturally found angry expressions, sometimes violent expression in many parts of the country. Corruption and falling standard in administration and public life have added to their dimension.
    • In: P.83
  • The parliamentary system is the most responsive and responsible system of government. Let us not allow it to go into disuse.
    • In: P.84
  • The youth of the country, who are the most potent force in building India to progress and in preserving its unity, have to be shown the right example and given the right lead. A spirit of self-introspection and dedication to national well-being will make us all go along the right path.
    • In: P.84
  • The destiny of India is the destiny of the masses of the vast population that inhabit this country, and every citizen has a meaningful role in shaping that destiny. There is a sacred duty cast on all of us – not written down in laws, but which is inherent – that we stand by this commitment.
    • In: P.84

About V. V. Giri

  • Ruth Renkel once remarked: Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s light shining somewhere near by. That summarises his [Giri’s] life. He was a young student at Ireland. He watched the freedom struggle by the Irish. That fanned the rebel in him. After independence, he became one of the chosen few who shared the burden of steering the nation through difficult times. Finally he became the nation’s First Citizen. The national conferred on him the highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna.
  • Reading made him [during school days] ready to chose where to study law. His father spoke of Britain. But he set his heart on the National University of Ireland. He decided to enter King’s Inn, Dublin. The choice was deliberate. For Dublin was the center of Irish freedom struggle.
    • R.K. Murthi in: "Encyclopedia of Bharat Ratnas", P.77
  • He became friends with some of the Irish nationalists….he established a Dublin Indian Society with the 100 Indian students who were there at the time. The emebers discarded the hat . They viewed the hat as a symbol of the Britisher. Instead they took to the Fez cap.
    • R.K. Murthi in: "Encyclopedia of Bharat Ratnas", P.77
  • When he was declared elected [As President of India], a full-dress rehearsal was held a day before. The entire route from Rashtrapathi Bhavan to Parliament House was lined by troops in battle array. The two buildings were also surrounded by troops. Armoured vehicle and light tanks came out and a battery of filed guns was also stationed. I received calls from newspapers and news agencies if there was a coup by me or someone else! I replied to an Editor (who was a friend and whom I asked not to quote me that it was his [Giri’s] coup against Sanjiva Reddy!
  • He was known for his honesty, straightforwardness and spirit of service. He was outspoken and greatly respected for his views, which were both independent and impartial. If a judge took a partisan or prejudiced view, he did not.

Presidents of India, 1950-2003


Janak Raj Jai in: Presidents of India, 1950-2003, Daya Books, 1 January 2003

  • He wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister urging her to convene a second Constituent Assembly to have a fresh look at the constitution in view of the changed situation and also suggested her the formation of a national government under her leadership to overcome the immediate problems.
    • In: P.80
  • He no doubt had a versatile personality, a trade unionist, a freedom fighter, a Minister, a Governor, the Vice-President and above all the President Rashtrapathiji
    • In: p. 80
  • India has been more than fortunate in her sons and daughters. You will always be associated with your great warmth and humanity, your heartiness and winning informality, and your habit of zestful dedication –qualities which have endured you to one and all and won for you universal regard and goodwill. You will be remembered always as People’s President. So, indeed were you hailed, signifying thereby your life-long closeness to the common man and particularly your association with the working class in our country, when in an unprecedented and mist keenly-fought election you romped home to victory. And, in the midst of all the pomp and regalia associated with your office, you have remained a great comer at heart.
    • In the Farewell address presented to him Dr. G.S.Dhillon, Speaker on behalf of the Members of the Parliament in August 1974, P.80-81
  • Starting his career as a Trade Unionist when Trade Unionism was not prominent of public life, he came to occupy the highest office of this country, with dignity and charm. It was a day of Victory for the labour and Weaker Sections of the Society, when he became the President of India winning a political battle with popular support. He was a fearless champion of the cause of the poor and the working classes. He was always insisting upon cleaner methods in public life. As a labour leader he did not allow Trade Unions to be involved in political activities. He was a stalwart of Indian Nationalism.
    • In: p. 84
  • He was never sophisticated. His loyalty to the causes he felt near to his heart, his disarming sincerity, his straight dealing, and above all humanism made him a lovable and unforgettable personality. **In: P.85
  • He was always remembered as one of the greatest labour Leaders which India ever had...he started his life as a Student associating himself with the Irish Freedom Movement.
    • In: P.8
  • He must always be remembered for a significant event in Indian History viz., when he appeared in Court as President of India when his election was in dispute.
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