Arvind Sharma

professor of comparative religion; actor

Arvind Sharma is the Birks Professor of Comparative Religion at McGill University. Sharma's works focus on Hinduism, philosophy of religion. In editing books his works include Our Religions and Women in World Religions, Feminism in World Religions was selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Book (1999).


  • The view that Hinduism as a religion, or the Hindus as a people, lack a sense of history has been expressed so often as to have become a cliché. Even when scholars have tried to take a more sophisticated as opposed to a clichéd view, the effect has often been to reinforce it.
    • Arvind Sharma - Hinduism and Its Sense of History (2003)- History of the Notion that Hinduism Has No Sense of History
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Modern Hindu writers 19th century to date
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