Beast Machines: Transformers/Season 2

Season 1 2 Main

Beast Machines: Transformers (1999–2000) is a CG animated television series made by Mainframe Entertainment, the sequel series to Beast Wars: Transformers (1996–1999), in which the Maximals and the Vehicons of Transformers, two opposing extraterrestrial sentient robotic machine factions fight for dominance on their originating planet Cybertron, fight over its precious Energon.

Fallout [2.01]

Thrust: NO! I just lost my boss! Everything's falling apart. I'm not about to lose my only friend as well!
Jetstorm: We're friends?
Thrust: Why not?

Savage Noble [2.02]

Black Arachnia: Look, Jetstorm, I just came here to reason with that part of you that's still... Silverbolt.
Jetstorm: Get it through your CPU! That program has been deleted. I'm Jetstorm, PERIOD!
Black Arachnia: Watch it, lugnuts, Silverbolt was my friend! Oh, forget it! I'm tired of pleading with you.

Prometheus Unbound [2.03]


In Darkest Knight [2.04]

Black Arachnia: Mind your manners. I rescued your spark from oblivion. I chose you as my general for a reason. Yeah! To satisfy his twisted sense of humor. Don't listen to him.
Megatron: You are a creature of honor, Silverbolt. You fight for just causes. I gave you such a cause.
Black Arachnia: The destruction of all organic life?
Megatron: Cybertron is a haven for machines... where Optimus was deluded by the visions of a malfunctioning computer I have been restoring Cybertron's purity and surely that is the most honorable cause of all.
Black Arachnia: A world without free will? Where's the honor in that? Don't listen to him, Silverbolt. He turned you into a monster.
Megatron: I gave you strength. I gave you courage.
Black Arachnia: We gave you friendship... I gave you my heart.
Megatron: I gave you power. I gave you life.
Silverbolt: You gave me NOTHING!

Black Arachnia: Silverbolt?
Silverbolt: Blackarachnia?
Black Arachnia: Is it really you?
Silverbolt: Get back! What am I? No! NO...!
Black Arachnia: Silverbolt! Come back!

Silverbolt: I don't hate Megatron for what he made me do. He freed me from my code of honor, and I revelled in it. Don't you see? I... enjoyed it. I don't know what I am anymore.
Black Arachnia: You are what you've always been... Honest, pure, virtuous to a fault.
Silverbolt: You're taking a huge risk.
Black Arachnia: Considering how well I know the goodness in your heart, it really isn't a risk at all.

Jetstorm: [Jetstorm gets caught in Blackarachnia's webbing and falls into a puddle of organic goo which activates the spark extracator/DNA scanner device that she planted on Jetstorm's back; wailing] No! Pain!
Black Arachnia: No! Don't fight it.
Jetstorm: [Groaning] Ahh!
Black Arachnia: [The D.N.A. scanner finds condor fossils in the catacomb walls, and gasps] Silverbolt?

A Wolf In The Fold [2.05]

Optimus Primal: Forget the seeds of the future. I'm burying you in the past!

Rattrap: Whoo hoo! Does it ever feel good to be a team again.
Black Arachnia: What's wrong?
Silverbolt: Megatron used me to infect all of you. Still happy to have me back?
Optimus Primal: More than ever, old friend.

Silverbolt: This... This is my fault. I never should have returned.
Black Arachnia: That's right, just run away from your problems.
Rattrap: Yeah! Good riddance!
Black Arachnia: Watch it! He never would have left if it weren't for you. [Angry shouting ensues]

Rattrap: Take it from an authority on the subject, I SMELL A RAT. Hello! This thing is sending an activation signal right through the ground.
Silverbolt: To trigger a preplanted virus, right? HIDDEN IN ME?
Rattrap: Yup! And it's a nasty piece of business, too. It had an adrenaline booster, neocortex suppressor, and a shut-off on the self-diagnostic. And it's contagious.

Nightscream: It must be a new strain of that ancient hate-plague virus. Or didn't you guys ever take history?
Cheetor: So how do we counteract it?
Rattrap: In two words? Im-possible.
Megatron: A...nd... I have two more words for you Maximals: GOOD-BYE!

Black Arachnia: Why don't you keep your long twitchy nose out of it?
Rattrap: Why should I keep my nose out of it when loverboy's spent so much time trying to blow it off my face?
Silverbolt: Evidently I didn't try hard enough.

Cheetor: Hey, guys! Quit fighting. What are you trying to prove? That your logic circuits are all fried? [Angry shouting ensues]

Silverbolt: ['"Stopping the others from fighting] This madness ends now!
Optimus Primal: Yeah. Starting with you!
Silverbolt: Stop! We've all been infected with a virus. Can't you feel it?
Nightscream: Why should we trust you, Jetstorm?
Silverbolt: Because! I know better than anyone that the hating and the hurting have got to end.
Optimus Primal: Yeah. You're right.

Optimus Primal: That's it! We've got to work together to reform our neural pathways! That's the only way to destroy the virus and cure us!

Home Soil [2.06]


Sparkwar Part I: The Strike [2.07]

Nightscream: I hate to be a busybatty but what's with you and Legs?
Silverbolt: Until the threat of Megatron is quelled, love is a luxury I can't afford.
Nightscream: Did he really say 'quelled'?

Obsidian: Although he took his name from a great leader, Optimus Primal never learned the first rule of warfare: Never underestimate your opponent.
Strika: Terminate. Obliterate. Can you believe they fell for that?
Optimus Primal: [Later on] Whoever you are, you're being duped into betraying your own people!
Obsidian: On the contrary. I was configured to defend Cybertron. And such has always been my mission.
Optimus Primal: Always? Who are you?
Obsidian: I am as I've always been: Obsidian! And you remember my consort, Strika.
Rattrap: Oh man. We been dukin' it out with two of the greatest generals in Cybertronian history!
Optimus Primal: Obsidian, this is treason! Megatron decimated Cybertron!
Obsidian: Megatron IS Cybertron! To defend one is to defend the other. And to betray Megatron is to invite death.

Sparkwar Part II: The Search [2.08]


Sparkwar Part III: The Siege [2.09]


Spark of Darkness [2.10]


Endgame Part I: The Downward Spiral [2.11]


Endgame Part II: When Legends Fall [2.12]


Endgame Part III: Seeds of The Future [2.13]

Silverbolt: The menace is past. At last we can truly be together, dark venom of my heart.
Black Arachnia: Oh, of all the corny...

The Oracle: At long last. Transform your destiny. Transform and transcend.
Cheetor: I, understand.
Rattrap: It just doesn't feel like victory without the boss monkey.
Cheetor: He's with us, Rattrap. As long as Cybertron is alive, Optimus will live on in our hearts and our memories, as will Megatron, who also played a vital role in the grand scheme. The vision from the Oracle has come to pass. Optimus finally achieved his mission.