quality of an entity
Effulgence is a state of being bright and radiant, splendor, brilliance, and its two related terms are effulgent and refulgence. It also means Brightness, an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light.

edit- Om, who is dearer than our breaths, is Self-subsistent, All knowledge and All Bliss. We meditate upon that adorable effulgence of the resplendent Vivifier of the Universe, Savita. May He illumine our intellects unto the right.
- Shri Prabhu Ashritji in: S. Viraswami Pathar Gayatri, Sura Books, 1970, p. 40.
- Honest and courageous people have very little to say about either their courage or their honesty. The sun has no need to boast of his brightness, nor the moon of her effulgence.
- Hosea Ballou in: Christ in Literature, J.B. Ford, 1875, p. 154.
- Rukmiṇī appeared as enchanting as the Lord's illusory potency, who enchants even the sober and grave. Thus the kings gazed upon her virgin beauty, her shapely waist, and her lovely face adorned with earrings. Her hips were graced with a jewel-studded belt, her breasts were just budding, and her eyes seemed apprehensive of her encroaching locks of hair. She smiled sweetly, her jasmine-bud teeth reflecting the glow of her bimba-red lips. As she walked with the motions of a royal swan, the effulgence of her tinkling ankle bells beautified her feet. Seeing her, the assembled heroes were totally bewildered.
- Srimad Bhagavatam in: Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.53.51-55, vedabase.net
- How fast we learn in the day of sorrow! Scripture shines out in a new effulgence; every verse seems to contain a sunbeam, every promise stands out in illuminated splendor; things hard to be understood become in a moment plain.
- Horatius Bonar in: Tryon Edwards A Dictionary of Thoughts , F. B. Dickerson Company, 1908, p. 11.
- At any street corner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face, As it is, in its distressing nudity, in its light without effulgence, it is elusive.
- Albert Camus in: Gordon Marino Basic Writings of Existentialism, Random House Publishing Group, 18 December 2007, p. 447.
- Vain is the hope by colouring to display The bright effulgence of the noon-tide ray, Or paint the full-orb'd Ruler of the skies With pencils dipp'd in dull terrestrial dyes : But when mild Evening sheds her golden light; When Morn appears array'd ...in modest white.
- Du Fresnoy in: Fresnoy's Art of Painting The Theory of Effect: Embracing the Contrast of Light and Shade, of Colour and Harmony, J.W. Moore, 1851, p. 136.
- I listened to the teachings of Confucius, imbibed the wisdom of Brahma, and sat beside Buddha beneath the tree of insight. And now I am here, wrestling with ignorance and unbelief. I was on Sinai when Yahweh shed His effulgence on Moses; at the River Jordan I witnessed the miracles of the Nazarene; and in Medina I heard the words of the Messenger to the Arabs. And here I am now, a captive of confusion.
- Khalil Gibran in: The Anthem of Humanity, 4umi.com
- His instrument for this was colour, betokening light. Nice gave him a different light from Paris -- a high, constant effulgence with little gray in it, flooding broadly across sea, city and hills, producing luminous shadows and clear tonal structures.
- Robert Hughes in: "Revealing Art, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 22 February 2012, p. 297.
- The setting sun as usual shed a melancholy effulgence on the ruddy towers of the Alhambra.
The Alhambra], G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1889, p. 510.
- It is sensed in grandeur, but it is more than grandeur. It is a presence or the effulgence of a presence. The whole earth is full of His glory, but we do not perceive it; it is within our reach but beyond our grasp.
- Abraham Heschel in: Between God and Man, Simon and Schuster, 21 October 1997, p. 57
- It soared, a bird, it held its flight, a swift pure cry, soar silver orb it leaped serene, speeding, sustained, to come, don't spin it out too long long breath he breath long life, soaring high, high resplendent, aflame, crowned, high in the effulgence symbolistic, high, of the ethereal bosom, high, of the high vast irradiation everywhere all soaring all around about the all, the endlessness.
- James Joyce in: Zack R. Bowen Musical Allusions in the Works of James Joyce: Early Poetry through Ulysses, SUNY Press, 1974, p. 186.
- First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was second to none in humble and enduring scenes of private life. Pious, just, humane, temperate, and sincere; uniform, dignified, and commanding; his example was as edifying to all around him as were the effects of that example lasting...Correct throughout, vice shuddered in his presence and virtue. The purity of his private character gave effulgence to his public virtues.
- Henry Lee in: Character for Life: An American Heritage: Profiles of Great Men and Women of Faith Who Shaped Western Civilization, New Leaf Publishing Group, 2005, p. 239.
- When the mind floats on the sea of the majesty of God and His incomprehensibility, it is amazed and lost in wonder at the serene majesty of God. And forthwith the soul becomes humble, so that if it were possible, when the effulgence of God's majesty envelops it, it would take its place below the whole creation because of its awe and wondering amazement at the majesty of God, ineffable, incomprehensible as it is, beyond the penetration of His servants.
- John Of Lycopolis in: Raymond Collyer Knox, Horace Leland Friess The Review of Religion, Volume 18, Issues 3-4, Columbia University Press, 1954, p. 147.
- He loves light and not darkness, therefore shines, therefore reveals. True, there are infinite gulfs in him, into which our small vision cannot pierce, but they are gulfs of light, and the truths there are invisible only through excess of their own clarity. There is a darkness that comes of effulgence, and the most veiling of all veils is the light. That for which the eye exists is light, but through light no human eye can pierce. — I find myself beyond my depth. I am ever beyond my depth, afloat in an infinite sea; but the depth of the sea knows me, for the ocean of my being is God. — What I would say is this, that the light is not blinding because God would hide, but because the truth is too glorious for our vision. The effulgence of himself God veiled that he might unveil it — in his Son. Inter-universal spaces, icons, eternities — what word of vastness you can find or choose — take unfathomable darkness itself, if you will, to express the infinitude of God, that original splendor existing only to the consciousness of God himself — I say he hides it not, but is revealing it ever, for ever, at all cost of labor, yea of pain to himself. His whole creation is a sacrificing of himself to the being and well-being of his little ones, that, being wrought out at last into partakers of his divine nature, that nature may be revealed in them to their divinest bliss. He brings hidden things out of the light of his own being into the light of ours.
- George MacDonald in: Paul Faber, Surgeon, Lippincott, 1879, p. 112.
- Vain is the hope by colouring to display The bright effulgence of the noontide ray Or paint the full-orb'd ruler of the skies With pencils dipt in dull terrestrial dyes.
- William Mason in: Sylvanus Urban The Gentleman's Magazine: And Historical Chronicle. Volume III, 1783, p. 118.
- The evening was very dark; but at a distance the windows of the palace shone with effulgence.
- George W. M. Reynolds in: The Mysteries of London Vol 1 of 4 (Illustrated), Mauro Liistro Editore, 10 November 2014, p. 355
- The unexampled loveliness Of the flower-clad earth — the genial sunshine and grateful shade — the melody of the birds — the majesty of the woods — the splendor of the marble ruing — the clear effulgence of the stars by night — the combination of all that was exciting and voluptuous in this transcending land by inspiring a quicker spirit of life and an added sensitiveness in every articulation of her frame, only gave edge to the poignancy of her grief.
- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in: The Last Man, Volume 1, Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1833, p. 148.
- As you open up spiritually, your subtle body has a particular effulgence which attracts entities from both the divine and negative natures.
- Bhakti Tirtha Swami in:Spiritual Warrior, Hari Nama Press
- Oh! Friend! May your love spread everywhere and may you develop the feeling "everyone is dear to me." May you shine with grand inner quintessence and effulgence. Develop faith in the righteous path that is gentle and devoid of contamination.
- Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji in: Online text at Yoga Sangeeta,yogasangeeta.org.
My Pal, Blaise: Notes on a 60-Billion-Year Friendship
editRichard Leviton in: My Pal, Blaise: Notes on a 60-Billion-Year Friendship, iUniverse, 1 August 2012
- Your quality is the Light of your Star relative to your energy-being and as focused within the diamond. An epiphany, the Star as the effulgence of the diamond, the tangible Light force that surrounds the diamond. That effulgence of being is what you strive to bring through into human writing, to have the words, whether poetry, fiction, saga, epic narrative, journal, history, commentary, to carry that Star effulgence out into the world, into language, to be your incarnational body.
- In: p. 96.
- Your working relationship with the Christ, the ensouling, pervading, sustaining Light, which means consciousness expressed as an effulgence, an epiphanous illumination.
- In: p. 101.
- The user of the wormhole had to put himself into a particular place in consciousness first; once in the staff, amidst the effulgence of light, you turn around inside your attention and dissolve your skeandahs, the five sense and cognition doors that ground you in your separateness...
- In: p. 123.
- When you [Hanuman] destroyed Lanka, first you expanded yourself to an immense size, increased your effulgence to that of the Sun at sunrise, then trembled all of Lanka with your roars; they filled Lanka with a terrifying, a deafening clamour.
- In: p. 219.
- It's all there in ever-spreading circles of revelation and effulgence requiring one to back up to the edge of the universe to be able to see it because it spreads out that far.
- In: p. 242.
- You wrapped up young Zarathustra in the effulgence of the Nimitta, edged in gold from the Supreme Being, pure Light of the Dharmakaya, gold to us, the purest metal, and delivered him to the Christ Light, or Ahura Mazda, the Great Spirit of the Sun.
- In: p. 309.
- You were the golden star that enflamed, wrapped him up, delivered Zoroaster to Ahura Mazda, the awake, self-reflective effulgence of awareness, the heart of the Sun present inside your expanded angelic arms, the facets of the diamond sphere.
- In: p. 309.