A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 film)

2010 film directed by Samuel Bayer

A Nightmare on Elm Street is a 2010 horror film about a group of teenagers who have suffered nightmares from the mysterious killer, Freddy Krueger. It is a reboot of the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series, which began in 1984 and whose last film was the 2003 crossover film Freddy vs. Jason.

Directed by Samuel Bayer. Written by Wesley Strick and Eric Heisserer.
Welcome to your New Nightmare. taglines

Freddy Krueger

  • Did you know...that after the heart stops beating, the brain keeps functioning for over 7 minutes? ...We got 6 more minutes to play. [laughs]


Dean: [to the waitress.] Can I have another? [The waitress doesn't respond and walks to the kitchen] Hey. Can I have some more coffee, Please? Where are you going? Excuse me? Bitch. Hello? Hello? Anyone here? [and opens the door to the kitchen and sees the waitress] Lady? Lady! Hello? [he looks at the kitchen and sees pigs cooking and pigs butchered.] What the fuck?
[Dean sees the door closing, as the killer tries to slice his face, but Dean covers himself, with his hand]
Nancy: Dean? Dean. [Dean wakes up from his nightmare] I told you; If you keep falling asleep, they're gonna kick you outta here.
Dean: Um?... Sorry... Won't happen again, okay?
Nancy: Okay.
[Dean looks at his hand, with three claw marks, from his nightmare; Dean grabs a tissue and cleans up his blood on his hand]

Kris: Nancy.
Nancy: Hey Kris. You can sit wherever you want.
Kris: Actually, I'm... I'm just here to meet Dean.
Nancy: Oh, he's right over there.
Kris: Thanks.
[Kris goes to Dean's table]
Dean: Hey.
Kris: Wow, you look like you haven't---
Dean: [turns to Kri.] Like I haven't slept in three days? [covers up his wound.
Kris: Dean, what's going on?

Dean: You're not real... You're not real! You're not real!
Freddy: I am now. [begins cutting Dean's throat]
[In real life, Dean struggles to fight back with his knife, and no one in the diner sees Freddy]
Kris: Dean, what are you doing?! Dean, stop it! Dean?! Dean?! Dean, stop it-! [Dean gets his knife stabbed in his neck as Freddy cuts his throat] Dean! [Dean collapses on the floor, dead] Dean!

[Kris looks at the photo of her and Dean as kids, Jesse appears behind her]
Jesse: You knew Dean that far back?
Kris: Jesus, that is me. But I don't know how I'm in that picture - I didn't meet Dean until high school.
Jesse : Come on. [Jesse leads Kris away]
Kris: Dean said something right before he died.
Jesse: Oh, please don't...
Kris: He said, "You're not real." He kept repeating it over and over again. Do you have any idea what that means?
Jesse: No, I don't. Think about; What would it mean? Dean was on a truck load of medication when...
Kris: Jesse, when it happened, it was like somebody was making him do it but there was nobody there. Jesse, you have to believe me.
Jesse: Kris, it was late and you were scared. Your mind was just playing tricks on you, that's all-
Nancy: I believe you.
Kris: You do?
Nancy: I've seen him... I saw-
Jesse: You didn't see anything! You weren't there - Kris was. She's already fucked up, so leave her alone.
[Kris and Jesse leave]
Nancy: You have no idea what I've seen.

Nancy: Tell me what happened to Kris, Jesse.
Jesse: Someone killed her in her sleep.
Nancy: What? What are you talking about?
Jesse: Don't pretend you don't know, because you do. You said it at the funeral; He's the one who's trying to kill us in our dreams.
Nancy: All I keep hearing is the song...
Jesse: What song?
Nancy: [singing] "One, two... Freddy's coming for you"...
Jesse: Freddy. That's his name... And he's all in our heads, Nancy.
Nancy: No, that's impossible.
Dr. Holbrook: [knocks on the the door] Nancy?
Jesse: Fuck. We got to stop this.
Nancy: How?
Jesse: I don't know... Just don't fall asleep. If you die in your dreams, you die for real.

Jesse: What do you want from me?
Freddy: Hmm, I don't know, Jesse. You think you can turn back time? Answer me!
Jesse: No!
Freddy: You think you can bring the dead back to life?
Jesse: No.
Freddy: I didn't fucking think so.
Jesse: No...no, no!
Freddy: Why are you screaming when I haven't even cut you yet? [chuckles]

[after catching Nancy and Quentin with finding Nancy's preschool class picture]
Dr. Holbrook: Give me the picture.
Nancy: I don't understand. You said that... You said that we didn't know each other, but we were all in this picture... we went to school together-
Dr. Holbrook: Give me the picture, it's okay.
Nancy: Why would you lie to me?
Dr. Holbrook: I didn't lie.
Nancy: It's right here! Why would you lie to me? Stop lying to me!
Dr. Holbrook: I'm not lying to you!
Nancy: Quit lying to me!
Dr. Holbrook: I'm not lying to you!
Dr. Holbrook: I'M NOT LYING TO YOU! I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH YOUR LIFE WITH THIS MEMORY! I didn't want you to remember! I wanted you to forget!
Nancy: [starts sobbing] Remember what?! [looks at her class picture] What happened at that preschool?

Nancy Holbrook: There was a man at the preschool...
Dr. Holbrook: His name was Fred Kruger. He was a gardener, who lived in the basement of the preschool. And you kids were his life. We didn't want to believe it at first. You were all so innocent. And you, Nancy. You were his favorite of all. And then, we started to notice things...
Quentin: So what did you do? Did you call the police?
Dr. Holbrook: He left town before we got a chance to confront him. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore. So these dreams, that you're having, They're...they're repressed memories, from a terrible terrible time.
Nancy: I hope you are right.

[In flashback, as the parents prepare to kill Freddy. Alan, Gwen, and another parent are at the back of Alan's car. Alan pulls out a gallon of gasoline.]
Dr. Holbrook: This isn't the right way! We have to-
Parent: Then what is the right way?! Our kids, getting on a stand, and having to tell a roomful of people what happened to them?!
Dr. Holbrook: No, no, no! We have to contact the-
Alan: He's right, Gwen! He's right! This ends tonight!

Quentin: You killed Krueger.
Alan: Where did you hear that?
Quentin: You chased him, you cornered him, and you burned him. You hunted him!
Alan: We weren't hunting, we were protecting you!
Quentin: From what?!
Alan: From him! For what he did to you! After what you kids told us...
Alan: You were so young.
Quentin: Oh, god! And the things we said he did! The cave? Did you ever find it?!
Alan: No.
Quentin: How did you know he was guilty? You killed an innocent man.
Alan: There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that night, Quentin.
Quentin: Good. You deserve that. At least that! [storms off]
Alan: Quentin-! [to Nancy] When you grow up, and you have kids... You'll understand how it feels to never fail to protect them.

Quentin: We were wrong. He's not after us because we lied - He's after us because we told the truth.
Nancy: He brought us here so we could remember what he did to us.

Freddy: Now that you have me; what game do you want to play next?
Nancy: Fuck you!
Freddy: Ooh, sounds fun, but it's a little fast for me. What if we hang first?
[Freddy grabs Nancy and makes her turn to face the bodies of her friends]
Nancy: No... It's not real.
Freddy: It's real. I'm real.

Freddy: [Nancy is screaming] Oh, that's music to my ears.
Nancy: I wanna wake up!
Freddy: You can't wake up. I had to keep you awake long enough so when you finally slept, you'd never wake up again. We're gonna be in here a long time. Did you really think your boyfriend could wake you up? I'm your boyfriend now.

Freddy: [to Quentin] Now, why don't you just fucking die?
[As Freddy begins to kill Quentin, Nancy slices off Freddy's bladed hand, with a paper cutter blade.]
Nancy: It hurts, doesn't it? That's because you're in my world now, bitch!
[Nancy slits Freddy's throat.]

[Nancy and her mother are back at the house]
Dr. Holbrook: I want you to go straight up to bed, okay?
Nancy: Yeah.
[Nancy begins to go upstairs, but stops. Dr. Holbrook removes her glasses and walks to the mirror]
Nancy: Hey Mom? I know you were just trying to protect me. Thank you.
[Dr. Holbrook puts her bag and glasses on the table, until Freddy appears in the mirror]
Dr. Holbrook: I'm just glad you're safe.
[Nancy screams as Freddy kills Gwen and pull her body in the mirror]


  • Never Sleep Again.
  • Don't Fall Asleep.
  • Welcome to Your New Nightmare.
  • He knows where you sleep.
  • 1, 2 freddy's coming for you
  • 3, 4 better lock your doors
  • 5, 6 Grab your Crucafix
  • 7, 8 better stay up late
  • 9, 10 never sleep again



  Encyclopedic article on A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 film) on Wikipedia

A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise
  Films     A Nightmare on Elm Street  (1984) · Freddy's Revenge  (1985) · Dream Warriors  (1987) · The Dream Master  (1988) · The Dream Child  (1989) · Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare  
  (1991) · Wes Craven's New Nightmare  (1994) · Freddy vs. Jason  (2003) · A Nightmare on Elm Street  (2010)  
  Television     Freddy's Nightmares  (1988–1990)  
  Comics     Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street  (1989) · Nightmares on Elm Street  (1991–1992) · Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare  (1991) · A Nightmare on Elm Street: The
 (1992) · A Nightmare On Elm Street Special  (2005) · A Nightmare On Elm Street: Paranoid  (2005–2006) · Fearbook  (2006) · A Nightmare on Elm Street  (2006–2007) ·
  New Line Cinema's Tales of Horrors  (2007) · Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash  (2007–2008) · Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors  (2009)  
  Documentaries     Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy  (2010) · I Am Nancy  (2011)  
  Related     Last words in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise · Friday the 13th franchise