Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Main

Bosch (2014-2021) is an American TV series revolving around an L.A.P.D. homicide detective frequently at odds with colleagues and residents for conducting his profession with his high diligence and strong professional standards.

"Ask the Dust" [4.01]


"Dreams of Bunker Hill" [4.02]


"Devil (in the House)" [4.03]

Jimmy: [Enters interrogation room to Terry] You know the drill.
Terry: Checkable facts.
Jimmy: Mm-hmm.
Terry: Good. Make the witness feel comfortable. But sometimes you used to press, make 'em anxious.
Jimmy: You feeling anxious, Terry?
Terry: Not in the least.
Jimmy: Then indulge me.
Terry: Just still in a hurry. Okay... Friday night. I took my grandson to a Clippers game, dropped him off after, talked with my son. Then I got the news about Elias.
Jimmy: From Sheehan?
Terry: Rooker. He and Pipes and Fix were at RHD, and I tagged along for the call.
Jimmy: You still tight with them?
Terry: Some of 'em.
Jimmy: And where was Sheehan?
Terry: Ask him.
Jimmy: I would love to. He should have been here by now.
Terry: Maybe he got caught up in some police work. Uh... He'll make his way down here.
Jimmy: Any idea why he's being shy?
Terry: We were only partners for a short time.
Jimmy: Still, you got to know him, like you do.
Terry: Are we still talking about Elias?
Jimmy: You never liked him, did you? Even back in the day.
Terry: No, I did not. The man's got a binary view of the world... no... no room for nuance.
Jimmy: Like with Michael Harris.
Terry: I mean, we were tough on Harris, but we didn't cross the line. Harris...
Jimmy: Yeah, palmed that pencil and... [gestures with pen] punctured his own ear.
Terry: And screamed torture. Then we find out later he'd done a similar thing before. Look it up. Tried to jack this insurance company on a fraudulent claim.
Terry: Santi, you know me. We got history. You know that I'm not capable of that. Or this.
Jimmy: You're right. [Sighs] I do know you... well.
Terry: My word ain't enough?
Jimmy: It was... once.

Harry Bosch: Thank you. City attorney's discovery was thin, but you knew that.
Honey Chandler: Why is it that guys like you, when you don't get your own way, always assume it's personal?
Harry Bosch: Tell me about this witness list.
Honey Chandler: Lengthy. Meant to daze and confuse.
Harry Bosch: In a trial that Elias apparently thought wouldn't last long.
Honey Chandler: Read into that whatever you like.
Harry Bosch: Someone turned this case for him.
Honey Chandler: I can't share his strategy, Bosch.
Harry Bosch: I can guess his strategy. Terry Drake and Frankie Sheehan are the only ones who know for sure what happened in that junkyard bathroom.
Honey Chandler: Is that a question or an answer?
Harry Bosch: You tell me.
Honey Chandler: Nice try. Again, we're stuck at what I can't legally divulge. Not a good place to be. So, if you will excuse me. [Walks past him and away]

Madeline Bosch: Mom...
Eleanor Bosch: Hey. How'd it go?
Madeline Bosch: I just talked to Reggie. He's still in China. He tried to call you.
Eleanor Bosch: What? When? What did he say?
Madeline Bosch: They took away his passport, so he can't get out of the country.
Eleanor Bosch: Wait. What?
Madeline Bosch: What is going on? And please don't say "nothing."
Eleanor Bosch: Honey, I don't know.
Madeline Bosch: What did you do?
Eleanor Bosch: Nothing.
Madeline Bosch: I am so sick of this!
Eleanor Bosch: Okay, I haven't talked with him yet. We've been working through some things, so, I mean, it's...
Madeline Bosch: Complicated? Is that your way of saying you're splitting up?
Eleanor Bosch: [Sighs] No.
Madeline Bosch: So you don't want to tell me. Fine. There's nothing to tell. Go ahead and screw up your relationship with Reggie, just don't mess up mine. [Madeline walks up stairs]
Madeline Bosch: Madeline... [Madeline slams door]

Frank Sheehan: [Harry arrives to his residence backyard to find Frank on porch] I knocked. Nobody was home.
Harry Bosch: If someone was, I'd be throwing your fսckin' ass down that hill.
Frank Sheehan: You think I killed Elias?
Harry Bosch: Where you been, Frank?
Frank Sheehan: Here and there. Doesn't matter. Everyone's a suspect till they're not. I have all these... thoughts rattling around in my head.
Harry Bosch: I'll bet you do. Quickest way to clear yourself, Frank... give me your piece.
Frank Sheehan: [Scoffs] Sorry, Harry. [Sighs] Nowhere else to go.
Harry Bosch: Come on. Let's go inside. Oh, shit, it's fսcking cold up here at night. Yeah. Catalina eddy. Wind comes whipping off the ocean. [Frank stands up] Go inside.

"Past Lives" [4.04]

Frank Sheehan: [Standing in Harry's living room window] Actually drove by Hollywood Station. Goddamn microwave forest. All those news vans lined up. fսck¡ng L.A. City wants to blame this on a cop. Already made up their minds. City doesn't decide. People have no idea. They have no fսck¡ng idea what it takes to do this work. I didn't do Howard Elias, Bosch. I wouldn't waste a bullet on that mοtherfսcking shyster. I did, once. Have to kill a guy. You read about that in my TEAMS report? Oscar Villanova. Male, Hispanic. It was a good shoot, everyone said, you know? It was a good shoot, everyone said, you know? But every October 12, his birthday, I think about how he's not getting any older.
Harry Bosch: All our secrets come out at some time, Frank. Maybe it's your time.
Frank Sheehan: I didn't kill Elias. I did Black Guardian. I did that one, Bosch. I'm not proud of it. [Walks to couch] Happened just like Harris said. [Sits down] Pencil in the ear, squeal and confess.
Harry Bosch: Heat of the moment.
Frank Sheehan: Thought we had our guy. I was so fսcking angry. The Kincaid girl, picturing her... tied up somewhere and alone, scared. You'd have done the same thing, Harry. You would've. Cops like us, we get stuff done.

Harry Bosch: [Having lunch with Harry at a restaurant patio] Feds were investigating Stanley Woo in China?
Eleanor Wish: Please. [Dryly chuckles] Dragon Head of the Wu Fu Triad. How does he not get looked at?
Harry Bosch: You told me Reggie walked away from his uncle and the family business when he married you.
Eleanor Wish: Walked away.
Harry Bosch: Walked back. Swell. When were you gonna tell me?
Eleanor Wish: [Having lunch with Harry at a patio] Organized crime is a fact of China. Has been for a thousand years. Reggie doesn't think of it the way we do. I don't care what Reggie thinks, but our daughter... I know. That's why Maddie and I stayed in Vegas when you got the job in Macao.
Harry Bosch: Why'd you go back last year?
Eleanor Wish: I just... I wasn't ready to give up on him. And then Griffin came to me with an assignment. Help them see if family Woo was behind something they were looking into, and I'd get my credentials back. I know, I know. I just thought if I could show Reggie what his uncle was doing, he would come back to us. Turns out his uncle wasn't even involved.
Harry Bosch: In that.
Eleanor Wish: "In that". Reggie found out, we had this blow-out. Said I had to choose between the FBI and him. And I said, "No, it's your choice: your uncle, or Maddie and me."
Harry Bosch: You did the right thing.
Eleanor Wish: I kept trying to convince myself that he was gonna choose us. And then, this morning... He's making a big mistake. I loved him, Harry. Past lives just catch up with us. Can't change who we are. Not your fault. Not his. Maddie takes the hit. She's a tough bird, like her mama. She'll understand. That her mom is a two-time loser?
Harry Bosch: Come on, Eleanor. What's the matter with me?
Eleanor Wish: Not a thing.
Harry Bosch: [Realizes Eleanor has forgotten her phone walking to her vehicle] Eleanor, your phone! [Motorcylists come by and assassinate Eleanor] Fuck! [Rushes forward with gun drawn]

"The Coping" [4.05]


"The Wine of Youth" [4.06]


"Missed Connections" [4.07]

Harry Bosch: Frank.
Frank Sheehan: You fսckеd me.
Harry Bosch: No, you fսckеd yourself. You lied to me.
Frank Sheehan: After all your bullshit about believing me and proving me fսcking innocent...
Harry Bosch: Nothing I can do about ballistics.
Frank Sheehan: Aw, shit no. Yeah, that's a perfect frame. Yeah, whose idea was that?
Harry Bosch: You still saying you didn't shoot Elias?
Frank Sheehan: Yeah, and my gun didn't either because I had it with me and I wasn't fսckin' there.
Harry Bosch: You're a blackout drunk.
Frank Sheehan: Fսck off, Harry! How would you even know?
Harry Bosch: Fսck you! Explain the match.
Frank Sheehan: I... I can't. I can't.
Harry Bosch: Time was that would've been your job.
Frank Sheehan: Hmm? Yeah. What happened to you?

Millie Elias: What they're saying about the cop is true. Francis Sheehan.
Irvin Irving: There is compelling evidence.
Millie Elias: Well, killing my husband won't stop the civil suit.
Irvin Irving: No, it won't.
Millie Elias: [Pause] But that's not why you're here.
Irvin Irving: You would have made a formidable lawyer, Millie, the way you can read people.
Millie Elias: No, I don't love the law the way Howard did. I don't enjoy the game.
Irvin Irving: And yet, you sent your son to Hollywood station looking like a poster for police brutality.
Millie Elias: I let my anger get the best of me.
Irvin Irving: Well, I've come hoping to persuade you not to let your anger inflame an already volatile situation.
Millie Elias: Well, conflagration can be cleansing.
Irvin Irving: Well, give me a chance to make some changes before consigning the entire city to hellfire.
Millie Elias: Mayor Ramos wants to position himself as the reformer.
Irvin Irving: His blue ribbon panel.
Millie Elias: I told him no. If I go back to work, it won't be as a professional widow. I said no to Bradley Walker, as well.
Irvin Irving: What did the commissioner want?
Millie Elias: To tell me that his foundation is funding this beast, assure me that it will have real teeth, power to change the corrosive culture of your department.
Irvin Irving: His words or yours?
Millie Elias: [Pause, then gets up from couch seat with Irvin then getting up] They're trying to throw you under the bus, Irvin. And even in the fog of my grief, that doesn't sit right. [Walks away]

Carl LaForest: [Sitting in Billets office with her looking over folder sheet] There were three of them detained, so backgrounds took a while. It's all in the log entry. But Sergeant Mankiewicz suggested I run it by you. What I wrote is what happened.
Grace Billets: Not so much what you say but how you say it, Sergeant. Powers and Edgewood screwed up. They should be dinged. The question is by whom and for how long.
Carl LaForest: I don't understand.
Grace Billets: Well, we got lucky the civilians dropped it. But this goes in, we're forced to file a 128 face sheet. Hyped up as this city is, evidence of more cop misbehavior is about the last thing we need.
Carl LaForest: I could smell alcohol on Officer Powers' breath from three feet away. Edgewood, the same. There are rules.
Grace Billets: Well, rules say you should've made them blow. Right? Rules are a guide.
Carl LaForest: Okay. Then what?
Grace Billets: A notice to correct stops at my desk. It never goes public. Trust me, they will feel my wrath. They will accept it, and just as important, you will still be accepted. Clear?
Carl LaForest: It's clear.
Carl LaForest: [Holding paper] This is a notice to correct.
Grace Billets: Only because Mank told Sergeant LaForest to run it by me before he cut a face sheet.
Carl LaForest: Nothing happened.
Grace Billets: Three civilians up against a wall under threat of deadly force? By two officers seen in a nearby bar?
Carl LaForest: None of 'em beef'd us.
Grace Billets: The driver had an outstanding warrant that you traded. Lucky you.
Carl LaForest: [Sighs and sets paper on desk and starts writing] All right. [Sighs heavily] Lieutenant, look, this... is all on me, all right? I misread the situation. Edge had it covered.
Grace Billets: Your point?
Carl LaForest: [Sighs] He doesn't deserve an NTC.
Grace Billets: Not to mention this is gonna put a dent in his plans to move up to Vice. [Files paper in folder and gets up, walking to door] Yeah, this is gonna cost him six months before he can reapply. If he hadn't engaged after a few beers, you wouldn't have had a situation to misread. You're both excellent street cops. This time, you both fսckеd up.
Carl LaForest: [Going out door] Thanks for stepping on the 128. I'll let Edge know.

"Dark Sky" [4.08]


"Rojo Profundo" [4.09]


"Book of the Unclaimed Dead" [4.10]

Harry Bosch: Got support so we can go in?
Calvin Moy: Yeah, but this is a follow-away caper, Bosch. Watch and wait.
Harry Bosch: He's one guy. You play pool?
Jerry Edgar: Always wanted to learn. [Harry and Jerry jump out of vehicle]
Calvin Moy: Bosch! Shit!

Calvin Moy: [In Chinese to Triad member] That's not Chinese! Stop making a fool of yourself!

Harry Bosch: Who is he?
Jay Griffin: Just what he said. High-level MSS agent, consular cover.
Chuck Deng: Son of some party bigwig. A princeling, corrupt or gone rogue. He was running a money dump from China.
Jay Griffin: Parking cash in local banks for God knows what kind of financial terror.
Jerry Edgar: You just let him walk?
Jay Griffin: Fly. And no, we didn't. I don't think the president could have kept Chen here without an international incident.
Chuck Deng: We tail him back to Shanghai, see who he answers to back there. When his bosses realize how completely he's failed and exposed them, then...
Jay Griffin: Whatever they do to him is worse than anything you or I could ever imagine.
Harry Bosch: And that offers comfort to me? My daughter?
Jay Griffin: Eleanor Wish was instrumental in bringing down a major foreign threat to our country. She gave her life for it. I should think that's something that you'd want to honor.
Harry Bosch: You assholes got her killed. [Punches Jay in the face]

Shiwei Chen: You're wrong. Griffin put his reputation on the line for her.
Harry Bosch: What is this? If I'm wrong, this is your boss' phone, you can just give it back to him. But if I'm right, you'll find that he sent a photo that Eleanor took at the poker game and gave it to a Chinese intermediary... who exposed it to the man who had Eleanor killed.
Jerry Edgar: We found his number on Eleanor's cell. Backtracked the texts from the call log.
Harry Bosch: Maybe he didn't realize how dangerous Chen was when he sent it, but Griffin poked a hornets' nest to see what flew out. It was two assassins on a motorcycle.
Shiwei Chen: This is fucked up.
Harry Bosch: I don't know about you, Chuck, but for me... a special agent like that shouldn't be in charge of anything.

Harry Bosch: [Follows Bradley to underground subway access who finds a gun] Police. Drop your weapon.
Bradley Walker: Detective Harry Bosch. No backup?
Harry Bosch: Drop the weapon.
Bradley Walker: Shoot me, Harry. That's what you want to do. [Jerry Edgar walks down stairs] You're the cop who makes his own rules. Finds his own justice. FID will clear you.
Harry Bosch: Surely.
Bradley Walker: I have a loaded weapon. Here's your chance.
Harry Bosch: And make it easy for you? You're good for the murders of Howard Elias and Lanny Johnson. Then there's Caffrey, the other victims of the River Watch arson. And Marjorie Lowe.
Bradley Walker: I have no idea who you're talking about.
Harry Bosch: City Hotel, 1978. She was a call girl. You strangled her. Left her in a Dumpster.
Bradley Walker: You're greedy, Bosch. Just do it.
Harry Bosch: A man's got to be accountable for what he's done.
Bradley Walker: Death cheats the system.
Harry Bosch: And I'm gonna make sure you spend the rest of your fucking life in Pelican Bay solitary. You won't do well in prison.
Bradley Walker: Elias broke our contract. We had a business arrangement. Out of nowhere, he decides to destroy my ability to get funding for development. Everything my foundation has done, my family name.
Harry Bosch: Drop the weapon, Walker.
Bradley Walker: Forget the rest of them. There's only one murder that matters to you, right? And the only satisfaction you'll get for that is killing me. Anything else, I feel I'd be cheating you. [Stamps on phone camera light on ground and fires gun at Harry who disappears before the fired shot who appears alongside Bradley gun at his head]
Harry Bosch: Drop the fucking gun. Drop it. Get on your knees. Put your hands on your head.
Bradley Walker: Here we are.
Harry Bosch: No. Here you are.
Bradley Walker: Just say it.
Harry Bosch: That you killed her.
Bradley Walker: You know, some people are the guardians of progress. We build the cities, we... we walk you to the future. Sometimes, other people... get in the way. Marjorie Lowe was a whore. She knew the game. I paid her for certain services, things went awry.
Harry Bosch: She was my mother.
Bradley Walker: She was a whore who let them take her son away.
Harry Bosch: [Points gun at Bradley's forehead] You murdered my mother, you pig.
Bradley Walker: I did. Sorry.
Harry Bosch: J. Edgar, you heard that?
Jerry Edgar: I heard it, Harry.
Bradley Walker: It's not admissible.
Jerry Edgar: Securing the weapon.
Bradley Walker: He had a gun to my head, you saw it.
Harry Bosch: Cuff him, call it in.
Bradley Walker: I didn't fire, Jerry.
Jerry Edgar: I know. Murder weapon in his hand. We have him dead to rights for Elias.
Bradley Walker: I want a lawyer.
Harry Bosch: You heard everything? [Jerry nods] All I need. It's done.