Victorious (stylized as VICTORiOUS) is an American sitcom created by Dan Schneider that originally aired on Nickelodeon from March 27, 2010 to February 2, 2013. The series revolves around aspiring singer Tori Vega (portrayed by Victoria Justice), a teenager who attends a performing arts high school called Hollywood Arts High School, after taking her older sister Trina's (Daniella Monet) place in a showcase while getting into screwball situations on a daily basis. On her first day at Hollywood Arts, she meets Andre Harris (Leon Thomas III), Robbie Shapiro (Matt Bennett), Rex Powers (Robbie's puppet), Jade West (Elizabeth Gillies), Cat Valentine (Ariana Grande), and Beck Oliver (Avan Jogia).
Theme Song Lines
edit- Victoria Justice: Here I am, once again Feeling lost but now and then I breathe it in To let it go
And you don't know Where you are now or what it would come to, if only somebody could hear When you figure out how you're lost in the moment, you disappear
- Victoria Justice: You don't have to be afraid to put your dreams in action
You're never gonna fade, you'll be the main attraction Not a fantasy, just remember me When it turns out right 'Cause you know that if you live in your imagination Tomorrow you'll be everybody's fascination In my victory, just remember me When I make it shine
edit- Victoria Justice – Tori
- Leon Thomas III – Andre
- Matt Bennett – Robbie
- Elizabeth Gillies – Jade
- Ariana Grande – Cat
- Avan Jogia – Beck
- Daniella Monet – Trina
External links
edit- Victorious quotes at the Internet Movie Database