
Articles I unstubbed or created pages for
Hopefully someone will improve them, or has done.
EcclesiastesSong of SolomonEpistle to the RomansNew World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

Articles I made significant contributions to
I.e., more than just a couple of quotes.
ProverbsGenesisBook of JobPsalmsJehovah

Articles I did insignificant work on
Too numerous to mention.

Articles I removed excess content from
• [[]] • [[]] • [[]] • [[]] • [[]] •

Some non-article items I dabbled at
Behind the scenes or in the fray.
{{Citation/core}} • {{Declined}} • {{Fix cite}} • {{mergefromcat}} • {{mergetocat}} • {{Otherusesof}} • {{PRODWarning}} • {{VFDNote}} •

Other things I am interested in
... when the mood Is right.
Biblical Things
Gods NameThe bibleVandalism patrol

Prepositions I have ended sentences with
Also too numerous to mention.


"All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in She´ol, the place to which you are going."
Ecclesiastes 9:10,
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

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