Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Main

Bosch (2014-2021) is an American TV series revolving around an L.A.P.D. homicide detective frequently at odds with colleagues and residents for conducting his profession with his high diligence and strong professional standards.

"The Overlook" [6.01]

Bosch: [To Agent Brenner] This you bigfooting my case in the name of national security?

"Good People on Both Sides" [6.02]

Hobbs: [In street wrapped in just a blanket] Minding my own business is all I'm saying.
Barrel Johnson: Harassing tourists again.
Crate Moore: Panhandling.
Barrel Johnson: While nude.
Hobbs: I get overheated some days. It's man-opause.
Barrel Johnson: Where are said clothes?
Hobbs: I stashed them with my tent behind a planter at the W.
Crate Moore: Wait, you walked half a mile from the W Hotel full frontal?
Hobbs: Well, I had to air my bits out. And I didn't get a second glance until I arrived here.
Barrel Johnson: He'll be back out on the street before we finish doing the paperwork.
Crate Moore: Perhaps I can convince our reporting citizen that relocation and a stern warning will suffice, hmm? [Walks away]

"Three Widows" [6.03]


"Part of the Deal" [6.04]

Antonio Valens: [Browsing albums at a vinyl records store] Come on. [Madeline shows him Art Pepper Today album] Art Pepper. Hm.
Madeline Bosch: He's got a song on this album that he wrote for his daughter. He wrote it because he wasn't around much when she was growing up. My dad used to play it for me.
Antonio Valens: So you can relate? Song's about you?
Madeline Bosch: Used to be. Not anymore.
Antonio Valens: I'd like to meet him.
Madeline Bosch: Art Pepper? He's dead. [Both laugh]
Antonio Valens: No, your dad. Mister Old School.
Madeline Bosch: Really?
Antonio Valens: Yeah. We should all grab a bite sometime.
Madeline Bosch: He's not the most social person.
Antonio Valens: I suck at small talk myself, so maybe we'll just sit in silence.
Madeline Bosch: [Chuckles] In that case, he might actually like you.
Antonio Valens: And that'd be a surprise? [They kiss and he takes album from her'] I'm gonna get this.
Madeline Bosch: You don't have a turntable.
Antonio Valens: I'll buy one. [Pecks her on cheek and walks away]

Jerry Edgar: Got plans tonight?
Harry Bosch: Get this wiretap signed, walk my dog. Thrilling.
Jerry Edgar: You're like a monk in a monastery up on that hill.
Harry Bosch: I dig wearing those robes. I've noticed that you and Bennett have become rather chummy these days.
Jerry Edgar: [Chuckles] No comment.
Harry Bosch: I thought so. Catch you tomorrow.
Jerry Edgar: All right, partner. Have a good one. [Walks to his vehicle and Bosch walks to his vehicle but unable to drive out the lot due to Dax and his sidekick blocking path recording with phones]
Dax: The deep state let you go. Detective Harry Bosch. Badge number 2997. Get his plate.
Harry Bosch: That's enough. Clear out so I can exit.
Dax: Not even pretending to be a free citizen today, Detective? Registration's almost expired.
Harry Bosch: Clear the driveway so I can exit.
Dax: No seat belt. Damn shame. Hope your daughter wears hers.
Harry Bosch: What did you say?
Dax: Young lady in her prime, whole life ahead of her. [Harry gets out vehicle and walks up to Dax's face] Get this, get this.
Harry Bosch: The fսck did you just say?
Jerry Edgar: [Runs over] Harry!
Harry Bosch: Back the fսck up. You mention my daughter again and they'll be scraping you off the pavement with a fսcking spatula!
Jerry Edgar: Come on, man, he's not even worth it. Don't give 'em the satisfaction. [To Dax] Get the fսck out of here! Go!
Dax: Fսcking pig.

"Money, Honey" [6.05]


"The Ace Hotel" [6.06]


"Hard Feelings" [6.07]

Irvin Irving: [In office] So when does Kennedy lower the boom?
Jerry Edgar: We're meeting with Chandler this morning.
Irvin Irving: She'll be looking to renegotiate.
Harry Bosch: Won't she be surprised?
Irvin Irving: This Three Oh Eight video that dropped last night...
Harry Bosch: Nothing to worry about in my view.
Irvin Irving: They're still persons of interest in the Craver murder.
Jerry Edgar: Got to follow every lead.
Irvin Irving: [Gets up with Harry and Jerry then getting up] Tread lightly with these people.
Harry Bosch: Yes, sir. [Walks away with Jerry]

Alex Kennedy: Chandler will try to get this suppressed. Her chances? [Phone beeps] Slim to none. [Turns on speaker phone]
Secretary: It's Honey Chandler.
Maxwell: Speak of the devil. Send her in, please.
Jerry Edgar: We went by the book. The tape will hold up.
Harry Bosch: "Conspiracy supersedes consent."
Honey Chandler: [Entering room, sarcastically to still seated Harry, Maxwell and Alicia] Please don't stand on my account. [Sits in chair] May I? For the record?
Alex Kennedy: Go ahead.
Honey Chandler: Three days ago, Clifford Maxwell was killed by the FBI as they attempted to take him into custody for the murder of Stanley Kent.
Alex Kennedy: We won't revisit the plea deal.
Honey Chandler: Not asking you to. Mrs. Kent is ready to accept the plea and proceed immediately to sentencing.
Alex Kennedy: In fact, we're pulling it.
Honey Chandler: I'm sorry?
Alex Kennedy: The plea agreement. We're pulling it. We have new evidence that your client has been less than truthful in her proffer. We're filing additional charges against her for the murder of her husband.
Honey Chandler: What new evidence? Come on, don't be coy. I'll get it in discovery. [Alex facially cues to Harry]
Harry Bosch: We have Alicia Kent on tape planning her husband's murder with her lover, FBI Agent Clifford Maxwell.

John Mankiewicz: [Proposing a toast at the Boardners Bar with all forces colleagues] Hey, uh, everybody? Guys? Ladies? Let's raise our glass. A toast to Ryan Rodgers.
Barrel: Hо, hо!
John Mankiewicz: That's right, a Native Son of the Golden West. As Ryan-o liked to say, you know, besides his drop-dead good looks, he had something else in common with Robert Redford, he was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. You know, back when it was still orange groves and lemon trees, and woolly mammoths roamed the Earth... that kind of thing. As a cop, he bled blue, as his many awards and citations for valor will attest. As a homicide detective, he distinguished himself with his dogged dedication to the victims and his tenacity in pursuing the perpetrators. But above all, as a comrade and a friend, Ryan Rodgers always had another tall tale to tell, was always good for another round and always, always... always had your back. To Ryan Rodgers, big man, big heart. Ryan-o!
All colleagues: Ryan-o! [They all drink]
Melissa: [Whispers to John] Thank you.
John Mankiewicz: You're welcome.
Harry Bosch: LAPD's finest. There's a reason all these old-school guys are here to celebrate your dad.
Melissa: Besides free drinks?
Harry Bosch: Yeah.
Barrel: [Chuckles] Ryan Rodgers was a cop's cop. Everybody mattered.
Melissa: Except us.
Harry Bosch: That's not true, Melissa. You and your mother are what mattered most of all. Your dad just went through a rough patch.
Barrel: Oldest story in the book. The family takes the hit, always.
Harry Bosch: Chief.
Melissa: Chief.
Irvin Irving: Melissa. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Melissa: Thank you for coming. Dad would have been pleased.
Irvin Irving: He was a real credit to the department. I considered him a friend.
Melissa: But when the job was getting to be too much for him, you exiled him to Pacific Division.
Irvin Irving: That's not how it happened.
Melissa: Final straw, graveyard shift. Broke up their marriage. He was more distant, more isolated than ever.
Irvin Irving: You should know, your father volunteered for the late show.
Melissa: Why would he do that?
Irvin Irving: To shield his family from what troubled him.
Melissa: By cutting himself off from us? It didn't work. [Walks away]

"Copy Cat" [6.08]

Harry Bosch: [Walking through security detector] Yeah, right there on the belt. Your boss says Chandler's chances of getting the tape tossed are slim to none.
Hannah Blair: I'd say closer to none, but it's the judge's call.
Jerry Edgar: If she succeeds?
Hannah Blair: We've got the wiretaps, spy cam footage. We'll be fine.
Harry Bosch: [Madeline stands up from bench and walks with them] Hey, Mads. I thought you weren't coming.
Madeline Bosch: Changed my mind. I want to see Chandler in action. [They get seated and she looks back and whispers referring to Heather seated in back row of spectating section] What's she doing here?
Harry Bosch: Let's find out. [Walks up to her, to Heather] Thought you didn't believe in our legal system.
Heather Strout: That woman and her FBI lover boy... they got my husband killed. Make me a believer, Detective. Put her away. [Grabs backpack] You want to check it?
Harry Bosch: I do. [Opens backpack and searches it, holds up pamphlet]
Heather Strout: Should go ahead and take one. Help you see through all the bullshit lies and happy talk. [Judge announces in session of court] Show's starting, Detective. Better go sit with the other sheep.
Harry Bosch: Create any sort of disturbance in here, you're going to jail.

Harry Bosch: [Madeline sets down bowls of Fettuccini Alfredo] Is this, uh... Fettuccini Alfredo. I'm impressed.
Madeline Bosch: I made the pasta noodles myself.
Harry Bosch: I'm very impressed.
Madeline Bosch: It's- it's easy as making it from the box.
Harry Bosch: [Looking beyond her to kitchen counter] Yeah. That can't be true.
Madeline Bosch: Eyes on the food. Dad, there's nothing to see over there.
Harry Bosch: What am I gonna do when you go back to school? Learn to cook?
Madeline Bosch: Fat chance. I ran into Honey Chandler today. She wants me back next summer.
Harry Bosch: That what you want?
Madeline Bosch: I'm not sure what I want.
Harry Bosch: Second thoughts about the law?
Madeline Bosch: About everything.
Harry Bosch: You'll figure it out. Hope so. Hey, Mads, you will.
Madeline Bosch: Did you go through this when you were my age?
Harry Bosch: No. I knew what I had to do.
Madeline Bosch: I wish I did.
Harry Bosch: It's different, Mads. You have choices. I didn't.

Jacques Avril: I was recently approached by a drug dealer. Something of a kingpin. A Dominican fellow. Thought I might be interested in a business opportunity.
Jerry Edgar: To deal drugs?
Jacques Avril: To use my charity to launder his I'argent. Clean his filthy cash.
Jerry Edgar: So, what did you say to him?
Jacques Avril: What could I say? No, of course.
Jerry Edgar: So, what am I doing here?
Jacques Avril: I am an honest citizen. It is my duty to report this man to the law.
Jerry Edgar: You have a name?
Jacques Avril: Felix Mariama.
Jerry Edgar: I'll look into it.
Jacques Avril: Merci. Oh, one more thing. I know the names of the men who killed your two detectives.
Jerry Edgar: I'm listening.
Jacques Avril: John Winston and Robert Marvel. My cover's blown. No doubt. And my fucking CI killed your cops.

"Dark Sacred Night" [6.09]

Charlie Hovan: My cover's blown.
Jerry Edgar: No doubt.
Charlie Hovan: And my fucking CI killed your cops.
Jerry Edgar: Mm-hmm.
Charlie Hovan: Shit. You believe him?
Jerry Edgar: He wouldn't do this if he couldn't deliver. Betraying people when expedient. Trading information. It's what Avril does, how he survives.
Charlie Hovan: It's a big risk. Jakes could flip on him.
Jerry Edgar: Who's gonna believe the word of two cop killers? [Charlie speaks Spanish] I don't know what that means.
Charlie Hovan: We got to be very careful with this motherfucker. Okay. Let's dial in RHD. See what we can salvage.
Jerry Edgar: Already put in a call.
Charlie Hovan: You let me know when and where.

[Irvin Irving watching an online video put on by Jen]
Jack Killoran: Operation Safe Sidewalks is whack-a-mole. Naive, and not sustainable. Look. Homelessness is an epidemic. And no question, we have to address it. But this... this is a campaign stunt. Brought to you by a police chief who has the manpower to waste on it. This is not the answer this crisis needs. And Chief Irving, God love him, is not the answer this city needs for mayor.
Irvin Irving: Glad you find this amusing.
Jen Kowski: Pretty slick, I'll give him that. But revealing.
Irvin Irving: How so? This early in the campaign?
Jen Kowski: The act of a desperate man.
Irvin Irving: A desperate man is a dangerous man.

Joan Bennett: How do you know it was Winston and Marvel?
Jacques Avril: They bragged about it.
Joan Bennett: Why would they do that?
Jacques Avril: Intimidation. "See what we did to them? Same for you, if you cross us."
Brad Conniff: So why didn't you tell this to Detective Edgar when he asked you if you knew who did it?
Jacques Avril: [Sighs] Corrupt policemen. How should I know who to trust?
Joan Bennett: Well, what's changed?
Jacques Avril: Mariama. The Jamaicans are forcing his criminal activity on me. I'm trapped. I'm scared. I had to do something.
Jerry Edgar: Mariama was arrested last night for a murder in K-town.
Jacques Avril: Ah. That is good to hear.
Brad Conniff: So what is it you want for telling us this?
Jacques Avril: Nothing. To be a good citizen. To see justice done. And... perhaps, be forgiven for my small mistakes.

"Some Measure of Justice" [6.10]

Harry Bosch: Tell me about Daisy Clayton.
Roger Dillon: Daisy was a clusterfuck. I wanted to take her, not kill her.
Harry Bosch: What went wrong?
Roger Dillon: What didn't? [Scoffs] I mean, the first time, it was a scam. It was a setup. Her boyfriend jumps out of the closet with his fսcking camera and gets my I.D. There's nothing I could do about it.
Harry Bosch: Must've pissed you off.
Roger Dillon: Well, I got over it. And next time? [Exhales] I see Daisy on the street, and I talk her into my van. Little street whοre had a knife in her sock.
Harry Bosch: And?
Roger Dillon: Well, I had to fսcking defend myself. It was her or me, man. So I grabbed the knife and I-I cut her. It was self-fucking-defense.
Harry Bosch: You cut her throat in self-defense.
Roger Dillon: Yeah, that's why I better not be getting no 11 years for this shit. The whole, the whole thing was on her. The sеx was her idea.
Harry Bosch: 14-year-old girl.
Roger Dillon: [Scoffs] I knew no one would believe me. And? And then I drove around for a while trying to come up with a plan.
Harry Bosch: Go on.
Roger Dillon: I'd cleaned one of the Butcher's crime scenes, so I thought I could just sort of slip Daisy into the lineup, you know?
Harry Bosch: That's enough for now. [Closes folder, Jerry leaves room, Harry closes door, turns off camera and slams both hands on desk] You better hope you serve all 11. Every minute of it. No matter how long or short it is, I'm gonna be there when you get out, waiting for you, you fսck. And you won't see me coming. Count on it.

Jerry Edgar: I want you to look at something. Letter Dwight Wise left me.
Harry Bosch: "When the system fails, righteous men rise up."
Jerry Edgar: What do you think it means?
Harry Bosch: It means you got to do what you got to do.
Harry Bosch: That look like self-defense to you?
Alex Kennedy: Detective, we have been through this. Dillon will do time. 11 years for a child's life. In exchange for his intel and his testimony, we have taken down a major human trafficking operation. Cruz is in custody, we saved three girls, and who knows how many more in the future. That's a win.
Harry Bosch: We didn't save that girl's mother.
Alex Kennedy: A damn shame, a tragedy.
Harry Bosch: What about the other nine? I recovered a dozen IDs.
Alex Kennedy: And we are working those names. Cruz and his crew are going down for a very long time. It's the greater good, Detective.
Harry Bosch: If we could prove Daisy didn't carry a knife, it wasn't self-defense, he's caught in a lie, his deal is dead. We can try him for murder and really get the greater good.
Alex Kennedy: We have some measure of justice here, Detective. We have to live with that.
Harry Bosch: You know, somebody once said, "When the system fails, righteous men will rise up." But not here, I guess. Shame on us.

Jerry Edgar: It's like I can't move on. It haunts me, his evil spirit. I just... I can't get rid of it.
Joan Bennett: Nobody bats a thousand. Hey, you did the best you could.
Jerry Edgar: It's just different when you know for a fact who the guy is and what he's done. And nothing you can do about it. He's playing you, laughing at you. I can see the look on his face.
Joan Bennett: Put it behind you, Jed.
Jerry Edgar: Yeah. Easier said. I know.

Madeline Bosch: [Walks out to porch to Harry cooking steaks] Earth to Dad. Don't burn mine.
Harry Bosch: Charred steak is the one thing I can make. Check the potatoes?
Madeline Bosch: There's a fine line between charred and burned.
Harry Bosch: I would never cross that line.
Madeline Bosch: All I'm saying is, it'll be really cool to see her do her thing in court.
Harry Bosch: It's a murder case, Mads, not a sporting event.
Madeline Bosch: I know that. What, I can't admire a strong woman who's really good at what she does?
Harry Bosch: Trying to get guilty people off, I find that hard to admire.
Madeline Bosch: Here we go again. She's just doing her job.
Harry Bosch: Just to be clear, Money Chandler's representing a killer, someone who planned the death of her husband. Chandler is manipulating the system so that her client doesn't have to answer for her crime. That's not cool.
Madeline Bosch: No, I get it. When she's representing you, she's cool, and when she's representing anybody else, she's not.