Please stop removing sourced content from Wikiquote. It is considered vandalism. If you want to experiment, please use the sandbox.
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When people are not interested in responsibly contributing to the development of the project incidents of their deliberate vandalism can result in IP addresses or usernames being blocked from editing.
Thank you.

Your removal of material is plainly excising of things which you find unflattering to Lenin, and is becoming absurd : You removed statements saying "Lenin's details of a 100+ year-old uprising are rather irrelevant" — these were statements made just a few years prior to the major turmoils of 1917 period onward. They plainly are highly relevant to any assessment of Lenin and his further statements. I am certainly NOT against positive quotes by or about Lenin, I am against removing material of value be it pro or con about someone or something, or plainly quoting people out of context, be that context favorable or unfavorable reflection on the person. ~ Kalki 23:52, 13 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

I am serious about your removal of material being vandalism, and I will block you if this continues. ADD what you wish, but I have VERY little time to spend on this today, and I am highly peeved at the time I have already spent here — I am preparing for a trip and have but a few hours to take care of many things, and disputing with someone intent on removing material on Lenin is NOT how I need to spend my time right now. ~ Kalki 00:24, 14 August 2009 (UTC)Reply