Grigori Perelman

Russian mathematician

Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman (born 13 June 1966) is a Russian mathematician who is known for his contributions to the fields of geometric analysis, Riemannian geometry, and geometric topology. In 1994, he proved the soul conjecture in Riemannian geometry, which had been an open problem for the previous 20 years. In 2002 and 2003, he developed new techniques in the analysis of Ricci flow, thereby providing a detailed sketch of a proof of the Poincaré conjecture and Thurston's geometrization conjecture, the former of which had been a famous open problem in mathematics for the past century.

Grigori Perelman in 1993.



Quotes about Grigori Perelman

  • By the end of 2006 it was generally believed that Perelman’s proof was correct. That year, the journal Science named Perelman’s proof the “Breakthrough of the Year.” Like Smale and Freedman before him, the forty-year old Perelman was tapped to be a Fields Medals recipient for his contributions to the Poincaré conjecture (in fact, Thurston also received a Fields Medal for his work that indirectly led to the final proof). The countdown for the $1 million prize had begun (some wonder if Perelman and Hamilton will be offered the prize jointly).
  • Revolutions in mathematics are quiet affairs. No clashing armies and no guns. Brief news stories far from the front page. Unprepossessing. Just like the raw damp Monday afternoon of April 7, 2003, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Young and old crowded the lecture theater at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). They sat on the floor and in the aisles, and stood at the back. The speaker, Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman, wore a rumpled dark suit and sneakers, and paced while he was introduced.
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Euler's identityFermat's Last Theorem

Pure math

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