People that are living your life can’t see your worth. Never force them to stay because when they stay, you can’t fulfill your purpose. Never regret a lost friendship so that you will not regret not fulfilling your purpose for the rest of your life. If people wants to leave your life, please let them go.


No matter the mistakes you made in the past, they are meant to rebrand your life not to destroy your life anymore. A lot of people out there are living in their past because of mistakes of the past. You can’t move on with a chain on your leg. If you don’t let go of the chain on you, you can’t overtake and you will not recover what you have lost in the past. Every mistakes of the past are the tools you will need to rebrand your future. You are not meant to be living in the past but living in the future. If you fail in the past, use it to rebrand your life not to continue failing. Fail but rebrand, that should be your focus. So many people died because of past mistakes, they didn’t live to fulfill their dreams in life so therefore never follow the crowd be who you are and never be who you were. Failing is not a strange thing but is a tool every human must know how to utilize very well. Because you failed today doesn’t mean you will never make it to the top. You can’t get to destination in a day but what you do on daily basis will add to it. Never allow your environment determine your journey, never allow your challenges put an end to your dreams, never allow friends who can’t see your bright future look down on you. Every human being here on earth are here for a purpose but not everyone will fulfill it because of past mistakes or failure.


Letting go of your past mistakes might be tough and not easy to do but I can assure you that you can let go without causing any damages to yourself. Your mistakes are very important, I want you to write it down and look at the incident that makes you to fail. When you identify them, flee from those things. Let say in the past, you had a broken relationship with the man you loved so much but he broke up with you because of your eating habit, what do you think you need to do? Train yourself to reduce your eating habit, reduce your spending and focus on building yourself with your past mistakes. No matter what lead to your past mistake, you need to use that thing to build a new you. If lying was the reason you lost your job, stop lying and train yourself to be sincere with yourself first. No matter what caused your downfall in the past, use it to build yourself. Whenever that incident comes up in your mind, shut the door against it. If you allow it, you will continue to fail.

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