COVID-19 pandemic in Canada

details of ongoing viral pandemic in Canada

The COVID-19 pandemic in Canada is part of the ongoing worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The virus was confirmed to have reached Canada on January 27, 2020, after an individual who had returned to Toronto from Wuhan, Hubei, China, tested positive.



(Quotes are in chronological order)


Doug Ford Premier of Ontario
The Honourable Michelle Rempel
Prime Minister Trudeau
  • As a result of rising COVID-19 numbers, I am asking everyone to limit their trips outside of the home, except essential reasons like going to work, school, getting groceries, or for medical appointments. Families should not allow visitors to their homes & avoid social gatherings.
  • Mr. Speaker, as I stand here today, I think of the young men who died taking Vimy Ridge. I think of the Greatest Generation who grew up during the Depression and fought through WWII. They showed us how to fight for what we believe in and how to sacrifice for what we hold dear. Today, across this country, the last members of this Greatest Generation live in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. They’re in their small apartments and the homes they built so long ago with their own hands. They are the ones most threatened by this disease. They fought for us all those years ago. And today we fight for them. We will show ourselves to be worthy of this magnificent country they built. And for them and for their grandchildren, we will endure. We will persevere. And we will prevail.
  • If you're risking your health to keep this country moving and you're making minimum wage, you deserve a raise.
    • Justin Trudeau in Statement announcing a pay hike agreement for essential workers across the provinces during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis (7 May 2020)
  • Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, kids. It’s a special day for all the people who are mothers to us: our moms, stepmoms, grandmothers and older sisters. So let’s show them how much we love and care about them. You might want to get up early to make her breakfast or ask Dad to help you get her some flowers. Or, if you’re not together this year because of the virus or other reasons, you can draw her a card, or set up a video call. Whatever you do, I’m sure it will make her day and express how much you love her, how much you need her and how much she has your full support and love during this difficult time. And, all the time as well.
  • Your voice, your talents, and your passion are needed now more than ever. Enjoy this moment - and all the best to you and your fellow graduates in the years to come. This is only the beginning of an incredible journey, I’m sure.
  • This is not the first time our country has been called to stand united and strong. In the face of change, our Greatest Generation showed us that overcoming crisis isn’t easy. They didn’t give up. And neither can we.
  • We are in an unprecedented global pandemic that really sucks. ... This sucks, it really, really does. But we're going to get through it by doing what Canadians always do: by pulling together, by working hard, and by knowing that better days are coming.
    • Justin Trudeau in Off-the-cuff remarks at a press conference to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, in response to a reporter's question about "COVID fatigue" impacting the public (27 Oct 2020); Trudeau also mentioned that his six-year-old son Hadrien had asked him if the pandemic would last forever, and that as a father, he lamented that his children and other Canadian children were not able to experience milestones or enjoy activities in the classroom.
  • Be a superhero this Halloween, not a super-spreader. Wear your mask, keep your distance, and follow your local public health rules. And whatever you get up to tonight, stay safe. Happy Halloween, everyone!
    • Justin Trudeau in Statement on Twitter encouraging Canadians to follow public health protocols and modify their celebrations due to the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic (31 Oct 2020)
Mink farm
  • Encouraging to hear progress of a 2nd coronavirus vaccine, this one ~94.5% effective.


  • “I weighed the balance and this is so important and such an emergency and while I have not done this before and will not again, I share this embargoed so that you are primed of what we found if it could help your decision making to help the USA and the globe as the U.S. leads the globe, rightly,”
  • No matter where you plan to travel, make sure you check the Travel Advice and Advisories page for your destination twice: once when you are planning your trip, and again shortly before you leave.


  • It’s still "too early" to tell if the variant is spreading in Canada beyond sporadic cases.
PHAC scientists continue to monitor cases in Canada and track developments internationally

See also

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