The Legend of Korra (season 1)
The following is a list of quotes from the first season The Legend of Korra.
editWelcome to Republic City [1.01]
edit- Tonraq: The White Lotus has honored my family by coming. Thank you.
- Senna : Welcome. [a shield falls off the wall in the background]
- White Lotus Leader : We have investigated many claims, both here and in the ... Northern Tribe. All have turned out to be false.
- Senna: Then you should be happy to know your search has come to an end.
- White Lotus Leader : What makes you so sure your daughter is...the one?
- Senna : Korra, please come in here.
- [Korra enters by Earthbending the wall away]
- Korra : I'm the Avatar! You gotta deal with it!
- [After watching Korra face her Firebending test]
- Katara : She's strong.
- White Lotus Leader : She lacks restraint.
- Korra : Woo-hoo! Hey, why all the doom and gloom, people? We should be celebrating! Three elements down, one to go!
- Firebending Master : You're getting ahead of yourself as usual, Korra. We haven't decided if you passed your Firebending test yet.
- White Lotus Leader : And ever since you were a little girl, you've excelled at the physical side of bending and completely ignored the spiritual side. The Avatar must master both.
- Korra : I... haven't ignored it, it just doesn't come as easy to me. But that's why I should start training with Master Tenzin immediately. He's Mr. Spiritual!
- Korra : Naga! You should've seen it. I kicked some Firebender butt, and I passed!
- Korra: [over radio] I'm so happy to be here! Thank you, Republic City!
- Tenzin: [over radio] Alright, that's all the questions we... [Radio is turned off by Lieutenant]
- Lieutenant: Amon, how do you want to handle this?
- Amon: [staring at a giant map of the Avatar world] So, the Avatar has arrived early. It looks like we'll have to accelerate our plans. [he turns to face the Lieutenant]
A Leaf in the Wind [1.02]
edit- Tenzin: So my mother informed my that you've never been able to airbend before.
- Korra: Yeah, but I don't know why. The other elements came so easily to me, but every single time I've tried airbending [sticks out her tongue] nothing.
- Tenzin: It's perfectly alright, you just need to be patient. Often the element that is most difficult for the Avatar to master is the one most opposite to the Avatar's personality. For Aang, it was earthbending.
- Korra: Well, I'm about as opposite an airbender as you can get.
- Tenzin: That was a 2000 year old historical treasure. What... What is *wrong* with you?!
- Toza: Hey, what are you doing in my gym?
- Korra: Uh, I was just looking for a bathroom, and got lost.
- Toza: Ah, the old "I had to pee" excuse. You know, I'm sick and tired of you kids sneaking in without paying. I'm taking you to security.
- Korra': No, wait--
- Bolin: There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. It's alright, Toza, she's with me.
- Korra: Yeah, I'm with him.
- Bolin: So, you see, we're together.
- Korra: Well not "together"-together. More like friends.
- Bolin: Right, friends. No, no, I didn't mean to imply-
- Korra: Oh, you implied it.
- Korra: I've been immersed in bending my entire life and I never learned how to move like that. It's like there's a whole new style here. Think you could show me a few tricks?
- Bolin: Ab-so-lutely.
- Mako: Right now? Come on, Bolin.
- Bolin: Just ignore him. Yeah, I can show you the basics. I'm just not sure how my Earthbending would translate to your Waterbending, but we'll figure it out.
- Korra: Won't be a problem. I'm actually a earthbender.
- Bolin: I'm sorry. No, no, I didn't mean to assume... cause I was just figuring, with your Water Tribe get-up, that you are a Water Tribe... gal
- Korra: No, you're right. I'm a waterbender and a firebender.
- Bolin: Hm, I'm very confused right now.
- Mako: You're the Avatar and I'm an idiot.
- Korra: Both are true.
- Bolin: No... way! The Avatar!
The Revelation [1.03]
edit- Korra: Ugh! I can't bend... I can't bend!
- Mako: Calm down; it'll wear off. Those guys were chi blockers. They're Amon's henchmen.
- Korra: Amon? That anti-bending guy with the mask?
- Mako: Yeah. He's the leader of the Equalists.
- Korra: What do they want with the Triple Threats?
- Mako: Whatever it is... it can't be good. I can't believe Bolin got himself into this mess!
- Korra: (touches his arm) Mako. We are going to save your brother. I promise you.
- Amon: My quest for equality began many years ago. When I was a boy, my family and I lived on a small farm. We weren't rich and none of us were benders. This made us very easy targets for the Firebender who extorted my father. One day, my father confronted this man, but when he did that Firebender took my family from me. Then, he took my face. I've been forced to hide behind a mask ever since. As you know, the Avatar has recently arrived in Republic City. And if she were here, she would tell you that bending brings balance to the world, but she is wrong. The only thing bending has brought is suffering. It has been the cause of every war in every era, but that is about to change. I know that you all have been wondering "What is the Revelation?" You are about to get your answer. From the beginning of time, the spirits have acted as guardians of our world, and they have spoken to me. They said the Avatar has failed humanity, which is why the spirits have chosen me to usher in a new era of balance. They have granted me a power that will make equality a reality; the power to take a person's bending away, permanently.
[The crowd gasps]
- Korra: (to Mako) That's impossible- there's no way!
- Mako: This guy's insane.
[Several bound benders are forced onto the stage]
- Amon: Now, for a demonstration. Please welcome "Lightning Bolt" Zolt, leader of the Triple Threat Triad and one of the most notorious criminals in Republic City.
- Zolt: (in response to the booing crowd) Ah, boo yourself!
- Korra: (sees Bolin among the captives) There's Bolin.
- Mako: Wait! We can't fight them all. We need to be smart about this.
- Korra: Then come up with a game plan, team captain.
- Amon: Zolt has amassed a fortune by extorting and abusing non-benders, but his reign of terror... is about to come to an end. Now, in the interest of fairness, I will give Zolt the chance to fight to keep his bending.
[The Lieutenant unties Zolt]
- Zolt: (grins) You're gonna regret doin' that, pal!
[ He begins firebending at Amon, who easily dodges every attack and darts toward him. As Zolt launches a bolt of lightning, Amon grabs his wrist, forces him to his knees and presses his hand to Zolt's forehead. After a moment the lightning dissipates into a stream of flame, which quickly goes out. Amon releases Zolt, who falls forward, weakened; he attempts to bend at Amon again, but nothing happens]
- Zolt: What... what did you do to me?!
- Amon: Your firebending is gone... forever. The era of bending is over. A new era of equality has begun!
[he raises his fist, and the crowd cheers; Korra looks horrified]
The Voice in the Night [1.04]
edit- Hiroshi Sato: What do you think of my little operation here?
- Mako: It's very impressive Mr. Sato.
- Hiroshi Sato: Please, call me Hiroshi. So, I understand you're dirt-poor.
- Mako: Uh...
- Hiroshi Sato: Young man, it is nothing to be ashamed of. I too came from humble beginnings. Why, when I was your age I was a shoe-shiner and all I had to my name was an idea: The Sato Mobile. Now I was fortunate enough to meet someone who believed in me and my work ethic. He gave me the money I needed to get my idea of the ground and I build the entire Future Industries empire from that one selfless loan.
- Asami Sato: Dad, stop bragging. Just tell Mako the good news.
- Mako: What good news?
- Hiroshi Sato: Well, my daughter passionately told me all about your hard-earned success in the Pro-Bending Arena, and about your team's current financial stumbling block. Now I'd hate to see you lose your chance at winning the championship, just because you're short a few yuans. That's why I'm going to sponsor the Fire Ferrets in the tournament.
- Mako: Are you serious?
- Asami Sato: He's serious. My dad is going to cover your ante for the championship pot.
- Mako: That... that is good news!
- Hiroshi Sato: There's just one catch; you all have to wear the Future Industries logo on your uniforms.
- Mako: I'll tattoo it on my chest if you want, sir!
- Tenzin: I see Tarrlok's gifts are getting more and more extravagant.
- Korra: (practicing her airbending maneuvers) Yeah. That guy really doesn't know how to take no for an answer.
- Tenzin: Korra... are you doing all right?
- Korra: Yeah! I'm... fine.
- Tenzin: Why don't you take a break? (he sits down, Korra joins him) I'm glad you turned down Tarrlok, but I just wanted to make sure your decision was for the right reason.
- Korra: I'm just really... focused on my airbending right now, is all.
- Tenzin: (unconvinced) Right, that's... what you said. You know, it's okay to be scared. The whole city is frightened by what's been going on. The important thing is to talk about our fears, because if we don't, they can throw us out of balance. (stands and walks away) I'm always here for you, if you want to talk.
- Hiroshi Sato: This is my daughter Asami.
- Asami: It's lovely to meet you. Mako told me so much about you.
- Korra: Really? Because he hasn't mentioned you at all. How did you two meet?
- Bolin: [oblivious to tension] Asami crashed into him on her moped.
- Tarrlok: Avatar Korra has bravely answered the call to action. With the two of us leading the charge, Republic City has nothing to fear from Amon and the Equalists.
- Journalist: Question for the Avatar: Amon remains at large. Why have you failed to locate him?
- Korra: You wanna know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward. [grabs the microphone] Amon, I challenge you to a duel. No task force, no chi blockers, just the two of us tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang Memorial Island. Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing, if you're man enough to face me.
- Amon: [to Korra] I received your invitation, young Avatar. [Amon moves his hands towards Korra as if to remove her bending. Korra cringes and closes her eyes, but instead, Amon grabs her chin and turns her face towards him] Our showdown, while inevitable, is premature. Although it would be the simplest thing for me to take away your bending right now... I won’t. You’d only become a martyr. Benders from every nation would rally behind your untimely demise. But I assure you, I have a plan. And I’m saving you for last. Then, you’ll get your duel, and I will destroy you. (he knocks her out)
The Spirit of Competition [1.5]
edit- Bolin: So... what do you think of Korra, in a "girlfriend" sort of way?
- Mako: Ah, she's great. But I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami.
- Bolin: I was talking about a girlfriend for me. Leave some ladies for the rest of us!
- Mako: (looks startled) I know, that's... what I thought you meant!
- Bolin: Well?
- Mako: I dunno, Bo. It doesn't seem like a good idea for you to date Korra.
- Bolin: You just said she was great, two seconds ago!
- Mako: Yeah, Korra's a great athlete and Avatar and stuff, but... I don't know if she's really girlfriend material. She's more like a pal.
- Bolin: Bro, you're nuts! Korra and I are perfect for each other. She's strong, I'm strong. She's fun, I'm fun. She's beautiful; I'm gorgeous! (pause) Okay, I don't care what you think; I'm gonna ask Korra out.
- Mako: Look, it just isn't smart to date a teammate- especially during the Tournament! Keep your head outta the clouds, and your priorities straight, okay?
- Jinora: So, how's it going with the tall, dreamy Firebender-boy? You've been spending a lot of time together lately.
- Ikki: Oh yeah, tell us all about the magical romance.
- Korra: What? Listen to you two. I'm not interested in Mako or any romantic stuff. Besides he's all into that prissy, beautiful, elegant rich girl. But let's just pretend for a second I am interested in him; What would I do?
- Jinora: Ooh. I just read an historical saga where the heroine fell in love with the enemy general's son, who's supposed to marry the princess. You should do what she did.
- Korra: Tell me.
- Jinora: She rode a dragon into battle and burned down the entire country. Then she jumped into a volcano. It was so romantic.
- Korra: Eh?
- Ikki: No, no, no! The best way to win a boy's heart is to brew a love potion of rainbows and sunsets that makes true lovers sprout wings and fly to a magical castle in the sky, where they get married and eat clouds with spoons and use stars as ice cubes in their moonlight-punch. Forever and ever and ever!
- Korra: The volcano is starting to make more sense to me now. [a laugh is heard and Korra turns to see Pema] Oh, hey, Pema. How long where you standing there?
- Pema: Long enough... but trust me, I know what you're going through. Years ago, I was in the exact same situation... with Tenzin.
- Ikki: Daddy was in love with someone else before you?
- Pema: That's right.
- Korra: So what'd you do?
- Pema: Well, for the longest time, I did nothing. I was so shy and scared of rejection... but watching my soul-mate spend his life with the wrong woman became too painful. So, I hung my chin out there and I confessed my love to Tenzin. And the rest is history.
- Korra, Jinora and Ikki: Wowww!
- Tahno: Well, well, well, if it isn't the Fire Ferrets. Probending's saddest excuse for a team. Tell me, how'd a couple of amateurs like you luck their way into the tournament? Especially you, uh-vatar. You know, if you'd like to learn how a real pro bends, I could give you some private lessons.
- Korra: You wanna go toe to toe with me, pretty boy?
- Tahno: Go for it. I'll give you the first shot.
- Bolin: Korra, don't. He's just trying to bait you. If you hit him, we're out of the tournament.
- [Korra raises her hand making it seem like she's about to hit him square in the face. Suddenly, she whistles, causing Naga to burst through the window roaring right in Tahno's face. Startled and humiliated, Tahno quickly retreats]
- Bolin: I've never seen anyone rouse Tahno like that. You are one of a kind, Korra.
- Mako: We need to talk. Look, sometimes you can be so infuriating-
- Korra: Save your breath! You've already made it clear how you feel about me.
- Mako: No, I haven't. What I'm trying to say is, as much as you drive me crazy... I also think you're pretty amazing.
- Korra: So... you do like me?
- Mako: Yes! But... (sighs) I like Asami, too. I don't know; things are complicated. I've been feeling really confused and-
[Korra suddenly kisses Mako; at first he looks surprised, then he leans in. As they break off, they notice Bolin standing behind them, holding a bouquet and looking shocked. After a moment, Bolin bursts into tears, drops the flowers and runs off sobbing]
- Mako: Bolin, this isn't what you think-! (to Korra) Great, look what you did!
- Korra: You're blaming me?!
- Mako: You kissed me!
- Korra: You kissed me back!
- Mako: Arggh! (he runs after Bolin)
- Korra: (sadly, to herself) Well played, Korra.
[Bolin gets hit directly in the stomach by an Earth discus, and throws up over the side of the ring]
- Shiro Shinobi: And Bolin loses his noodles. Literally. Which reminds me, this match is brought to you by our sponsor, Flameo Instant Noodles. Noodliest noodles in the United Republic.
And The Winner Is... [1.6]
edit- Korra: (concerning Lin Beifong) What is her deal? Even when she's on my side she's against me!
- Tenzin: I've known Lin since we were children. She's always been... challenging.
- Korra: What did your father do to make her hate the Avatar so much?
- Tenzin: My father and Lin got along famously. I'm afraid her issues are... with me.
- Korra: Wait a second! It all makes sense now. You and Beifong, Beifong and you, you two were a couple!
- Tenzin: WHAT?! How- Where'd you get that idea?
- Korra: Ha! Your wife.
- Tenzin: Crimeny! I'll have to have a word with her.
- Korra: So, Pema stole you from Beifong. I'm surprised our "esteemed Chief of Police" didn't throw her in jail.
- Tenzin: Oh, she tried. Anyway, Pema didn't steal me, Lin and I had been growing apart for some time. We both had... different goals in life- Why am I even telling you this?! It all happened a long time ago and we've moved past it.
- Korra: Mmm, apparently Beifong hasn't.
- Tenzin: What do you mea-- Of course she has. Anyway, this is none of your business.
- Korra: See you at home, Mr. Heartbreaker! [laughs]
- Lin Beifong: I can't believe your sweet-tempered father was reincarnated into that girl. She's tough as nails.
- Tenzin: Reminds me of someone else I knew at that age. You two might get along if you would only give her a chance.
- Lin Beifong: Hmph.
- [As the Equalist begin attacking the Pro-Bending Arena]:
- Shiro Shinobi: Folks, there is some sort of electrical disturbance in the stands. Metalbender cops are dropping like bumbleflies. There appear to be masked members of the audience wielding strange devices on their hands. [an Equalist enters the booth]: One of them is in the booth with me right now, folks. He is leveling one of those glove devices at me now and I believe he is about to electrocute me. I am currently wetting my pants.
- [Amon and the Equalists appear in front of the Wolfbats]:
- Tahno: What's going on here, ref?
- Referee: I don't know!
- Tahno: [the Equalists walk towards them]: Alright. You want a piece of the Wolfbats? Here it comes! [Tahno and his teammates try to fend off the Equalists, but are effortlessly defeated, and the Equalists bind Tahno's arms, leaving him defenseless]: Wait, please don't do this! I'll give you the championship pot, I'll-I'll give you everything, just please don't take my bending!
- Amon: I believe I have your attention, benders of Republic City. So once again the Wolfbats are your Pro-Bending Champions. It seems fitting that you celebrate three bullies who cheated their way to victory, because every day you threaten and abuse your fellow non-bending citizens, just like the Wolfbats did to their opponents tonight. Those men were supposedly the best in the bending world and yet it took only a few moments for me to cleanse them of their impurity. Let this be a warning to all you benders out there; if any of you stand in my way, you will meet the same fate.
- Lin Beifong: I can't believe Amon did this. I played right into his hand.
- Tenzin: He played us all. Republic City is at war.
The Aftermath [1.07]
edit- Journalist: Is it true that Cabbage Corp is conspiring with the Equalists?
- Lin Beifong: The evidence points in that direction, but the investigation is ongoing. For the time being, we have frozen Mr. Gan-Lan's assets and are closing Cabbage Corp.
- Lau Gan-Lan: No, not my Cabbage Corp!
- Korra: I have to admit. I had you pegged wrong, I thought you were kinda prissy. No offense.
- Asami: It's alright. People usually assume that I'm Daddy's helpless little girl but I can handle myself. I mean I've been in self-defense classes since I was this high. My dad made sure I would always be able to protect myself.
- Korra: Smart guy.
- Tenzin: So you think Mr. Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists, then framed Cabbage Corp?
- Lin Beifong: That's a bold accusation. But what proof do you have?
- Korra: Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard. Sato's up to something.
- Lin Beifong: He does have the means. And he has a motive.
- Tenzin: That's right.
- Korra: A motive? What is it?
- Tenzin: Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion. A Firebender killed Sato's wife during the break-in.
- Korra: That's terrible.
- Tenzin: It was tragic. It is possible he's been harboring anti-bending sentiment all this time.
- Lin Beifong: Maybe we should look at Mr. Sato a little more closely.
- Hiroshi Sato: I'm afraid you won't be able to bend that wall, Chief Beifong. It's solid platinum. My mecha-tanks are platinum as well; not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure.
- Korra: Hiroshi, I knew you were a lying, no-good Equalist! Come out here and--
- Hiroshi Sato: And do what, young Avatar, face the wrath of your bending? No, I think I'll fight from inside here where my odds are a little more... equal.
- Lin Beifong: That source was a set-up! You lured us down here!
- Hiroshi Sato: (sarcastically) Guilty as charged.
[The mecha-tanks attack]
- Mako: Sponsoring our team, supporting the Avatar, it was all just a big cover.
- Hiroshi Sato: Yes, and the most difficult part was watching my daughter traipse around with a firebending street rat like you! [He and the Lieutenant approach them]
- Asami: Dad, stop! [Hiroshi turns to see her; sadly] Why?
- Hiroshi Sato: [Ashamed] Sweetie, I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now that you know the truth, please forgive me. These people, these benders, they took away your mother, the love of my life. They’ve ruined the world. But with Amon we can fix it and build a perfect world together. We can help people like us, everywhere. [Takes off one of his gloves and offers it to her] Join me, Asami. [Asami hesitates then grabs the glove and puts it on]
- Mako: No.
- Asami: I love you, Dad. [She electrocutes her father, knocking him out, and then easily defeats the Lieutenant]
- Lin Beifong: My Metalbenders are on their way to Amon and it's all my fault. Tarrlok's right. I've failed as chief. First thing in the morning, I'm handing in my resignation.
- Tenzin: No! You can't give up like this.
- Lin Beifong: I'm not giving up. I'm gonna find my officers and take Amon down. But I'm gonna do it my way: Outside the law.
- Mako: [To Korra] I'm sorry I didn't believe you. But Asami's dad being an Equalist is not an easy thing to believe. Even now.
- Korra: I know. I'm sorry this whole thing happened.
- Mako: So, does your offer to stay on Air Temple Island still stand?
- Korra: Of course it does. And Asami's welcome too.
- Mako: Thank you so much.
- Korra: After everything she's been through, she's gonna need you, Mako. [Mako walks up to a saddened Asami and embraces her]
When Extremes Meet [1.08]
edit- Ikki: And now for the grand tour! The Flying Bison sleeps in those caves down there. And that's the temple grandpa Aang built. And that's the green house that we grow the vegetables we eat.
- Bolin: I have a couple of questions. Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train Airbending? Do we have to wear Air Acolyte clothes? Do we each get our own Sky Bison, and final question, how many trees are on this island?
- Ikki: Yes, yes, no, no, ten-thousand-five-hundred-fifty-two.
- Tenzin: Tarrlok, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket, but I highly doubt it was legal.
- Tarrlok: Oh, Tenzin, always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognizes my talents and wants what is best for this city? [Tenzin scoffs] Well, Avatar Korra. Long time no see. Now that your little Pro-Bending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my taskforce.
- Korra: Forget it. There’s no way I’m rejoining your vanity project.
- Tarrlok: That is unfortunate to hear, but I’m sure you’ll come to your senses, as you have in the past.
- Korra: Don't hold your breath, bub. You know, Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Beifong, and now you're playing the new Chief, too. Well, I got news for you. You need me, but I don't need you. I'm the Avatar.
- Tarrlok: You're not, in fact, the Avatar. You're merely a half-baked Avatar in training. Which reminds me, how is your airbending going? Made any significant progress? [Korra doesn't answer, but looks at Tarrlok with a mix of anger and sadness on her face.] I didn't think so. [Tarrlok begins to walk away] If you will not be part of my task force, then you had best stay out of my way!
- Korra: [to Saikhan] You’re officially the worst Chief of Police ever!
- Tenzin: Calm down Korra, I’ll get this sorted out. We just need to be patient. [to Saikhan] But you really are the worst. Ever.
- [Tarrlok is in his office with the council page, looking at papers. A window opens and the papers get blown over the office, Korra is standing in the window]
- Korra: You and I need to talk! [Steps into the office]
- Tarrlok: [To the council page] Are any of the other council members here?
- Council Page: I believe everyone has gone home for the night.
- Tarrlok: Then you should do the same.
- Council Page: Are you sure, sir?
- Tarrlok: Leave us. [council page leaves] You obviously have something on your mind? Spit it out.
- Korra: Don't you see? You're doing exactly what Amon says is wrong with benders; you are using your powers to oppress and intimidate people.
- Tarrlok: And you don't?
- Korra: Of... of course not!
- Tarrlok: Isn't that what you came here to do; intimidate me into releasing your friends? [Korra glares at him]] See, that's what I admire about you, Korra: Your willingness to go to extremes in order to get what you want. It is a quality we both share.
- Korra: You and I are nothing alike!
- Tarrlok: Look, I'll make you a deal: you fall in line and do what I say, and I'll release your friends.
- Korra: That's why you arrested them? To get to me?
- Tarrlok: I need your answer.
- Korra: No. You may be able to manipulate Chief Saikhan into following you, but it won't work on me.
- Tarrlok: [turns away angrily towards the direction of his waterfall] You will regret that decision.
- Korra: You need to be stopped! You're just as bad as Amon.
- Tarrlok: [Widens eyes with anger] I've tried to work with you Korra, but you've made that impossible. [Uses his Waterbending to attack Korra]
- Korra: [after trashing Tarrlok] Still think I’m a half-baked Avatar?
- Tarrlok: You're in my way Avatar, and you need to be removed!
- Korra: [being bloodbent by Tarrlok] You're... a... Bloodbender?!
- Tarrlok: Very observant.
- Korra: It's not a full moon... how... how are you doing this?!
- Tarrlok: They're a lot of things you don't know about me. [Throws Korra across the room knocking her unconscious]
Out of the Past [1.09]
edit- Toph Beifong: What are you doing here, Aang? I told you, I have this under control.
- Aang: Under normal circumstances I wouldn't get involved, but if what those victims said is true, we’re not dealing with a normal criminal.
- Toph Beifong: Fine, follow me, Twinkletoes.
- Aang: Toph, I'm 40 years old. You think you can stop with the nicknames?
- Toph Beifong: 'Fraid not.
- Mako: [To an Equalist he's holding] I'll ask you one more time! [Lifts him in the air with one hand and prepares a fire blast with the other] Where is she?!
- Equalist: We don’t have the Avatar. And the Equalists didn't attack City Hall. Tarrlok's lying.
- Mako: What?
- Lin Beifong: I scanned the entire prison. Korra's not here.
- Mako: Why would Tarrlok make up a story about getting attacked?
- Tenzin: Because he has Korra. He fooled us all.
- [after Earthbending a rockslide]
- Bolin: Try to chi-block that, fools!
- [at Yakone’s trial]
- Sokka: In my years I've encountered people born with rare and unique bending abilities. I once bested a man with my trusty boomerang who was able to Firebend with his mind. Why, even Metalbending was considered impossible for all of history until our esteemed Chief of Police, Toph Beifong, singlehandedly developed the skill. The overwhelming amount of testimony and evidence has convinced this council that Yakone is one of these unique benders and he exploited his ability to commit these heinous crimes. We find Yakone guilty of all charges and sentence him to life in prison.
[Sokka hits his gavel against the table. Yakone's lawyer crumples up a piece of paper in frustration. Yakone stands up, smiles, and his eyes widen. Sokka screams in pain as Yakone uses his bloodbending on the entire United Republic Council. Toph tries to metalbend a cable to restrain Yakone, but his grip extends to her and the rest of the courtroom. Yakone laughs as Aang, being bloodbent in the bench behind him, tries to grab at the criminal. Cut back to Korra in her prison.]
- Tenzin: Thank you all for being here under short notice.
- Lin: (Looks at Chief Saikan) [flatly] Chief.
- Saikhan: (Looks at Lin) [flatly] Lin.
- Tarrlok: (Tarrlok comes in) Have you news of Avatar Korra?
- Tenzin: We do. [points his finger at him] You kidnapped her, Tarrlok!
- Tarrlok: I am shocked you would accused me of such evil act. I already explained, Chi blockers attacked us and took her!
- Tenzin: But there were no Chi blockers here last night! You planted the evidence, didn't you?
- Tarrlok: That is a ridiculous accusation.
- Council Page: It's true! He took her! I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night but... Councilmen Tarrlok ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw her bring her down to the garage. [Shows the end of "When Extremes Meet, from the Page's point of view.]
- Tarrlok: Say goodbye to Republic city, Avatar Korra. You'll never see it again! [Korra furiously breathes fire on Tarrlok when he shuts the door while Page looks on and it flashes back to the present day, furiously] That is nonsense! Everyone knows you're nothing but a squeaky voice liar, or I will KILL MYSELF!!!
- Tenzin: NEVER!
- Lin: Why did you wait until now to fess up?
- Council Page: I was terrified to tell because... Because Tarrlok is a Bloodbender! He bloodbent Avatar Korra!
- Tenzin: [Everyone gasps as Tenzin angrily looks at Tarrlok] Don't make this worse on yourself. Tell us where you have Korra.
[Tenzin and Lin make ready to attack Tarrlok. Tarrlok's eyes widen as he bloodbends everyone in the room, knocking them unconscious. He flees the scene.]
- Lin: (To Tenzin) Wake up! (Slaps him in the face which wakes him up)
- Bolin: Man, I had this awful dream that Korra was taken by this evil bloodbender. So weird.
- Asami: Bolin, that really happened. He knocked us out.
- Bolin: Are you serious? where is he? is he here right now?
- Saikhan: Tarrlok is gone. I'll alert the whole force
- Lin: We've been only been out for a while. But we can still pick up Tarrlok's trail
- Tenzin: It could lead us to Korra! Let's go. (They left)
[Korra, in her cage, meditates once more. Flashback to Yakone's trial. Aang, Sokka, Toph, and the rest of the courtroom are still in the grips of Yakone's bloodbending. Yakone uses his bloodbending to force Toph to grab the keys to his handcuffs. Levitating the chief of police over to him, he forces her to unlock his handcuffs, freeing him. Using his bloodbending, Yakone knocks everyone out, except for Aang, who is able to stay awake. Yakone levitates Aang into the air.]
- Aang: [strained] Yakone! You won't get away with this!
- Yakone: [laughs] Republic City's mine, Avatar. I'll be back one day to claim it.
[Yakone throws Aang aside, knocking him out. Yakone runs outside, where he gets into an ostrich-horse-drawn carriage. Back in the courtroom, the wind swirls around Aang as he enters the Avatar State and regains consciousness. Aang bursts out of the courtroom atop an Air Scooter and pursues Yakone. Yakone spots Aang next to him, and the Avatar uses airbending to cut the reins of the carriage, freeing the ostrich-horse and crashing the carriage. Aang circles the carriage, thinking that Yakone has been taken care of. Yakone pops out of the carriage, and bloodbends the Avatar once again, knocking him to the ground.]
- Yakone: This time I'm gonna put you to sleep, for good!
[Aang is levitated into the air, with Yakone using his bloodbending to contort the Avatar's body into painful positions in an attempt to kill him. Aang enters the Avatar State, neutralizing the effects of Yakone's bloodbending. Aang traps Yakone using his earthbending and puts his hands on the bloodbender's forehead and chest.]
- Aang: I'm taking away your bending ... for good!
[Yakone screams in fear as Aang enters the Avatar State, using his energybending to remove Yakone's bending abilities. Aang steps back, exhausted.]
- Aang: It's over.
Cut back to Korra in the present]
- Korra: Aang ... this whole time, you were trying to warn me about Tarrlok. [Tarrlok enters the basement.]
- Tarrlok: [furiously] My life is a disaster now, thanks to you!
- Korra: So your little bloodbending secret's out? [Tarrlok growls in anger] And I know how you bloodbent me without a full moon: you're Yakone's son!
- Tarrlok: [Paused] I was his son, but in order to win Republic City, I had to become someone else. My father failed because he tried to rule the city from its rotten underbelly. My plan was perfect. I was to be the city's savior. But you, you ruined everything!
- Korra: Tarrlok, the jig is up, and you have nowhere to go.
- Tarrlok: Oh no. No, I'll escape, and start a new life. And you're coming as my hostage.
- Korra: [angrily pounding on the door of the box] You'll never get away with this!
- [Tarrlok is walking up the stairs and is greeted by Amon, the Lieutenant, and 3 other Equalists]
- Tarrlok: Amon! [Korra hears him and gasps]
- Amon: It is time for you to be equalized.
- Tarrlok: You fool. You've never faced bending like mine.
- [Tarrlok easily bloodbends the Lieutenant and the 3 other Equalists into submission, but Amon, seemingly unaffected by it, walks towards him. A surprised Tarrlok tries harder to bloodbend Amon, but after struggling for a few seconds, he easily overcomes it.]
- Tarrlok: What? What are you?
- Amon: I am the solution. [Amon subdues Tarrlok by grabbing his arm to twist him around until he’s behind him and placing his right hand on the base of Tarrlok’s neck, causing Tarrlok to groan in pain. After subduing Tarrlok, Amon takes Tarrlok’s bending away by moving his left hand onto Tarrlok’s forehead. Korra hears Tarrlok scream in horror and agony as it happens, and the former bloodbender is rendered unconscious and falls to the floor. The Lieutenant and the other Equalists stand up as Amon picks Tarrlok up off the floor.] I'll take care of him. You four retrieve the Avatar. Do not underestimate her. Electricute the box to knock her out before you open it.
- Lieutenant: My pleasure.
[Korra hears the Lieutenant coming down the stairs. She looks at the bars above her, then down at her armbands. The Lieutenant approaches the box]
- Lieutenant: It's payback time! [Korra screams in fake pain as she suspends herself from the bars by her armband, protecting her from the charge. The Lieutenant shocks the box until the lightbulb in the lamp above bursts. The Equalists hear a thud from inside the box] Open the box. [The Equalists opens the box.] Tie her up. [Korra attacks them with firebending and earthbending. She escapes past them]
[Outside, Amon puts Tarrlok in the back of a truck. The door to the cabin bursts open as Korra jumps out into the open. She and Amon lock eyes. Amon turns to face her. Korra, after a moment's hesitation, bends the snow around her into icicles, which Amon avoids. Korra runs away and slides down a nearby hill. Amon halts his pursuit. The Lieutenant appears next to him.]
- Amon: I thought I told you not to underestimate her.
Turning the Tides [1.10]
edit- [Lin, Tenzin, Pema, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo are on Oogi, while being chased by Equalist airships]
- Lin Beifong: They're gaining on us!
- Tenzin Faster, Oogi!
- [A net is launched at them on a rope from one of the airships. Lin uses one of her cables to shred it then ties the other around the rope. She looks back at the worried airbender family with sorrow, before looking away and back at them.]
- Lin Beifong: [Determined] Whatever happens to me, don't turn back!
- Tenzin: Lin, what are you doing?!
- [Lin jumps off of Oogi and destroys one of the airships. She tries to do the same to the other but Equalists ambush her and render her unconscious. The airship turns around to return to Air Temple Island. The family looks back at the sight of Lin's sacrifice with shock.]
- Meelo: That lady is my hero.
- Tenzin: [Sadly] Yes. She is.
- Amon: Tell me where the Avatar is and I'll let you keep your bending.
- Lin: I won't tell you anything you monster!
- Amon: Very well.
[Amon stands behind Lin, ready to take her bending away. Lin closes her eyes to prepare herself. Amon touches his hand to her forehead, robbing her of her bending abilities. Lin falls forward and lands on the ground]
Skeletons in the Closet [1.11]
edit- Hiroshi Sato: It is a glorious day. my Equalist brothers and sisters. Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government. He has declared bending illegal. And he has the Avatar on the run. Our great leader has a vision for the future. One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world where everyone is finally equal. The United Forces are on the way right now to try and stop that dream but we will prevail!
- Yakone: Tarrlok, your turn.
- Tarrlok: No, I won't do it.
- Yakone: Bloodbend your brother, Tarrlok.
- Tarrlok: But I'd feel awful. I don't want to do that to anyone. I never want to bloodbend again.
- Yakone: You're a disgrace, a weakling. I'll teach you a lesson, you insubordinate-
- Noatak: [bloodbends Yakone] Stay away from him.
- Yakone: How dare you bloodbend me?
- Noatak: What are you going to do about it? You're the weak one. You always say bloodbending is the most powerfull thing in the world, but it isn't. The Avatar is. He took your bending away. What could be more powerfull than that?
- Yakone: I made you what you are. You're mine.
- Noatak: We're your sons, not your tools of revenge. [to Tarrlok] Let's go. We can run away from him, forever.
- Tarrlok: Run away? But what about mom? We can't just leave her.
- Noatak: He was right about you. You are a weakling.
- Korra: That's one of the saddest stories I've ever heard.
- Tarrlok: Avatar Korra. I am truly sorry for all that I've done to you. I thought I was better than my father, but his ghost still shaped me. I became a soldier of revenge, just like he wanted me to be. And so did my brother. The revolution may be built on a lie, but I think Amon truly believes bending is the source of all evil in the world.
- Mako: How did you figure out Amon was your brother?
- Tarrlok: When he took my bending... the sensation was somehow familiar. I later recognized it as my brother's bloodbending grip.
- Korra: So... he somehow uses bloodbending to take people's bending.
- Tarrlok: I don't know how he does it... but, then again, I've never encountered a bender as strong as Noatak.
- Korra: How in the world do we beat him?
- Mako: We can't. Any attack we throw at him, he'll redirect with his mind. That's how he's been able to challenge any bender.
- Korra: So much for our ambush. If we stay here, we're toast. But there's another way to beat him.
- Mako: How?
- Korra: This whole time Amon has been one step ahead of us, but finally we have the advantage. We know the truth about him. If we expose him as a bender in front of all his supporters.
- Mako: At the rally.
- Korra: We could take away his true power!
- Mako: And undermine this whole revolution!
- Korra: [to Tarrlok] Thank you for your help. [to Mako] We can't just leave him here.
- Tarrlok: Go. Amon can't know anyone spoke with me. Defeat him. Put an end to this sad story.
Endgame [1.12]
edit- The Lieutenant: Amon! Everything the Avatar said is true, isn't it? I just saw you bloodbend her. [takes off his mask and crushes the in-built goggles] You traitor! I dedicated my life to you!
- [the lieutenant attacks Amon, but is easily stopped by his bloodbending]
- Amon: You served me well, lieutenant.
- [Tarrlok and Noatak are fleeing Republic City on a motor boat, Noatak is driving]
- Amon/Noatak: The two of us together again! There's nothing we can't do.
- Tarrlok: Yes, Noatak.
- Amon/Noatak: Noatak. [Smiles] I'd almost forgotten the sound of my own name.
- [Tarrlok looks at the Shock gloves, then at Noatak, he then puts one of the gloves on. He then unscrews the fuel tank lid and positions the glove above it.]
- Tarrlok: It will be just like the good old days. [Noatak smiles with a tear in his eye. Tarrlok then ignites the fuel, exploding the boat and killing them both]
- Korra: Not now Tenzin. I just wanna be left alone.
- Aang: But you called me here.
- [Korra looks up and sees Aang, not Tenzin, standing beside her.]
- Korra: Aang.
- Aang: You have finally connected with your spiritual self.
- Korra: How?
- Aang: When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.
- [Behind Aang, the spirits of the past Avatars appear to Korra. Korra closes her eyes as Aang enters the Avatar State and restores Korra's bending. The past Avatars fade away. Korra opens her eyes, which are now glowing white. She has unlocked her ability to enter the Avatar State. Korra rises into the air using airbending, and unleashes waves of airbending, firebending, and earthbending, then uses waterbending to crash waves against the cliff. Korra lowers herself to the ground, and exits the Avatar State. She notices Mako behind her. He smiles at her. She runs to hug him.]
- Korra: I love you, too. [Mako and Korra kiss.]
- [Later, at the Avatar Temple, Lin kneels on one knee in front of Korra. Korra touches her hands to Lin's forehead and upper chest, and she enters the Avatar State, restoring Lin's bending. Lin demonstrates her newly-restored earthbending by levitating the rocks surrounding the temple. She lowers the rocks.]
- Lin: Thank you.
- [Korra bows to Lin]
- Tenzin: I am so proud of you, Avatar Korra.