Fictional last words in webcomics

The following is a list of last words attributed to various fictional characters in webcomics. Characters are listed according to source (i.e. the originating webcomic), then the name of character the quote is attributed to (in case of more than one quote per source). Where quotes come from a series of texts, they are organised in the order of the texts they appeared in . Where possible, for the purposes of clarification, further explanatory notes have been presented. Additionally, if a character's final words consist of a dialogue with the other characters, the other character's speech may be included for contextual purposes; for example, if one character asks a question that the one who is about to die answers.

Some characters may have more than one "death," in instances such as being resurrected, or existing temporarily as an undead being. In some of those instances, their last words from each "death" may be added if they are significant. Additionally, significant last words from deaths that are merely assumed to have happened or are non-canon are included. Additionally, in instances where there are multiple outcomes, or in media with alternate timelines, the character's last words will be featured.

  • He missed!
    • Who: A Ghost
    • Note: This line is said after Fighter attacks a team of Ghosts and Grey Imps with his improvised Two-Fisted Monkey Style Attack. The line is said before the team dies.
  • What's he doing?
  • Well, if I had to guess, I'd say that's electric death.
    • Who: Old man #2 and Old man #1 respectively
    • Note: These lines are said before they fall victim to Black Mage's Bolt-2 spell, cast by Black Mage who thinks one of the three old men has his gold. Unfortunately, none of them do.
  • Argh! My brittle old man hip!
    • Who: Rich old man
    • Note: Black Mage is killing the character for his money, which he thinks the old man took from him and Fighter.
  • Hey, what're you doing with that knife? Argh! You're stabbing me repeatedly in the face! Arrrghble! Why are you stabbing me?! I said you could borrow the ladder! There's no reason to assault me! Arrrrrgh!!! Now you're kicking me as I lay bleeding in the streets in broad daylight while everyone continues to wander about aimlessly as though you were not mercilessly beating me! Ghkkk! Now you're chocking (sic) me! Vision... tunneling... can't seem to... stay... awake... wheeeze.
    • Who: Painter
    • Note: Black Mage is killing the character off-screen so that he can have his ladder, which he needs to remove light bulbs and pass them off as the Orbs of Light.
  • Omega's on the what now? (Alternate universe)
  • [Lich: What are you smiling about?] Can't you tell? I'm looking forward to my demise. And freedom. (Real universe)
    • Who: Black Mage
    • Note: In an alternate universe, Garland has just told his computer to activate "Omega Contingency", which causes the universe to explode. Take note that this is in an alternate universe, and is not canonical to the story. In the real universe, Black Mage is being grabbed by Lich when he says this. Lich tires of the Light Warriors' antics and chucks Black Mage into the Armoire of Invincibility, snapping his spine. He is resurrected later, however.
  • Enough! This method of killing weak, fleshy sacks is too inefficient. I must destroy this wretched city of Prontera and all who dwell in it so that I may be certain that the Light Warriors are no more. Therefore, I shall transform my very essence into raw obliteration to ensure victory! I can only hope those four warriors outside the city gates were telling the truth, else my ultimate sacrifice will be for naught!
    • Who: Baphomet
    • Note: Baphomet is in the city of Prontera looking for the Light Warriors so that he may slay them before they become powerful enough to defeat Chaos. He explodes after the line is said, removing all traces of the city ever existing.
  • [Black Mage: Okay, are you ready?] Shoot. [Black Mage: Astos? Mo' like yo' ass is toast!]
    • Who: Chancellor Usurper/King Astos
    • Note: The character collapses after Black Mage taunts him with the line above. According to the Light Warriors, Black Mage's taunt was so shockingly stupid, that it pushed the character's heart over the edge, killing him.
  • Well played, but futile. You have reduced me from an immortal to a wizard of ultimate power over the ten levels of magic. Fools. At this point, perhaps if you possessed power equal to mine, you would have a small chance of defeating me. But you're the same frail flesh-sacks you were when this began. So typically mortal. You never look to the long term. You build your cities right where glaciers will come screaming through in 200,000 years. Narrow-minded, overconfident worms. How did you ever expect to defeat the king of death!
    • Who: Lich
    • Note: After the character's monologue is completed, Black Mage, now the King of Hell, drags the character down to Hell.
  • And now, back to being a hermit.
    • Who: Old Hermit
    • Note: The character has just led the Light Warriors out of his home in Gorgu Volcano. After saying this, he turns his back and starts to walk away. Black Mage decides to kill him.
  • Urg, seem to have some heartburn.
    • Who: Fire Dragon
    • Note: The Dragon is being frozen from the inside-out by Red Mage's Ice Spell, which results in him shattering.
  • [White Mage: Black Belt, stop her with your violence.] With gusto!
    • Who: Black Belt
    • Note: After saying this, Black Belt charges Kary, who slices him into several pieces.
  • You are a skilled opponent, Fighter, I'll grant you that. But you are only mortal. While I, Kary, Fiend of the Flames, have the strength of an inextinguishable inferno! [Fighter: You're boring me, lady. But there's just one last thing I need from you.] Oh? [Fighter: Don't worry, you'll be done in a second.]
    • Who: Kary
    • Note: After these lines are said, Red Mage traps Kary in the Bag of Infinite Holding, after which he casts Ice-9 on the bag, freezing the bag and everything in it. White Mage smashes the bag soon after, sending Kary to Hell.
  • This had better be good. I'm a very important yeti in these parts. Even if it is an uninhabited Arctic waste land. (answers the door) What are you guys supposed to be? (gets his head sliced off) Oh.
    • Who: Yeti
    • Note: The yeti was killed by the Dark Warriors.
  • Why aren't you killing them yet?!
    • Who: Mrr'grt
    • Note: Black Mage slaughters the character and his entire cult after escaping from infinite nothingness.
  • Watch what happens when you dissolve all the electrons from a body of solid matter.
    • Who: Ur
    • Note: Before the character can do this, he is killed by Red Mage from being sliced open from the inside.
  • This bank is oozing with magic alarms! The city guard will be here at any moment!
    • Who: City banker
    • Note: Black Mage slices the character's head off and tells him that the city guard has been disposed of after the line is said.
  • Okay, so you're from the governor's office...?
    • Who: Mayor
    • Note: Black Mage destroys the entire city after this line is said.
  • A spear? Through my brain? My... only... weakness...!
    • Who: Muffin
    • Note: She has just been unexpectedly impaled by Dragoon's spear.

A to D

  • Oh God, it's coming this way!! Help me, someone please HELP ME!!! HELP M......
    • Who: Corporal Mary "Sprout" Alyson
    • Source: Angels 2200
    • Notes: Character is killed when an enemy fighter fires on her ejection pod.
  • FRIENDS?!? You've taken everything from me! You've taken my command! Made me betray my leader! Destroyed my face! Why shouldn't I take everything from you? Give me a reason! Give me a reason...
    • Who: Annabelle May
    • Source: Angels 2200
    • Notes: Said while attacking Bubblegum, who had befriended her during her interrogation. Bubblegum fights back while reminding Annabelle that they are at war, and Annabelle later commits suicide.
  • DEBRIS! Massive Debris incoming! Corona squad, go evasive!
    • Who: Jennifer "Greycat" Forbes
    • Source: Angels 2200
    • Notes: A plasma beam fired from the rebel commander's ship damages the Outcast, causing debris to fly at Corona Squadron. Character says this line as the debris destroys her fighter, killing her and nearly all of Corona Squadron.
  • This is Graham, I'm hit! Can't ejec... AAAA....
    • Who "Smiley" Graham
    • Source: Angels 2200
    • Notes: A plasma beam fired from the rebel commander's ship damages the Outcast, causing debris to fly at Corona Squadron. Character says this line as the debris destroys her fighter, killing her and nearly all of Corona Squadron.
  • This is Loser, Sabertooth has rounded the Outcast. Moving to intercept... Bubblegum...
    • Who: Rebecca "Loser" Bradley
    • Source: Angels 2200
    • Notes: Character is turning to attack an enemy Sabertooth fighter, despite Whiskey's unauthorized launch from the hangar. Shortly afterward, character is killed as her fighter is accidentally destroyed by Whiskey.
  • Oh balls...
    • Who: Unnamed character
    • Source: Better days
    • Notes: Character is standing in a hallway, trying to convince the protagonist Fisk to surrender. Fisk promptly throws a hand grenade down the hall which lands at the guys feet, after which he utters line.
  • You have to...
    • Who: Gabriele 'Gabry' de Luca/RED Spy
    • Source: Cuanta Vida
    • Notes: Character takes a bullet for his love interest Liam, and dies from blood loss.
  • Look, I appreciate th' concern, but you don't need to be here. Medic'll take care of me.
    • Who: Liam Williamson/BLU Sniper
    • Source: Cuanta Vida
    • Notes: Character is hospitalized after having his eyes removed. Says this to the protaganists, Jordi and Jeremy. Killed off-screen and revealed to have been murdered by the Medic.
  • Spy, give me zhe needle. You're acting crazy.
    • Who: BLU Medic
    • Source: Cuanta Vida
    • Notes: Character says this to Jordi when it is revealed that the Medic planned to poison Jeremy. They fight and character is kileld after being stabbed in the neck with a needle.
  • How many people have you killed 'oday? 'oo many right? Why add another? Ignore the Scout.
    • Who: Miguel/RED Spy
    • Source: Cuanta Vida
    • Notes: Character assaults the two protaganists, Jordi and Jeremy, only to be severly injured in the process. Taunts Jordi before being shot in the head and killed.
  • We take the path decided for us by the gods. ...And I assume my path ends here, despite my story. [Gort: "It doesn't change a thing."] I- [Gort: "The Sword of Evil belongs to the Disciple. It belongs to ME."] And what of me?
    • Who: Tyr
    • Source: Darken
    • Notes: Character had been defeated by Gort, his twin brother, and was being held at swordpoint at the top of a cliff. Whether or not Gort actually kills him is left ambiguous, as all that is shown is a sword striking the ground, then Gort returning to his allies and declaring "Tyr has been dealt with. He will not be a problem any longer." However, Character has not been seen since.
  • You impudent little-! ARRRGH!! NO...!! I... No...
    • Who: Garganon
    • Source: Darken
    • Notes: Character had arrived to stop Gort from completely assembling the Regalia of Evil, but was slain by the super-powered Disciple when the last piece of the Regalia was donned.
  • So, you wish this to be the last time we meet? So be it, friend! Watch as the Light once more overwhelms the Darkne- ...!
  • YOU... WILL... NEVER...
    • Who: Sir Leon
    • Source: Darken
    • Notes: Character had battled and defeated Gort multiple times in the past, and had beaten him once more to a standstill. Was then stabbed in the back by Casper. Later revived by Violet as an undead, then destroyed by her after multiple battles with the protagonists.
  • Make it quick, please. [Gort: "Hmph. You were weak-willed. Whatever happens to you after this is of your own doing."] I'm not afraid.
    • Who: Violet
    • Source: Darken
    • Notes: Character had revived the protagonists' old rival Sir Leon as an undead warrior, then arranged for him to become a Disciple of Mephistopheles to challenge Gort for the Regalia. When Leon's devotion to defeating Gort and obtaining the Regalia was revealed to be more important to him than his love for Violet, she destroyed him while Gort had him distracted, then asked Gort to kill her.
  • NEVER.
    • Who: Michaelus
    • Source: Darken
    • Notes: Character had arrived to stop Gort from completely assembling the Regalia of Evil, was offered a chance to escape but refused and attempted one last charge, and was impaled on Gort's sword. Died in bear form; first quote is his final words before transforming, in response to Casper telling him to "Just stay down, will ya?".
  • Oh...NO!!!
    • Who: Ambassador Rene Clemenceau
    • Source: Devia
    • Notes: Shouted after realizing the object at his feet thrown into his sedan carriage was a bomb. Earlier in the storyline, he tells Capt. Simian Clifton, "Boy, live as long as I have and nothing short of a bomb betwixt my legs would 'shock' me."
  • Stay back, Lord Siegfried! I am a great sorceress, and you'll never take me alive!
    • Who: Croona Travoria
    • Source: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire
    • Notes: Character's plot to get her daughter to kill herself in the presence of a Royal Knight (and thus gain a huge compensation payment) is foiled. Siegfried takes her at her word, and decapitates her.
  • The only help you're getting from me is... an ass... kicking... fag...
    • Who: Brett Taggerty
    • Source: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire
    • Notes: Just before this, Celesto Morgan had asked the character for help with "an experiment". Morgan then floods the character's body with chaos, causing him to melt on the spot.
  • Do not think about trying to save me. We had less than five minutes to save you. It took four. You were saved by the love of those around you... love you forged out of loyalty and compassion. And... you were saved by my love... for you... one whom I... would call... my brother...
    • Who: Klo Tark
    • Source: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire
    • Notes: Character has just saved Dominic from the Elemecca's self-repair unit, which was about to kill him as an obstruction, by switching places with him. As he prepares to die, he says the following telepathically. Just after the last line, beams of searing light incinerate him. Character has since returned as an intangible being.


  • Since I outrank you, I order you to turn around and look. Well?
    • Who: Anonymous Combine Soldier
    • Source: Concerned (based on Half-Life 2)
    • Notes: Character is unaware that a magnetic crane is quickly approaching from behind, which his subordinate was about to warn him of. He is killed when the crane picks him up.
  • Sigh... they grow up so fast.
    • Who: Frank Paulson
    • Source: Concerned (based on Half-Life 2)
    • Notes: Character, a Combine Soldier, had seen his two children go out to play. Seconds later, Gordon Freeman shoots a chair at him with the Gravity Gun and kills him.
  • Rise and shine, Gordon. You're not a doctor. You're not a hero. You're a helpless dope. Truth hurts, life sucks. But it's time to wake up... and smell the ashes. [Gordon: sniffle] You need to cry? Fine. Take a minute, take five. When you're done, join me in the real world.
    • Who: Norman Frohman, Gordon Frohman's twin brother
    • Source: Concerned (based on Half-Life 2)
    • Notes: Character finishes a short speech recalling his being forced to save Gordon's life by pushing him out of danger and expressing aggravation with Gordon's incompetence- on several occasions during their childhood, Norman had to push Gordon out of danger. After he says this, Gordon, who had pretended to cry to put Norman off guard, briefly ponders pushing him over out of spite, but decides not to. A moment later, a Strider impales Norman from behind; if Gordon had pushed Norman over, he would have saved him.
  • Look out, City 18! Here comes Breenie!
    • Who: Doctor Wallace Breen
    • Source: Concerned (based on Half-Life 2)
    • Notes: Character, who is notably more callous and sadistic than his Half-Life 2 rendition, has survived the events of the game's final levels by falling on some dead Combine soldiers after being blown from the roof of the Citadel. He implies that he had been placed in charge of sixteen cities before City 17, all of which were destroyed under his watch. Moments after he says this, Gordon Frohman falls on top of him and kills him (ironically, Frohman was very devoted to the Combine).
  • Huh! They're gone! And I'm back! Man, that was a close call! Thought for sure that I was a goner! Thought I was a dead man! (long pause) Oh yeah.
    • Who: Gordon Frohman
    • Source: Concerned (based on Half-Life 2)
    • Notes: Character barely survived falling off the top of the Citadel by having an invincibility code on, but accidentally disabled it. After appearing in a black space with some Vortigaunts (whom he irrationally fears), he points his gun at his would-be rescuers, prompting them to leave. He dies of his injuries shortly afterward.
    • Who: Damien
    • Source El Goonish Shive
    • Notes: Character overloads his pyrokinetic ability after being convinced that he was simply a lab-grown creature, not a deity as he had previously believed. He is speaking to Grace, telling her to come with him in death.
  • After I shoot, hand me my mace! The one'nat says "Bear Beater" onna handle.
  • You're gettin' a wee bit thick inna bum fer chocolates, annywae.
    • Who: Flintlocke
    • Source: Flintlocke's Guide to Azeroth
    • Notes: First time, he is mauled by a bear. Second time, the character has offered his "girlfreind" an empty chocolate box, and it is a day late. He is immediately ressurected. However, his Guardian Angel calls him a "dumbass."
  • Oh dear. I seem to be riding the Ultimate Goblin Engineered Weapon like a pony... again!
    • Who: Lowping
    • Source: Flintlocke's Guide to Azeroth
  • Notes: He resigns himself to his fate (riding a huge bomb while it plummets toward Stormwind), and waves his hat around like Slim Pickens, riding his bomb..
  • (weakly) 'Y-you're a... g-good friend, F-fooker... W-wish I were m-more like you... s-so sorry... sssooo... (fading away) ssso...ry...
    • Who: Chuck Walker
    • Source: General Protection Fault
    • Notes: Character had been brainwashed to serve Trudy, but rebels, causing her to use her remote control to cause his mind control device to inflict the maximum amount of pain on him, and throw it away. He dies of what Fooker suspects is a "brain hemorrhage or aneurysm."
  • He's right, I'm not him, but I am your older brother. My... Justin... was killed years ago. It was all my fault. I was the one who sent him to the UGA, who gave him the mission. I was the one who failed him. After Dad died... after Mom left... I was the one who raised you... him... I took the responsibility. Let me show you I can do it again.
    • Who: General Jason "F**k*r" Barker(Fooker's Nega-Verse counterpart)
    • Source: General Protection Fault
    • Notes: Character temporarily hesitated while fighting with his counterpart after seeing Justin, the counterpart of his dead brother, and said this to attempt to convince Justin not to shoot him. After he says this, Justin Prime shoots and kills him, saying "You're right, you aren't my brother. He was never responsible."
  • [Ki: Why did you...?] You... love him, don't you? [Ki: Yes.] That's why. Promise... you two will... be happy. Love him... He's a... good... man...
    • Who: Duchess Ki (Ki's Nega-Verse counterpart)
    • Source: General Protection Fault
    • Note: Character had served Emperor Nicholas the Puissant, but after spending time with his captive counterpart (Nick), begins to doubt her loyalty to him. When Emperor Nicholas plans on betraying and killing Nick to assume his identity, she charges him with a wrench. He shoots her through the chest with a laser welder, mortally wounding her, but he is distracted long enough for Nick to attack him and struggle for the welder.
  • Second chances are a rare gift. You would be ill advised not to take one when it is offered
    • Who: The Gamester
    • Source: General Protection Fault
    • Notes: Character says this to Pandemonium, an evil extradimensional entity, when promising him leniency in exchange for giving up. Pandemonium refuses and attacks the Gamester, apparently destroying him. While Mischief and Todd seem to recover his essence, it is revealed to actually be Pandemonium.
  • Oh no-
    • Who: Mischief
    • Source: General Protection Fault
    • Notes: Character notices that her attempt to revive the Gamester actually restored Pandemonium's power, instead. Pandemonium shoots her with an energy beam and causes her to fade away.
  • Do you hear something?
  • Who: unnamed Blue soldier
    • Source:Gone With the Blast Wave
    • Notes: Two red soldiers have stolen an all-but useless Yellow tank. They wanted to do something fun with it, so they push it over a parking garage onto the two Blues underneath.
  • Later.
    • Who: John Egbert
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: In this doomed timeline, Terezi Pyrope assists John by taking him straight to his denizen, Typheus, by creating a jetpack for him to travel towards his seventh gate. John is then slain afterwards.
  • Good luck.
    • Who: Rose Lalonde
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: When Dave travels back in the doomed timeline to save John from the exploits of Terezi, the timeline Rose is in ceases to exist. She decides to go to sleep, with the hope that her dreamself will survive the outcome.
  • i dont see anything out there
    • Who: Aradia Megido
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: A Flarp session takes a turn for the worst when Vriska decides to paralyze Tavros. Aradia retaliates by summoning ghosts to haunt Vriska, whilst Vriska responds by taking control of Sollux, and using his powers to kill Aradia.
  • whats up
    • Who: Dave Strider
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: An doomed alternate timeline Dave travelled to his Quest Bed under the guidance of Terezi. Alpha Dave later arrives, and Terezi attempts to convince him to kill his doomed self (in the case that doomed Dave becomes god-tier, and reverts this timeline). Unable to kill his alternate self and fed up of Terezi's games, Alpha Dave refuses. The doomed Dave wakes up and is then killed by Jack Noir, whilst Terezi sadly watches.
  • T)(at's it. T)(is makes me sad, -Eridan, but now we )(ave to stop you. We can't let you find Jack and risk you leading )(im to us.
    • Who: Feferi Peixes
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Said in response to Eridan Ampora, whom wanted to side with the antagonist, Jack Noir, as he came to the conclusion there was no hope left. He then knocks out Sollux Captor and before Feferi has the chance to strike back, Eridan kills her with a "science wand", by shooting her through the chest.
  • D --> The volume of your voice keeps fluctuating
    • Who: Equius Zahhak
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Equius and his friend, Nepeta, went searching for Gamzee Makara after he went on a murderous rampage. Some time soon, Gamzee encounters Equius and shoots him with a bow, forcing him to kneel. Gamzee then garrottes him with the bowstring and Equius dies, offering no resistance.
  • Just flip the fucking coin, Neophyte.
    • Who: Vriska Serket
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Said in response to a proposal that she would be able to leave and fight Jack Noir, based on a coin flip. She would promptly be stabbed in the back in order to prevent this.
  • Suckers.
    • Who: Doc Scratch
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Last message sent to Gamzee. Shortly after, Lord English emerges from his body whilst he dies.
  • Aw fuck who am I kidding magic is fake as shit. I failed you, Rufio. I failed you.
    • Who: Andrew Hussie
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: A fictionalized version of Andrew Hussie, the webcomic's author, was riddled with bullets by the main villain, Lord English. The "Rufio" here refers to Dante Basco, who played Rufio in the 1991 film Hook.
    • Who: Tavrisprite
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Created by Gamzee by prototyping the corpses of Tavros and Vriska into a sprite. The incompability of the two personalities causes them to explode shortly afterwards.
  • please take care.
    • Who: Calliope.
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Killed by Caliborn, by assigning Jack Noir to kill her dreamself. When Caliborn awakes, he gains full control of their shared body.
    • Who: Karkat Vantas
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Killed by Gamzee during the events of GAME OVER.
  • Oh shit.
    • Who: Aranea Serket
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Killed by The Condesce after the events of GAME OVER. Her plan to restore the timeline to rid of Lord English fails, with The Condesce taking the ring of life from Aranea, and snapping her neck, killing her.
  • I failed.
    • Who: Dirk Strider
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Returning back to the session, he is distraught by the destruction and deaths of his caused by The Condesce. Declining John's help, he is comsumed by the glitches brough on by Caliborn's interference with the game.
  • You too.
    • Who: Rose Lalonde
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Mortally wounded after a fight with The Condesce. She is flown to Land of Pyramids and Neon (LOPAN) by Roxy Lalonde, an alternate version of her mother in the post scratch timeline. After waking up, Rose briefly laments about how she never got the chance to tell Kanaya Maryam (a fellow troll and Rose's love interest whom died by the hands of The Condesce) she loved her and finally tells Roxy that she loved her, before bleeding out.
    • Who: Terezi Pyrope
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: During a fight with Aranea Serket (Vriska's decendant from the other side of the Scratch), Aranea makes her stab herself. Flying to the LOPAN , she meets up with John Egbert and demands him to fix the timeline. As John learns to control his retcon powers, Terezi writes a list of specific events that happened in the timeline to change, draws a forensic outline on the ground and dies on her own terms.
  • i...
    • Who: John Egbert
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Poisoned from Lord English's tooth embedded in him, John takes Terezi back to Earth C using his retcon powers and dies during a love confession to Terezi.
  • TeLl It To Me FuCkIn StRaIgHt, TuRbO tUsH... dO tHeSe LoOk LiKe LoOsE lIpS tO yOu?
    • Who: Gamzee Makara
    • Source: Homestuck
    • Note: Gamzee had approached Vriska after she landed in the Candy Timeline version of Earth C. They both start a brief blackrom, which Vriska immediately regrets. After Gamzee says the above quote, and attempts to kiss her, Vriska becomes enraged, and she strangles Gamzee to death.

It's Walky!

  • But what can you do now? I'm free. And I'm not going away EVER.
    • Who: Anti-Joyce
    • Source: It's Waky!
    • Notes: The reply is "You can die." The original Joyce then shoots her in the face.
  • A girl fighting a monkey! Now I can finally die happy!... Oh.
    • Who: Unnamed Alien soldier
    • Source: It's walky!
    • Note: The girl drops the monkey on him. And this monkey is huge.
  • You call this tentacle violation? Your mother did better! That's because she's a... [crack!]
    • Who: Mike
    • Source:It's Walky!
    • Notes: The earth has been attacked by the Martians. Mike gets his neck broken while doing one of his insulting rants.
  • [screams] Right... in the back... How'd you know?[fades to mumbling]
    • Who: Head Alien
    • Source: It's Walky!
  • I'm gonna miss your face. Your... beautiful face. Every feature an' facet an' bump an' [groans] G'bye
    • Who: David "Walky" Walkerton
    • Source: It's Walky!
    • Note: He is later resurrected.
  • Mother... Father...
    • Who: Tony
    • Source: It's Walky!
  • The JumpShip's straight ahead. We'll...
    • Who: Captain Lucas
    • Source: Jump Leads Issue #1
    • Notes: Vaporised by "Deadly Deadly Robots" before he could complete his instruction.
  • What's THAT, Kell?
    • Who: L.D., CEO of Herd Thinners
    • Source: Kevin and Kell
    • Notes: Character sees that Kell's baby, Coney is a rabbit with a carnivorous appetite. As Kell describes her to him, he drowns in his own drool.
  • So he made you look pretty stupid, eh?
    • Who: Jerry Springer Spaniel
    • Source: Kevin and Kell
    • Notes; Character attempted to convince Kell to eat her husband Kevin on his talk show by denying her food and claiming that Kevin had been in an online relationship with someone else- however, Kevin had been unknowingly talking with Kell online- neither had guessed who the other was. He says this line to try to convince Kell to eat Kevin, but Kell is offended by this remark and eats him instead.
  • Exactly. If I can get through your defenses then I'm entitled to anything I can lay my hands on. [Kevin: This is ridiculous. How would you feel if you were a content provider?] WELL I'M NOT!
    • Who: Anonymous burglar
    • Source: Kevin and Kell
    • Notes: Character is attempting to rationalize his stealing Kevin's stereo system. After he says this, Kell glares at him from behind and eats him, prompting Kevin to remark that he has become a content provider.
  • Well, I'm going global! Local service may be fine for timid creatures like yourself, but I'm challenging the big guys! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm due to be on a panel!
    • Who: Anonymous mouse businessman.
    • Source: Kevin and Kell
    • Notes: Speaking with Kevin, who is manning the booth for Hare-Link. Kevin sees that instead of a panel, there is "Feeding Ti-(me)", and the mouse is apparently eaten.
  • George... quick... before I... we've got to touch... hurry...
    • Who: Danielle Kindle
    • Source: Kevin and Kell
    • Note: Character has been mortally wounded by a stake that was aimed at George Fennec in the Rabbit's Revenge headquarters. Her last act is to touch with George, creating an electric spark that destroys the computer network, causing Rabbit's Revenge to crumble. However, her doppelganger in the human world, Danielle Kendall, is alive and is living her life; Danielle Kindle even acts through her on occasion.
  • As the school board, we've decided this test will continue until 10% of the school system is devoured.
  • And here come the carnivore students now!
    • Who: Two School Board officials
    • Source: Kevin and Kell
    • Notes: Characters had planned to force carnivore students to hunt herbivores in a "high-stakes test", but were eaten as the carnivore students charged by. Kell notes that the school board is part of the school system.
  • Another 5:00... another day of being school headmaster...
    • Who: The headmaster of Caliban Academy
    • Source: Kevin and Kell
    • Notes: Character, a fly, is killed by a windshield falling from a truck after he thinks these thoughts.
  • My life's purpose is fulfilled. At long last, everything returns to the perfection of nothingness.
    • Who: G.I. Guy,
    • Source: Kid Radd
    • Note: Said shortly before commanding Radd to fire a burst of energy that he believes will destroy the entire Internet. His plan fails, but he is killed in the blast.
    • Who: Crystal
    • Source: Kid Radd
    • Note: Said shortly before merging with several sprites in an attempt to gain power beyond that of a weak enemy sprite. The fused sprite was possessed by the Seer, and Radd later destroyed it.
  • Fools! This is only a game death! I'll still exist, and will still destroy the world! Hold on- Something's amiss. Am I forgetting something? [Dr. Amp: Doo de doo, doot de dooo...] Oh yeah, the control room. Sh-
    • Who: The Seer
    • Source: Kid Radd
    • Note: Character had possessed a fusion of several sprites in order to gain a body and destroy the world. The sprite is destroyed and his program crashes.
  • It appears... not everyone... agrees with... your analysis...
    • Who: Lord Shojo
    • Source: Order of the Stick
    • Note: Character was hiding his true intentions from his paladins due to a convoluted set of rules. On discovering this, the extremely paranoid and zealous paladin Miko charged him with treason and stabbed him, assuming he was evil. She was wrong, and the gods stripped her of her paladin status for willful murder. Seeing this, Lord Shojo smiles and speaks the above line before dying from his wounds.
  • Celia's talisman! All I have to do is break it to summon her and she can fly, fly, fly me away! Ha ha! [attempts to break it] Hnnnnnnn! Huh! That's harder to break than I would have expected. Maybe if I-
    • Who: Roy Greenhilt
    • Source: Order of the Stick
    • Notes: Character is falling to his death and attempts to break Celia's talisman to save himself, but is unable to do so. He dies on impact, but the talisman, ironically, remains intact. He has currently been resurrected.
  • Will... will I get to see Windstriker again? [Soon: Of course. He is waiting for you. He will visit you as often as he is able.] OK... okay then... I can live with that.
    • Who: Miko Miyazaki
    • Source: Order of the Stick
    • Note: Character had just destroyed Soon's Gate, causing the throne room it was in to blow up. Thrown clear from it, she was cut in half by flying debris. As she lay dying, Soon's spirit hovered over her, explaining she had not earned redemption for her murder of Lord Shojo because she had not recognized that what she had done was wrong. She asks him about her mount, Windstriker, and after hearing his answer, says these words before dying.
  • Yeah... I wasn't really buying those theories either... worth a shot, tho...
    • Who: The Oracle
    • Source: Order of the Stick
    • Note: Character had claimed that Belkar had killed Roy, Miko and Windstriker, thus validating his answering yes to Belkar's asking whether he would kill any of the three, Vaarsuvius or the Oracle. In actuality, Belkar played a very small role in the events leading up to their respective deaths, but the Oracle claimed it was the same as actually killing them. While Belkar had wanted a refund, he realizes that part of the oracle's prophecy could come true, and kills him. Character says this line before dying from being stabbed. He is resurrected mere moments later after Belkar leaves by a pre-arranged arrival of two powerful spellcasters.
  • If he raises me from the dead... will you dump your girlfriend and be with me? [Elan: ...] No thanks, then... I'll take my chances that the Afterlife... won't have any punishment worse... than not being with you.
    • Who: Therkla
    • Source: Order of the Stick
    • Note: Character had been ordered by her master, Daimyo Kubota, to kill Elan, but had feelings for him. During Kubota's attempt to seize power, she attempted to reason with him so that both Elan and Kubota could live, but when Kubota refused to bargain, she decided to turn against him in order to capture him alive. Kubota stabbed her with a poisoned ring to attempt to delay Elan and escape. After Elan suggests letting Durkon revive her, she says these lines before dying of the poison- Elan was unwilling to answer the question.
  • Now come along, bring me before your master so that we can begin the Trial of the Century.
    • Who: Daimyo Kubota
    • Source: Order of the Stick
    • Notes: Character had been captured by Elan during his attempt to kill Hinjo and seize power, and planned on blaming Therkla for everything and using his trial to gain support for himself and avoid being held responsible for his crimes. As Elan replies that they have witnesses against him, Vaarsuvius kills him with a Disintegrate spell and blows his ashes away for the sake of convenience.
  • I'm afraid I'm a double-edged sword, Admiral. Besides, Sword of Inevitable Justice Again is a stupid name.
    • Who: Petey
    • Source: Schlock Mercenary
    • Notes: Spoken just before blowing himself up.
  • Narp
    • Who: Mutant
    • Source: Secret Lives of Mobs
    • Notes: Character is collecting firewood for his family when he is shot by an inquisitor riding into his village.
  • Let me go! I am a Preist of Sigmar!
    • Who: Preist
    • Source: Secret lives of Mobs
    • Notes: Character captured by Slaaneshi cultists. An inquisitor shoots him and goes off with the cultists.

Sluggy Freelance

  • Sam, you betrayed us for a ferret? I'll... (Sam stakes him) ...Oh no, not again. Darn!
    • Who: Kullan
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character, a vampire, had been staked before, incapacitating him. Valerie, however, removes the stake and revives him, before leaving Sam, whom she believed had killed his former pet ferret, Kiki, to finish off Riff. It is revealed that Sam only pretended to Kiki, and Sam stakes Kullan while he says this line. Bun-bun destroys Kullan by cutting off his head and stuffing garlic in his mouth.
  • Thank you
    • Who: Valerie
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character, a vampire, had offered Torg a choice to become one like her or die with the rest of his friends. Torg, however, stakes her, incapacitating her until she is destroyed in the sunlight.
  • If you can't kill Riff, then use the book! The book is our last hope. It may have some way to undo the spell that allows the demon to possess Gwynn, but you must act fast. Her armies of Deadels will find him soon. He will head towards Manhattan, and that's where it all goes down!
    • Who: Berk
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character is dying of injuries inflicted by a demon-possessed Gwynn. Torg remarks that he made sense for the first time.
  • Teach! I thought you were eaten! What are you doing with that electric carving knife, that cup of gravy and all the trimmings?
    • Who: Freaky Fred
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character had barely escaped being eaten in a stampede of carnivorous wooly mammoth clones that had been unleashed on the Cannibals Anonymous members in an effort to save Torg, Riff and Aylee. The president then admits that he is also a client, and the next panel shows a screen presenting the Cannibals Anonymous story as an "after-school special" with the sound effects for an electric knife being used and a scream; this implies that the teacher killed and ate Fred.
  • I'm just glad it's finally over!
    • Who: Dr. Haught-Sheik
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: The character believes that her group was out of danger, but after she says this, a satanic kitten that the group had believed was unable to reach them attacks and kills her.
  • Oh! Ooh! Oooooh, you little mother...
  • Wait-wait-wait! This is by far the most unconventional game of poker I've ever played [Gwynn: House rules.] NOOOOOOOOO
    • Who: K'Z'K
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: First line was said after K'Z'K accidentally read the Book of Gud, releasing all the souls contained within him, shrinking him and allowing Zoë to squash him. Part of character attempted to claim Gwynn's body, but Gwynn, played a hand of cards that represented her friends to gain strength against K'Z'K, countering K'Z'K's own hand that claimed they had turned their backs on her. Gwynn then threw K'Z'K into the void that would have consumed her, saving herself and destroying the part of him within her.
  • Never be rid of you? I'm coming for you!
  • You are not taking her! She is mine to torment for eternity!
    • Who: Brad Trivol
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes:: Character commits suicide after hearing "You will never be rid of me" from Brie Meighsaton's ghost, a forced re-enactment of Henry Meighsaton's suicide. He remains as a ghost, intensely hating Brie and Henry, and tormenting them under the floorboards after Riff releases him. Riff succeeds in temporarily taking Brie from him after he says this line in order to convince the last surviving Rayth to send the spirits home.
  • Shhh! It's sunset! I wonder who the kittens are going to kill first! What? Why are you looking at me like that? Cat got your tongue?
    • Who: Delaware
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: After saying this, a satanic kitten, sitting on his back, burrows through him and out his mouth (presumably eating his tongue in the process), killing him. Delaware and Mika had previously betrayed the others for Satan and he was not expecting his fate.
  • Viva la crotch!
  • The Crotch will be with you. Always
    • Who: Bert Benigni
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character is killed by a satanic kitten after inflating his Feline Lure vest, during a bloody ambush that results in several deaths. The character is obsessed with crotches, drawing them in his art. He later says the second line before fading away as a ghost.
  • This is rather unladylike!
    • Who: Brie Meighsaton
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character had already died after being trapped in a sealed attic while ensuring Sarah Elizabeth "Beth" Kolby's death. Her last words are unknown, although she called out her father's name. She says this after Beth knees, punches and grabs her. Beth replies that times change, then lets her be seized by Brad Trivol's ghost, presumably to be tormented.
  • Rearming... yourself... Well... I am finished... but so are you... BEHOLD the Dues(sic) Ex O... IT'S GONE! WHERE IS THE EGG?
    • Who: Alien Santa
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character had believed that the Deus Ex Ovum would destroy him since it would reverse his DNA being mutated, and so hesitated to use it until he was on the brink of defeat when fighting against Bun-bun, who had shot him repeatedly with Nerf weapons (his sole weakness). Bun-bun says that he, in Easter Bunny mode, had hidden the egg, and finishes off Santa with a Nerf ball that liquefies him. The Deus Ex Ovum is later used and Santa's death is reversed.
  • Told you... Arminus... was... dangerous... but you can't ...ever be... wrong... ca... c...
    • Who: Grabrijan
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: The character is a vampire who has been staked by Arminus Vambrey, a vampire hunter. He is talking to his mistress, Phillinon.
  • Wait! Wait! We're not with her!
    • Who: Isp and Osp
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Characters are part of a mute snake demon named Mosp, whom they did not acknowledge for a long time, although they could not control her actions. Mosp ultimately rebels against the demons after Torg shows compassion toward her, and attempts to kill Horribus when he catches up with Torg. She fails, and Horribus incinerates Isp, Osp and her.
  • Where's Bun-bun?
    • Who: Alt-Zoe
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character looks for alt-Bun-bun during the climb up to the Demon King's palace, but Horribus throws a part of a building at her and crushes her with it.
  • HA-HA! Now I know why you guys lie all the time! It's funny! [Kada: Why you..!] Heh... it hurts when I laugh...
    • Who: Stu
    • Source: Sluggy Freelance
    • Notes: Character died from a wound that a laser rifle had inflicted. The character had previously been incapable of telling a lie, causing Kada to believe a his last story about Carib persecution, not realizing that he could and did lie.
  • What the-- Nicole! Stop!
    • Who: Sergio Quezada
    • Source: This Is The Worst Idea You've Ever Had!/TWIYEH
    • Notes: Character is a vampire and bites the protagonist, Nicole. Is incinerated by her fire abilities.
  • Yeah... Good idea.
    • Who: Officer Herbert Mahoney
    • Source: This Is The Worst Idea You've Ever Had!/TWIYEH
    • Notes: Hypnotized by a villain, Rika. Last seen being led into a car. Fate unknown, but possibly deceased.
  • Hey! Why does he get to be commander?
    • Who: Jenkins
    • Source: Turn Signals On A Land Raider
    • Notes: Kren has been selected to command a Baneblade. Kren immediately shoots Jenkins with his bolter and challenges anyone else to question his authority. This elicits a chorus of "No"'s

See also
