Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Main

Bosch (2014-2021) is an American TV series revolving around an L.A.P.D. homicide detective frequently at odds with colleagues and residents for conducting his profession with his high diligence and strong professional standards.

"The Smog Cutter" [3.01]

Harry Bosch: If Holland were an ordinary mook with a public defender, he'd be begging to cop a plea. But he's a semi-famous film director with a high price mouthpiece.
Benitez: Well, I still think he'll plead.
Harry Bosch: This is L.A. I've got two words for you.
Benitez: Don't say "OJ".
Harry Bosch: Robert Blake.
Benitez: Phil Spector.
Harry Bosch: The exception that proves the rule.

"The Four Last Things" [3.02]

Holland: [Calls Harry Bosch his Inspector Javert and a Son of a Whore with a party guests asking if this is for his next movie] It's too tropey, who would believe it?

"God Sees" [3.03]

Harry Bosch: [Over Goshen saying that private military contractors are used by "OGAs"] "Other Government Agencies".

"El Compadre" [3.04]

Irvin Irving: [Having an awkward lunch date with Jun Park] Can I, um... ask you a question?
Jun Park: Yeah, sure. I have to make those calls. Pay my respects to victim's families, officer's families. Uh, are you asking me why I do CRT?
Irvin Irving: I'm curious. Many CRT volunteers have some... direct experience with this sort of loss. It gives them empathy. Um... I'm sorry, it's none of my business. I watched you with that family, and I just thought, uh... that we might have something in common?
Jun Park: Yeah, I guess. My little brother. Gunned down in a drive-by. Four ABZ gangsters. Kids his age.
Irvin Irving: I'm so sorry.
Jun Park: Killed my father. He died nine months later, and then my mother, she moved back to Seoul to live with her sister.
Irvin Irving: But you stayed.
Jun Park: Yeah, this is my city, I grew up here. A friend told me about CRT, and I thought, maybe, just maybe, it would... And I was right. Trying to help other people, it helps me somehow. At least sometimes. I'm sure you know what all that feels like, yeah?
Irvin Irving: Yes. I do. You know, I, um... I haven't been on a date in 30 years.
Jun Park: Um... Is, um... is that what this is, a date?
Irvin Irving: Oh, Lord, no. I mean...
Jun Park: Uh... uh... But if I were to ask you out... What have you got to lose?
Irvin Irving: Good luck with your witness.

"Blood Under the Bridge" [3.05]

Irvin Irving: [In debriefing room] The Koreatown Killer, aka KTK, first became active four years ago. Half a dozen robbery assaults. Four carjackings, three shootings, two murders. Incidents occurring roughly every six months.
Colleague: How do we know it's the same guy every time?
Irvin Irving: Same gun all three shootings. Prints on one bike match prints found on another victim's vehicle. DNA from several scenes. Eyewitness descriptions pretty consistent, too. It's the same guy.
Colleague: And we still don't have a suspect?
Irvin Irving: Not in the system. Never been arrested or served in the military or worked for the Post Office or taught school.
Colleague: I get it. Always on a bicycle?
Irvin Irving: It's his signature.
Colleague: Well, why Koreatown? Are these hate crimes? Are they targeting Koreans?
Irvin Irving: We don't think so. The victims have been white and black as well as Korean. He's an opportunist, not a racist. He may just live in the neighborhood. The latest carjacking victim helped us develop a new sketch.
Colleague: Let's get this out to the public.
Irvin Irving: Not a good idea, sir. We'll be overwhelmed with false sightings. We'll keep it close, circulate it internally.

Madeline Bosch: That's why I like In-N-Out: you're in, you're out. [To Anita] Any luck?
Harry Bosch: I've left messages.
Madeline Bosch: This is way better, Dad. Trust me.You love In-N-Out.
Anita: The Animal Fries. What's better than that?
Harry Bosch: Yeah, I know, but...
Anita: But, Maddie, you've never even been here before.
Madeline Bosch: It's true, but everyone at school keeps talking about it: Danny Meyer, first Shake Shack in L.A. Any relation to Oscar?
Harry Bosch: Who? Sorry. I'm not up on my trendy eateries.
Madeline Bosch: Philistine.
Harry Bosch: I'm a throwback. Check my fur.
Madeline Bosch: I love that bracelet, Anita.
Anita: Oh, thanks, Maddie.
Madeline Bosch: Thrift store catch. It's so retro.
Anita: Well, actually, it's not...
Madeline Bosch: What are you going to get?
Anita: I don't know. A shake, I guess.

"Birdland" [3.06]

Maddie: [To obnoxious reporters, displaying middle finger] Tweet this, asshole!

"Right Play" [3.07]

Jerry Edgar: [Walks outside] What's up?
Sam: WiFi problems.
Jerry Edgar: Not really my area of expertise, Sam.
Sam: Yeah, well, the Geek Squad ran some tests, and, uh, seems that somebody's hacked into my modem. They're downloading humongous files.
Jerry Edgar: No kidding? That's wild.
Sam: Yeah. I bought some extra bandwidth, but, uh, on the weekends it's still just a trickle. Starts Friday night and goes back to normal late on Sunday afternoon. I still don't get it. It's coming from your house, Jerry.
Jerry Edgar: What is?
Sam: The downloading.
Jerry Edgar: Every weekend?
Sam: Friday through Sunday.
Jerry Edgar: I'll take care of it, Sam. Thank you. [Walks into house, to son on couch] Talk to me.
Son: I'm sorry.
Jerry Edgar: We'll get to that. What were you thinking? We've got internet.
Son: It's not fast enough.
Jerry Edgar: Not fast enough for what?
Son: Remember the Rosetta thing I asked for for my birthday?
Jerry Edgar: Language lessons? They were a little too expensive.
Son: I found them online for free, only it takes forever to download.
Jerry Edgar: That's not free. That's stealing. This stops now.
Son: Yes, sir.
Jerry Edgar: What languages?
Son: Chinese, Russian, Gaelic.
Jerry Edgar: Gaelic?

Jun Park: Your city.
Irvin Irving: And yours.
Jun Park: I don't have famous chefs and restaurants like this on speed dial.
Irvin Irving: Who do you have on speed dial?
Jun Park: Two karaoke bars and a masseuse.
Irvin Irving: Well, I think that's way more interesting than mine.
Jun Park: Ever karaoke?
Irvin Irving: I have too much respect for music to desecrate it with my voice.
Jun Park: Ah. What kind of music?
Irvin Irving: All kinds.
Jun Park: Something special to you. Hmm. Ahem. Les mystères des voix bulgares (The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices). The Bulgarian Women's Choir, Kaval Sviri?
Irvin Irving: You know it?
Jun Park: It was the theme music for Xena, Warrior Princess. Xena. I watched every episode when I was 10.

"Aye Papi" [3.08]

Clifton Campbell: I'm afraid the Koreatown Killer will continue his reign of terror indefinitely until we get a new chief.

Jerry Edgar: [Walks out of house to vehicle, sees $100 bill under windshield wiper, and walks to it] Fucking IA, Harry. [Gets shot in right shoulder by sniper]

"Clear Shot" [3.09]

Dobbs: [Steering catamaran ship] Xavi!
Xavi: Problem? Why we stopping?
Dobbs: The genny feel offline to you?
Xavi: No.
Dobbs: I want to check it out. Take the wheel?
Xavi: Sure.
Dobbs: [Goes below] God damn it! Hit the killswitch!
Xavi: [Dobbs comes back up] Everything okay?
Dobbs: Yeah. A-okay. [Shoots Xavi in head]

"The Sea King" [3.10]

Harry Bosch: We do what we have to do.