Talk:Breton proverbs

Latest comment: 11 years ago by Spannerjam in topic Unsourced

Unsourced edit

I have not been able to find any sources for these proverbs. It is okay by me if you delete this page. --Spannerjam (talk) 14:34, 21 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

  • "Aessoc'h d'ar mab goulenn ouzh tad ewid d'an tad goulenn ouzh mab"
    • Translation: "It is easier for the son to ask from the father than for the father to ask from the son"
  • "An douar so kozh, med n'eo ket sod"
    • Translation: "Earth is old, but it is not mad"
  • "An hani ne vez ket joä doc'htoñ a-pa arriw, a vez joä doc'hton a-pa y-â kuit"
    • Translation: "The one who does not make you happy when he arrives makes you happy when he leaves"
  • "An heni a blij ar c´hizhier dezañ en-nevez ur wreg koant"
    • Translation: "Who loves cats has a beautiful wife"
  • "An heni a heuli e benn a heuli penn un asen"
    • Translation: "Who follows his head follows the head of an ass"
  • "An heni a so mestr d'e sec'hed so mestr d'e yec'hed"
    • Translation: "Who can master his thirst can master his health"
  • "An heni a vez e grass ar merc'hed n'en-deus nà naon nà sec'hed"
    • Translation: "He who gets the grace of the women is neither hungry nor thirsty"
  • "An trubuilh ne varv den ebed gantañ"
    • Translation: "Sorrow, nobody dies about it"
  • "Ar c´hi ne bak ket pelloc'h eged e stag"
    • Translation: "The dog does not catch further that its leash"
  • "Ar c´housked so an hanter ag ar yec'hed"
    • Translation: "Sleep is half of Health"
  • "Ar re vezw a zivezwo med ar re sod ne zïsodont ket"
    • Translation: "The drunk ones will sober up, but the mad ones will not clever up"
  • "Arabad gwerzhañ ar wioù e reor ar yér"
    • Translation: "Don't sell eggs in the bottom of hens"
  • "Bezañ paour n'eo ket pec'hed, gwell eo koulskoude tec'hed"
    • Translation: "To be poor is not a sin, it's better to avoid it anyway"
  • "Brizh diod hag a oar tewel, ouzh un den fur a so heñvel"
    • Translation: "Complete idiot who can keep silent, to a wise man is similar"
  • "C'hoant Doue ha c'hoant den a so daou."
    • Translation: "God's desire and man's desire are two."
  • "En noz e kemerer ar silioù, dale a ra vad a-wechoù"
    • Translation: "At night one takes eels, it is worth waiting sometimes"
  • "Forzh tud / fall sikour"
    • Translation: "Many people / bad assistance"
  • "Goude mà vezer skuizh, ec'h aer c'hoazh pell"
    • Translation: "Once you are tired, you still can go far"
  • "Gwell eo karantez leizh an dorn ewid madoù leizh ar forn"
    • Translation: "A handful of love is better than an oven full of bread"
  • "Hanter douget - ur bec'h graet mad"
    • Translation: "Half-carried - a well-built load"

knitschued alerm coilloewaanrstee yik

The young one always knows faster in the dark.

  • "Kass ar paour da baour a so dïaes"
    • Translation: "To make a poor man poorer is not easy"
  • "Kig kristen - en em beñsel e hunan"
    • Translation: "Flesh of man - mends itself"
  • "Klañv heb glac'har, kamm ki pa gar"
    • Translation: "Patient without any pain, the dog is lame when it wants to"
  • "Magit mad ho korf, hoc'h ene a chomo pelloc'h e-barzh"
    • Translation: "Inside a well-nourished body, the soul remains longer"
  • "N'en dez ket rekis gouied galleg ewid goulenn kousked er-maes"
    • Translation: "Not need to know French to ask to sleep outside"
  • "N'eus den nà tra heb e si, hag alïes en-deus daou pe tri"
    • Translation: "There is no man nor thing without his defect, and often they have two or three of them"
  • "N'eus gouañv-ebed à gement a so chomet ba kof e vamm"
    • Translation: "There is no winter for who has remained in his mother's womb"
  • "N'eus ket à diegezh heb buanegezh"
    • Translation: "There is no household without domestic fight"
  • "Neb so lemm beg e deod, a rank bezañ kaled kostez e benn"
    • Translation: "Whose end of tongue is sharp, the edge of his head must be hard"
  • "Pa gasser ar paour d'an douar, kloc'h bras ar barres so bouzar"
    • Translation: "When the poor man is buried, the large bell of the parish is silent"
  • "Peb sant newez en deus e virakloù d'ober"
    • Translation: "Any new saint-to-be has his miracles to make"
  • "Pelloc'h e vimp marw eged paour"
    • Translation: "We will stay longer dead than poor"
  • "Pemp munut yec'hed a ra vad d' un den klañv"
    • Translation: "Five minutes of health comfort the ill one"
  • "Poan ar re all so skañv da zougen"
    • Translation: "Someone else's pain is easy to carry"
  • "Propoc'h eo ur fri bras ewid daou vihan"
    • Translation: "It is more becoming to have a large nose than two small ones"
  • "Restachoù mad so mad da gaoud"
    • Translation: "Good remains are nice to have."
  • "Tan ged koäd sec'h ha labour ged tud reizh a so aes"
    • Translation: "Fire with seasoned wood and work with flexible people are easy"
  • "Tra mà vo daou zen war ar bed, ar jalousi a reno bepred"
    • Translation: "As long as there will remain two men on Earth, Jealousy will reign"
  • "Ur c´horf erbedet n' â ken med peder eur warn-ugent hirroc'h ewid unan all"
    • Translation: "A spared body only goes twenty-four hours further that another"
  • "Va mab, re gozh an douar ewid ober goap anezi"
    • Translation: "My son, too old is the Earth don't make fun of it"

More unsourced edit

  • "An heni na avantur netra, nà koll nà gounid ne ra"
    • Translation: "The one who does not risk anything does not gain nor lose"
  • "Anduriñ so red, med karoud n'eo ket"
    • Translation: "To endure is obligatory, but to like is not"
  • "Gortosit an noz ewid lavared eo bet kàer an deiz"
    • Translation: "Wait for the night before saying that the day has been beautiful"
  • "Seul mui à vugulion a vez, e vez falloc'h gouarnet ar saout"
    • Translation: "The more cowherds there are, the worse the cows are looked after"
  • "Truez heb sikour a ra nebeud à vad"
    • Translation: "Pity without help does little good"
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