All Dogs Go to Heaven 2

1996 American animated film

All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 is a 1996 American animated film and the sequel to the animated film All Dogs Go to Heaven, centering on a resurrected Charlie who reluctantly searches for the stolen Gabriel's Horn.

Directed by Paul Sabella and Larry Leker. Written by Kelly Ward and Mark Young.
Heaven help us! Look who's back in the adventure of 2 lifetimes.


  • Maybe you can do something besides making a nuisance of yourself.


  • Short legs! there just short! [running after Charlie] Charlie!
  • No, Charlie!


Charlie: The name's Barkin. Charlie Barkin. And you are?
Sasha: [while holding a handkerchief full of food with her teeth] Not even remotely interested.

Charlie: So, is there a mister Sasha?
Sasha: Nope. And I'm not taking applications.
Charlie: Okay. Okay. But if you were, what, umm...what qualities would you be looking for?
Sasha: Oh, I don't know.
Charlie: Aah, of course you do.
Sasha: Hmm. Well, loyalty, strength, breeding...
Charlie: I'd be good at that.
Sasha: Humility. [pauses] Compassion... [Charlie walks headfirst into an I-beam and falls to the ground] And of course, style.

Sasha: [during a hair-raising moped ride with Charlie at the controls] Aren't guardian angels supposed to protect people?!
Charlie: Hey, it's my first day on the job.

[Carface and Red are playing Go Fish]
Carface: Hey, you got any 6's?
Red: [Red's cards are all sixes] Go Fish!

[Red grabs Gabriel's Horn with both hands. The horn glows in his hands]
Red: Gabriel's Horn is finally mine! [runs up a flight of stairs taking no notice of virtually anything]
Carface: [spotting Charlie and David fle] Boss! They're fleeing!
Red: Let them. I got what I came for.

Sasha: Now, tell me the truth, Charlie Barkin: why did you really come back? And don't you con me.
Charlie: Actually, I kind of like the idea of being Mr. Sasha.

Gordon Freeman: (Says nothing and stands there in silence before being shot by Benry)

Voice cast

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