Regeneration (biology)

biological process of renewal, restoration, and growth that makes genomes, cells, organisms, and ecosystems resilient to natural fluctuations

In biology, regeneration is the process of renewal, restoration, and growth that makes genomes, cells, organisms, and ecosystems resilient to natural fluctuations or events that cause disturbance or damage.

Regeneration is the fountain; sanctification is the river (in deeper or shallower degree). 'Entire sanctification' is the river in fullest flow. ~ J. Sidlow Baxter
Animals use a fibrous connective protein called collagen to holds cells together (one-third of the human body consists of collagen). It's arranged in a basketweave (criss-cross) pattern in regular tissue, while scar tissue fibres are aligned side-by-side. Regular tissue is like fabric material, whereas scars are stitches holding two pieces of fabric together. Stitching is faster than weaving, so it's better for rapid repair. ~ JV Chamary


  • Regeneration is the fountain; sanctification is the river (in deeper or shallower degree). 'Entire sanctification' is the river in fullest flow.
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