Seth on Framework 2. from PS4

Work done in Framework 2, however, is out of all proportion to the effort expended. (46)

When you operate, practically speaking, in terms of Framework 2, you have a stronger impact upon time and reality. (47)

“If … you understand what I am saying about Frameworks 1 and 2, then you can express and release that desire fully and without fear, knowing that the meanings or the details – the way— ’’ will be found in Framework 2 ‘’ to bring about the desired results. (58)

“The freely-expressed desire will bring its own results – and in retrospect everything will fall into place.” (59)

“I am trying to make conscious to you methods that you use beautifully unconsciously and well in other areas of your living.” (59)

”It is, therefore, quite to everyone’s advantage that Framework 2 is not neutral. Faith in a creative, fulfilling, desired end, sustained faith, literally draws from Framework 2 all of the necessary ingredients, all of the elements however staggering in number, arranges all the details, and then inserts into Framework 1 the impulses, dreams, change meetings, motivations, or whatever is necessary so that the desired end then falls into place as a completed pattern.

You must begin somewhere, so you state your propose clearly in Framework 1. Then you have the faith that the even will be brought to pass. (71-2)

“It is not simply that in Framework 2 there is no resistance to creativity, fulfilling, natural, life-seeking desires, but that the medium of. [sic] Framework 2 itself automatically adds its own ‘’magnification’’ to them, so that ‘’one you get rolling’’ so to speak, the acceleration is spectacular, in whatever issue is involved.” (72)

“The entire pattern of your lives is taken into consideration in Framework 2. There is no need for bargaining.” (72)

“It is possible , then, to have a sudden complete healing. In most such instance [sic], however, the inner work has been progressing in Framework 2, and suddenly emerges in Framework 1. Desire, faith, and beliefs are the keys.” (84)

“In Framework 2, therefore, the nature of each individual actively seeks out its own greatest potential, in the world of Framework 1, practically speaking, in the world where time and space are realities.” (88)

“Desires that are in keeping with your nature meet no resistance. They are in fact promoted automatically. (89)

“Even when nothing shows in Framework 2, if you have properly inserted your desire there, then al the proper circumstances and conditions are being brought together. Again, the may suddenly appear, or they may not appear in the order in which you think they should, because your vision must be limited in comparison to that available in Framework 2. (90)

“[A] desire that is fitting to your nature automatically in Framework 2 collects all of the sources necessary to bring about its fulfillment in Framework 1. Because the desire is one fitting to an individual nature, it is also fitting in with the overall purposes of nature in general, so that the desire also attracts the limitless resources that are behind nature’s own majesty and power.

“The individual is working with nature, and with nature in general, rather than against it. This causes a transforming reorganization of energy, thought, and creativity – a vast transforming process, for behind the individual is the entire good intent of nature, which springs from the resources of Framework 2.” (93)

“Once you begin consciously working with Framework 2, help, support, solutions, all begin to come, for you line up your conscious faculties with your unconscious ones, in the most beneficial way, and your conscious goals fit in with your unconscious natural goals – the primary ones given you at birth. You are set right with yourself again.

“Again, this process automatically brings about powerful beneficial changes. Any misconceptions, contradictions, seeming dilemmas, are resolved, for now you are not going against your own nature but with it, and from Framework 2 you draw out the greatest natural potentials that are uniquely yours.” (96)

“Framework 2, again, in a way magnifies your intent. The work done there is out of all proportion to the effort expended once your intent is clear, and the clear desire stated. Framework 2 is a powerhouse from which physical energy springs. It flows, that energy, to you automatically. Only when you say ‘ I do not want it in this area,’ do you cut down ton that energy flow.” (96-7)

Framework 2 brings about your desire, but also considers t in the light of your entire life situation, so that it comes about in the best way possible, fitting in with your natures. The clear intent, then, takes it for granted that the results will indeed be highly beneficial, and not cause detriments. (98)

You must remember that there are no impediments in Framework 2, and therefore that all seeming impediments in Framework 1 will be dissolved.

If… you understand what I am saying about Frameworks 1 and 2, ‘’then’’ you can express and release that desire fully and without fear, knowing that the meanings or the details – the way—‘’ will be found in Framework 2 ‘’ to bring about the desired results.

“Those desires of yours, ‘’that are fitting to your nature,’’ will automatically come to pass, unless you block them through disadvantageous beliefs. They cannot be blocked by others. If they ‘’seem’’ to be blocked by others, that assumption is incorrect, based on ignorance.”