Yvonne Makolo

Rwandan IT specialist and business executive

Yvonne Manzi Makolo is a Rwandan IT specialist who serves as the managing director and chief executive officer of Rwandair, the national airline of Rwanda.


  • Yvonne Manzi Makolo, CEO RwandAir, says the air transport industry must continue to improve diversity
  • [Yvonne Makolo Cargo is of ever-increasing importance for the aviation industry, and as a landlocked country, we recognize the importance and
  • [The only disability in life is a bad attitude. Women Power Africa 's Post
    • [2] Women Power Africa's Post (May 5, 2003)
  • the new freighter will play a significant role in RwandAir’s operations. “The delivery of our dedicated cargo aircraft is a huge milestone in RwandAir’s fleet expansion plans,”
  • I find it necessary that, from the beginning, you make it clear that you are not there to play; there is a reason why you are there and that you know what you are doing,
  • I think that there is some difference. I believe that women leaders are more empathetic, so they relate more to what’s happening in their teams’ lives.  I think we have to be a little bit tougher, more assertive but we do have that soft side to us as well and in most cases, we manage to balance the two.
  • I would walk into a meeting and I would be the only woman there. I find that it’s necessary that right from the beginning, you make it clear that you are not there to play; there is a reason why you are in that position and that you know what you are doing.
  • I have learnt that the toughest thing about being a leader is managing people.
  • I have also learnt that you come to work to do a job not to please people or make friends.
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