"Please note that Wikiquote articles should contain quotations. To contribute encyclopedic content, such as biographical information, please go to the corresponding Wikipedia article and edit it instead."
German Wikipedia Main Page (Hauptseite), 12. Mai 2010:
"Unser Motto ist: „Die Wikipedia ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer freien Enzyklopädie […]. Jeder kann mit seinem Wissen beitragen.“"
(English) "Our motto is: "Wikipedia is a project to build a free encyclopedia [...]. Everyone can contribute with his knowledge."
Current text german main page (Hauptseite), Su. 20th of June 2021: "Wikipedia ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer Enzyklopädie aus freien Inhalten, zu denen du sehr gern beitragen kannst.". English (Google translate):
"Wikipedia is a project building an encyclopedia of free contents, to which you are very happy to contribute." ("happy" saying the meaning of gladly.)
The english Wikipedia [Main Page], 23th of June 2021, says "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit."