This editor has been blocked indefinitely from editing Wikiquote. See block log.
The administrator who applied this added the following note:
The edit activity of this user indicates the account was created entirely for vandalism or trolling in the pattern of known vandals and has been permanently blocked.

~ Kalki 10:03, 1 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

This person is obviously someone of very low levels of integrity and intelligence who seems compelled to waste much of their own time performing repetitious dull-witted acts of vandalism as a means of making themselves seem significant, if only as examples of extraordinary human stupidity, by their determination to spend much of their time wasting the time of others as well. One could sometimes, perhaps, almost pity such pathetic fools — once their vandalism sprees have been removed, they remain what they are — idiots inclined to think themselves significant for doing what any 6 year old could do — if they were 6 year olds actually stupid enough to wish to do so. ~ Kalki 10:18, 1 February 2009 (UTC)Reply