Beast Machines: Transformers/Season 1
Beast Machines: Transformers (1999–2000) is a CG animated television series made by Mainframe Entertainment, the sequel series to Beast Wars: Transformers (1996–1999), in which the Maximals and the Vehicons of Transformers, two opposing extraterrestrial sentient robotic machine factions fight for dominance on their originating planet Cybertron, fight over its precious Energon.
The Reformatting [1.01]
edit- Cheetor: Hey! You just slagged your own guy! That's deep-freeze cold!
- Optimus Primal: Everyone underground!
- Rattrap: What makes you think it's any better down there? [A tank nearby explodes] I withdraw the question.
- The Oracle: The Great Transformation awaits, Optimus Primal. Prepare to be... reformatted. Remember this; the seeds of the future lie buried in the past. To unleash the warrior within, you must tame the beast without. Seek the balance, Optimus Primal. Transform your destiny. Transform and transcend...
- [The Maximals, in their new reformatted bodies, try to transform and fail]
- Rattrap: Uh, boss, do these upgrades come with a warranty?
- Optimus Primal: The first robots who came to Cybertron had to learn how to transform. It took discipline, purity of spark, and years of practice.
- Rattrap: News flash for ya, monkey boy: WE AIN'T GOT YEARS!
- Cheetor: Awesome transformation, big bot!
- Rattrap: So, what's your secret?
- Optimus Primal: I... understand.
- Blackarachnia: Great. That makes one of us.
Master of the House [1.02]
edit- Rattrap: I am transformed, I am sooo transformed I can't even believe it!... ehhh.
- Optimus Primal: Just let it happen, don't try to make it happen. [Rattrap tries to force himself to transform] Can you feel it?
- Rattrap: Oh! I feel a breakthrough coming...
- Cheetor: Aw, come on, ever since we got to Cybertron, all we've done is run and hide.
- Megatron: Cybertron is now my domain. You may bow before your new lord and master.
- Megatron: I am the future. I have forged this entire planet into a single elegant machine. A vision of technological purity and order. And you four mongrels would dare contaminate that vision with your accursed beast modes.
- Optimus Primal: What's wrong, Megatron? Your single elegant machine having trouble multitasking?
- Optimus Primal: Look at yourself, Megatron. See the thing you despise the most. Cybertron will never be pure so long as the beast exists within you. You've failed.
Fires of the Past [1.03]
edit- Blackarachnia: Three mindless drones, shouldn't be a problem.
- Jetstorm: Only three things wrong with that little theory: One, we're not drones. Two, we're not mindless. And three, problem's my middle name!
- Jetstorm: This is Captain Jetstorm speaking. Please feel free to move about the tarmac, and flee for your miserable little life!
- Rattrap: They blew us out of the sky?
- Blackarachnia: Yes, stranding all six of us.
- Rattrap: Why, those lousy... six? Get real, Webs! If there were six of us, then why don't we remember the other two?
- Jetstorm: Your situation exactly matches your location: TERMINAL!
- Rattrap: Now just stick to beast mode and those Vehicon goons will never find us!... Unless they happen to be standing right here in front of us.
- Megatron: How is this possible? My battle drones are models of technological perfection. They possess superior firepower and maneuverability, and yet they are continually defeated by a small pack of lowly beasts. Why?
- Diagnostics Drone: Free will?
- Megatron: Hmm, interesting notion.
Mercenary Pursuits [1.04]
edit- Megatron: An interesting tale. Now here are some meaningful words. I am your creator. Please me and I shall reward you. Disappoint me and you shall suffer. A difficult choice?
- Cheetor: Use me for target practice? THAT'S IT! I Am Trans...
- Optimus Primal: Negative. These storage bins may contain explosives.
- Blackarachnia: [Scoffs] Aren't you being just a little overcautious?
- [Tankor blows up a storage bin, triggering the explosion of other storage bins in the vicinity]
- Optimus Primal: Next question?
- Optimus Primal: Transform back before Tankor locks in on you.
- Rattrap: But... but... I am transformed!
- Megatron: Now, if there are no further interruptions.
- Optimus Primal: I'm afraid there will be.
- Optimus Primal: Tankor! Tankor!
- Megatron: I'm sorry, Tankor is not available at the present time. Would you like to leave a message?
Forbidden Fruit [1.05]
edit- Optimus Primal: How do you expect to master your new body if you keep turning your back on the Matrix, the source of our very sparks.
- Cheetor: I hate to disappoint you, Big Bot, but, [grunts] in the heat of the battle, I have to follow my instincts, not blind faith.
- Blackarachnia: But that's impossible. How can it live down here?
- Rattrap: Eh, even with wings, a rat's a rat. And we're survivors.
- Jetstorm: Well, well, well. Looks like what we have here is an unlawful assembly. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you boys downtown-in pieces!
- Jetstorm: That's it! I'm through working with a bunch of empty-headed tin-plated- [gets interrupted by Maximals] Ganging up on me? Let's see how tough you are when I bring a whole battalion back!
- Nightscream: I was trying to remember how to transform. I thought I could learn by watching him. Like that would ever happen.
- Rattrap: Like that would ever happen.
The Weak Component [1.06]
edit- Rattrap: Ah, did somebody forget to load this robot mode with weapons?
- Rattrap: [Aiming weapons at Megatron] Piece of advice: Never trust a rat.
- Blackarachnia: Short 'em out now! Sort 'em out later!
- Megatron: See how quickly your friends turn on you? They promised you great power, but only I delivered it. They abandoned you, Rattrap. They did worse than hate you. They pitied you.
- Rattrap: Ya still think ya gotta cover for me? [Fires on Cheetor, Blackarachnia and Nightscream] Ya still wanna cut me loose? You never believed in me, ever!
- Optimus Primal: [Enters] I believed in you. What do you mean by firing at your friends?
- Megatron: He's right. Optimus is the one you want. He's the one who lied to you; who kept making promises he never intended to keep. He made you weak; defenseless.
- Optimus Primal: Look inside yourself, Rattrap. You don't need his weapons. You're stronger than you know - stronger than any of you know.
- Megatron: You have the makings of a fine Vehicon, yes.
- Rattrap: Not from where I'm standing. The monkey's right; I am stronger than you know.
Revelations, Part I: Discovery [1.07]
editRevelations, Part II: Descent [1.08]
editRevelations, Part III: Apocalypse! [1.09]
edit- Optimus Primal: Rattrap, delay that order! Maximals, stand down.
- Cheetor: But, Optimus, he was...
- Optimus Primal: Rhinox has made, his choice. If we tamper with his mind then we're no better than Megatron. Let him go. Megatron wants this planet to run harmoniously. But harmony without free will isn't harmony at all, freedom at all. [To Tankorr] I pray you understand that in time.
- Rhinox: Good-bye, Optimus. When we meet again, it will not be as allies.
- Cheetor: [Underground] How could you let him go? He wasn't just one of us, he was, the best of us.
- Black Arachnia: He doesn't like it any more than you do, Cheetor, so let it go. He understands the Matrix, and our role in the grand scheme.
Survivor [1.10]
edit- Rattrap: [Probing Nightscream's systems] Your body's got a built-in DNA scanner?
- Nightscream: Duh! Everybody's got a built-in scanner for beast modes. We junked all the stasis pods in the quantum cycle upgrade, remember?
- Rattrap: Sorry, kid. You tend to be a little out of the loop when you're on a distant planet fightin' the Beast Wars. [Angrily slams Nightscream to the ground] You watch your mouth, junior! I lost friends in that war!
- Cheetor: [Shoves Rattrap away] Hey, easy, Rattrap!
- Blackarachnia: [Turns Nightscream around to face her] We all lost friends.
The Key [1.11]
editThe Catalyst [1.12]
edit- Waspinator: Chick-bots dig brooding loner bit!
- Waspinator: Oh glitch! Just when Waspinator making move on spider-bot!
- Silverbolt: Sir, you insult my lady's honor! I have at you!
- Silverbolt and Waspinator: Doggy Bot not here.
- Silverbolt: Black Arachnia... oh dark poison of my heart!
- Black Arachnia: There's only... one Transformer... who could say something that corny with a straight face!
- Silverbolt: It is I, my love!