Time management

procedures to help processing the pending tasks and appointments within the available period

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.

Spend time on excellence, and love the right, and don’t let shameful profit master you. ~ Theognis


  • Whereas some ascetics and Brahmins remain addicted to attending such shows as dancing, singing, music, displays, recitations, hand-music, cymbals and drums, fairy-shows, acrobatic and conjuring tricks, combats of elephants, buffaloes, bulls, goats, rams, cocks and quail, fighting with staves, boxing, wrestling, sham-fights, parades, manoeuvres and military reviews, the ascetic Gotama refrains from attending such displays.
  • Dimidium facti qui coepit habet; sapere aude; / incipe!
    • He who has begun has half done: dare to be wise, begin at once![1]
    • Horace, Epistles, Book I (20 BC), epistle ii, lines 40–41
  • An artisan busies himself with his work for three hours each day and spends nine hours in study.
  • Spend time on excellence, and love the right,
    And don’t let shameful profit master you.
  • Theognis, Elegies, Dorothea Wender, trans., 465

See also

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